485 research outputs found

    Structural and functional characterization of a transgenic rat model of the human endothelin type A receptor

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    Frontpage Acknowledgements Table of Contents Abbreviations Introduction Material and Methods Results Discussion BibliographyThis dissertation work reports phenotypic findings in two independent lines of a tg rat model designed to express the human ETA receptor specifically in VSMCs. Based on mRNA expression data, both tg lines represent different vascular-bed specificity of ETA overexpression, with L6351 rats showing more pronounced expression in large arteries, whereas L6878 rats showed more pronounced increase in ETA expression in the mesenteric vascular bed. According to this expression pattern, the moderate, but significant increase in the media of large arteries (aorta, carotid artery) in L6351 was consistent with blood-pressure independent hypertrophic ETA effects. In contrast, the hypertensive phenotype in L6878 was associated with mesenteric artery wall hypertrophy and lumen loss. The analysis of this tg model was significantly hampered by the rapid decrease in transgene expression soon after birth (as evidenced from RNA expression data) which compelled us to analyze the phenotype in a very short time window of age of around one month. Preliminary results of receptor binding studies suggest that ETA transcript levels may underestimate the level of protein expression. This is supported by functional analysis of isolated-perfused 1st order mesenteric arteries showing no apparent association of ET-1 induced contractility with the level of ETA transcripts detected in homogenates of the superior mesenteric artery vascular bed. Moreover, as expected contractile response to ET-1 was less pronounced when compared to the increase in ETA transcript level (L6878) suggesting inhibitory posttranslational modulation of ETA function. It is worth noting that our (currently still limited) knowledge of ET receptor binding in this model is suggestive of a posttranslational ETA/ETB receptor interaction. Furthermore, demonstration of significant endothelial dysfunction (i.e., decreased ACh-induced vasorelaxation) in tg mesenteric arteries can be regarded as indirect functional evidence of increased ETA function. A standard protocol of injection anesthesia based on coadministration of the NMDA antagonist S-ketamine with the alpha2-adrenergic agonist xylazine, revealed induction of hypertension as a distinct secondary phenotype. According to our data, the exaggerated release of catecholamines by S-ketamine provides a plausible explanation. First, K/X-anesthetized tg rats showed significantly decreased blood pressure response to alpha1-adrenergic stimulation. Second, K/X-induced hypertension was immediately abolished by the alpha1-adrenergic antagonist prazosin. Third, isolated perfused mesenteric arteries of tg rats showed attenuated response to PE-induced constriction. Taken together, the phenotypic data presented in this dissertation provide the first direct in vivo evidence of a pathophysiological role of ETA in vascular hypertrophy and are also suggestive of a role for mesenteric artery ETA in high blood pressure induction. Furthermore, the data suggest an interaction of the ETA receptor with the adrenergic system.In dieser Dissertation werden die PhĂ€notypen von zwei unabhĂ€ngig generierten transgenen Rattenlinien beschrieben, die mit dem Ziel der gefĂ€ĂŸmuskelspezifischen Überexpression des humanen Endothelin A Rezeptors (ETA) generiert wurden. Analysen der mRNA-Expression zeigten eine unterschiedliche Muster der vaskulĂ€ren ETA-Überexpression mit einer ausgeprĂ€gteren Expression in großen Arterien in Linie L6351, wĂ€hrend in Linie L6878 eine Überexpression in mesenterialen GefĂ€ĂŸbett gefunden wurde. Übereinstimmend mit diesem Expressionsmuster zeigte Linie L6351 eine signifikante, wenn auch moderat ausgeprĂ€gte blutdruckunabhĂ€ngge Mediahypertrophie in Aorta und A. carotis. In der moderat hypertensiven Linie L6878 wurde hingegen auch in kleinen mesenterialen Arterien eine signifikante GefĂ€ĂŸwandhypertrophie assoziiert mit Lumenverlust gefunden. Die phĂ€notypische Analyse war erschwert durch die postnatale Abregulation der Expression des Transgens, die Untersuchungen an sehr jungen Tieren (Alter ca. 1 Monat) erforderlich machten. Unsere noch vorlĂ€ufigen Ergebnisse aus Rezeptorbindungsstudien deuten darauf hin, dass der relative Anstieg der mRNA- Spiegel geringer sein könnte als die Zunahme der Proteinexpression. Diese Annahme wird gestĂŒtzt durch funktionelle Untersuchungen an isoliert- perfundierten Ästen der A. mesenterica der Linie L6351, weche eine signifikante Zunahme der KontraktilitĂ€t auf ET-1 bei nur geringer Zunahme der Transkriptspiegel zeigten. Die im Vergleich deutlich höhere mRNA-Expression des ETA in der mesenterialen Zirkulation der Linie L6878 war hingegen nicht mit einer im Vergleich zu L6351 erwarteten deutlich verstĂ€rkten kontraktilen Antwort isoliert-perfunidierter Mesenterialarterien assoziiert, was auch auf eine funktionelle Inhibition des ETA hinweisen könnte. Unsere bisherigen Rezeptorbindungsdaten weisen zudem auf eine posttranslationale Interaktion zwischen ETA und ETB. Zudem interpretieren wir die beobachtete endotheliale Dysfunktion in isoliert perfundierten transgenen Mesenterialarterien als funktionellen Ausdruck der ETA-Übexpression. Ein nicht erwarteter sekundĂ€rer PhĂ€notyp zeigte sich durch Induktion eines ausgeprĂ€gten arteriellen Hypertonus nach Injektion des AnĂ€sthetikums S-Ketamin in Kombination mit dem Alpha 2-Agonisten Xylazin (K/X). Nach den vorliegenden Ergebnissen nehmen wir eine exzessive Freisetzung von Katecholaminen bei den transgenenTieren als Ursache an: Erstens zeigten mit K/X anĂ€sthesierte Tiere eine stark abgeschwĂ€chte Blutdruckantwort auf den Alpha 1-Agoinsten Phenylephrin (PE), zweitens wurde der K/X-induzierte Hypertonus durch Injektion des Alpha 1-Antagonisten Prazosin sofort normalisiert und drittens zeigten isoliert perfundierte Mesenterialarterien eine dramatisch abgeschwĂ€chte kontraktile Antwort auf PE. Zusammengefasst belegen die in dieser Dissertation erarbeiteten phĂ€notypischen Ergebnisse erstmals einen direkten pathophysiologischen Zusammenhang zwischen dem ETA-Rezeptor und der vaskulĂ€ren Hypertrophie in vivo und liefern Hinweise auf eine unmittelbare hypertensive Rolle dieses Rezeptors sowie auf eine funktionelle Interaktion mit dem adrenergen System

