16 research outputs found

    A Formal Model of an Argumentative Dialogue in the Management of Emotions

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    In this research, we focus on designing an interactive tool which will be used as an aid in learning how to manage emotions during argumentative dialogues. To this end, a collection of examples illustrating the typical human’s reactions was collated and used to explain mechanisms that appear in dialogues. We present a theoretical background of the project, i.e., a formal system to represent the change of intensity of emotions in argumentative dialogues. We rely here on persuasive dialogue games. A formal language for expressing properties of protocols for dialogues with emotional reasoning is proposed. We suggest that awareness of emotions improves communication between parents and children, and that it is an important element of both raising communication skills in adults and development of communication skills in children

    Cities with poviat status in Poland and their financial condition

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    The study, devoted to the assessment of the financial condition of cities with poviat status (CWPS) in Poland, aims (i) to position cities with poviat status in the structure of local government and (ii) to examine and assess the average financial condition of city with poviat status in Poland in the spatial aspect, using standard measures (measures referring to the budget result, income potential and the amount of expenses) and those of the authors’ (reflecting the possibility of satisfying the needs of the local government community). The study uses the methods of descriptive statistics. Detailed analyses were carried out on the basis of the authors’ own calculations, using an MS Excel spreadsheet, and the calculated measures were presented for two deliberately selected years (2010 and 2019). The analyses present different pictures of the financial conditions: while the values produced by standard measures in 2019 compared to 2010 clearly indicate an improvement in the financial condition of analysed cities in Poland, the values derived from the authors’ measures do not confirm this. Changes in the values of both groups of indicators are spatially diverse. Both groups, however, indicate that there are voivodeships whose financial condition improved more in 2019 compared to 2010 (classical indicators) or deteriorated to a lesser extent (authors’ indicators) than other voivodeships. This applies to the provinces of Western and Central Poland. CWPS in these regions, due to their location and impact in the region, as well as their attractiveness as places of employment doing business: 1) have been better prepared to start new investments and incur further commitments; 2) attract high school and university graduates and investors; 3) have a large stock of real estate, including extensive infrastructure; and 4) are less dependent on transfers from the state budget. Opracowanie poświęcone jest ocenie kondycji finansowej miast na prawach powiatowych w Polsce. Jego celem jest: 1) umiejscowienie miast na prawach powiatowych w strukturze samorządu terytorialnego oraz 2) zbadanie i ocena średniej kondycji finansowej miasta na prawach powiatu w Polsce w aspekcie przestrzennym, z wykorzystaniem miar standardowych (miary odnoszące się do wyniku budżetowego, potencjału dochodowego i wysokości wydatków) i autorskich (odzwierciedlające możliwość zaspokojenia potrzeb społeczności samorządowej). W badaniu wykorzystano metody statystyki opisowej. Szczegółowe analizy przeprowadzono na podstawie własnych obliczeń, z wykorzystaniem arkusza kalkulacyjnego MS Excel, a obliczone miary przedstawiono za dwa celowo wybrane lata (2010 i 2019). Analizy pokazują inny obraz kondycji finansowej, który pojawia się na podstawie zastosowanych standardowych miar i proponowanych wskaźników autorskich. O ile wartości standardowych miar w roku 2019 w porównaniu z 2010 jednoznacznie wskazują na poprawę kondycji finansowej analizowanych miast w Polsce, o tyle wartości miar autorskich tego nie potwierdzają. Zmiany wartości obu grup wskaźników są zróżnicowane przestrzennie. Obie grupy wskazują jednak, że są województwa, w których kondycja finansowa miast na prawach powiatu w roku 2019 w porównaniu z 2010 poprawiła się bardziej (wskaźniki klasyczne) lub pogorszyła się w mniejszym stopniu (wskaźniki autorskie) niż w innych województwach. Dotyczy to województw Polski Zachodniej i Środkowej. Miasta na prawach powiatu w tych regionach, ze względu na położenie i wpływ w regionie, a także ich atrakcyjność jako miejsca pracy i prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej: 1) są lepiej przygotowane do rozpoczęcia nowych inwestycji i zaciągania dalszych zobowiązań; 2) przyciągają absolwentów szkół średnich i uczelni wyższych oraz inwestorów; 3) posiadają duży zasób nieruchomości, w tym rozbudowaną infrastrukturę; 4) są mniej zależne od transferów z budżetu państwa

