29 research outputs found

    Development of suitable working Protocol for in vitro Tape Stripping: A Case Study with biocompatible Aceclofenac-loaded topical Nanoemulsions

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    Considering the numerous organizational and legislative issues associated with in vivo studies, the present study aimed to develop in vitro tape stripping protocol that could serve as a prospective technique for skin penetration studies. The research was mainly focused on the suitability of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) measurements, as a barrier integrity test for porcine ear skin subjected to freezing/thawing procedure, as well as on the selection of the most suitable device for pressing adhesive tapes onto the porcine ear surface during skin stripping procedure. Obtained results suggest that TEWL measurements were able to detect the damage of the stratum corneum (SC) caused by physical impairment (using adhesive tapes) and tissue degradation/dehydration (prolonged storage at –20ºC/ambient conditions). Penetration profiles of aceclofenac from nanoemulsions based on sucrose esters or polysorbate 80 as coemulsifiers, obtained in vitro (using a roller as pressure device), were in a good agreement with data obtained in vivo on humans, supporting the use of developed in vitro tape-stripping protocol in skin formulation development and optimization

    Parenteral nanoemulsions with poorly water-soluble psychopharmacological drugs:: formulation, optimization and in vivo disposition evaluation

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    Da bi se obezbedila brza/kontrolisana isporuka lekovite supstance u mozak i poboljšala njena biološka raspoloživost na ciljnom mestu dejstva, i posledično terapijski efekat, neophodno je savladati brojne ključne izazove, pre svega restriktivna svojstva krvno-moždane barijere, kao i kritične karakteristike same lekovite supstance (slaba rastvorljivost, značajan metabolizam prvog prolaza, nespecifična biodistribucija, efluks od strane P-glikoproteina). Među nanotehnološkim strategijama koje se koriste za poboljšanje ciljne isporuke lekova u mozak, poslednjih godina povećana pažnja fokusirana je na nanoemulzije kao obećavajuće nosače za parenteralnu isporuku slabo rastvorljivih centralno-aktivnih lekovitih supstanci, zahvaljujući njihovim brojnim privlačnim prednostima, uključujući biokompatibilnost, biodegradabilnost, fizičku stabilnost, jednostavan scale up, visok solubilizacioni kapacitet za lipofilne lekovite supstance, moguće povećanje biološke raspoloživosti, kontrolisano oslobađanje i ciljnu isporuku u različite organe. Iako se lipidne nanoemulzije tradicionalno primenjuju u parenteralnoj ishrani, kao i za solubilizaciju i intravensku isporuku nekoliko lipofilnih lekovitih supstanci, neophodno je ulaganje dodatnih napora u cilju optimizacije formulacije, stabilnosti, isporuke lekova, i uopšte in vivo ponašanja ovih sistema, što ovoj temi daje obnovljen i sve veći značaj. Na osnovu navedenog, cilj istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije bio je razvoj i optimizacija ulje-u-vodi nanoemulzija za parenteralnu primenu slabo rastvorljivih psihofarmakoloških lekovitih supstanci, kao i procena sposobnosti razvijenih nanoemulzija da poboljšaju preuzimanje u mozak inkorporirane model lekovite supstance. U tu svrhu, primenom koncepta eksperimentalnog dizajna formulisane su placebo i nanoemulzije sa lekovitom supstancom, izrađene metodom homogenizacije pod visokim pritiskom i detaljno okarakterisane u pogledu veličine i raspodele veličina kapi, površinskog naelektrisanja, viskoziteta, morfologije, lek–nosač interakcija, dugoročne stabilnosti i stabilnosti na autoklaviranje...In order to provide rapid/controlled drug delivery to the brain and improve its bioavailability at the target site, and consequently its therapeutic effect, a number of key challenges must be overcome, primarily the restrictive properties of the blood–brain barrier as well as the critical properties of the drug itself (poor water-solubility, significant first-pass metabolism, nonspecific biodistribution, and P-glycoprotein efflux). Among the reported nanotechnological strategies for enhancing drug delivery and targeting to the brain, an increasing attention has been focused more recently on nanoemulsions as promising carriers for parenteral delivery of poorly water-soluble centrally-acting drugs, having in mind their numerous appealing features, including biocompatibility, biodegradability, physical stability, ease to scale up, high solubilization capacity for lipophilic drugs, possibly enhanced bioavailability, controlled drug release, and organ targeting. Although lipid nanoemulsions have been traditionally employed for parenteral nutrition and to solubilize and intravenously deliver several lipophilic drugs, additional efforts are required in order to optimize nanoemulsion formulation, stability, drug delivery and overall in vivo behavior, giving this topic a renewed and growing interest. Based on this, the aim of the present work was to develop and optimize oil-in-water nanoemulsions for parenteral delivery of poorly water-soluble psychopharmacological drugs, and to evaluate their ability to improve the brain uptake of the incorporated drug. For this purpose, placebo and drug-loaded nanoemulsions were designed with the aid of experimental design, prepared by high pressure homogenization and thoroughly characterized for their droplet size, size distribution, surface charge, viscosity, morphology, drug–vehicle interactions, long-term stability, and stability to autoclaving..

