13 research outputs found

    Genetic Variability Induced by Gamma Radiation in Cowpea [(Vigna unguiculata L. (Walp)] in Burkina Faso

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    Cowpea is a good source of protein, minerals, and vitamins in most developing countries in Africa. However, this legume production is still limited by various biotic and abiotic constraints. Beyond these constraints, the pressure of conventional breeding methods on natural variability exhausted a narrow genetic base of cowpea. Therefore, it is important to explore other ways of broadening the genetic base of the crop. Gamma irradiation is an alternative to increase genetic variability and improve the genetic base of crops. This paper focuses on evaluating the level and structuring of agro-morphological variability induced by gamma radiation among M2 plants of cowpea genotype. So, Tiligre, Moussa local, and KVx396-4-5-2D genotypes were treated with 150 Gy of gamma rays. The M2 generation was then screened for genetic variability. Thus, 38 M1 plants (either 38 x 10 seeds) by genotypes are advanced to the M2 generation based on the plant by line method. Four (04) agro-morphological parameters were used to assess phenotypical variability. Analysis of variance showed a highly significant difference between the families of plants except those of KVx396-4-5-2D for the flowering time. The maximum variability was observed for the number of branches and the length of the peduncles with a very high coefficient of variation. A high broad-sense heritability was recorded for all measured traits (>75%) of Moussa Local; for plant height (81.1%) of KVx396-4-5-2D, for first flower date (80.2%), and peduncles length (78.6%) of Tiligre. Based on phenotypic characters, the principal component analysis (PCA) and the cluster analysis showed variation among genotypes irradiated, and they were grouped into four clusters in KVx-396-4-5-2D, six clusters in Moussa local and Tiligre populations. So, 150 Gy dose of γ-rays was effective to induce variability in morphological and phenological characters within cowpea genotypes

    Agro-morphological characterization of selected varieties of vegetable cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] in Burkina Faso

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    Vegetable Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is one of the neglected legumes in Burkina Faso, and as a result, its genetic diversity remains poorly known. The main aim of this study was to know its genetic variability through an agro-morphological characterization. Twenty vegetable cowpea varieties were evaluated at the Kamboinsé Environmental, Agricultural and Training Research Center following a three-replication Fischer block design under rainfed conditions. Fifteen quantitative and nine qualitative variables were collected and subjected to various statistical analyses. Analysis of variance was significant for the variables 50% flowering, vegetable cowpea date, number of pods obtained per plant, number of seeds per pod, fresh pod weight, fresh pod yield, pod length, plant height, seed length and chlorophyll content. Strong correlations were also reported between the various variables. The observed diversity is structured in three morphological groups viz., Group 1 consists of individuals with early flowering, high chlorophyll content and the number of pods obtained per plant. Group 2 brings together the varieties of average agronomic performance for pod length, the number of pods per plant, number of days at 95% maturity, fresh pod weight, yield of fresh pods and group 3 of varieties with long pods, early green date, high pod weight and good fresh pod yield. Among the tested varieties, the varieties IT83S-872 (30 pods), IT84S-2246 (27 pods), Baguette (25 pods), IT83S-818 (26 pods), and IT85F-2682 (24 pods) stood out for their high pod production. In addition, the varieties of vegetable cowpea baguette, baguette grimpant, Telma, and IT83S-911 showed the best performance in terms of early vegetable cowpea date stage, longest pods, highest pod weight and best yield of fresh pods. The high genetic variability level within the tested varieties could be exploited in future green cowpea breeding programmes

    Genetic Analysis of Flower Bud Thrips Resistance (Megalurothrips sjostedti) in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) in Burkina Faso