    Propolis changes the anticancer activity of temozolomide in U87MG human glioblastoma cell line

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    BACKGROUND: Propolis is a honey bee product which contains many active compounds, such as CAPE or chrysin, and has many beneficial activities. Recently, its anti-tumor properties have been discussed. We have tested whether the ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) interferes with temozolomide (TMZ) to inhibit U87MG cell line growth. METHODS: The U87MG glioblastoma cell line was exposed to TMZ (10-100 μM), EEP (10-100 μg/ml) or a mixture of TMZ and EEP during 24, 48 or 72 hours. The cell division was examined by the H(3)-thymidine incorporation, while the western blot method was used for detection of p65 subunit of NF-κB and ELISA test to measure the concentration of its p50 subunit in the nucleus. RESULTS: We have found that both, TMZ and EEP administrated alone, had a dose- and time-dependent inhibitory effect on the U87MG cell line growth, which was manifested by gradual reduction of cell viability and alterations in proliferation rate. The anti-tumor effect of TMZ (20 μM) was enhanced by EEP, which was especially well observed after a short time of exposition, where simultaneous usage of TMZ and EEP resulted in a higher degree of growth inhibition than each biological factor used separately. In addition, cells treated with TMZ presented no changes in NF-κB activity in prolonged time of treatment and EEP only slightly reduced the nuclear translocation of this transcription factor. In turn, the combined incubation with TMZ and EEP led to an approximately double reduction of NF-κB nuclear localization. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that EEP presents cytotoxic properties and may cooperate with TMZ synergistically enhancing its growth inhibiting activity against glioblastoma U87MG cell line. This phenomenon may be at least partially mediated by a reduced activity of NF-κB

    The financial condition of communes in Poland (2010 vs. 2019)

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    PURPOSE: The examination and assessment of the financial condition of communes in Poland in the spatial aspect, using the standard indicators related to financial independence and financial burdens imposed on their budgets by current expenditure, and the authors’ indicators related to the possibility of communes to satisfy the requirements of residents.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The study used the methods of descriptive statistics. Detailed analyses were carried out based on the authors’ calculations using MS Excel.FINDINGS: The financial condition of communes in Poland is varied when interpreted in terms of time and spatially, when measured with standard indicators used by, among others, the Ministry of Finance in Poland, and with the measures proposed by the authors, it differs, and therefore the changes in the finances of these units are assessed differently. Also, the variations in the values of the standard indicators do not explicitly indicate the direction of changes of the financial condition of communes.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: State institutions in their work on the changes in the system of revenue in LGUs in Poland, aimed at adjusting the amounts of the financial resources available to them to the range of tasks allocated for realization. Local authorities in the annually determined amounts of financial resources which they can implement to realize their tasks, having included the burdens resulting from the long-term contractual obligations they are bound by.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Expanding the research on the financial condition of LGUs by approaching this matter through the prism of indicators reflecting the possibilities of local authorities to define the amounts and the directions of their budgetary expenditure.peer-reviewe

    Statistical and Multidimensional Body Composition Parameter Analysis in Young Childhood Cancer Survivors

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    This article concerns the problem of assessing selected body compo- sition parameters after completion of antitumor therapy and comparing them with the same parameters of healthy children. A high percentage of overweight and obesity, as well as abnormal fat distribution in convalescents with cancer shows a significant adverse effect of therapy on body composition and suggests the need for early intervention in terms of diet and exercise, which would help patients to quickly achieve the proper parameters of body composition. Two main problems will be mentioned during the presented data analysis. Firstly, in each group there was a small number of observations. Because of this, the real differences between examined subgroups may have been omitted. Secondarily, many variables are correlated and are not normally distributed. Therefore, be- side the standard statistical tests to compare two groups, principal component analysis was applied to reduce the dimensions of the attribute space and to attempt to classify two groups of patients

