15 research outputs found

    Determination of carbohydrates in the herbal antidiabetic mixtures by GC-MC

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    Due to the wide range of biologically active substances, the herbal mixtures can influence the development of diabetes mellitus and its complications. Carbohydrates attract particular attention due to their hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, anticholesterolemic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying activities. The aim of this study was to investigate the content of carbohydrates through their monomeric composition in the herbal mixture samples: a) Urtica dioica leaf, Cichorium intybus roots, Rosa majalis fruits, Elymys repens rhizome, Taraxacum officinale roots, b) Arctium lappa roots, Elymys repens rhizome, Zea mays columns with stigmas, Helichrysum arenarium flowers, Rosa majalis fruits, c) Inula helenium rhizome with roots, Helichrysi arenarium flowers, Zea mays columns with stigmas, Origanum vulgare herb, Rosa majalis fruits, Taraxacum officinale roots, d) Cichorium intybus roots, Elymys repens rhizome, Helichrysum arenarium flowers, Rosa majalis fruits, Zea mays columns with stigmas and e) Urtica dioica leaf, Taraxacum officinale roots, Vaccinium myrtillus leaf, Rosa majalis fruits, Mentha piperita herb, which were used in Ukrainian folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2. The carbohydrates were separated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after conversion into volatile aldononitrile acetate derivatives. The monomeric composition of polysaccharides was studied after their hydrolysis to form monosaccharides and polyalcohols. Quantitative analyses of free carbohydrates showed that the predominant sugars were fructose, glucose and disaccharide – sucrose, in all samples. Concerning the determination of polysaccharide monomers after hydrolysis, glucose was the most abundant in all samples. The chromatographic study revealed a number of polyalcohols that are important for the treatment and prevention of progression of diabetes mellitus and its complications, namely, mannitol, pinitol and myo-inositol

    Створення випробувального стенду кіберзахищеної бортової системи безпілотного авіаційного комплексу для розпізнавання наземних природних, інфраструктурних об’єктів і транспортних засобів

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    Об’єкт дослідження: 1) процес відцентрового робочого насоса та насосне обладнання; 2) процес машинного навчання автономної бортової системи розпізнавання наземних природних та інфраструктурних об’єктів. Мета роботи: 1. Підвищення напірності ступенів насосних агрегатів та забезпечення вібраційної надійності функціональних елементів комплексної гідродинамічної системи на основі удосконалення конструкцій насосного обладнання атомних електростанцій (АЕС) шляхом розроблення технічних проєктів насосів водозабезпечення та допоміжних систем. 2. Удосконалення систем автономної навігації шляхом створення бортової системи, здатної розпізнавати системні і зовнішні трафіки, виявляти кібератаки та несанкціоновані вторгнення

    Determination of fatty acid composition content in the herbal antidiabetic collections

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    It was determined the qualitative composition and the quantitative content of fatty acids in the herbal antidiabetic collection № 3, № 4, № 7, № 13, № 19, which are used in folk medicine for prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2 in Ukraine by GC/MS method. According to the results it was identified 8 fatty acids in the herbal antidiabetic collection № 3, 13 fatty acids in the herbal antidiabetic collection № 4, 12 fatty acids in the herbal antidiabetic collection № 7, 13 fatty acids in the herbal antidiabetic collection № 13 and 11 fatty acids in the herbal antidiabetic collection № 19. The saturated fatty acids were found to be dominated in the raw plant material. The results of the quantitative research showed that the herbal antidiabetic collection № 3 contains 16.13 mg/g of fatty acids, the herbal antidiabetic collection № 4 – 27.17 mg/g, the herbal antidiabetic collection № 7 – 31.98 mg/g, the herbal antidiabetic collection № 13 – 27.37 mg/g, the herbal antidiabetic collection № 19 – 18.79 mg/g. The GC/MS analysis of the fatty acid composition in the herbal antidiabetic collections has shown that this raw material has a lot of fatty acids, which can have a positive effect for the treatment and prevention of diabetes mellitus type 2

