22 research outputs found

    More Than the Sum of Its Parts: Single-Cell Transcriptomics Reveals Epidermal Cell States

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    Compared to mouse models, less is known about human epidermal cell states and differentiation. In this issue of Cell Reports, Cheng et al. (2018) dissect the cell states and heterogeneity in human epidermis with large-scale transcriptomics of 92,889 single epidermal cells from normal and inflamed skin. : Compared to mouse models, less is known about human epidermal cell states and differentiation. In this issue of Cell Reports, Cheng et al. (2018) dissect the cell states and heterogeneity in human epidermis with large-scale transcriptomics of 92,889 single epidermal cells from normal and inflamed skin

    Psychological behavior management techniques to alleviate dental fear and anxiety in 4–14-year-old children in pediatric dentistry: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Child's uncooperative behavior can impede the efficient delivery of dental care. Therefore, in spite of exceeding availability of behavior management techniques there is a need to search for a psychological behavior management technique that effectively reduces fear and anxiety during dental treatment and instill a change in child's attitude toward the treatment and is also acceptable by the parents. The aim of our systematic review is to determine the efficacy of various psychological behavior management techniques in managing a child's behavior in pediatric dentistry by assessing the fear and anxiety levels, ease of use by the clinician, application in various operative procedures, and parental acceptance. A systematic search was conducted by two reviewers in databases PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane for the studies published from January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2020. Studies included were clinical studies which evaluated the efficacy of various psychological behavior management techniques by evaluating the fear and anxiety levels and the changes in behavior during dental treatment in children aged between 4 and 14 years. The studies selected were then assessed for quality with the help of predetermined criteria which categorized the studies into high, medium, and low. Through search strategy, 7147 articles were yielded. After screening through titles and abstracts, 60 nonduplicated articles were selected which were further screened for full text. At the end, 15 articles were included in systematic review and 3 articles for meta-analysis. It was concluded that all the psychological behavior management techniques aided in reduction of fear and anxiety. In noninvasive procedures, conventional psychological behavior management techniques can be effective but in invasive procedures other newer psychological behavior management techniques showed better results. The aspect of parental acceptance regarding various techniques was not discussed in any of the included studies

    Comparative evaluation of postoperative pain after single sitting pulpectomy using hand and rotary instrumentation in primary molars of children – A randomized control study

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    AIM: The aim of the study is to evaluate and compare postoperative pain after single sitting pulpectomy using hand and rotary instrumentation in the primary molars of children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty children of age 4–8 years were selected using standard sample size formula for the single sitting pulpectomy after fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria and all participants were equally divided into two groups. Single sitting pulpectomy procedure was carried out in both groups. In the control group, K files and in the experimental group Pro AF baby gold pediatric rotary files were used, followed by obturation with zinc oxide-eugenol cement. Evaluation of postoperative pain was done using the modified visual analog scale at 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h. Furthermore, an evaluation of instrumentation time and quality of obturation was done. The patient is recalled after 7 days for the placement of stainless steel crown. RESULTS: The results showed no statistically significant difference in the postoperative pain after single sitting pulpectomy using hand and rotary instrumentation in the primary molars of children. There was no significant difference with the quality of obturation in both the study groups. However, a significant difference has been observed in the instrumentation time while using the rotary method of instrumentation as compared to hand instrumentation with independent t-test, t = 19.797 and P = 0.001. CONCLUSION: Among both the materials there was no significant difference found in postoperative pain and quality of obturation after single sitting pulpectomy in children. However, lesser instrumentation time was taken by rotary instrumentation as compared to conventional K file during single sitting pulpectomy in children

    Degradation of Japanese encephalitis virus by neutrophils

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    The ability of neutrophils to degrade the phagocytosed Japanese encephalitis (JE) virion, via triggering of the respiratory burst and generation of toxic radicals has been investigated. JEV or JEV-induced macrophage derived factor (MDF) induces increase in intracellular oxidative signals with generation of superoxide anion (O−2), via activation of cytosolic NADPH and subsequent formation of hydrogen peroxide, with maximum activity on day 7 post infection. The response was sensitive to anti-MDF antibody treatment. Further, the study revealed rapid degradation of phagocytosed JE viral protein and nucleic acid. The viral protein degradation was partially dependent on the generation of toxic oxygen species as it could be abrogated by pretreatment of the cells with staurosporine

