51 research outputs found

    Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analyses of several forms of the CfaB major subunit of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli CFA/I fimbriae

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    Three fusion proteins were generated in order to resolve the atomic structure of the CFA/I fimbriae of enterotoxigenic E. coli. CfaEB is a fusion of the minor and major CFA/I subunits, while CfaBB and CfaBBB are tandem fusions of two and three repeats, respectively, of the major subunit. Each protein was crystallized and the crystal structures of each of these fusions were determined successively by the molecular-replacement method using the CfaE crystal structure as an initial phasing model

    How to select patients for anti-reflux surgery? The ICARUS guidelines (International Consensus regarding preoperative examinations and clinical characteristics assessment to select adult patients for AntiReflUx Surgery)

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    Objective: Anti-reflux surgery can be proposed in patients with gastro-esophageal reflux disease, especially when proton pump inhibitor use leads to incomplete symptom improvement. However, to date, international consensus guidelines on the clinical criteria and additional technical examinations used in patient selection for anti-reflux surgery are lacking. We aimed at generating key recommendations in the selection of patients for anti-reflux surgery. Design: We included 35 international experts (gastroenterologists, surgeons and physiologists) in a Delphi process and developed 37 statements that were revised by the Consensus Group, to start the Delphi process. Three voting rounds followed where each statement was presented with the evidence summary. The panel indicated the degree of agreement for the statement. When 80% of the Consensus Group agreed (A+/A) with a statement, this was defined as consensus. All votes were mutually anonymous.Results: Patients with heartburn with a satisfactory response to PPIs, patients with a hiatal hernia (HH), patients with esophagitis LA grade B or higher and patients with Barrett’s esophagus are good candidates for anti-reflux surgery. An endoscopy prior to anti-reflux surgery is mandatory and a barium swallow should be performed in patients with suspicion of a HH or short esophagus. Esophageal manometry is mandatory to rule out major motility disorders. Finally, esophageal pH (+/- impedance) monitoring off PPI is mandatory to select patients for anti-reflux surgery, if endoscopy is negative for unequivocal reflux esophagitis. Conclusion: With the ICARUS guidelines, we generated key recommendations for selection of patients for anti-reflux surgery

    A systematic review of experimental infections with enterotoxigenic \u3ci\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/i\u3e (ETEC)

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    Volunteer challenge with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) has been used for four decades to elucidate the pathogenesis and immune responses and assess efficacy of various interventions. We performed a systematic review of these studies and a meta-analysis of individual patient-level data (IPD) from a subset of studies using standard methodology. We identified 27 studies of 11 ETEC strains administered to 443 naive subjects at doses from 1 Ă— 106 to 1 Ă— 1010 colony forming units (cfu). Diarrhea attack rates varied by strain, dose and enterotoxin. Similar rates were seen at doses of 5 Ă— 108 to 1 Ă— 1010 cfu with the three most commonly used strains B7A, E24377A, H10407. In IPD analysis, the highest diarrhea attack rates were seen with strains B7A, H10407 and E24377A. The H10407 induced significantly higher stool output than the other strains. Additionally, the rate of output was different across strains. The risk of diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea and headaches differed significantly by ETEC strain. An increased risk of nausea, abdominal cramps and headaches was seen for females. Baseline anti-LT IgG titers appeared to be associated with a decrease risk of diarrhea outcomes, a trend not seen with anti-LT IgA or seen consistently with anti-colonization factor antibodies. Neither early antibiotic treatment nor diarrhea duration significantly affected the frequency or magnitude of serologic responses. These studies have served as an invaluable tool in understanding disease course, pathogenicity, innate immune responses and an early assessment of product efficacy. When designing and planning experimental ETEC infection studies in this age of increased ethical scrutiny and growing appreciation of post-infectious sequelae, better understanding of available data is essential

    Antibodies damage the resilience of fimbriae, causing them to be stiff and tangled

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    As adhesion fimbriae are a major virulence factor for many pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria, they are also potential targets for antibodies. Fimbriae are commonly required for initiating the colonization that leads to disease, and their success as adhesion organelles lies in their ability to both initiate and sustain bacte- rial attachment to epithelial cells. The ability of fimbriae to unwind and rewind their helical filaments presumably reduces their detachment from tissue surfaces with the shear forces that accompany significant fluid flow. Therefore, the disruption of func- tional fimbriae by inhibiting this resilience should have high potential for use as a vaccine to prevent disease. In this study, we show that two characteristic biome- chanical features of fimbrial resilience, namely, the extension force and the exten- sion length, are significantly altered by the binding of antibodies to fimbriae. The fimbriae that were studied are normally expressed on enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, which are a major cause of diarrheal disease. This alteration in biomechanical properties was observed with bivalent polyclonal antifimbrial antibodies that recog- nize major pilin subunits but not with the Fab fragments of these antibodies. Thus, we propose that the mechanism by which bound antibodies disrupt the uncoiling of natural fimbria under force is by clamping together layers of the helical filament, thereby increasing their stiffness and reducing their resilience during fluid flow. In addition, we propose that antibodies tangle fimbriae via bivalent binding, i.e., by binding to two individual fimbriae and linking them together. Use of antibodies to disrupt physical properties of fimbriae may be generally applicable to the large number of Gram-negative bacteria that rely on these surface-adhesion molecules as an essential virulence factor. I M P O R T A N C E Our study shows that the resiliency of colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I) and coli surface antigen 2 (CS2) fimbriae, which are current targets for vac- cine development, can be compromised significantly in the presence of antifimbrial antibodies. It is unclear how the humoral immune system specifically interrupts in- fection after the attachment of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) to the epithe- lial surface. Our study indicates that immunoglobulins, in addition to their well- documented role in adaptive immunity, can mechanically damage the resilience of fimbriae of surface-attached ETEC, thereby revealing a new mode of action. Our data suggest a mechanism whereby antibodies coat adherent and free-floating bacteria to impede fimbrial resilience. Further elucidation of this possible mechanism is likely to inform the development and refinement of preventive vaccines against ETEC diar- rhea. Originally published in manuscript form with title "Antibodies damage fimbrial resilience, making them stiff and tangled"</p

    Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of CfaE, the adhesive subunit of the CFA/I fimbriae from human enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli

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    The adhesin CfaE of the CFA/I fimbriae from human enterotoxigenic E. coli has been crystallized. CfaE crystals diffracted X-rays to better than 2.4 Å and phasing was solved by the SIRAS method

    Development and Comparison of a Panel of Modified CS17 Fimbrial Tip Adhesin Proteins as Components for an Adhesin-Based Vaccine against Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli

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    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a leading cause of diarrhea in travelers and children in resource-limited countries. ETEC colonization factors, fimbrial tip adhesins and enterotoxins are key virulence factors, and thus have been studied as vaccine candidates. Some prevalent colonization factors, including CFA/I and CS17, belong to the class 5 family. We previously found that passive oral administration of hyperimmune bovine colostral IgG (bIgG) raised against dscCfaE (donor strand complemented CFA/I tip adhesin) protected volunteers against CFA/I+ ETEC challenge, while anti-dscCsbD bIgG (CS17 tip adhesin) did not confer protection. These findings led us to develop and optimize a panel of alternative CsbD-based vaccine candidates based on allele matching and in silico protein engineering. Physicochemical characterizations revealed that an optimized vaccine candidate dscCsbDLSN139(P218A/G3) had the greatest thermal stability among the six tested dscCsbD adhesins, whereas the overall secondary structures and solubility of these adhesins had no obvious differences. Importantly, dscCsbDLSN139(P218A/G3) elicited significantly higher CS17+ ETEC hemagglutination inhibition titers in sera from mice intranasally immunized with the panel of dscCsbD adhesins, while no significant difference was observed among heterologous neutralizing titers. Our results strongly advocate for the incorporation of these modifications into a new generation of CsbD-based ETEC vaccine candidates

    Structure of CfaA Suggests a New Family of Chaperones Essential for Assembly of Class 5 Fimbriae

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    <div><p>Adhesive pili on the surface of pathogenic bacteria comprise polymerized pilin subunits and are essential for initiation of infections. Pili assembled by the chaperone-usher pathway (CUP) require periplasmic chaperones that assist subunit folding, maintain their stability, and escort them to the site of bioassembly. Until now, CUP chaperones have been classified into two families, FGS and FGL, based on the <u>s</u>hort and <u>l</u>ong length of the subunit-interacting loops between its <u>F</u>1 and <u>G</u>1 β-strands, respectively. CfaA is the chaperone for assembly of colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I) pili of enterotoxigenic <i>E. coli</i> (ETEC), a cause of diarrhea in travelers and young children. Here, the crystal structure of CfaA along with sequence analyses reveals some unique structural and functional features, leading us to propose a separate family for CfaA and closely related chaperones. Phenotypic changes resulting from mutations in regions unique to this chaperone family provide insight into their function, consistent with involvement of these regions in interactions with cognate subunits and usher proteins during pilus assembly.</p></div

    Evolutionary and Functional Relationships of Colonization Factor Antigen I and Other Class 5 Adhesive Fimbriae of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli

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    Colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I) is the archetype of eight genetically related fimbriae of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) designated class 5 fimbriae. Assembled by the alternate chaperone pathway, these organelles comprise a rigid stalk of polymerized major subunits and an apparently tip-localized minor adhesive subunit. We examined the evolutionary relationships of class 5-specific structural proteins and correlated these with functional properties. We sequenced the gene clusters encoding coli surface antigen 4 (CS4), CS14, CS17, CS19, and putative colonization factor antigen O71 (PCFO71) and analyzed the deduced proteins and the published homologs of CFA/I, CS1, and CS2. Multiple alignment and phylogenetic analysis of the proteins encoded by each operon define three subclasses, 5a (CFA/I, CS4, and CS14), 5b (CS1, CS17, CS19, and PCFO71), and 5c (CS2). These share distant evolutionary relatedness to fimbrial systems of three other genera. Subclass divisions generally correlate with distinguishing in vitro adherence phenotypes of strains bearing the ETEC fimbriae. Phylogenetic comparisons of the individual structural proteins demonstrated greater intrasubclass conservation among the minor subunits than the major subunits. To correlate this with functional attributes, we made antibodies against CFA/I and CS17 whole fimbriae and maltose-binding protein fusions with the amino-terminal half of the corresponding minor subunits. Anti-minor subunit Fab preparations showed hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) of ETEC expressing homologous and intrasubclass heterologous colonization factors while anti-fimbrial Fab fractions showed HAI activity limited to colonization factor-homologous ETEC. These results were corroborated with similar results from the Caco-2 cell adherence assay. Our findings suggest that the minor subunits of class 5 fimbriae may be superior to whole fimbriae in inducing antiadhesive immunity
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