23 research outputs found

    Chancengerechtigkeit durch Bildung – Chancengerechtigkeit in der Bildung (Auszug)

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    Der hier mit freundlicher Genehmigung des AWO Bundesverbands abgedruckte Text ist ein Auszug aus der Broschüre: Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband (Hrsg.): Standpunkte 2006. Chancengerechtigkeit durch Bildung – Chancengerechtigkeit in der Bildung, Bonn 2006. Unser Bildungssystem für die Kinder im Alter von 6 bis 16 Jahren wird den Herausforderungen der Zukunft nicht gerecht. Ein Umsteuern ist dringend notwendig, da ohne Bildung der Wandel in die Wissensgesellschaft nicht zu bewältigen ist. Bildung, Qualifikation und Kompetenzen und das Erlernen von Diskurs- und Konfliktfähigkeit entscheiden über die beruflichen und gesellschaftlichen Chancen eines jeden Menschen und davon abhängig über seine Zukunftschancen. Bildung bedeutet Entwicklung der Persönlichkeit, der Identität. Bildung bedeutet aber auch, die gemeinschaftsfähige Persönlichkeit zu gestalten. Und somit bekommt Bildung gerade in der Lebensphase der 6- bis 16-Jährigen über die eher traditionelle Dimension hinaus auch einen emanzipatorischen Charakter. Wenn Bildung also für den Einzelnen diese entscheidende Rolle spielt, dann bekommt die öffentliche Verantwortung für dieses Bildungswesen eine ganz zentrale Bedeutung. (DIPF/Orig.

    CubeW: High performance C Writer library (V 4.8)

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    Cube is a generic set of tools for description and analysis of a multi-dimensional performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric, (ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. The Cube high performance C Writer library (CubeW) is used by Score-P performance instrumentation and measurement infrastructure and by the Scalasca version 2.x trace analyzer (and other compatible tools)

    jCubeR: Java reader library (V 4.8)

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    Cube is a generic set of tools for description and analysis of a multi-dimensional performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric, (ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. The Cube Java reader library (jCubeR) is used by TAU to import the Score-P's performance measurement result

    CubeW: High performance C Writer library (V 4.7)

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    Cube is a generic set of tools for description and analysis of a multi-dimensional performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric, (ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. The Cube high performance C Writer library (CubeW) is used by Score-P performance instrumentation and measurement infrastructure and by the Scalasca version 2.x trace analyzer (and other compatible tools)

    jCubeR: Java reader library (V 4.7)

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    Cube is a generic set of tools for description and analysis of a multi-dimensional performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric, (ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. The Cube Java reader library (jCubeR) is used by TAU to import the Score-P's performance measurement result

    CubeLib: General purpose C++ library and tools (V 4.8)

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    Cube is a generic set of tools for description and analysis of a multi-dimensional performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric, (ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. The Cube General purpose C++ library (CubeLib) is used by Score-P performance instrumentation and measurement infrastructure and by the Scalasca version 2.x trace analyzer (and other compatible tools) to process performance analysis results

    CubeGUI: Graphical explorer (V 4.8)

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    Cube is a generic set of tools for description and analysis of a multi-dimensional performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric, (ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. The Cube Graphical explorer (CubeGUI) is used to display and to analyse the result of the Score-P's performance measurement or of the Scalasca's trace analysis. In addition, Cube can display multi-dimensional Cartesian process topologies

    CubeGUI: Graphical explorer (V 4.7)

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    Cube is a generic set of tools for description and analysis of a multi-dimensional performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric, (ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. The Cube Graphical explorer (CubeGUI) is used to display and to analyse the result of the Score-P's performance measurement or of the Scalasca's trace analysis. In addition, Cube can display multi-dimensional Cartesian process topologies

    CubeLib: General purpose C++ library and tools

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    Cube is a generic set of tools for description and analysis of a multi-dimensional performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric, (ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. The Cube General purpose C++ library (CubeLib) is used by Score-P performance instrumentation and measurement infrastructure and by the Scalasca version 2.x trace analyzer (and other compatible tools) to process performance analysis results