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    Cowpea is an important grain legume in sub Saharan Africa where its protein rich grains are consumed. However, its production is hampered by some major constraints including flower bud thrips (Megalurothrips sjostedti) that can cause 60% to total crop yield loss. Therefore, the development of resistant varieties becomes necessary. Thus, the present study was designed to determine the inheritance and elucidate the genetic control of cowpea resistance to thrips. Generation mean analysis model was exploited to assess the mode of inheritance of the resistance to flower bud thrips in cowpea using six generations (P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1P1 and BC1P2) derived from cross of Komcallé and Sanzi. Parameters such as number of flowers abortion per plant, number of pods per plant, thrips damage, number of thrips per plant and 100 seeds weight were exploited for progenies evaluation. Generation mean analysis revealed the existence of additive (a), additive x dominance (ad) and dominance x dominance (dd) effects as the mode of gene action predominantly involved into cowpea for thrips resistance control. Number of effective factors for thrips damage control varied from 3 (number of aborted flowers per plant) to 6 (weight of 100 seeds). Estimated Broad and narrow sense heritabilities for flower bud thrips resistance were low indicating large effect of the environment on the trait

    Genetic Diversity of Jatropha curcas in Burkina Faso Revealed by Microsatellite Markers

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    Jatropha curcas L. is a perennial oleaginous plant commonly used in tropical areas as a medicinal plant in the construction of defensive hedges against animals, and in the fight against water erosion. It produces oil which can be used as agrofuel or soap-making. Despite its potential, the species remain under-exploited and its genetic diversity is still not very well-known in Burkina Faso. This paper focuses on determining the level and structure of the genetic diversity of 50 accessions collected in three phytogeographical sectors of the country using 12 microsatellite markers. Resultsrevealed a total of 37 alleles in the studied population with an average of 3 alleles per locus, a number of 2.717 effective alleles, and a Shannon diversity index of 1.663. Mean observed heterozygosity and mean expected heterozygosity were 0.144 and 0.356, respectively. Accessions were structured into three genetic groups. The high genetic distance of 0.177 was observed between groups A and B, and a low genetic distance of 0.075 was observed between groups B and C. These preliminary results showed that microsatellites are promising tools that can be used for the characterization of J. curcas. They indicate that the population studied has a low genetic diversity, but it is sufficient to develop programs for conservation and sustainable development of the species

    Implémentation du Field Epidemiology Training Programme Frontline au Burkina Faso, 2016 à 2019: leçons apprises et Défis: Implementation of the Frontline Field Epidemiology Training Programme in Burkina Faso, 2016 to 2019: Lessons Learned and Challenges

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    Introduction: Dans le contexte de l'agenda de la sécurité mondiale de la santé lancé en 2015. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC Atlanta) a initié le renforcement de capacités des acteurs dans l'épidémiologie de terrain Frontline (FETP). Pour l'implémentation du programme, des réunions, une évaluation de base, le recrutement et formation de mentors, sélection et formation de participants en utilisant l'approche « One Health », travaux de terrain, supervision et interviews de sortie ont été menés. Au Burkina Faso ce programme a commencé en avril 2016. L'objectif de cette étude était de décrire le processus d'implémentation, les défis et les leçons apprises. Méthodes: Une étude transversale rétrospective qualitative à visée descriptive conduite d'avril 2016 à septembre 2019 incluant tous les participants. Des interviews et une revue documentaire avaient été réalisés. Résultats: L'évaluation de base avait montré un besoin dans le renforcement des capacités pour le système de surveillance. Au total 22 mentors formés. Fin décembre 2019, neuf cohortes (100%) formées dont 6 (75%) avec approche « One Health ». Au total 210 participants devraient être formés sans distinction de sexe, ainsi 267 capacités (127%). Sur les 267 formés, 22 femmes (8%). Deux qui n'ont pas achevé la formation (0,7%), un décès (0,3%). Au total 1040 travaux réalisés. Les défis restent le suivi post formation, les mutations des agents formés et la pérennisation. Conclusion: L'implémentation de FETP Frontline au Burkina Faso a été effective et a fait face à plusieurs défis et des leçons apprises ont été tirées. Il est recommandé la poursuite de ces formations pour le renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la surveillance. Introduction: In the context of the global health security agenda launched in 2015, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC Atlanta) initiated capacity building for stakeholders in Frontline Field Epidemiology (FETP). To implement the programme, meetings, a baseline assessment, recruitment and training of mentors, selection and training of participants using the "One Health" approach, fieldwork, supervision and exit interviews were conducted. In Burkina Faso this programme started in April 2016. The objective of this study was to describe the implementation process, challenges and lessons learned. Methods: A retrospective qualitative descriptive cross-sectional study conducted from April 2016 to September 2019 including all participants. Interviews and a literature review were conducted. Results: The baseline assessment showed a need in capacity building for the surveillance system. In total 22 mentors trained. By the end of December 2019, nine cohorts (100%) trained, of which six (75%) with a "One Health" approach. A total of 210 participants should be trained regardless of gender, thus 267 were trained (127%). Of the 267 trained, 22 were women (8%). Two did not complete the training (0.7%), one died (0.3%). A total of 1,040 works were completed. The challenges remain post-training follow-up, transfers of trained agents and sustainability. Conclusion: The implementation of FETP Frontline in Burkina Faso was effective, faced several challenges and lessons were learned. It is recommended that these training sessions be continued in order to strengthen the capacities of surveillance actors

