54 research outputs found

    Đorđe Radić (1839–1922) prvi Srbin koji je stekao doktorat iz poljoprivrede

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    Dr. Đordje Radić, one of the most educated Serbs of the 19th century, laid the foundations of scientific and educational literature in the field of agriculture, founded three agricultural schools, and in many ways improved agronomy in Serbia and Montenegro. He was an outstanding expert, who was well-informed about the agricultural situation not only in Serbia, but also in the most developed European countries. In his writing, he mostly relied on the works of German agronomists, and succeeded in writing about 50 professional books and textbooks, which served both for the education of elementary and vocational school students and as manuals for farmers. The aim of the paper is to present, through the biography of Đordje Radić, the comprehensiveness of his professional, scientific and social creativity and significance. As the first Serb to earn a Doctorate in the field of Agriculture, he was a pioneer of many branches of agronomy in Serbia. The results of his research and engagement are visible today, in both science and education. Radić's biography, the contribution to the development of education, the impact on the urbanization of Kraljevo and the list of published books are presented in the paper, which is divided into four parts.Dr Đorđe Radić, jedan od najobrazovanijih Srba 19. veka, utemeljio je naučnu i obrazovnu literaturu u oblasti poljoprivrede, osnovao je tri poljoprivredne škole, na više načina unapredivši agronomiju u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Bio je izuzetan stručnjak koji je poznavao poljoprivredne prilike u Srbiji, ali i u najrazvijenijim evropskim zemljama. U pisanju se oslanjao na dela uglavnom nemačkih agronoma, uspevši da napiše oko 50 stručnih knjiga i udžbenika, koji su služili i za obrazovanje učenika osnovnih i stručnih škola i kao priručnici poljoprivrednicima. Cilj rada je da se kroz biografiju Đorđa Radića predstavi sveobuhvatnost njegovog profesionalnog, naučnog i društvenog stvaralaštva i značaja. Kao prvi Srbin doktor nauka bio je začetnik mnogih grana agronomije u Srbiji. Rezultati njegovih istraživanja i angažovanja vidljivi su i danas, u nauci i prosveti. U radu, podeljenom na četiri celine, prikazani su Radićeva biografija, doprinos razvoju prosvete, uticaj na urbanizaciju Kraljeva i spisak objavljenih knjiga

    Značaj sorte u organskoj proizvodnji povrća

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    The organic farming system differs fundamentally in soil fertility management, weed, disease and pest management, and has higher demands on product quality and yield stability compared to conventional farming. By stimulating internal self-regulation through functional agrobiodiversity in and above the soil, organic farming system aim at resilience and buffering capacity in the farm-ecosystem. For futher optimisation of organic product quality and yield stability new varieties are required that are adapted to organic farming systems.Organski sistemi uzgoja povrća su u pogledu upravljanja plodnošću zemljišta, korova, bolesti i štetočina i zahtevom za povišenim kvalitetom i stabilnošću prinosa različiti konvencionalnim. Stimulišući unutrašnju samoregulaciju putem funkcionalnog agrobiodiverziteta u i iznad zemljišta, umesto spoljne regulacije sredstvima zaštite, cilj organskih sistema je povećanje otpornosti proizvodnog ekosistema. Izbor visokokvalitetnog organskog semena i sadnog materijala pogodnih sorti je ključ uspešne organske proizvodnje. Dalja optimizacija kvaliteta organskih proizvoda i stabilnosti prinosa zahteva uvođenje novih sorata adaptiranih na specifične uslove organske proizvodnje