    Procena stabilnosti emulzionih preparata za topikalnu primenu - vrednost dinamičkomehaničkog termoanalitičkog (DMTA) testa kao brze reološke alternative konvencionalnom testu smrzavanje-odmrzavanje

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    The assessment of stability in emulsion-based topical preparations can be approached through real-time monitoring and/or accelerated methods, drawing predictions from pertinent stability-related physicochemical parameters. Ensuring the robustness and durability of topical products during storage, transport, and application necessitates thorough stability testing. However, due to the diversity of emulsion types and their intended use, there is no universal standard test, placing the liability on formulators/manufacturer to tailor appropriate assessments. Notably, topical emulsions, particularly cosmetic variants, often exhibit impressive stability with extended shelf lives. Nonetheless, evaluating their stability and decision-making remain challenging and time-consuming in industrial contexts. This underscores the demand for alternative testing protocols that expedite stability assessments and predict emulsion-based product stability accurately. This article comprehensively surveys literature, enriched with practical insights, exploring core mechanisms behind emulsion stability and prevention of instability. The discussion encompasses diverse approaches to stability assessment, revealing methodologies and parameters under examination during testing. Particular focus is placed on the dynamic-mechanical thermoanalysis (DMTA) method explored as a rapid, rheologically-based alternative to the conventional freeze-thaw test, emphasizing its usefulness for expediting the stability evaluation of emulsion-based topical preparations.Procena stabilnosti emulzionih preparata za topikalnu primenu može se sprovesti praćenjem promena u realnom vremenu i/ili primenom ubrzanih metoda, te predviđanjem stabilnosti i roka trajanja proizvoda na osnovu merenja relevantnih fizičkohemijskih parametara tokom ispitivanja. Kako bi se obezbedila robusnost i dugoročnost emulzionih proizvoda za kožu tokom čuvanja, transporta i primene, neophodno je sprovesti pažljivo isplanirano, opsežno ispitivanje stabilnosti. Međutim, imajući u vidu različite tipove emulzija i njihovu namenu, ne postoji univerzalni standardni protokol za ispitivanje stabilnosti, što formulatore/proizvođača čini odgovornim kada je u pitanju izbor odgovarajućeg testa i metodologije. Evidentno je da emulzije za topikalnu primenu, a posebno kozmetičke emulzije, često pokazuju visoku stabilnost sa dugim rokovima upotrebe. S druge strane, procena stabilnosti ovakvih emulzija i donošenje odgovarajućih odluka i dalje ostaje izazov u industrijskom okruženju i zahteva dosta vremena, što nameće potrebu za alternativnim protokolima koji omogućavaju ubrzano ispitivanje, ali i uspešno predviđanje stabilnosti emulzionih proizvoda. Prikazani rad daje sveobuhvatni pregled literature prožet praktičnim pogledima na ključne fenomene odgovorne za stabilnost emulzija, zatim daje uvid u različite pristupe za procenu njihove stabilnosti, uključujući metodologije koje se koriste i parametre koji se prate tokom ispitivanja. Rad u poseban fokus stavlja dinamičko-mehanički termoanalitički (DMTA) metod kao brzu reološku alternativu konvencionalnom testu smrzavanje-odmrzavanje, posebno ističući primenljivost metoda za ubrzano ispitivanje stabilnosti emulzionih preparata za topikalnu primenu

    Efficient Development of Green Emulsifier/Emollient-Based Emulsion Vehicles: From RSM Optimal Experimental Design to Abridged In Vivo Assessment

