19 research outputs found

    A Rare Cause of Secondary Hypertension: Nutcracker Syndrome

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    Left renal vein entrapment syndrome also known as nutcracker syndrome (NCS) is a vascular anomaly that occurs due to compression of the left renal vein from the outside, causing reduced left renal venous blood flow and thus venous congestion. This may be either asymptomatic or present with various clinical scenarios but is rarely associated with hypertension (HT). In this paper, we report an NCS case diagnosed in a young female patient who presented with HT

    Metabolik sendromlu bir hastada sol ana koroner arter anevrizmasi

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    In this paper we present an aneurysm of the left main coronary artery in a patient with metabolic syndrome

    Bilateral subconjunctival hemorrhage secondary to abciximab use: case report

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT CONTEXT: There are no reports on cases of subconjunctival hemorrhage due to use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors. In this report, we present the case of a patient with bilateral subconjunctival hemorrhage after receiving abciximab. CASE REPORT: A 40-year-old male patient underwent coronary angiography after acute anterior myocardial infarction and a coronary stent was placed. Abciximab was added to the therapy because of stent thrombosis. Bilateral subconjunctival hemorrhage was observed after the administration of the abciximab treatment. We treated our patient by stopping abciximab and administering artificial tears. CONCLUSİON: For the first time in the literature, we presented the case of a patient with bilateral subconjunctival hemorrhage after receiving abciximab, which was managed conservatively.</p></div

    Açıklanamayan Yalın Troponin Yüksekliği Olgusu

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    Kardiyak troponinler miyokart enfarktüsü tanısında yüksek duyarlık ve özgüllüğe sahiptir. Yüksek troponin seviyeleri bazen kalp dışı nedenlerle ortaya çıkar ve yanlışlıkla akut koroner sendrom tanısı konulabilir. Bu çalışmada izole troponin yüksekliği saptanmış bir olguyu sunuyoruzCardiac troponins have high clinical sensitivity and specificity for the detection of myocardial injury. Elevated cardiac troponin levels may also occur in non cardiovascular conditions, leading to a misdiagnosis of acute coronary syndrome. In this paper, we report a case of unexplained isolated elevation of troponi