350 research outputs found

    Cheating does not explain selective differences at high and low relatedness in a social amoeba

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Altruism can be favored by high relatedness among interactants. We tested the effect of relatedness in experimental populations of the social amoeba <it>Dictyostelium discoideum</it>, where altruism occurs in a starvation-induced social stage when some amoebae die to form a stalk that lifts the fertile spores above the soil facilitating dispersal. The single cells that aggregate during the social stage can be genetically diverse, which can lead to conflict over spore and stalk allocation. We mixed eight genetically distinct wild isolates and maintained twelve replicated populations at a high and a low relatedness treatment. After one and ten social generations we assessed the strain composition of the populations. We expected that some strains would be out-competed in both treatments. In addition, we expected that low relatedness might allow the persistence of social cheaters as it provides opportunity to exploit other strains.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that at high relatedness a single clone prevailed in all twelve populations. At low relatedness three clones predominated in all twelve populations. Interestingly, exploitation of some clones by others in the social stage did not explain the results. When we mixed each winner against the pool of five losers, the winner did not prevail in the spores because all contributed fairly to the stalk and spores. Furthermore, the dominant clone at high-relatedness was not cheated by the other two that persisted at low relatedness. A combination of high spore production and short unicellular stage most successfully explained the three successful clones at low relatedness, but not why one of them fared better at high relatedness. Differences in density did not account for the results, as the clones did not differ in vegetative growth rates nor did they change the growth rates over relevant densities.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that social competition and something beyond solitary growth differences occurs during the vegetative stage when amoebae eat bacteria and divide by binary fission. The high degree of repeatability of our results indicates that these effects are strong and points to the importance of new approaches to studying interactions in <it>D. discoideum</it>.</p

    Whole Genome Sequencing of Mutation Accumulation Lines Reveals a Low Mutation Rate in the Social Amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum

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    Spontaneous mutations play a central role in evolution. Despite their importance, mutation rates are some of the most elusive parameters to measure in evolutionary biology. The combination of mutation accumulation (MA) experiments and whole-genome sequencing now makes it possible to estimate mutation rates by directly observing new mutations at the molecular level across the whole genome. We performed an MA experiment with the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum and sequenced the genomes of three randomly chosen lines using high-throughput sequencing to estimate the spontaneous mutation rate in this model organism. The mitochondrial mutation rate of 6.76×10(-9), with a Poisson confidence interval of 4.1×10(-9) - 9.5×10(-9), per nucleotide per generation is slightly lower than estimates for other taxa. The mutation rate estimate for the nuclear DNA of 2.9×10(-11), with a Poisson confidence interval ranging from 7.4×10(-13) to 1.6×10(-10), is the lowest reported for any eukaryote. These results are consistent with low microsatellite mutation rates previously observed in D. discoideum and low levels of genetic variation observed in wild D. discoideum populations. In addition, D. discoideum has been shown to be quite resistant to DNA damage, which suggests an efficient DNA-repair mechanism that could be an adaptation to life in soil and frequent exposure to intracellular and extracellular mutagenic compounds. The social aspect of the life cycle of D. discoideum and a large portion of the genome under relaxed selection during vegetative growth could also select for a low mutation rate. This hypothesis is supported by a significantly lower mutation rate per cell division in multicellular eukaryotes compared with unicellular eukaryotes