    Opis przypadku — występujący rodzinnie wewnątrzczaszkowo germinoma

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    Background. Intracranial germinomas (ICG) are uncommon brain neoplasms with extremely rare familial occurance. Since ICG invades hypothalamus and/or pituitary, the endocrine dysfunction is one of the common determinants of these tumors. We presented two brothers with the history of ICG. Patient 1 is a 25-year-old male who had been suffering from the weakness of the right half of his body at the age of 18. Cranial MRI revealed mass lesion in the left thalamus. He underwent neurosurgery, tumor was removed completely. Histopathological (HP) and immunohistochemical analyses verified the diagnosis of pure germinoma. He experienced complete remission of the tumor after a radiation therapy. At the age of 22 the diagnosis of isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) was established and GH replacement was initiated. Patient 2 is a 20-year old boy who was presented with diabetes insipidus at the age of 12. MRI detected tumor in the third ventricle and pineal region. After the endoscopic tumor biopsy the HP diagnosis was pure germinoma. He received chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy, and treated with GH during childhood. At the age of 18 GH replacement was reintroduced. A six month follow-up during the next two years in both brothers demonstrated the IGF1 normalization with no MRI signs of tumor recurrence. Conclusion. To the best of our knowledge so far, only six reports have been published related to familial ICG. The presented two brothers are the first report of familial ICG case outside of Japan. They are treated successfully with GH therapy in adult period. Wstęp: Rozrodczaki wewnątrzczaszkowe (intracranial germinomas, ICG) to rzadkie nowotwory mózgu, a szczególnie rzadko stwierdza się ich występowanie rodzinne. W związku z tym, że ICG zajmuje podwzgórze i/lub przysadkę mózgową, zaburzenia endokrynologiczne są jednym z najczęstszych wyznaczników obecności tych guzów. W pracy przedstawiono dwóch braci z ICG. Pacjent 1 to 25-letni mężczyzna, u którego w wieku 18 lat wystąpiło osłabienie mięśni po lewej stronie ciała. Badanie metodą rezonansu magnetycznego (MRI) czaszki ujawniło masę w lewym wzgórzu. Chorego poddano zabiegowi neurochirurgicznemu, podczas którego guz został całkowicie usunięty. Badania histopatologiczne i immunohistochemiczne potwierdziły rozpoznanie czystej postaci rozrodczaka. Po radioterapii nastąpiła całkowita remisja guza. W wieku 22 lat u chorego zdia­gnozowano izolowany niedobór hormonu wzrostu (isolated growth hormone deficiency, IGHD) i wdrożono terapię zastępczą hormonem wzrostu (growth hormone, GH). Genetyczna analiza molekularna tkanki guza wykazała mutację w eksonie 2 w genie KRAS. Pacjent 2 to 20-letni mężczyzna, u którego w wieku 12 lat stwierdzono moczówkę prostą. W badaniu MRI wykryto guz w okolicy trzeciej komory i szyszynki. Po ocenie histopatologicznej materiału pobranego za pomocą biopsji endoskopowej postawiono diagnozę czystego rozrod­czaka. U chorego zastosowano chemioterapię, a następnie radioterapię, a także podawano GH w okresie dzieciństwa. W wieku 18 lat u chorego wznowiono terapię GH. Sześciomiesięczna obserwacja obu braci w następnych 2 latach wykazała normalizację IGF1 przy braku objawów nawrotu guza w badaniu MRI. Wnioski: Według najlepszej wiedzy autorów dotychczas opublikowano 6 doniesień na temat rodzinnego występowania ICG. Przed­stawieni w niniejszej pracy bracia są pierwszym opisanym przypadkiem rodzinnego ICG poza Japonią. W okresie dorosłym chorzy są leczeni GH z dobrym skutkiem

    Endocytosis and lysosomal degradation of GluA2/3 AMPARs in response to oxygen/glucose deprivation in hippocampal but not cortical neurons

