337 research outputs found

    Reconceptualising risk in research: The call to do no harm goes far beyond the field.

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    A session at the Royal Geographical Society’s annual conference will explore the physical, emotional and reputational risks involved in doing research, with the hope that this will in turn, provide a starting point for a more comprehensive framework for understanding how risk operates. Amiera Sawas will be co-chairing the session and writes here on her experiences with risks in the field and beyond. She finds that protocols are undoubtedly robust on a wide range of physical threats, but more subtle threats, like sexual harassment, which cross psychological and physical lines, are not always explicitly dealt with

    Automatic target recognition in sonar imagery using a cascade of boosted classifiers

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    This thesis is concerned with the problem of automating the interpretation of data representing the underwater environment retrieved from sensors. This is an important task which potentially allows underwater robots to become completely autonomous, keeping humans out of harm’s way and reducing the operational time and cost of many underwater applications. Typical applications include unexploded ordnance clearance, ship/plane wreck hunting (e.g. Malaysia Airlines flight MH370), and oilfield inspection (e.g. Deepwater Horizon disaster). Two attributes of the processing are crucial if automated interpretation is to be successful. First, computational efficiency is required to allow real-time analysis to be performed on-board robots with limited resources. Second, detection accuracy comparable to human experts is required in order to replace them. Approaches in the open literature do not appear capable of achieving these requirements and this therefore has become the objective of this thesis. This thesis proposes a novel approach capable of recognizing targets in sonar data extremely rapidly with a low number of false alarms. The approach was originally developed for face detection in video, and it is applied to sonar data here for the first time. Aside from the application, the main contribution of this thesis, therefore, is in the way this approach is extended to reduce its training time and improve its detection accuracy. Results obtained on large sets of real sonar data on a variety of challenging terrains are presented to show the discriminative power of the proposed approach. In real field trials, the proposed approach was capable of processing sonar data real-time on-board underwater robots. In direct comparison with human experts, the proposed approach offers 40% reduction in the number of false alarms

    Preparation and Spectroscopic Study of the Reaction of 4-Nitroacetophenone , Furfural and Thiourea

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    The Chalcone (1) were prepared by Claisen –Schmidt condensation of 4-nitroacetophenone with furfural  in presence of sodium hydroxide and ethanol. This chalcone were treated with thiourea, guanidine hydrochloride to yield the respective pyrimidine derivative. The synthesized compounds were characterized by UV, IR, 1H-NMR & 13C-NMR spectral data. Keywords: Chalcones, Furfural, 4-nitroacetophenone,.