    Report Stating the Concept of Cloud Computing Testing and Its Challenges

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    These days Cloud Computing is in demand and the latest technology used by the organisation to handle large amount of data. This paper will explain the concept of Cloud Computing, its models, advantages, disadvantages and also the challenges. The type of testing use for cloud computing will also be discussed in this paper. The organisations may have their own cloud data centre or also can tie up with other data service providers who provides the facility of cloud computing. The data is shared among various servers and then can be accessed from there. It helps to increase the efficiency of the business organisation

    Implementation of Selective Forwarding Technique on AODV Protocol in MANET

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    A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes. MANET nodes without the need for any centralized control function are able to create a cooperative network among them. The change in topology in MANET makes routing as a crucial issue in the design of the MANET. Because of the decentralized infrastructure, MANET has to rely on flooding based route discovery/maintenance mechanisms, which generates control overhead. In this paper, we have studied the routing overhead and proposed a routing protocol in which each node exchange “Hello message” with its immediate neighbor. Hello message contains list of one hope neighbor of sender node. On the basis of this information Multi point Relay (MPR) point will be decided for that node. MPR points of a node are the minimal set of one hop node through which all two hops can be covered. Thus we can limit the routing overhead due to flooding of message. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150610

    A Systematic Literature Survey on IDS

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    the significance of system security has grown hugely and various gadgets have been acquainted with enhance the security of a system. Organize interruption recognition frameworks (NIDS) are among the most broadly conveyed such framework. Famous NIDS utilize an accumulation of marks of known security dangers and infections, which are utilized to filter every parcel's payload. Most IDSs do not have the ability to identify novel or beforehand obscure assaults. Major IDSs, called Anomaly Detection Systems, create designs in point of view of traditional structure or structure control, with the objective of distinguishing both seen and covered assaults. Oddity identification frameworks confront numerous problems involving excessive frequency of artificial alert, capacity to call in online mode, and flexibility. This paper introduces a particular overview of incremental methodologies for distinguishing oddity in ordinary framework and system movement