    Extending seasonal malaria chemoprevention to five cycles: a pilot study of feasibility and acceptability in Mangodara district, Burkina Faso.

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    BACKGROUND: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) involves administering antimalarial drugs at monthly intervals during the high malaria transmission period to children aged 3 to 59 months as recommended by the World Health Organization. Typically, a full SMC course is administered over four monthly cycles from July to October, coinciding with the rainy season. However, an analysis of rainfall patterns suggest that the malaria transmission season is longer and starting as early as June in the south of Burkina Faso, leading to a rise in cases prior to the first cycle. This study assessed the acceptability and feasibility of extending SMC from four to five cycles to coincide with the earlier rainy season in Mangodara health district. METHODS: The mixed-methods study was conducted between July and November 2019. Quantitative data were collected through end-of-cycle and end-of-round household surveys to determine the effect of the additional cycle on the coverage of SMC in Mangodara. The data were then compared with 22 other districts where SMC was implemented by Malaria Consortium. Eight focus group discussions were conducted with caregivers and community distributors and 11 key informant interviews with community, programme and national-level stakeholders. These aimed to determine perceptions of the acceptability and feasibility of extending SMC to five cycles. RESULTS: The extension was perceived as acceptable by caregivers, community distributors and stakeholders due to the positive impact on the health of children under five. However, many community distributors expressed concern over the feasibility, mainly due to the clash with farming activities in June. Stakeholders highlighted the need for more evidence on the impact of the additional cycle on parasite resistance prior to scale-up. End-of-cycle survey data showed no difference in coverage between five SMC cycles in Mangodara and four cycles in the 22 comparison districts. CONCLUSIONS: The additional cycle should begin early in the day in order to not coincide with the agricultural activities of community distributors. Continuous sensitisation at community level is critical for the sustainability of SMC and acceptance of an additional cycle, which should actively engage male caregivers. Providing additional support in proportion to the increased workload from a fifth cycle, including timely remuneration, is critical to avoid the demotivation of community distributors. Further studies are required to understand the effectiveness, including cost-effectiveness, of tailoring SMC according to the rainy season. Understanding the impact of an additional cycle on parasite resistance to SPAQ is critical to address key informants' concerns around the deviation from the current four-cycle policy recommendation

    Assessment of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Mutant Lines for Drought Tolerance

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    Cowpea provides the cheapest source of protein with an average range of protein content of 23–30%. However, cowpea growth, development, and yield are greatly affected by drought during flowering and pod filling in the sub-Sahelian areas. The best way to cope with this situation is to develop drought-tolerant cowpea varieties. The objective of this study was therefore to evaluate cowpea lines developed through mutagenesis using gamma radiation to assess their reaction under optimal and water-stressed conditions. The response of ten mutants-irradiated Moussa local was then evaluated in pots arranged in a split plot design in a screen house. Two conditions were applied with optimum and water-stressed conditions. The stress was applied for two weeks at flowering. Two cowpea varieties Gorom local (drought-tolerant) and Moussa local (susceptible) nonirradiated were used as checks. Thereafter, field trials under two different sowing dates were conducted to identify the best tolerant mutant line(s) using agromorphological and tolerance indicators. The results indicated that mutant lines (MoussaM51-4P10 and MoussaM43-20P14) exhibited better stress tolerance and produced higher yield under water stress conditions. Stress Tolerance Index (STI) was better to select cowpea mutant tolerant with higher yielding under moderate stress (SI = 35%). The study confirmed that water stress has a negative effect on cowpea seeds production and on leaf chlorophyll content. The high temperature during experiment increased water stress effect mainly on non-irradiated checks (Gorom local and Moussa local)