    Mechanisms of Improved Exercise Performance under Hyperoxia

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    BACKGROUND The impact of hyperoxia on exercise limitation is still incompletely understood. OBJECTIVES We investigated to which extent breathing hyperoxia enhances the exercise performance of healthy subjects and which physiologic mechanisms are involved. METHODS A total of 32 healthy volunteers (43 ± 15 years, 12 women) performed 4 bicycle exercise tests to exhaustion with ramp and constant-load protocols (at 75% of the maximal workload [Wmax] on FiO2 0.21) on separate occasions while breathing ambient (FiO2 0.21) or oxygen-enriched air (FiO2 0.50) in a random, blinded order. Workload, endurance, gas exchange, pulse oximetry (SpO2), and cerebral (CTO) and quadriceps muscle tissue oxygenation (QMTO) were measured. RESULTS During the final 15 s of ramp exercising with FiO2 0.50, Wmax (mean ± SD 270 ± 80 W), SpO2 (99 ± 1%), and CTO (67 ± 9%) were higher and the Borg CR10 Scale dyspnea score was lower (4.8 ± 2.2) than the corresponding values with FiO2 0.21 (Wmax 257 ± 76 W, SpO2 96 ± 3%, CTO 61 ± 9%, and Borg CR10 Scale dyspnea score 5.7 ± 2.6, p < 0.05, all comparisons). In constant-load exercising with FiO2 0.50, endurance was longer than with FiO2 0.21 (16 min 22 s ± 7 min 39 s vs. 10 min 47 s ± 5 min 58 s). With FiO2 0.50, SpO2 (99 ± 0%) and QMTO (69 ± 8%) were higher than the corresponding isotime values to end-exercise with FiO2 0.21 (SpO2 96 ± 4%, QMTO 66 ± 9%), while minute ventilation was lower in hyperoxia (82 ± 18 vs. 93 ± 23 L/min, p < 0.05, all comparisons). CONCLUSION In healthy subjects, hyperoxia increased maximal power output and endurance. It improved arterial, cerebral, and muscle tissue oxygenation, while minute ventilation and dyspnea perception were reduced. The findings suggest that hyperoxia enhanced cycling performance through a more efficient pulmonary gas exchange and a greater availability of oxygen to muscles and the brain (cerebral motor and sensory neurons)

    Variation, Sex, and Social Cooperation: Molecular Population Genetics of the Social Amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum

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    Dictyostelium discoideum is a eukaryotic microbial model system for multicellular development, cell–cell signaling, and social behavior. Key models of social evolution require an understanding of genetic relationships between individuals across the genome or possibly at specific genes, but the nature of variation within D. discoideum is largely unknown. We re-sequenced 137 gene fragments in wild North American strains of D. discoideum and examined the levels and patterns of nucleotide variation in this social microbial species. We observe surprisingly low levels of nucleotide variation in D. discoideum across these strains, with a mean nucleotide diversity (π) of 0.08%, and no strong population stratification among North American strains. We also do not find any clear relationship between nucleotide divergence between strains and levels of social dominance and kin discrimination. Kin discrimination experiments, however, show that strains collected from the same location show greater ability to distinguish self from non-self than do strains from different geographic areas. This suggests that a greater ability to recognize self versus non-self may arise among strains that are more likely to encounter each other in nature, which would lead to preferential formation of fruiting bodies with clonemates and may prevent the evolution of cheating behaviors within D. discoideum populations. Finally, despite the fact that sex has rarely been observed in this species, we document a rapid decay of linkage disequilibrium between SNPs, the presence of recombinant genotypes among natural strains, and high estimates of the population recombination parameter ρ. The SNP data indicate that recombination is widespread within D. discoideum and that sex as a form of social interaction is likely to be an important aspect of the life cycle

    The Impact of Breathing Hypoxic Gas and Oxygen on Pulmonary Hemodynamics in Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension

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    BackgroundPure oxygen breathing (hyperoxia) may improve hemodynamics in patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) and allows to calculate right-to-left shunt fraction (Qs/Qt), whereas breathing normobaric hypoxia may accelerate hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV). This study investigates how hyperoxia and hypoxia affect mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) in patients with PH and whether Qs/Qt influences the changes of mPAP and PVR.Study Design and MethodsAdults with pulmonary arterial or chronic thromboembolic PH (PAH/CTEPH) underwent repetitive hemodynamic and blood gas measurements during right heart catheterization (RHC) under normoxia [fractions of inspiratory oxygen (FiO2_{2}) 0.21], hypoxia (FiO2_{2} 0.15), and hyperoxia (FiO2_{2} 1.0) for at least 10 min.ResultsWe included 149 patients (79/70 PAH/CTEPH, 59% women, mean ± SD 60 ± 17 years). Multivariable regressions (mean change, CI) showed that hypoxia did not affect mPAP and cardiac index, but increased PVR [0.4 (0.1–0.7) WU, p = 0.021] due to decreased pulmonary artery wedge pressure [−0.54 (−0.92 to −0.162), p = 0.005]. Hyperoxia significantly decreased mPAP [−4.4 (−5.5 to −3.3) mmHg, p &lt; 0.001] and PVR [−0.4 (−0.7 to −0.1) WU, p = 0.006] compared with normoxia. The Qs/Qt (14 ± 6%) was &gt;10 in 75% of subjects but changes of mPAP and PVR under hyperoxia and hypoxia were independent of Qs/Qt.ConclusionAcute exposure to hypoxia did not relevantly alter pulmonary hemodynamics indicating a blunted HPV-response in PH. In contrast, hyperoxia remarkably reduced mPAP and PVR, indicating a preserved vasodilator response to oxygen and possibly supporting the oxygen therapy in patients with PH. A high proportion of patients with PH showed increased Qs/Qt, which, however, was not associated with changes in pulmonary hemodynamics in response to changes in FiO2_{2}