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    Since natural-origin, sustainable ingredients are preferred by modern consumers, novel emulsifiers and emollients keep entering the market. This study hypothesizes that a combination of in silico, instrumental tools and simplified sensory studies could be used to efficiently characterize emulsions in a shorter timeframe. A total of 22 rather simple o/w emulsions were prepared by a time/energy-saving emulsification process. A natural mixed emulsifier (Lauryl Glucoside/Myristyl Glucoside/Polyglyceryl-6 Laurate) and two emollients (both with INCI name C15–19 Alkane) were used. The performed D-optimal experimental design within the response surface method (RSM) significantly narrowed down the number of samples about to enter the stage of texture, friction and sensory studies to the samples comprising 30% of a respective Emogreen emollient and 2% or 3% of the emulsifier. The sample comprising 2% emulsifier/30% Emogreen® L15 showed significantly higher firmness (42.12 mN) when compared to the one with 2% emulsifier/30% Emogreen® L19 (33.62 mN), which was somewhat unexpected considering the emollients’ inherent viscosity values (4.5 mPa·s for L15 and 9 mPa·s for L19). The sample with 2% emulsifier/30% Emogreen® L19 managed to maintain the lowest friction, while the one with 3% emulsifier/30% Emogreen® L19 released its full lubricating potential in the second part of the measurement (30–60 s). The obtained results revealed the strengths and weaknesses of each formulation, narrowing down their possible applications in the early development stage

    A proposal of innovative injectability assessment method for intravenous formulations - case study on PEGylated nanoemulsions

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    1. INTRODUCTION Syringeability and injectability are recognised as fundamental performance parameters / critical quality attributes of any parenteral dosage form. Syringeability refers to the ability of an injectable preparation to transfer from a vial through a hypodermic needle prior an injection, while injectability is defined as the force, or pressure, required to inject the formulation from a syringe-needle system into the tissue [1]. When developing drug delivery systems, the priority is usually the release kinetics, biocompatibility or other factors that may come in conflict with the optimal parameters for the applicability of those systems [2]. The aim of this research was to develop a method that could be used for injectability assessment of the intravenous formulations and the application of this method on curcumin-loaded PEGylated nanoemulsions (NEs) in order to gage the impact of PEGylation on NEs injectability. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Nanoemulsion preparation Nanoemulsions were prepared using high pressure homogenization method. The aqueous phase (glycerol, polysorbate 80, sodium oleate and highly purified water) was added into the oil phase (soybean oil, soybean lecithin, medium chain triglycerides, butylhydroxytoluene, benzyl alcohol, curcumin and PEGylated phospholipid – PEG2000-DSPE in 0.1 %, 0.3 % or 0.6 % concentrations) and mixed using rotor-stator homogenizer (IKA Ultra-Turrax® T25 digital, IKA®-Werke GmbH and Co. KG, Staufen, Germany), and further processed on high pressure homogenizer (EmulsiFlex-C3, Avestin Inc., Canada) at 800 bar for 10 discontinued cycles. The non PEGylated formulation was marked as CS, and the PEGylated ones were marked S1, S3 and S6, referring to the PEG2000-DSPE concentration. 2.2. Physicochemical characterization The NEs droplet size (Z-Ave) and droplet size distribution (PDI) were determined with Zetasizer Nano ZS90 (Malvern Instruments Ltd., Worcestershire). Rheological analysis was performed using MCR 302 air-bearing rheometer (Anton Paar, Graz, Austria) equipped with coaxial cylinders system (CC27 measuring bob with C-PTD 180/Air) with sheer rate range of 0.1-100 s-1 at 20°C. 2.3. Injectabilty assesment The injectability of the NEs was expressed as force (N) needed to extrude the NE in the function of the extruded volume (ml). About 10 ml of the NE was loaded into the 10 ml syringe and extruded through the 25 G scalp vein infusion set (Romed, Wilnis, Netherlands) into the blood mimicking solution, circulating through pump at 4 ml/min, in order to assess the NEs’ performance in the prospective intravenous administration. The NEs were extruded at 1 mm/s croshead speed of the loading cell of the texure analyzer (EZ-LX Compact Table-Top Testing Machine, Shimadzu, Japan) with the TrapeziumX software version 1.5 used for data collection and analysis 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Physicochemical characterization The NEs have average size of about 100 nm, with the PDI values below 0.20, indicating suitability for intravenous application. It could be observed from Fig. 1 that the addition of PEGylated phospholipids caused an increase in NE viscosity, as could be expected given that the polyethylene glycols are used in parenteral suspensions as stabilizing - rheology modifying agents [3]. 3.2. Injectability assessment The injectability assessment was performed with syringe-needle system used in our laboratory for intravenous administration in in vivo animal studies. As blood-mimicking solution, 36.6 %, v/v, glycerol solution was used [4]. It could be observed from Fig. 2 that the injectability of NEs depended on their viscosity, with the higher pressure needed to extrude the formulations with the higher PEG2000-DSPE concentration. Even though, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies investigating the injectability of the intravenous preparations, based on some previous research on subcutaneous model [5], it is recommended the maximum force used to inject the formulations should be kept about 20 N, which would eliminate S3 and S6 from further investigation (Fig. 2). 4. CONCLUSION The injectability method used in this research proved as a useful tool in screening formulations adequate for prospective intravenous use. 5. REFERENCES 1. Cilurzo, F., et al. Injectability Evaluation: An Open Issue. AAPS PharmSciTech, 2011. 12(2): 604-609. 2. Sarmadi, M., et al. Modeling, design, and machine learning-based framework for optimal injectability of microparticle-based drug formulations. Science advances, 2020. 6: eabb6594. 3. Gullapalli, R. P., Mazzitelli, C. L. Polyethylene glycols in oral and parenteral formulations—A critical review. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2015. 496(2): 219-239. 4. Yousif, M. Y., et al.. Deriving a blood-mimicking fluid for particle image velocimetry in Sylgard-184 vascular models. In Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2009 (pp. 1412-1415 5. Watt, R. P., et al. (2019). Injectability as a function of viscosity and dosing materials for subcutaneous administration. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2019:554, 376-386. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was funded by the MESDT, Republic of Serbia through Grant Agreement with University of Belgrade-Faculty of Pharmacy No: 451-03-68/2022-14/200161 and supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, GRANT No 7749108, Neuroimmune aspects of mood, anxiety and cognitive effects of leads/drug candidates acting at GABAA and/or sigma-2 receptors: In vitro/in vivo delineation by nano- and hiPSC-based platform - NanoCellEmоCog

