11 research outputs found

    Модель системи інтегрованих знань та умінь майбутніх правників

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    Ключові слова: інтегрований курс, модель професійної спрямованості підготовки, загальнопедагогічні принципи, методологічні підходи, інтегративний підхід, професійна спрямованість підготовки. The article suggests the model of training of future lawyers. The proposed model in this study involves the integration of humanities and professional disciplines. The judgments about the fundamental nature of the humanities in the training of future lawyers and their professional orientation are the basis of the model. The purpose of the model is to increase the readiness for future lawyers to the profession. The use of this model makes it possible to improve the success of training of future lawyers. The model of professionally oriented humanitarian training of the future lawyers is drafted which enhances the educational potential of foreign language education of the students. The use of this model makes it possible to increase the level of the successful training of future lawyers. The main methodological approaches to the formation of professionally directed training of future lawyers are selected. The teaching principles that enhance the level of professionally directed training of future specialists in law are highlighted. They are: the interdisciplinary communication, the integration of knowledge and skills, the content profiling, succession in studying, the continuity of learning. A number of conceptual principles are determined, in particular the development of integrated conceptual vision of the content of the training of future specialists in law based on the principles of educational philosophy, methodology, pedagogy, the use of the systematic, active, cognitive and personality-based approaches; the improvement of the quality of professional training of future law experts and its compliance with the requirements of the modern society that demands the integration processes of the learning content . The basic methodological approaches to modeling professionally directed training of future lawyers are stated. The principles of general professional orientation humanitarian training of future lawyers in higher education based on an integrative approach are highlighted. A professionally-directed discipline «Law with the elements of Political science and Country studies» is suggested. Key words: integrated course, the model of the professionally orientated training, general principles, methodological approaches, integrative approach, professional orientation training.У статті розроблено модель підготовки майбутніх правників. Запропонована у нашому дослідженні модель передбачає інтеграцію гуманітарних та фахових дисциплін. В основу моделі закладено судження про фундаментальний характер гуманітарних дисциплін у процесі підготовки майбутніх правників та їх професійна спрямованість. Метою розробленої моделі є підвищення готовності майбутніх правників до професійної діяльності. Використання такої моделі дає можливість підвищити рівень успішності навчання майбутніх правників. Визначено основні методологічні підходи моделювання професійно спрямованої підготовки майбутніх правників. Виділені загальнопедагогічні принципи до професійної спрямованості гуманітарної підготовки майбутніх правників у вищому навчальному закладі на засадах інтегративного підходу. Запропоновано впровадження інтегративного курсу «Право та політологія» як формування інтегральної професійної компетентності студентів

    Навчально-методичне забезпечення творчих робіт у процесі професійно-педагогічної підготовки

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    The purpose of the study is to test the effectiveness of scientific and methodological support of creative work in the process of professional and pedagogical training. In the course of the research it is found that the increase in the efficiency level of professional and professional training of the future vocational school teachers can take place on the basis of extensification and intensification. The necessity of creative works in the process of professional and pedagogical training is substantiated. It is determined that creative work can be considered as a process and result of activity; the result of professional and pedagogical training; implementation of creative ideas in professional activities. There are revealed the peculiarities of training and evaluation of creative works of future teachers of vocational training. There is studied the effectiveness of the factors of subjective influence on the performance of creative work, as well as the influence of the components of educational and methodological support on the process of performing creative work and the effectiveness of the criteria for evaluating creative work. There is proved the effectiveness of educational and methodological support at the stages of preparation, implementation, evaluation of creative work in the process of professional and pedagogical training of future vocational schools teachers.Метою дослідження є перевірка ефективності науково-методичного забезпечення творчих робіт у процесі професійно-педагогічної підготовки. У процесі дослідження з’ясовано, що підвищення рівня ефективності професійно-педагогічної підготовки майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання може відбуватися на основі шляхів екстенсифікації та інтенсифікації. Обґрунтовано необхідність творчих робіт у процесі професійно-педагогічної підготовки. Визначено, що творчу роботу можна розглядати як процес та результат діяльності; результат професійно-педагогічної підготовки; втілення творчого задуму в професійній діяльності. Виявлено особливості підготовки та оцінювання творчих робіт майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання. Досліджено ефективність чинників суб’єктного впливу на виконання творчих робіт; вплив компонентів навчально-методичного забезпечення на процес виконання творчих робіт; ефективність критеріїв оцінювання творчих робіт. Доведено ефективність навчально-методичного забезпечення на етапах підготовки, виконання, оцінювання творчих робіт у процесі професійно-педагогічної підготовки майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання

