30 research outputs found
Automated anomalies detection in the work of industrial robots
This article describes the results of the anomalies automated detection algorithm development in the operation of industrial robots. The development of robotic systems, in particular, industrial robots, and software for them is ahead of the tracking and managing technologies development. The operation of the digital production system involves the generation of a large amount of various data characterizing the state of both the specific equipment and the industrial system as a whole. Such a system produces a sufficient amount of data to develop machine learning models to analyze this data to solve problems such as forecasting and modeling. As part of the study, an experiment was conducted based on the equipment of the laboratory of industrial robots of Tomsk Polytechnic University. In the course of the research, the industrial manipulator moved loads belonging to different classes by weight. An algorithm was developed for the automated analysis of the values of the parameters of the consumed current and the position of the manipulator
Automated anomalies detection in the work of industrial robots
This article describes the results of the anomalies automated detection algorithm development in the operation of industrial robots. The development of robotic systems, in particular, industrial robots, and software for them is ahead of the tracking and managing technologies development. The operation of the digital production system involves the generation of a large amount of various data characterizing the state of both the specific equipment and the industrial system as a whole. Such a system produces a sufficient amount of data to develop machine learning models to analyze this data to solve problems such as forecasting and modeling. As part of the study, an experiment was conducted based on the equipment of the laboratory of industrial robots of Tomsk Polytechnic University. In the course of the research, the industrial manipulator moved loads belonging to different classes by weight. An algorithm was developed for the automated analysis of the values of the parameters of the consumed current and the position of the manipulator
Aseguramiento de protección contra el fuego en complejos industriales de agrupaciones animales
Aquí se presenta el estudio del aseguramiento de la protección contra el fuego en edificios agrupados de un conjunto de ganadería por medio de optimizar las medidas legislativas respectivas y analizar las influencias en la calidad y fiabilidad de los resultados de evaluar riesgos de incendio. Se llevaron a cabo los estudios a través de hacer valoración profesional, calcular riesgos de incendio individuales y simular la evacuación de la gente en el modelo de flujos humanos individual y en cadena. Los aspectos funcionales conceptuales de los edificios del conjunto resultaron en la necesidad de desarrollar soluciones técnicas y estructurales que podrían ayudar a reducir gastos ineficientes y armonizarían los edificios con las exigencias de la protección contra el fuego. El riesgo de incendios individual para los trabajadores del objeto de protección considerado es 2.91x10-7 por año-1 (0.291x10-6 por año), es decir, no sobrepasa el nivel normal establecido por la ley Federal 123-FZ del 22 de Julio de 2008 «Regulaciones Técnicas de las Exigencias a la Protección contra el Fuego". La adopción en el nivel legislativo del sistema de valorar riesgos de incendio creó para los dueños de objetos la oportunidad de optimizar los gastos para asegurar la protección contra el fuego, incluyendo el aseguramiento del nivel exigido de seguridad human
Aseguramiento de protección contra el fuego en complejos industriales de agrupaciones animales
This study deals with ensuring fire safety in buildings of a cluster animal industrial complex by optimizing legislative measures and analyzing factors that affect the quality and reliability of the results of calculating fire risk. The research involved the following methods: expert assessment; calculating individual fire risk; modeling evacuation of people in the form of an individual flow model of human traffic. The conceptual features of the complex's buildings required developing the design and technical solutions that would reduce inefficient costs on the one hand, and, on the other, would ensure meeting fire safety requirements. The individual fire risk for employees of the asset to be protected is 2.91 ×10-7 per year-1 (0.291 ×10-6 per year). That is, it does not exceed the characteristic value established by Federal law No. 123-FZ dated 22.07.2008 'Technical regulations on fire safety'. After the introduction of the fire risk assessment system at the legislative level, the owners of objects have received the opportunity to optimize the cost of fire safety and the required level of human safety.Aquí se presenta el estudio del aseguramiento de la protección contra el fuego en edificios agrupados de un conjunto de ganadería por medio de optimizar las medidas legislativas respectivas y analizar las influencias en la calidad y fiabilidad de los resultados de evaluar riesgos de incendio. Se llevaron a cabo los estudios a través de hacer valoración profesional, calcular riesgos de incendio individuales y simular la evacuación de la gente en el modelo de flujos humanos individual y en cadena. Los aspectos funcionales conceptuales de los edificios del conjunto resultaron en la necesidad de desarrollar soluciones técnicas y estructurales que podrían ayudar a reducir gastos ineficientes y armonizarían los edificios con las exigencias de la protección contra el fuego. El riesgo de incendios indivudual para los trabajadores del objeto de protección considerado es 2.91x10-7 por año-1 (0.291x10-6 por año), es decir, no sobrepasa el nivel normal establecido por la ley Federal 123-FZ del 22 de Julio de 2008 «Regulaciones Técnicas de las Exigencias a la Protección contra el Fuego». La adopción en el nivel legislativo del sistema de valorar riesgos de incendio creó para los dueños de objetos la oportunidad de optimizar los gastos para asegurar la protección contra el fuego, incluyendo el aseguramiento del nivel exigido de seguridad humana
Overhauser vector magnetometer POS-4: Results of continuous measurements during 2015-2016 at geophysical observatory "Paratunka" of IKIR FEB RAS, Kamchatka, Russia
The summary results of the analysis of the measurements by Overhauser vector magnetometer POS-4 during about 1.5 years are presented
Automated anomalies detection in the work of industrial robots