    Progress in Topical and Transdermal Drug Delivery Research—Focus on Nanoformulations

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    Skin is the largest organ and a multifunctional interface between the body and its environment. It acts as a barrier against cold, heat, injuries, infections, chemicals, radiations or other exogeneous factors, and it is also known as the mirror of the soul. The skin is involved in body temperature regulation by the storage of fat and water. It is an interesting tissue in regard to the local and transdermal application of active ingredients for prevention or treatment of pathological conditions. Topical and transdermal delivery is an emerging route of drug and cosmetic administration. It is beneficial for avoiding side effects and rapid metabolism. Many pharmaceutical, technological and cosmetic innovations have been described and patented recently in the field. In this review, the main features of skin morphology and physiology are presented and are being followed by the description of classical and novel nanoparticulate dermal and transdermal drug formulations. The biophysical aspects of the penetration of drugs and cosmetics into or across the dermal barrier and their investigation in diffusion chambers, skin-on-a-chip devices, high-throughput measuring systems or with advanced analytical techniques are also shown. The current knowledge about mathematical modeling of skin penetration and the future perspectives are briefly discussed in the end, all also involving nanoparticulated systems

    Pun faktorski dizajn u formulaciji parenteralnih nanoemulzija sa diazepamom - fizičkohemijska karakterizacija i procena stabilnosti