    Amino Acid Repeats Cause Extraordinary Coding Sequence Variation in the Social Amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum

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    Protein sequences are normally the most conserved elements of genomes owing to purifying selection to maintain their functions. We document an extraordinary amount of within-species protein sequence variation in the model eukaryote Dictyostelium discoideum stemming from triplet DNA repeats coding for long strings of single amino acids. D. discoideum has a very large number of such strings, many of which are polyglutamine repeats, the same sequence that causes various human neurological disorders in humans, like Huntington's disease. We show here that D. discoideum coding repeat loci are highly variable among individuals, making D. discoideum a candidate for the most variable proteome. The coding repeat loci are not significantly less variable than similar non-coding triplet repeats. This pattern is consistent with these amino-acid repeats being largely non-functional sequences evolving primarily by mutation and drift

    Influence of Upright Versus Supine Position on Resting and Exercise Hemodynamics in Patients Assessed for Pulmonary Hypertension

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    Background The aim of the present work was to study the influence of body position on resting and exercise pulmonary hemodynamics in patients assessed for pulmonary hypertension (PH). Methods and Results Data from 483 patients with suspected PH undergoing right heart catheterization for clinical indications (62% women, age 61±15 years, 246 precapillary PH, 48 postcapillary PH, 106 exercise PH, 83 no PH) were analyzed; 213 patients (main cohort, years 2016-2018) were examined at rest in upright (45°) and supine position, such as under upright exercise. Upright exercise hemodynamics were compared with 270 patients (historical cohort) undergoing supine exercise with the same protocol. Upright versus supine resting data revealed a lower mean pulmonary artery pressure 31±14 versus 32±13 mm Hg, pulmonary artery wedge pressure 11±4 versus 12±5 mm Hg, and cardiac index 2.9±0.7 versus 3.1±0.8 L/min per m2, and higher pulmonary vascular resistance 4.1±3.1 versus 3.9±2.8 Wood P<0.001. Exercise data upright versus supine revealed higher work rates (53±26 versus 33±22 watt), and adjusting for differences in work rate and baseline values, higher end-exercise mean pulmonary artery pressure (52±19 versus 45±16 mm Hg, P=0.001), similar pulmonary artery wedge pressure and cardiac index, higher pulmonary vascular resistance (5.4±3.7 versus 4.5±3.4 Wood units, P=0.002), and higher mean pulmonary artery pressure/cardiac output (7.9±4.7 versus 7.1±4.1 Wood units, P=0.001). Conclusions Body position significantly affects resting and exercise pulmonary hemodynamics with a higher pulmonary vascular resistance of about 10% in upright versus supine position at rest and end-exercise, and should be considered and reported when assessing PH. Keywords: body position; exercise; hemodynamic; pulmonary hypertension; right heart catheterization

    Effect of 5 weeks of oral acetazolamide on patients with pulmonary vascular disease: A randomized, double-blind, cross-over trial

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    Background: The carbonic anhydrase inhibitor acetazolamide stimulates ventilation through metabolic acidosis mediated by renal bicarbonate excretion. In animal models, acetazolamide attenuates acute hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension (PH), but its efficacy in treating patients with PH due to pulmonary vascular disease (PVD) is unknown. Methods: 28 PVD patients (15 pulmonary arterial hypertension, 13 distal chronic thromboembolic PH), 13 women, mean±SD age 61.6±15.0 years stable on PVD medications, were randomised in a double-blind crossover protocol to 5 weeks acetazolamide (250mg b.i.d) or placebo separated by a ≥2 week washout period. Primary endpoint was the change in 6-minute walk distance (6MWD) at 5 weeks. Additional endpoints included safety, tolerability, WHO functional class, quality of life, arterial blood gases, and hemodynamics (by echocardiography). Results: Acetazolamide had no effect on 6MWD compared to placebo (treatment effect: mean change [95%CI] -18 [-40 to 4]m, p=0.102) but increased arterial blood oxygenation through hyperventilation induced by metabolic acidosis. Other measures including pulmonary hemodynamics were unchanged. No severe adverse effects occurred, side effects that occurred significantly more frequently with acetazolamide vs. placebo were change in taste (22/0%), paraesthesia (37/4%) and mild dyspnea (26/4%). Conclusions: In patients with PVD, acetazolamide did not change 6MWD compared to placebo despite improved blood oxygenation. Some patients reported a tolerable increase in dyspnoea during acetazolamide treatment, related to hyperventilation, induced by the mild drug-induced metabolic acidosis. Our findings do not support the use of acetazolamide to improve exercise in patients with PVD at this dosing