This article describes the results of the anomalies automated detection algorithm development in the operation of industrial robots. The development of robotic systems, in particular, industrial robots, and software for them is ahead of the tracking and managing technologies development. The operation of the digital production system involves the generation of a large amount of various data characterizing the state of both the specific equipment and the industrial system as a whole. Such a system produces a sufficient amount of data to develop machine learning models to analyse this data to solve problems such as forecasting and modelling. As part of the study, an experiment was conducted based on the equipment of the laboratory of industrial robots of Tomsk Polytechnic University. In the course of the research, the industrial manipulator moved loads belonging to different classes by weight. An algorithm was developed for the automated analysis of the values of the parameters of the consumed current and the position of the manipulator
Method for Detecting Far-Right Extremist Communities on Social Media
Far-right extremist communities actively promote their ideological preferences on social media. This provides researchers with opportunities to study these communities online. However, to explore these opportunities one requires a way to identify the far-right extremists’ communities in an automated way. Having analyzed the subject area of far-right extremist communities, we identified three groups of factors that influence the effectiveness of the research work. These are a group of theoretical, methodological, and instrumental factors. We developed and implemented a unique algorithm of calendar-correlation analysis (CCA) to search for specific online communities. We based CCA on a hybrid calendar correlation approach identifying potential far-right communities by characteristic changes in group activity around key dates of events that are historically crucial to those communities. The developed software module includes several functions designed to automatically search, process, and analyze social media data. In the current paper we present a process diagram showing CCA’s mechanism of operation and its relationship to elements of automated search software. Furthermore, we outline the limiting factors of the developed algorithm. The algorithm was tested on data from the Russian social network VKontakte. Two experimental data sets were formed: 259 far-right communities and the 49 most popular (not far-right) communities. In both cases, we calculated the type II error for two mutually exclusive hypotheses—far-right affiliation and no affiliation. Accordingly, for the first sample, Я = 0.81. For the second sample, Я = 0.02. The presented CCA algorithm was more effective at identifying far-right communities belonging to the alt-right and Nazi ideologies compared to the neo-pagan or manosphere communities. We expect that the CCA algorithm can be effectively used to identify other movements within far-right extremist communities when an appropriate foundation of expert knowledge is provided to the algorithm
Intracerebral adenosine during sleep deprivation : A meta-analysis and new experimental data
Funding Information: The systematic review was funded by The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMW; 114024101); R2N, Federal State of Lower Saxony; and the DFG (FOR2591, BL 953/11-1). The microdialysis experiment was funded by Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO; 051-04-010, to Eus van Some-ren). The HPLC adenosine measurements were funded by the University of Helsinki sleep team and a travel grant from the European Sleep Research Society. Publisher Copyright: © 2018 Ubiquity Press. All rights reserved.The neuroregulator adenosine is involved in sleep-wake control. Basal forebrain (BF) adenosine levels increase during sleep deprivation. Only a few studies have addressed the effect of sleep deprivation on extracellular adenosine concentrations in other brain regions. In this paper, we describe a microdialysis experiment as well as a meta-analysis of published data. The 64 h microdialysis experiment determined the extracellular adenosine and adenosine monophosphate (AMP) concentrations in the medial prefrontal cortex of rats before, during and after 12 h of sleep deprivation by forced locomotion. The meta-analysis comprised published sleep deprivation animal experiments measuring adenosine by means of microdialysis. In the animal experiment, the overall median adenosine concentration was 0.36 nM and ranged from 0.004 nM to 27 nM. No significant differences were observed between the five conditions: 12 h of washout, baseline light phase, baseline dark phase, 12 h of sleep deprivation and 12 h of subsequent recovery. The overall median AMP concentration was 0.10 nM and ranged from 0.001 nM to 7.56 nM. Median AMP concentration increased during sleep deprivation (T = 47; p = 0.047) but normalised during subsequent recovery. The meta-analysis indicates that BF dialysate adenosine concentrations increase with 74.7% (95% CI: 54.1-95.3%) over baseline during sleep deprivation. Cortex dialysate adenosine concentrations during sleep deprivation were so far only reported by 2 publications. The increase in adenosine during sleep deprivation might be specific to the BF. At this stage, the evidence for adenosine levels in other brain regions is based on single experiments and insufficient for generalised conclusions. Further experiments are currently still warranted.Peer reviewe
The High-Level Overview of Social Media Content Search Engine
An increasing amount of social networks usersgenerated data is the most remarkable research challenge nowadays. Despite the progress in the field of semistructured data processing algorithms creation, even initial data collection could not be treated as issues that have been optimally solved. The paper covers a high-level overview of the automated social media content search system. The proposed structure enables to implement instruments for multisource content extraction tasks as well as supporting of identification processes of new patterns, which describe a certain type of content. Issues of Search engine organization, logically unified extracted data repository and possible content classification techniques with the appropriate knowledge base's application are considered. Under the work, existing approaches and automated web-data extraction methods have been analyzed; social media API's functions and limits, as well as ways of semistructured data storage system organization, have been studied. The planned result's application area is automation and informational support of sociological research based on the social media content analysis techniques namely a content propagation simulation in interconnected groups; social and personal anomy study; clarification of the weak linkage's strength concept