    Future Translator Training Based on an Integrated Approach

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    The aim of this research is to identify the efficiency of an integrated approach for the provision of high-quality professional training for future translators. The analysis uses a model that involves a case study based on integrated activity and competence-based approaches. It was tested on the translation of scientific and technical literature, which is a subject that is included in the educational and vocational program for training students majoring in philology and translation. To analyze data obtained during the pedagogical experiment, and to consider the dynamics of changes in the levels of bilingual, extralinguistic, interpretive, and personality development sub-competences (components of translation competence of students), we used STATA software and online resources for calculating independent t-test samples. The conducted research proved the efficiency of the experimental model involving the case study based on integrated activity and competence-based approaches to form and develop the translation competence of future translators. We found that the experimental model applied in the process of professional translator training had the most significant impact on the formation and development of extralinguistic sub-competence, interpreting sub-competence (which includes knowledge of general principles of translation, knowledge of means of automated translation and electronic dictionaries, skills and abilities of their use in practice), and bilingual sub-competency. The study proved that the model contributed to students’ educational motivation and learning of moral and ethical rules that apply to life and work

    Multimodal Interaction in a Foreign Language Class at Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine

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    In the current study, multimodal interaction is based on the mutual integration of understanding of multimodality in philological and pedagogical perspectives. The purpose of the article was to analyze and compare the results of learning a foreign language (German) for professional purposes (German for Economists) with an emphasis on multimodal interaction and without it (in a way of traditional language learning with a predominance of classical methods of classroom and extracurricular activities)

    Efficiency of Integration of Knowledge, Forms and Methods of Education of Students in Vocational-Technical School

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    The article demonstrates the expediency of integrating of knowledge of the structure and properties of substance and building materials. It is shown that this approach avoids duplication of related material, overcomes inconsistency in the interpretation of concepts, the use of quantities and units of their measurements. Didactic requirements for the implementation of the ideas of integrated learning of related material are substantiated, the integrated content of knowledge of the substance and materials is worked out, different forms and methods of knowledge integration are tested depending on the nature of the integrated material. Special feedback from teachers of special technology and masters of industrial training is received. The training offered by our programs also receives a positive assessment of the students due to the decrease in the workload, the reduction of homework with the same educational significance, the availability of special concepts, the emergence of interest in the study of physics. The experiment reveals that integrated lessons, lectures, laboratory and tests, as well as integrated questions, tasks with integrated content, concretization and supplementation of physical knowledge with general and special ones, use of complex tasks, etc. are found to be effective forms of knowledge integration. Generalization of the results of the experimental work shows the benefits of learning oriented programs that involve the integration of students’ knowledge about the structure and properties of substance and building materials. It is important not to overburden any educational process with excessive integration, but to focus on its optimal use: in fact, the laws of educational integrology are aimed at it

    The Structure of Future Translators’ Training in Higher Schools on the Basis of Integration