    Longevity of stainless steel crowns on primary molars - A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Restoration of caries having multisurface involvement in primary teeth is a challenge to dentists. The success of the restoration often depends on its longevity. Hence, it is important to systematically review the longevity of stainless steel crowns (SSCs) on primary molars. Objectives: To determine the longevity of SSC and to determine the reasons of failure for the same. Data Sources: A systematic search was conducted in three databases: PubMed, Embase, and Google Scholar for the studies published from January 1, 2009 to September 25, 2019. Cross references of the selected articles were also searched and hand searching was done for the studies whose full texts were not available through the electronic search. Gray literature was also searched for the studies according to the relevance of this review. Study Eligibility: Studies were included if they were published between January 1, 2009 and September 25, 2019, which included comparative assessment of SSCs and other multisurface restorations in primary teeth. The study setting should be clinical based. The study designs included in the review were prospective, retrospective, and randomized control clinical trials. Studies written in the English language and studies written in any other language but are possible to get translated into English were included. Reviews, letters to the editor, and short communications were not included in the review. Studies conducted in permanent dentition were not included. For meta-analysis, randomized control trials and retrospective studies were included. Results: 1398 records were identified through data search using search strategy in PubMed, Google Scholar, and through Gray literature. After further exclusion, the total number of articles came out to be 41. Finally, six articles were included in the systematic review. These articles were also subjected to meta-analysis. The pooled success rate for SSC over 12 months was shown to be 96.096%. This was seen to be significantly higher. Conclusion: SSCs showed good longevity than the other restorative materials on primary molars

    Post Harvest Handling of Fruit Crops

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    Fruits are classified as perishable agricultural commodities. When fruits are harvested prematurely or when they are overripe, their storage life is shortened and their quality deteriorates. Therefore, it is important to harvest fruits at the appropriate stage of maturity in order to ensure good quality and better storage. Nevertheless, the inadequate implementation of proper handling techniques for agricultural produce has led to a significant occurrence of post-harvest losses, resulting in the wastage of valuable resources such as time and financial investments. The lack of appropriate handling procedures and chemical treatment methods are leading to significant losses in commodities. Therefore, it can be deduced that producers are currently experiencing significant economic detriment as a result of inadequate handling techniques, insufficient understanding of the underlying factors contributing to postharvest loss, and a dearth of effective preservation methodologies. However, the mitigation of loss can be achieved through the implementation of appropriate management and handling procedures. This review focuses on various aspects of post-harvest handling methods for preservation of fruits for longer time for processing and value addition

    Dark Hydrazone Fluorescence Labeling Agents Enable Imaging of Cellular Aldehydic Load

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    Aldehydes are key intermediates in many cellular processes, from endogenous metabolic pathways like glycolysis to undesired exogenously induced processes such as lipid peroxidation and DNA interstrand cross-linking. Alkyl aldehydes are well documented to be cytotoxic, affecting the functions of DNA and protein, and their levels are tightly regulated by the oxidative enzyme ALDH2. Mutations in this enzyme are associated with cardiac damage, diseases such as Fanconi anemia (FA), and cancer. Many attempts have been made to identify and quantify the overall level of these alkyl aldehydes inside cells, yet there are few practical methods available to detect and monitor these volatile aldehydes in real time. Here, we describe a multicolor fluorogenic hydrazone transfer (“DarkZone”) system to label alkyl aldehydes, yielding up to 30-fold light-up response <i>in vitro</i>. A cell-permeant DarkZone dye design was applied to detect small-molecule aldehydes in the cellular environment. The new dye design also enabled the monitoring of cellular acetaldehyde production from ethanol over time by flow cytometry, demonstrating the utility of the DarkZone dyes for measuring and imaging the aldehydic load related to human disease