    Wpływ wybranych substancji występujących w grzybowych preparatach białkowych na wyniki oznaczeń zawartości białka metodą Lowry'ego

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    Study was made of the interference with the protein determination using the Lowry procedure, caused by starch, pectin, carboxymethylcellulose and of their enzymie degradation products as well as of other substances contained in the media used for the production of fungal protein preparations. The interfering effect of these substances was investigated prior to and after their pretreatment with 1 M NaOH at 100°C for 10 min. It was found that the investigated substances affect the protein results in a different measure, and that their pretreatment enhances and sometimes reverses the interfering action.Prześledzono wpływ skrobi, pektyny, celulozy i produktów ich rozkładu enzymatycznego oraz innych związków chemicznych używanych jako składniki podłóż i występujących w grzybowych preparatach białkowych, na wyniki oznaczeń zawartości białka metodą Lowry'ego, zaproponowaną przez Raimbaulta i Alazarda (18) Wpływ wyżej wymienionych substancji określano bez i po wstępnym traktowaniu roztworem 1 M NaOH w temp. 100°C przez 10 min. Stwierdzono, że skrobia i dekstryny (rys. 2), karboksymetyloceluloza i sacharoza (rys. 4) oraz mocznik (rys. 3), nie traktowane wstępnie gorącym roztworem NaOH, w stężeniach do 1% nie wpływają na wyniki oznaczeń zawartości białka metodą Lowry'ego. Większość spośród przebadanych soli mineralnych, w stężeniach powyżej 1%, zaniża w różnym stopniu odczyty ilości białka badaną metodą (rys. 5). Glukoza, galaktoza i maltoza w stężeniach powyżej 0,1% (rys. 4) oraz pektyna i produkty jej enzymatycznego rozkładu w stężeniach wyższych niż odpowiednio 0,45 i 0,3%, nie traktowane wstępnie gorącym roztworem 1 M NaOH, (rys. 3) zawyżają odczyty absorbancji. Wstępne traktowanie roztworem NaOH w temp. 100°C przez 10 min wyżej wymienionych substancji organicznych na ogół potęguje i często zmienia ich wpływ na odczyty zawartości białka w próbce. Na przykład glukoza, galaktoza i maltoza, poddane wstępnemu ogrzewaniu w roztworze NaOH, zawyżają odczyty absorbancji począwszy już od stężenia 0,02% (rys. 4), natomiast mocznik począwszy od tego samego stężenia (0,02%) wyraźnie zaniża wyniki oznaczeń zawartości białka (rys. 3). W związku z dużym rozcieńczaniem próbek przed wykonaniem oznaczenia (od 1000 do 2000 razy) a tym samym znacznym zmniejszaniem się stężenia substancji towarzyszących, mogących wpływać na wyniki analizy, metoda Lowry'ego zaproponowana przez Raimbault a i Alazard a (18) jest przydatna i pozwala uzyskiwać porównywalne wyniki zawartości białka dla większości grzybowych preparatów białkowych. W niektórych jednak przypadkach, na przykład przy stosowaniu podłóż zawierających znaczne ilości słomy i/lub wytłoków jabłkowych oraz wysłoków buraczanych obserwuje się wyraźne zawyżenie wyników oznaczeń białka, co wskazuje na konieczność zmodyfikowania metody (np. uwzględnianie odpowiednich poprawek)