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    Daya tarik wisata merupakan salah satu unsur penting dalam dunia kepariwisataan. Dimana daya tarik wisata dapat menyukseskan program pemerintah dalam melestarikan adat dan budaya bangsa sebagai asset yang dapat dijual kepada wisatawan. Daya tarik wisata dapat berupa alam, budaya, tata hidup dan sebagainya yang memiliki daya tarik dan nilai jual untuk dikunjungi ataupun dinikmati oleh wisatawan. Salah satunya adalah Situ Bagendit, merupakan salah satu daya tarik wisata yang bersejarah dan menjadi legenda di Kabupaten Garut yang berada di Kecamatan Banyuresmi, Kabupaten Garut. Produk wisata yang baik seharusnya menghasilkan citra yang baik juga terhadap wisatawan berkunjung ke lokasi daya tarik wisata Situ Bagendit, tetapi kenyataannya produk wisata yang ada di Situ Bagendit belum di optimalkan dengan baik, namun sudah menghasilkan citra yang baik juga terhadap wisatawan berkunjung ke lokasi daya tarik wisata Situ Bagendit maka dari itu perlu adanya penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi persepsi wisatawan mengenai produk wisata yang ada di Situ Bagendit dan mengidentifikasi kondisi citra wisatawan di mata wisatawan serta menganalisis seberapa besar pengaruh persepsi produk wisata terhadap citra Situ Bagendit di mata wisatawan. Objek yang menjadi unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Situ Bagendit. Variabel bebas (X) dalam penelitian ini adalah persepsi produk wisata dan variabel terikat (Y) dalam penelitian ini adalah citra. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan menggunakan instrument penelitian berupa kuesioner untuk selanjutnya di analisis secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif, verifikatif.Dengam teknik incidental sampling, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 wisatawan. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah regresi linear sederhana dengan alat bantu software komputer SPSS 20.0. Dari hasil penelitian terhadap pengujian hipotesis, menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara persepsi produk wisata terhadap citra. Kontribusi persepsi produk wisata terhadap citra sebesar 51,5%. Kemudian diketahui bahwa persepsi produk wisata memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap citra. Hal ini menunjukan semakin baiknya persepsi produk wisata yang terdapat di Situ Bagendit, maka semakin meningkat pula citra di Situ Bagendit. ;--- Tourist attraction is one of the essential elements in the world of tourism. Where can facilitate attraction of government programs in preserving the Customs and culture of the nation as an asset that can be sold to tourists. Tourist attractions include nature, culture, life and so on that have appeal and value to be visited or enjoyed by tourists. One of them is There, Indonesia, is one of the historic tourist attraction and become a legend in Garut who were in Banyuresmi Subdistrict, Regency of Garut. A good tourist product should produce a good image as well as tourists visiting the site tourist attraction There, Indonesia, but in fact the products there, Indonesia has not been in the optimize well, however are making a good image as well as tourists visiting the site tourist attraction There, Indonesia therefore need for research. This research aims to identify the perception of tourists regarding tourist products that exist there and identify the condition, Indonesia's image in the eyes of tourists and travelers to analyze how much influence the perception of the tourist product towards the image of Indonesia in the eyes of tourists There. The object becomes the unit of analysis in this study are tourists who visit there, Indonesia. Free variables (X) in this research is the perception of the tourist product and variable (Y) in this research is the image. This type of research uses research instrument in the form of a questionnaire for further analysis in quantitative descriptive analysis by using method, verifikatif. Development technique of incidental sampling, with the number of samples as many as 100 tourists. Data analysis technique used is a simple linear regression withSPSS computer software tools 20.0. From the results of research on hypothesis testing, showed that there was significant influence between the perception of the tourist product towards the image. The contribution of the tourist product perception against the image of 51.5%. Then note that the perception of tourism products has a positive influence against the image. This shows the good perception of tourism products increasingly contained therein, Indonesia, then increasing also the image there, Indonesia

    Decision support for optimised irrigation scheduling

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    The system, developed under the FLOW-AID (an FP6 project), is a farm level water management system of special value in situations where the water availability and quality is limited. This market-ready precision irrigation management system features new models, hardware and software. The hardware platform delivers a maintenance-free low cost dielectric tensiometer and several low-end irrigation or fertigation controllers for serving different situations. The software includes a complete, web based, Decision Support System (DSS) that consists of an expert planner for farm zoning (MOPECO) and a universal irrigation scheduler, based on crop-water stress models (UNIPI) and water and nutrient uptake calculations. The system, designed also to service greenhouse fertigation and hydroponics, is scalable from one to many zones. It consists of 1) a data gathering tool which uploads agronomic data, from monitored crops around the world, to a central web Data Base (DB), and 2) a web based Decision Support System (DSS). The DSS processes intelligently the data of the crop using Crop Response Models, Nutrient Uptake Models and Water Uptake Models. The central system returns over Internet to the low-end controller a command file containing water scheduling and nutrient supply guideline

    Unveiling the security concerns of low carbon development:climate security analysis of the undesirable and unintended effects of mitigation and adaptation