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    У статті зосереджено увагу на тому, що компетентність визначає рівень виконання тієї чи іншої діяльності, а компетенція – надання повноважень особи в її виконанні. Зазначено, що сформованість професійної компетентності є системою, між компонентами якої існують функціональні залежності. Обумовлено, що результат сформованості професійної компетентності – це кваліфікований і компетентний фахівець, який володіє професійною якістю діяльності Зосереджено увагу на тому, що професійна компетентність є результатом професійної підготовки та характеризує теоретичну, практичну і психологічну готовність майбутнього фахівця до реалізації професійної діяльності. Під професійними вміннями перекладача ми розуміємо вміння психологічно і методично грамотно здійснювати свою професійну діяльність.The article focuses on the fact that competence determines the level of performance of a particular activity, and competency – the granting of authority to a person in its performance. It is noted that formation of professional competence is a system of the components which are functionally related. It is stipulated that the result of the formation of professional competence is a qualified and competent specialist with professional quality of activity. It is focused on the fact that professional competence is the result of professional training and characterizes the theoretical, practical and psychological readiness of the future specialist to carry out professional activities. Requirements for a modern specialist include his high productivity, flexibility, ability to adapt to rapid changes in the conditions of the industry. The professional skills of a translator are considered as the ability to psychologically and methodologically competently carry out their professional activities aimed at the formation of translation competence, which determines the ability to participate in intercultural communication. The professional competence of a translator depends on the state of development of psychological, pedagogical and philological sciences, anthropology and culturology, philosophy of education, as well as social development of society. The criteria for assessing the level of professional competence are defined as following: linguistic and cultural; personal and motivational; communicative-activity. The following components of readiness of future translators for professional readiness are determined: cognitive-integrative, motivational-orientational and professionalcommunicative. Levels of professional development are determined by a set of criteria and indicators: low, medium, sufficient, high. The formation of professional competence of the future translator is the ability to justify their choice and be critical of their actions. The professional competence of a translator depends on the state of development of psychological, pedagogical and philological sciences, as well as the social development of society

    Current State of the Practice of Professional Training of Future Translators in Higher School

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    У статті висвітлюється й узагальнюється стан підготовки майбутніх перекладачів у ЗВО на засадах інтегративного підходу. У дослідженні використано такі методи: аналіз сутності професійної підготовки та інтегративного підходу у професійній підготовці фахівців, класифікація принципів навчання, порівняння та асиміляція різних підходів до професійної підготовки, виділення причин низького рівня професійної підготовки, узагальнення результатів дослідження. Обумовлено, що реалізація професійної підготовки майбутніх перекладачів у контексті інтегративного підходу забезпечує збереження логічної та змістовної цілісності і єдності різноциклових дисциплін. Обґрунтовано, що для реалізації професійної підготовки та готовності до професійної діяльності майбутніх перекладачів у ЗВО наявні навчальні програми і плани потребують удосконалення та доопрацювання.The article highlights and summarizes the state of training of future translators in higher schools on the basis of an integrative approach. The study uses the following methods: analysis of the essence of training and integrative approach in training, classification of teaching principles, comparison and assimilation of different approaches to training, highlighting the causes of low levels of training, generalization of research results. It is concluded that to ensure readiness for professional translation activities means to create conditions for learning, development and self-realization in the educational process. It is specified that language specialists’ training has a professionally-oriented application based on professional-role behavior of a specialist in different situations of personal-business interaction with the use of the latest interactive technologies, which ensures the effectiveness of professional communicative competence. Implementation of professional training of future translators in the context of an integrative approach ensures preservation of logical and meaningful integrity and unity of multicultural disciplines. Ensuring professional orientation is integrative and gives positive results. It is stipulated that implementation of professional training of future translators in the context of an integrative approach ensures preservation of logical and meaningful integrity and unity of multidisciplinary disciplines. It is substantiated that in order to implement professional training and readiness for professional activity of future translators in higher schools, the existing curricula and plans need to be improved and refined. It is shown that readiness of future translators for professional activity comprises interaction of motivational-orientational, cognitive-integrative, professional-communicative components. Three approaches to future translators training are proposed: traditional; existing partial integration; integrative, which was applied to foreign language teaching and special disciplines. The following indicators of criteria of formation of components of readiness of future translators for professional activity are defined: the attitude of future translators to professional activity; interests; motives; level of awareness of professional choice; desire to improve their knowledge and skills; striving for self-realization and self-improvement; orientation in the field of interstate and transnational cooperation; awareness of social relations; interaction with representatives of other cultures; international communication; competence; integration of knowledge; formation of professional ideas; development of professional qualities; ability to operate effectively in an international environment; mastery of methods and techniques of professional activity; ability to assess and resolve professional situations; professional behavior

    Integration of Students’ Soft and Hard Skills in Automotive Vocational and Technical Schools