    Financial Condition of Local Government Units and Its Measures

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    The study is part of considerations concerning the measurement of the financial condition of local government units (LGUs) and synchronization between the decentralization of public tasks and public finances. The authors assume that the stakeholders of information flowing from research on the financial condition of LGUs determine the use of appropriate indicators to assess it. The study: 1) identifies the approaches used in the literature in interpreting the concept of the financial condition of LGUs, 2) presents and systemizes indicators that are used for examining this condition, 3) proposes three new measures for the assessment of the financial condition of LGUs, the construction of which refers to the continuity of satisfying the social needs, taking into account the demand for securing independence and financial stability of LGUs, 4) verifies empirically the values of two selected assessment indicators of the financial condition of LGUs in a specific time period. The simulation of the financial condition of local government units using two selected indicators shows significant discrepancies in its assessment, and thus contradictory information reaching the stakeholders interested in them. According to the authors, there is a need to analyze the financial condition of LGUs using both standard and non‑standard measures, which will allow to assess the financial condition of a given local government unit from various points of view

    Statistical Methods in the Evaluation of Cardio-Respiratory Parameters in Young Childhood Cancer Survivors and Healthy Peers

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    This study concerns the problem of late complications of antineo-plastic therapy. Reduced parameters of the cardiorespiratory system in childhood may have a tremendous impact on health. In order to assess the selected parameters, to evaluate physical endurance, and compare the results with those obtained for healthy children, a test was carried out on a treadmill, until 80% of maximum pulse rate was reached. To compare the differences between the treatment group and the control group, three approaches were used. The first one was the classical statistical inference, the second consisted in forming a multidimensional normal model and also involved modelling of the correlation between variables. The unstructured type of the working correlation matrix was chosen to obtain the results and correct standard errors. In the last approach, logistic regression was used to model the relationship between binary outcome and covariates, and to differentiate between the groups of patients on the basis of their cardiovascular parameters

    Does Q223R Polymorphism of Leptin Receptor Influence on Anthropometric Parameters and Bone Density in Childhood Cancer Survivors?

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    Childhood cancer survivors are in augmented risk for developing obesity. For many factors leptin and leptin receptor gene polymorphism play an important role in the development and metabolism not only of fat, but also, bone tissue. The aim of the analysis was to find the relationships between Q223R, leptin levels, and anthropometric parameters. Patients and Methods. In the study 74 cancer survivors participated (ALL n=64, lymphomas n=10), and the control group consisted of 51 healthy peers. Leptin blood concentration was determined by ELISA method. To estimate leptin receptor gene polymorphism, RFLP method was used. Bone mineral density (BMD) and content (BMC), fat, and lean tissue measurements were obtained by DXA. Results. We found no correlations between serum leptin concentrations and anthropometric parameters nor BMD. Serum leptin concentrations were significantly lower in the group of cancer survivors compared to controls; however, in those overweight from examined group we found leptin levels higher than those in nonoverweight. Genotype Q223R was not associated with higher leptin levels, BMI, BMD, body fat or lean tissue. Conclusion. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing the relationship between BMD and Q223R polymorphism in childhood cancer survivors. Further analysis, based on a larger group of patients, is needed to confirm these findings

    Cardiovascular Risk Factors after Childhood Cancer Treatment Are Independent of the FTO Gene Polymorphism?

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    The study objective was to assess the prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors in patients treated for childhood cancer (N=101) and to determine the involvement of clinical (cancer type and therapy) and/or genetic (FTO gene rs9939609 polymorphism) factors. Anthropometric features, laboratory findings, and standardized osteodensitometric indices (fat and lean mass) were considered. Overweight/obesity was found in 17.82% of the patients; however, central adiposity was found in as many as 42.5%. At least one abnormality in lipid metabolism was observed in 35.6%. Densitometry revealed elevated levels of fat mass in 44.55% of the patients. None of the parameters studied were associated with the FTO gene polymorphism. Standardized waist circumference was significantly higher in patients treated for leukemia than those treated for solid tumors (p=0.04). Our findings indicate a high rate of central adiposity among childhood cancer survivors, especially leukemia patients. The prevalence of risk factors of cardiovascular disease after anticancer therapy is not FTO gene polymorphism-dependent