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    Using the experimental design methodology, we have developed and characterized nanoemulsions for a parenteral delivery using diazepam as a model drug. The formulations containing 20 or 30% (w/w) of medium chain triglycerides or the mixture of medium chain triglycerides and soybean oil as the oil phase, soybean lecithin and polysorbate 80 as emulsifiers, and a phosphate buffer solution as the aqueous phase were prepared by cold high pressure homogenization. The obtained nanoemulsions were evaluated in terms of droplet size, size distribution, surface charge, drug-vehicle interactions and physical stability. To evaluate the effects of the oil phase type, oil content and drug presence, as well as their interactions on critical quality attributes of nanoemulsions, a three-factor two-level full factorial design was applied. After the preparation, all nanoemulsions revealed small spherical droplets in the range 170-210 nm, with the narrow droplet size distribution ( lt 0.15) and the surface charge about -60 mV. The experimental design results indicated that not only factors alone (oil type, oil content, presence of drug), but their interactions also had a significant effect on the nanoemulsion droplet size, polydispersity index, and zeta potential. During two months of storage at 25°C, all nanoemulsions formulated with the medium chain triglycerides-soybean oil mixture (4:1, w/w) remained physically stable, without considerable changes in monitored parameters. Physicochemical characteristics and stability of these nanoemulsions demonstrated their suitability for parenteral drug delivery.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se primenom metodologije eksperimentalnog dizajna razviju parenteralne nanoemulzije sa diazepamom kao model lekovitom supstancom i da se sprovede njihova sveobuhvatna fizičkohemijska karakterizacija. Metodom homogenizacije pod visokim pritiskom na sobnoj temperaturi izrađene su placebo i nanoemulzije sa lekom, stabilizovane smešom lecitina i polisorbata 80, variranjem udela i vrste uljane faze - 20 i 30% (m/m) triglicerida srednje dužine lanca ili smeše triglicerida srednje dužine lanca i sojinog ulja u odnosu 4:1. Dobijene nanoemulzije okarakterisane su u pogledu veličine i raspodele veličina kapi, površinskog naelektrisanja, interakcija lek-nosač i fizičke stabilnosti. U cilju procene istovremenog uticaja vrste uljane faze, udela ulja i prisustva leka, kao i njihovih interakcija, na kritične atribute kvaliteta nanoemulzija, primenjen je pun faktorski dizajn sa tri faktora na dva nivoa. Nakon izrade, sve formulacije nanoemulzija imale su malu veličinu kapi u opsegu 170-210 nm, sa veoma uskom raspodelom veličina (ispod 0,15) i površinskim naelektrisanjem oko -60 mV. Rezultati eksperimentalnog dizajna pokazali su da ne samo pojedinačni faktori (vrsta ulja, koncentracija ulja, prisustvo leka), nego i njihove interakcije, značajno utiču na veličinu kapi, indeks polidisperznosti i zeta potencijal ispitivanih nanoemulzija. Tokom 2 meseca čuvanja na 25°C, sve nanoemulzije formulisane sa smešom triglicerida srednje dužine lanca i sojinog ulja kao uljanom fazom bile su fizički stabilne, bez značajnih promena u praćenim parametrima. Fizičkohemijske karakteristike i stabilnost navedenih nanoemulzija ukazuju da one mogu biti potencijalni nosači za parenteralnu isporuku lekovitih supstanci

    A stepwise protocol for drug permeation assessment that combines heat-separated porcine ear epidermis and vertical diffusion cells

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    After decades long absence of an official consensus on the most appropriate evaluation method for in vitro skin performance of topical semisolid drugs, United States Pharmacopoeia (USP 39) finally suggested three types of testing equipment; however, all these provide data on drug release using inert synthetic membranes. Considering the need for a readily available membrane that would be more structurally similar to human skin, this paper provides a detailed protocol of a method for drug permeation assessment that uses heat-separated porcine ear epidermis and modified Franz diffusion cells. Phases that were shown to be critical for variability of the results are identified (e.g., membrane preparation), and process parameters optimized. Applicability of the method was tested on four cream samples loaded with aceclofenac as a model drug. Sample compositions were designed in such a way to provide, large "variations (variation of the main stabilizer: natural-origin versus synthetic emulsifier) and relatively, minor" variations (co-solvent variation: none/isopropanol/glycerol). The developed protocol is a straightforward and reliable in vitro test for the evaluation of rate and extent of drug delivery into/through the skin. Moreover, this protocol may be routinely applied even in averagely equipped laboratories during formulation development or preliminary bioequivalence assessment of generic topical semisolids

    Parenteralne nanoemulzije diazepama - fizičkohemijska karakterizacija i in vitro ispitivanje brzine oslobađanja