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    The article presents the author’s integrated course, which is directly aimed at the parallel development of students’ soft- and hard-skills who master the profession in the automotive industry. Hard skills formation requires the acquisition of professional knowledge and implementation of instructions that can be tested through the exam. In contract, softskills include general, supra-professional skills (social, intellectual and volitional competencies, sociability, teamwork skills, leadership skills, creativity, punctuality , emotion management skills, etc.). In the coming years, significant changes are forecast in the automotive industry, in the design of heat engines, aimed not only at their improvement in particular, but also at the use of fundamentally new designs and types of engines. Under such conditions, a significant number of specialists will be forced to retrain, in the process of which fundamental training, the formation of softskills in particular, should be a significant help. It is covered a long time to quantify the effectiveness of the integrated special course, and three leading softskills (critical thinking, creativity and cognitive flexibility) are identified. It is concluded that the integration of softand hard skills is an effective means of developing knowledge, skills and thinking, which contributes to improving the professionalism of professionals. The study of the proposed author’s course gives positive changes in the professional competence of future automotive professionals

    Integration Methods as a Means of Improving the Level of Teachers’ Professional Training

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    This article suggests one of the possible ways of integrating teaching methods from the integration methods developed by the authors, namely: the integration based on the dominant teaching method. The article aims to substantiate the author’s methods of integrative teaching based on the dominant method and present the results of the approbation of these methods in higher schools. The project was implemented within the course “Medical Biophysics”. An integration algorithm as a dominant teaching method is proposed. The project contained several specific techniques. In the first specific method, the situational method is chosen as the dominant one. For the second one, the method of trials and coincidences is dominant. For diagnostics as a complex topic in medicine, physics, chemistry and other sciences, the problem method as dominant is dominant. In all methods, several other methods are gradually integrated into the dominant method, depending on the content and nature of the educational material. The practical significance of the project is to create algorithms for integrating teaching methods and the possibility of their transformation into other educational topics. The approbation shows an increase in the indicators of saving time and flexibility of knowledge

    Development of the Professional Competences of Future Constructors in the Process of the Learning Methods Integration

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    Метою статті є обґрунтування дидактичних умов формування професійної компетентності майбутніх будівельників у процесі інтеграції методів навчання. Методи дослідження: теоретичні, емпіричні та статистичні. Практичне значення дослідження: розроблена методика інтеграції методів навчання фахових предметів майбутніх будівельників на базі навчального процесу підготовки спеціалістів напряму 0921 «Промислове і цивільне будівництво». Висновки та перспективи подальших наук розвідок: досягнуто збалансований рівень знань; зростання глибини фахових знань і спроможності студентів оперувати ними; збільшення рівня якості фахових знань тощо. Подальшими напрямами є поширення методики на ширше коло спеціальностей.The goal of the article is to substantiate the didactic conditions for development of the professional competences of future constructors in the process of the learning methods integration. Professional competence is an integral complex of knowledge, skills, qualities, professional and valuable positions of a constructor. Professional training should involve integrated processes, though integration of the educational content should be related with training methods, which need to be studied in the context of the integrated approach. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to set the main requirements to the constructors’ knowledge and skills, which would determine the didactic conditions for development of the professional competences of the future constructors while integrating the training methods (integration of the methods of training basing on the regularities and principles of professional didactics; support for the connection between the methods and the content, as well as the goal of the hard skills learning; combination of the internal and external integration of the methods of hard skills learning; application of the paradigm analogy, where integration of methods suggests combination of the constructing opportunities of engineering science and the ideas, which are used in the life nature). Methods of the research. Theoretical (analysis of scientific sources, textbooks and academic programs of training future constructors to analyze the degree of integration; generalization and systematization), empiric (testing and diagnosing of control works, pedagogical experiment), statistical (mathematical processing of the research outcomes, qualitative and quantitative analysis of them). Practical value of the research. The methodology of experimental control for the conditions of integration of the methods of teaching hard skills of future constructors at higher education inswtitutions of engineering specialization on the base of the educational process of training specialists of the direction 0921 “Industrial and civil engineering” is developed. Conclusions and prospects of the further studies. Application of the integrated methods provides a balance of knowledge of the courses of different cycles; eliminates the uneven distribution of the knowledge of different professional aspects; contributes to deeper professional knowledge and better skills to apply them; improves the general level of professional knowledge, etc. The hypothesis of the research is confirmed by a wider use of the proposed methodology in the educational process of the majority of students and introduction of it into the academic process of higher education institutions of engineering specialization. The further research may concern the analysis of the impact of integration on development of competences of the teachers of higher education institutions, application of the methodology for a wider range of engineering specialties