    Filter ïżœ GA Based Approach to Feature Selection for Classification

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    This paper presents a new approach to select reduced number of features in databases. Every database has a given number of features but it is observed that some of these features can be redundant and can be harmful as well as and can confuse the process of classification. The proposed method applies filter attribute measure and binary coded Genetic Algorithm to select a small subset of features. The importance of these features is judged by applying K-nearest neighbor (KNN) method of classification. The best reduced subset of features which has high classification accuracy on given databases is adopted. The classification accuracy obtained by proposed method is compared with that reported recently in publications on twenty eight databases. It is noted that proposed method performs satisfactory on these databases and achieves higher classification accuracy but with smaller number of features

    Algebraic Independence over Positive Characteristic: New Criterion and Applications to Locally Low Algebraic Rank Circuits

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    The motivation for this work comes from two problems--test algebraic independence of arithmetic circuits over a field of small characteristic, and generalize the structural property of algebraic dependence used by (Kumar, Saraf CCC\u2716) to arbitrary fields. It is known that in the case of zero, or large characteristic, using a classical criterion based on the Jacobian, we get a randomized poly-time algorithm to test algebraic independence. Over small characteristic, the Jacobian criterion fails and there is no subexponential time algorithm known. This problem could well be conjectured to be in RP, but the current best algorithm puts it in NP^#P (Mittmann, Saxena, Scheiblechner Trans.AMS\u2714). Currently, even the case of two bivariate circuits over F_2 is open. We come up with a natural generalization of Jacobian criterion, that works over all characteristic. The new criterion is efficient if the underlying inseparable degree is promised to be a constant. This is a modest step towards the open question of fast independence testing, over finite fields, posed in (Dvir, Gabizon, Wigderson FOCS\u2707). In a set of linearly dependent polynomials, any polynomial can be written as a linear combination of the polynomials forming a basis. The analogous property for algebraic dependence is false, but a property approximately in that spirit is named as ``functional dependence\u27\u27 in (Kumar, Saraf CCC\u2716) and proved for zero or large characteristic. We show that functional dependence holds for arbitrary fields, thereby answering the open questions in (Kumar, Saraf CCC\u2716). Following them we use the functional dependence lemma to prove the first exponential lower bound for locally low algebraic rank circuits for arbitrary fields (a model that strongly generalizes homogeneous depth-4 circuits). We also recover their quasipoly-time hitting-set for such models, for fields of characteristic smaller than the ones known before. Our results show that approximate functional dependence is indeed a more fundamental concept than the Jacobian as it is field independent. We achieve the former by first picking a ``good\u27\u27 transcendence basis, then translating the circuits by new variables, and finally approximating them by truncating higher degree monomials. We give a tight analysis of the ``degree\u27\u27 of approximation needed in the criterion. To get the locally low algebraic rank circuit applications we follow the known shifted partial derivative based methods

    Algebraic Dependencies and PSPACE Algorithms in Approximative Complexity

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    Testing whether a set f\mathbf{f} of polynomials has an algebraic dependence is a basic problem with several applications. The polynomials are given as algebraic circuits. Algebraic independence testing question is wide open over finite fields (Dvir, Gabizon, Wigderson, FOCS'07). The best complexity known is NP#P^{\#\rm P} (Mittmann, Saxena, Scheiblechner, Trans.AMS'14). In this work we put the problem in AM ∩\cap coAM. In particular, dependence testing is unlikely to be NP-hard and joins the league of problems of "intermediate" complexity, eg. graph isomorphism & integer factoring. Our proof method is algebro-geometric-- estimating the size of the image/preimage of the polynomial map f\mathbf{f} over the finite field. A gap in this size is utilized in the AM protocols. Next, we study the open question of testing whether every annihilator of f\mathbf{f} has zero constant term (Kayal, CCC'09). We give a geometric characterization using Zariski closure of the image of f\mathbf{f}; introducing a new problem called approximate polynomials satisfiability (APS). We show that APS is NP-hard and, using projective algebraic-geometry ideas, we put APS in PSPACE (prior best was EXPSPACE via Grobner basis computation). As an unexpected application of this to approximative complexity theory we get-- Over any field, hitting-set for VP‟\overline{\rm VP} can be designed in PSPACE. This solves an open problem posed in (Mulmuley, FOCS'12, J.AMS 2017); greatly mitigating the GCT Chasm (exponentially in terms of space complexity)