    Assessment of Genetic Diversity of a Collection of Senna obtusifolia (L.) Irwin and Barneby Using SSRs Markers in Burkina Faso

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    Sennaobtusifolia (L.) is a plant in the genus Senna that contributes to improving nutritional quality, food security, and better health protection for rural populations. However, very few studies have been devoted to it in Burkina Faso. Consequently, its genetic diversity remains poorly known. Such neglect would lead to the erosion of its genetic resource. The general objective of this study is to contribute to a better knowledge of the genetic diversity of the species in order to be able to issue scientific bases for its conservation, valorization, and genetic improvement. Sixty (60) accessions of Senna obtusifolia were collected in the wild from five provinces of three climatic zones of Burkina Faso. Molecular characterization was carried out using 18 SSR markers. Fifteen were polymorphic microsatellite markers leading one hundred and one (101) alleles in total, with an average of seven (7) alleles per locus. The number of effective alleles was 2.33. Expected heterozygosity, Shannon diversity index, and polymorphism information content averaged 0.47, 1.05, and 0.47. Molecular characterization revealed the existence of genetic diversity within the collection. This diversity has been structured into three genetic groups. Genetic group 3 presents the highest genetic diversity parameters

    Agromorphological Evaluation of 44 lines of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) Introduced in Burkina Faso

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    Mung bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) is an important annual legume which is well suited to dry areas, like Burkina Faso where it is still an orphan legume. The present study was conducted to evaluate 44 mung bean genotypes introduced in Burkina Faso and to determine genetic diversity in this collection using both quantitative and qualitative traits. A field experiment was conducted in an augmented bloc design with three blocks and an extraearly maturing cowpea variety as check. Data were recorded on six (06) quantitative traits and seven (07) qualitative traits. For qualitative traits, diversity was revealed in four parameters including hypocotyl’s color, seed coat color, pods and stem pubescence. Significant genetic variability was revealed among genotypes for all the quantitative characters. Phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) was higher than Genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) for all characters studied indicating the influence of environmental effect on the characters. The GCV and PCV estimates were high for number of pods per plant followed by plant height and hundred seeds weigh. The high heritability coupled with high genetic advanced as percent of mean observed for these traits suggest an important genetic gain in genetic improvement for these characters. The genetic diversity observed was grouped into five clusters. Mungbean lines were grouped into four clusters and the cowpea variety used as check crop in this trial was clustered apart. This genetic diversity, both qualitatively and quantitatively, will help enrich local biodiversity in terms of legumes in general and mung bean in particular and constitutes an important basis for a future mungbean breeding program

    Selection and validation of marker set for selection of resistant varieties of cowpea to Cowpea Aphid-borne Mosaic Virus (CABMV) in Burkina Faso

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    Objective: This study aims to validate of marker set for selection of resistant varieties of Cowpea Aphid-borneMosaic Virus.Methodology and results: A molecular characterization of five genotypes using seventeen (17) SSR markers was carried out.Conclusion and application of results: This study make it possible to identify four (4) polymorphic microsatellite markers (VM30, VM33, VM68 and VM70), that is to say a rate of 23, 52% of polymorphism versus 76, 47% of monomorphism. Two of the polymorphic markers- VM68 and VM30 were submitted to the test of validation. At the end of this test, VM68 was codominant, because it makes it possible to distinguish the heterozygous individuals (F1, BC1 F1) from the homozygous individuals (F2) while the marker VM30 was dominating. The marker VM68 was validated and proposed in selection assisted by the markers of cowpea for resistance to CABMV.Keywords: cowpea, Cowpea Aphid-borne Mosaic Virus ((CABMV), Microsatellites, Validation, Burkina Fas