    Determination of inulin in the herbal mixtures by GC-MS method

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    The herbal mixtures due to the wide range of biologically active substances can influence on various links of the pathogenetic mechanism of development of diabetes mellitus and its complications. The carbohydrates, especially inulin, deserve the particular attention through their hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, anticholesterolemic and detoxifying activities. The aim of the study was to investigate the content of inulin in the herbal mixtures No. 3, No. 4, No. 7, No. 13 and No. 19, which are used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2 in Ukraine. The quantity content of inulin was defined by the difference between fructose as a product of enzymatic hydrolysis and fructose, a constituent of sucrose and free fructose, taking into account the empirical factor for the conversion of fructose from inulin. The carbohydrates were separated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after conversion into volatile derivatives as aldononitrile acetate. According to the results, the herbal mixture No. 3 contains 458.97 mg/g of inulin, the herbal mixture No. 4 – 99.21 mg/g, the herbal mixture No. 7 – 139.93 mg/g, the herbal mixture No. 13 – 203.84 mg/g, the herbal mixture No. 19 – 359.65 mg/g. The availability of inulin and its high content in the investigated herbal mixtures due to the presence of inulin-containing medicinal plants, such as Cichorium intubus roots (mixtures No. 3 and No. 13), Taraxacum officinale roots (mixtures No. 3, No. 7 and No. 19), Arctium lappa roots (mixture No. 4), Inula helenium rhizome with roots (mixture No. 7)

    Дослідження вмісту карбонових кислот у рослинних зборах методом ВЕРХ

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    The aim of the study was to research the qualitative composition and to investigate the quantitative content of some carboxylic acids in the herbal mixtures with established hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and antioxidant activity in previous studies in vivo. Materials and methods. Studies of carboxylic acid content in the herbal mixtures were performed by HPLC analysis using Agilent Technologies 1200 liquid chromatograph (USA). Identification and quantitative analysis were performed using standard solutions of carboxylic compounds (tartaric, pyruvic, isocitric, citric, succinic and fumaric acids). Conclusions. HPLC analysis of five samples of the herbal mixture with antidiabetic activity showed the presence of six carboxylic acids. The dominant acid in all samples was isocitric acid. Among the most important for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, high levels of succinic and fumaric acids have been identified and established. The obtained data indicate a correlation between the phytochemical composition of the studied herbal mixtures and their pharmacodynamics, which was previously establishedЦель. Целью работы было изучить качественный состав и исследовать количественное содержание некоторых карбоновых кислот в растительных сборах, что имеют установленную гипогликемическую, гиполипидемическую и антиоксидантную активность в предыдущих исследованиях in vivo. Материалы и методы. Исследование содержания карбоновых кислот в растительных сборах выполняли методом ВЭЖХ с помощью жидкостного хроматографа Agilent Technologies 1200 (США). Идентификацию и количественный анализ проводили с использованием стандартных растворов карбоновых соединений (винной, пировиноградной, изолимонной, лимонной, янтарной и фумаровой кислот). Результаты. По результатам хроматографического исследования было установлено, что в исследуемых образцах содержится в большом количестве изолимонная кислота, содержание которой составляет (45,22±0,04) мг/г в растительном сборе № 3, (63,65±0,06) мг/г в растительном сборе № 4, (7,51±0,02) мг/г в растительном сборе № 7, (2,54±0,01) мг/г в растительном сборе № 13 и (43,48±0,05) мг/г в растительном сборе № 19. Кроме этого было обнаружено высокое содержание янтарной кислоты, как важного регулятора митохондриальной дисфункции и фумаровой кислоты, как мощного иммуномодулирующего, противовоспалительного и антиоксидантного агента. Выводы. ВЭЖХ анализ пяти образцов растительных сборов с антидиабетической активностью показал наличие шести карбоновых кислот. Доминирующей кислотой во всех образцах была изолимонная кислота. Среди наиболее важных для профилактики и лечения сахарного диабета было идентифицировано и установлено высокое количественное содержание янтарной и фумаровой кислот. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о наличии корреляционной связи между фитохимическим составом изучаемых растительных сборов и их фармакодинамикой, установленной предварительноМета. Метою роботи було вивчити якісний склад та дослідити кількісний вміст деяких карбонових кислот у рослинних зборах, що мають встановлену гіпоглікемічну, гіполіпідемічну та антиоксидантну активність у попередніх дослідженнях in vivo. Матеріали та методи. Дослідження вмісту карбонових кислот у рослинних зборах виконували методом ВЕРХ за допомогою рiдинного хроматографа Agilent Technologies 1200 (США). Ідентифікацію та кількісний аналіз проводили з використанням стандартних розчинів карбонових сполук (винної, піровиноградної, ізолимонної, лимонної, бурштинової та фумарової кислот). Результати. За результатами хроматографічного дослідження було встановлено, що у досліджуваних зразках міститься в найбільшій кількості ізолимонна кислота, вміст якої становить (45,22±0,04) мг/г у рослинному зборі № 3, (63,65±0,06) мг/г у рослинному зборі № 4, (7,51±0,02) мг/г у рослинному зборі № 7, (2,54±0,01) мг/г у рослинному зборі № 13 та (43,48±0,05) мг/г у рослинному зборі № 19. Окрім цього було виявлено високий вміст бурштинової кислоти, як важливого регулятора мітохондріальної дисфункції та фумарової кислоти, як потужного імуномодулюючого, протизапального та антиоксидантного агента. Висновки. ВЕРХ аналіз п’яти зразків рослинних зборів з антидіабетичною активністю показав наявність шести карбонових кислот. Домінуючою кислотою у всіх зразках була ізолимонна кислота. Серед найбільш важливих для профілактики та лікування цукрового діабету було ідентифіковано та встановлено високий кількісний вміст бурштинової та фумарової кислот. Отримані дані свідчать про наявність кореляційного зв’язку між фітохімічним складом досліджуваних рослинних зборів та їх фармакодинамікою, що було встановлено попереднь