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    Abstract Global cerebral ischemia results in oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) and consequent delayed cell death of vulnerable neurons, with hippocampal CA1 neurons more vulnerable than cortical neurons. Most AMPA receptors (AMPARs) are heteromeric complexes of subunits GluA1/GluA2 or GluA2/GluA3, and the presence of GluA2 renders AMPARs Ca2+-impermeable. In hippocampal CA1 neurons, OGD causes the synaptic expression of GluA2-lacking Ca2+-permeable AMPARs, contributing to toxic Ca2+ influx. The loss of synaptic GluA2 is caused by rapid trafficking of GluA2-containing AMPARs from the cell surface, followed by a delayed reduction in GluA2 mRNA expression. We show here that OGD causes endocytosis, lysosomal targeting and consequent degradation of GluA2- and GluA3-containing AMPARs, and that PICK1 is required for both OGD-induced GluA2 endocytosis and lysosomal sorting. Our results further suggest that GluA1-containing AMPARs resist OGD-induced endocytosis. OGD does not cause GluA2 endocytosis in cortical neurons, and we show that PICK1 binding to the endocytic adaptor AP2 is enhanced by OGD in hippocampal, but not cortical neurons. We propose that endocytosis of GluA2/3, caused by a hippocampal-specific increase in PICK1-AP2 interactions, followed by PICK1-dependent lysosomal targeting, are critical events in determining changes in AMPAR subunit composition in the response to ischaemia


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    The market of food products in the EU there is great competition. Consumers significantly “dictated” by changes in products and innovative solutions. The trend of healthy lifestyles, increasing consumer interest in exotic flavors and an attractive organic food, are the main reasons for the observed increase in fruit juice market. Manufacturing companies in the EU also have a demand for fruit juices and concentrates, the more you require a guaranteed product quality continuously/safe products and safe delivery of fresh products. Producers in developing countries have great opportunities for marketing their products in the markets of developed countries, if they meet certification requirements, which is often complicated, and for many producers/exporters is very expensive. Certified producers and exporters will have access to much of the market. Producers in developing countries should explore possibilities for placement of products in each EU country, as some member countries/trading partners can be attractive for certain products


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    In economic developed countries, like European Union (EU), food safety is one of the topics that deserve special attention. It is well known fact that international trade is growing and that inter-connection of national economies is rising, so food safety and quality of products adjustment is becoming more significant for participants in international trade. This is especially important for Serbia, which is in the begging of accession process to European Union and World Trade Organization. In the course of Serbian efforts to join WTO and EU, Serbian must compile given action and activities in the area of quality and food safety, to enable economy and society to take part in competitiveness race based on “quality2. This paper emphasis the link between food safety and competitiveness of agricultural and food products, and its influence on specific part of food safety system in Serbia regarding to competitiveness

    Unfavorable polysomnographic sleep patterns predict poor sleep and poor psychological functioning 3 years later in patients with restless legs syndrome

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    Amongst the variety of disorders affecting sleep, restless legs syndrome (RLS) merits particular attention. Little is known about long-term outcomes for sleep or psychological functioning following a diagnosis of RLS. The aim of the present study was thus to evaluate sleep and psychological functioning at a 3-year follow-up and based on polysomnographic measurements


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    In the last decade of twentieth centaury number of organic producers is increasing. At the same tike demand and consumption are in constant increasing and they are higher than offer of these products. It is clear that market of organic food is developing relatively fast, but it's participation in total market of agricultural and food products in still insufficient. Production and market of organic food are regulated with adequate regulations in SCG and EU that refer to production (agricultural product, forest products and medicinal herbs and caterers that are obtained with their processing), labeling, storage, manipulation, transport and certification. Regulations and clauses that refer to import of organic products from third countries to EU are rigid. This paper work is reviewing analysis of EU measurement legislation in SCG


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    Rural areas encompass the most part of Serbia and they are very heterogenous in relation to natural conditions for development, production capacities, employment, infrastructure, income and standard of living. Being a bottom-up approach, rural development focuses on local actors, i.e. local agents that have an interest in the development of an identified territory. Rural development policy recognizes the necessity of capacities building for local development strategies elaboration and implementation. Recently established Rural Development Support Network (RDSN), with its regional and municipalities’ centers should make the RD policy more effective