    Hyperoxia improves exercise capacity in cardiopulmonary disease: a series of randomised controlled trials

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the overall and differential effect of breathing hyperoxia (inspiratory oxygen fraction (FIO2_{IO_{2}}) 0.5)versusplacebo (ambient air,FIO2_{IO_{2}}0.21) to enhance exercise performance in healthy people, patients with pulmonary vascular disease (PVD) with precapillary pulmonary hypertension (PH), COPD, PH due to heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) and cyanotic congenital heart disease (CHD) using data from five randomised controlled trials performed with identical protocols. Methods: 91 subjects (32 healthy, 22 with PVD with pulmonary arterial or distal chronic thromboembolic PH, 20 with COPD, 10 with PH in HFpEF and seven with CHD) performed two cycle incremental (IET) and two constant work-rate exercise tests (CWRET) at 75% of maximal load (Wmax_{max}), each with ambient air and hyperoxia in single-blinded, randomised, controlled, crossover trials. The main outcomes were differences in Wmax_{max}(IET) and cycling time (CWRET) with hyperoxiaversusambient air. Results: Overall, hyperoxia increased Wmax_{max}by +12 W (95% CI: 9–16, p<0.001) and cycling time by +6:13 min (4:50–7:35, p<0.001), with improvements being highest in patients with PVD (Wmax_{max}/min: +18%/+118%versusCOPD: +8%/+60%, healthy: +5%/+44%, HFpEF: +6%/+28%, CHD: +9%/+14%). Conclusion: This large sample of healthy subjects and patients with various cardiopulmonary diseases confirms that hyperoxia significantly prolongs cycling exercise with improvements being highest in endurance CWRET and patients with PVD. These results call for studies investigating optimal oxygen levels to prolong exercise time and effects on training

    Cardiorespiratory Adaptation to Short-Term Exposure to Altitude vs. Normobaric Hypoxia in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension

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    Prediction of adverse health effects at altitude or during air travel is relevant, particularly in pre-existing cardiopulmonary disease such as pulmonary arterial or chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (PAH/CTEPH, PH). A total of 21 stable PH-patients (64 ± 15 y, 10 female, 12/9 PAH/CTEPH) were examined by pulse oximetry, arterial blood gas analysis and echocardiography during exposure to normobaric hypoxia (NH) (FiO2 15% ≈ 2500 m simulated altitude, data partly published) at low altitude and, on a separate day, at hypobaric hypoxia (HH, 2500 m) within 20–30 min after arrival. We compared changes in blood oxygenation and estimated pulmonary artery pressure in lowlanders with PH during high altitude simulation testing (HAST, NH) with changes in response to HH. During NH, 4/21 desaturated to SpO2 30 min), of which two were HAST-negative. During HH vs. NH, patients had a (mean ± SE) significantly lower PaCO2 4.4 ± 0.1 vs. 4.9 ± 0.1 kPa, mean difference (95% CI) −0.5 kPa (−0.7 to −0.3), PaO2 6.7 ± 0.2 vs. 8.1 ± 0.2 kPa, −1.3 kPa (−1.9 to −0.8) and higher tricuspid regurgitation pressure gradient 55 ± 4 vs. 45 ± 4 mmHg, 10 mmHg (3 to 17), all p < 0.05. No serious adverse events occurred. In patients with PH, short-term exposure to altitude of 2500 m induced more pronounced hypoxemia, hypocapnia and pulmonary hemodynamic changes compared to NH during HAST despite similar exposure times and PiO2. Therefore, the use of HAST to predict physiological changes at altitude remains questionable. (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03592927 and NCT03637153)