    Analysis of inulin and fructans in Taraxacum officinale L. roots as the main inulin-containing component of antidiabetic herbal mixture

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    Herbs and their combinations due to the wide range of biologically active substances can influence on various links of the pathogenetic mechanism of development of diabetes mellitus and its complications. One of such combinations is an antidiabetic herbal mixture with established hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, pancreatoprotective activity in previous pharmacological study in vivo that including an inulin-containing component – Taraxacum officinale L. roots. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the quantitative content of inulin and fructans in Taraxacum officinale L. Quantity content of inulin was determined by the difference between fructose as a product of enzymatic hydrolysis and D-fructose, a constituent of sucrose and free D-fructose, taking into account the empirical factor for the conversion of D-fructose from inulin. Carbohydrates used in the calculation of inulin were separated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after conversion into volatile derivatives as aldononitrile acetate. According to the results, Taraxacum officinale L. roots contain 436.29 mg/g of inulin. Total content of fructans was determined by spectrophotometric analysis as a product of acid hydrolysis of 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural. The results show that Taraxacum officinale L. roots contain 39.49% of fructans. The obtained results are evidence that this plant component should be included in the herbal antidiabetic mixture, because due to the presence of fructans and inulin causes hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and detoxification activity

    Analysis of fatty acid composition content in the plant components of antidiabetic herbal mixture by GC-MS

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    Medical plants and their combinations due to the wide range of biologically active substances can influence on various links of the pathogenetic mechanism of development of diabetes mellitus and its complications. One of such combinations is an anidiabetic herbal mixture (Urtica dioica L. leaf, Rosa majalis L. fruits, Vaccinium myrtillus L. leaf, Mentha piperita L. herb and Taraxacum officinale L. roots) with established hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, pancreatoprotective activity in previous pharmacological study in vivo. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify and establish the fatty acid content in the plant components of antidiabetic herbal mixture. Fatty acids were separated by validated method of of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after conversion into methyl esters. The result showed that Urtica dioica L. leaf and Vaccinium myrtillus L. leaf contain 12 fatty acids (8 saturated, 2 monounsaturated and 2 polyunsaturated), Rosa majalis L. fruits and Taraxacum officinale L. roots – 13 fatty acids (9 saturated, 2 monounsaturated and 2 polyunsaturated) and Mentha piperita L. herb – 14 fatty acids (10 saturated, 2 monounsaturated and 2 polyunsaturated). The predominant long-chain carboxylic acids in all plant raw materials were unsaturated fatty acids, their content was 55.3% in Urtica dioica L. leaf, 64.7% in Rosa majalis L. fruits, 60.5% in Vaccinium myrtillus L. leaf, 64.3% in Mentha piperita L. herb and 51.7% in Taraxacum officinale L. roots. This indicates the feasibility of including each component in the antidiabetic herbal mixture in order to form anticholesterolemic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and neuroprotective activity, due to the high content of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids

    Screening Study of Hypoglycemic Activity of the Herbal Mixtures (Message 1)