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    In debates of climate action, low carbon development has been widely advocated as an opportunity arising from climate change. This paper problematizes low carbon development, arguing that there are undesirable, unintended or perverse effects that give rise to distinct and serious security concerns. The literature on climate security has addressed the effects of climate threats on conflict but there is a notable paucity of research analysing the security implications of responses to climate change in the form of low carbon development. The paper presents critical analysis of the ways low carbon development yields new security concerns as well as entrenching existing ones. Five dimensions of security are examined: spatially uneven effects of low carbon development; violent imaginaries of the global south and the production of ‘ungoverned spaces’; non-violent yet harmful instances of conflict; marginalization and dispossession; depoliticized, techno-managerial effects of resilience. The paper shows that climate (in)security manifests in variegated ways between different populations and spatial scales. Consequently, how, when for whom low carbon development becomes a threat or opportunity is socially constructed and deeply political

    La prose littéraire des Grecs d’Australie : enjeux identitaires

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    Représentatifs des principaux types d’immigration grecque aux antipodes, les écrivains V. Kalamara, A. Kefala et Ch. Tsiolkas sont liés à la Grèce et à l’Australie de manière différente. D’une écriture de l’exil à la revendication d’une culture wog, leurs démarches mettent au jour l’évolution des problématiques identitaires dans l’Australie de la fin du χχe siècle et du début du χχιe siècle, qui a un impact tant sur la thématique et l’esthétique que sur la diffusion et la réception de leurs œuvres.The writers V. Kalamara, A. Kefala and Ch. Tsiolkas, bound up with Greece and Australia in different ways, represent the main patterns of Greek immigration to the Antipodes. From writing about exile to claiming a wog culture, they highlight the evolution of cultural and ethnic identity in Australia at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. This evolution both influences their themes and aesthetics as well as the way their work is read and received

    … Yana Yana : la littérature turque en Grèce

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    La littérature turque est bien représentée sur le marché éditorial grec. Sa présence n’en est pas moins problématique. Elle a ainsi longtemps été confinée dans un exotisme souvent un peu convenu ou limitée à des revendications politiques. Pourtant, certains traducteurs tentent depuis deux décennies de présenter des œuvres à portée universelle ou de mettre en valeur les patrimoines littéraires communs aux Grecs et aux Turcs.The Turkish literature is well represented in a satisfactory manner in the Greek publishing trade. Nevertheless, such representation is not devoid of problems. Turkish literature has actually often been either confined in a somewhat conventional form of exoticism, or limited to political claims. However, for the last 20 years, some translators have been endeavouring to present works that have a universal reach or to enhance the literary heritage common to both Greek and Turkish people.Η τουρκική λογοτεχνία έχει ικανοποιητική παρουσία στην εκδοτική ελληνική αγορά. Αυτή η παρουσία όμως έχει και τα προβλήματά της. Έμεινε πολύν καιρό περιορισμένη σε ένα κλισέ εξωτισμό ή σε πολιτικές διεκδικήσεις. Όμως ορισμένοι μεταφραστές από δύο δεκαετίες προσπαθούν να παρουσιάζουν έργα με παγκόσμια ακτινοβολία ή να αξιοπιούν τις λογοτεχνικές κληρονομιές κοινές στους Έλληνες και στους Τούρκους

    Investigating the Spread of Oral Parasites Between University Students and Schools in Samarra City

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    An investigation of oral parasites Trichomonas tenax and Entamoeba gingivalis was conducted from November 2021 to May2022 in the parasite laboratory of the Faculty of Applied Sciences/Samarra University. Participants included Samarra University students as well as primary and middle school students for both sexes. 100 saliva samples, mouthwash water and gum swabs were examined for different age groups (10-40 years) using direct swabs and wet slide preparation. Study results indicate a total incidence of 57% for the E. gingivalis parasite and 1% for the T. tenax. E. gingivalis. Among females and males, the highest percentage was found in the males' age group (10-15) at 73.6%, whereas the females' age group (31-35) had the highest proportion at 100%for Trichomonas. A correlation was found between gingivitis and amoebia-oral alert at 22%, while those with healthy gums but suffering from dental decay were 78% with moral differences calculated at a probability level of (p<0.05). As of the current study, oral parasite prevalence did not appear to be correlated with smoking, diabetes, the standard of living, or educational level