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    The aim of the present study was to develop parenteral nanoemulsions containing increasing content of oil phase (20, 30 and 40%, w/w of medium-chain triglycerides-soybean oil mixture at 4:1 ratio), stabilized by lecithin-polysorbate 80 mixture, and to assess their feasibility as carriers for poorly water-soluble psychopharmacological drugs. To this purpose, nanoemulsions loaded with diazepam as a model drug were prepared through high pressure homogenization and characterized regarding droplet size, polydispersity, surface charge, viscosity, pH value, and electrical conductivity. Furthermore, the in vitro release of diazepam from developed nanoemulsions was examined using reverse dialysis bag technique, and drug release kinetics was evaluated through several mathematical models. After preparation, all formulations revealed small mean droplet size (206 ± 7 nm), with narrow size distribution (0.116 ± 0.012) and zeta potential around -50 mV, complying with pharmacopoeial requirements (USP 39-NF 34), wherein there were no significant changes in monitored parameters after one year of storage at 25 ± 2°C. In vitro drug release study demonstrated that 40-50% of diazepam was released from actual nanoemulsions within 1 h, while the kinetic release process could be described by Korsmeyer-Peppas model. The results obtained suggest that formulated parenteral nanoemulsions might be promising carriers for rapid delivery of lipophilic, poorly water-soluble psychopharmacological drugs.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se razviju parenteralne nanoemulzije sa rastućom koncentracijom uljane faze (20, 30 i 40% smeše triglicerida srednje dužine lanca i sojinog ulja u odnosu 4:1), stabilizovane kombinacijom lecitina i polisorbata 80, i da se proceni njihova pogodnost kao nosača za slabo rastvorljive psihofarmakološke lekovite supstance. U tu svrhu, homogenizacijom pod visokim pritiskom izrađene su nanoemulzije sa diazepamom kao model lekovitom supstancom i okarakterisane u pogledu veličine kapi, indeksa polidisperznosti, površinskog naelektrisanja, viskoziteta, pH vrednosti i električne provodljivosti. Takođe, primenom reverzne tehnike sa dijaliznim vrećicama procenjena je brzina oslobađanja diazepama iz razvijenih nanoemulzija, uz karakterizaciju dobijenih profila oslobađanja primenom različitih matematičkih modela. Nakon izrade, sve formulacije imale su malu prosečnu veličinu kapi (206 ± 7 nm), sa uskom raspodelom veličina (0,116 ± 0,012) i zeta potencijalom oko -50 mV, što je u skladu sa farmakopejskim zahtevima (USP 39-NF 34) pri čemu se vrednosti navedenih parametara nisu značajno promenile nakon godinu dana čuvanja na 25 ± 2°C. In vitro ispitivanje brzine oslobađanja pokazalo je da se 40-50% diazepama oslobodi iz ispitivanih nanoemulzija tokom 1 h, pri čemu se kinetika oslobađanja može opisati Korsmeyer-Peppas modelom. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da formulisane parenteralne nanoemulzije predstavljaju obećavajuće nosače za brzu isporuku slabo rastvorljivih psihofarmakoloških lekovitih supstanci

    Low-energy nanoemulsions as carriers for red raspberry seed oil: Formulation approach based on Raman spectroscopy and textural analysis, physicochemical properties, stability and in vitro antioxidant/ biological activity

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    Considering a growing demand for medicinal/cosmetic products with natural actives, this study focuses on the low-energy nanoemulsions (LE-NEs) prepared via the Phase inversion composition (PIC) method at room temperature as potential carriers for natural oil. Four different red raspberry seed oils (ROs) were tested, as follows: cold-pressed vs. CO2- extracted, organic vs. non-organic, refined vs. unrefined. The oil phase was optimized with Tocopheryl acetate and Isostearyl isostearate, while water phase was adjusted with either glycerol or an antioxidant hydro-glycolic extract. This study has used a combined approach to formulation development, employing both conventional methods (pseudo-ternary phase diagram - PTPD, electrical conductivity, particle size measurements, microscopical analysis, and rheological measurements) and the methods novel to this area, such as textural analysis and Raman spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy has detected fine differences in chemical composition among ROs, and it detected the interactions within nanoemulsions. It was shown that the cold-pressed, unrefined, organic grade oil (RO2) with 6.62% saturated fatty acids and 92.25% unsaturated fatty acids, was optimal for the LE-NEs. Textural analysis confirmed the existence of cubic gel-like phase as a crucial step in the formation of stable RO2-loaded LE-NEs, with droplets in the narrow nano-range (125 to 135 nm; PDI ≤ 0.1). The DPPH test in methanol and ABTS in aqueous medium have revealed a synergistic free radical scavenging effect between lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidants in LE-NEs. The nanoemulsion carrier has improved the biological effect of raw materials on HeLa cervical adenocarcinoma cells, while exhibiting good safety profile, as confirmed on MRC-5 normal human lung fibroblasts. Overall, this study has shown that low-energy nanoemulsions present very promising carriers for topical delivery of natural bioactives. Raman spectroscopy and textural analysis have proven to be a useful addition to the arsenal of methods used in the formulation and characterization of nanoemulsion systems