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    The aim. To study the hypoglycemic activity of the herbal mixtures, which are used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2, but do not have a scientific basis and to establish their conditional therapeutic dose.Materials and methods. The study was performed on male albino rats weighing 180-200 g, which for preventive treatment during 20 days orally received aqueous extracts (1:10) of the studied herbal mixtures at a dose 6 mL/kg/day, 9 mL/kg/day and 12 mL/kg/day and comparison drugs – the officinal herbal mixtures “Arfazetin” at a dose 9 mL/kg/day and metformin tablets at a dose 60 mg/kg/day. The study of hypoglycemic properties and the establishment of a conditional therapeutic dose of the studied mixtures was carried out using glucose loading tests. All experiments were performed in accordance with general ethical principles with the recommendations of the EEC Council directive 2010/63/EU about the protection of animals, which are used for scientific purposes.Results. The results of the study showed that the 20-day preventive treatment by the herbal mixtures reduced alimentary hyperglycemia at the 30th minutes of OGTT and helped regulate carbohydrate tolerance disorders by reducing hyperglycemia at the 15th minutes of IPGTT. The highest hypoglycemic activity showed the herbal mixtures No. 3 (12 mL/kg/day) and No. 4 (12 mL/kg/day), which was almost on a par with the comparison drug –metformin tablets, but exceeded the officinal herbal mixture “Arfazetin”. In addition, the dose-dependence of the effectiveness of all five studied herbal mixtures was established.Conclusions. For the first time, it was conducted the screening study of hypoglycemic activity of the herbal mixtures, which are used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2. It was determined that the greatest effectiveness in terms of the ability to reduce alimentary hyperglycemia during OGTT and reduce impaired carbohydrate tolerance during IPGTT show the herbal mixtures No. 3 (which includes Urticea folia, Cichorii radices, Rosae fructus, Elymi repens rhizomata, Taraxaci radices) and No. 4 (which includes Arctii lappae radices, Elymi repens rhizomata, Maydis style cum sigmatis, Helichrysi arenarii flores, Rosae fructus). It was established their conditional therapeutic dose of 12 mL/kg/da

    Analysis of carbohydrates content in the plant components of antidiabetic herbal mixture by GC-MS

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    Medicinal plants and their combinations due to the wide range of biologically active substances can influence on various links of the pathogenetic mechanism of development of diabetes mellitus and its complications. One of such combinations is an antidiabetic herbal mixture (Urticae folia, Rosae frucrus, Myrtilli folia, Menthae folia and Taraxaci radices) with established hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, pancreatoprotective activity in previous pharmacological study in vivo. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify and establish the content of carbohydrates in free and bound form in the plant components of antidiabetic herbal mixture. The carbohydrates were separated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after conversion into volatile derivatives as aldononitrile acetate. The monomeric composition of polysaccharides was studied after their hydrolysis to form monosaccharides and polyalcohols. The results of the quantitative study showed that the predominant carbohydrate in free form was saccharose in Urticae folia, L-fructose in Myrtilli folia, Rosae frucrus, Taraxaci radices and Menthae folia, L-glucose in Rosae frucrus. Concerning the determination of monomers of polysaccharides after hydrolysis, L-glucose prevailed in all plant components of antidiabetic herbal mixture. The chromatographic study revealed a number of polyalcohols that are important for the treatment and prevention of progression of diabetes mellitus and its complications, namely, mannitol and myo-inositol

    Determination of amino acids content in two samples of the plant mixtures by GC-MS

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    Due to the wide range of biologically active substances, the plant mixtures can influence the development of diabetes mellitus and its complications. Amino acids attract particular attention due to their ability to stimulate insulin secretion, reduce hyperglycemia and regulate metabolic processes in patients with diabetes. The aim of this study was to investigate the content of amino acids in the plant mixture samples: 1) Cichorium intybus roots, Elymus repens rhizome, Helichrysum arenarium flowers, Rosa majalis fruits, Zea mays columns with stigmas, 2) Urtica dioica leaf, Taraxacum officinale roots, Vaccinium myrtillus leaf, Rosa majalis fruits, Mentha piperita herb, which have proven antidiabetic activity in studies in vivo. The amino acids were separated by validated method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with pre-column derivatisation. Quantitative analyses of amino acids showed that the predominant components were L-proline in the sample 1 and L-leucine and L-proline in the sample 2 of the plant mixtures