10 research outputs found

    A Tool for Automatic Correction of Endogenous Concentrations: Application to BHB Analysis by LC–MS-MS and GC-MS

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    Several substances relevant for forensic toxicology purposes have an endogenous presence in biological matrices: beta-hydroxybutyric acid (BHB), gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), steroids and human insulin, to name only a few. The presence of significant amounts of these endogenous substances in the biological matrix used to prepare calibration standards and quality control samples (QCs) can compromise validation steps and quantitative analyses. Several approaches to overcome this problem have been suggested, including using an analog matrix or analyte, relying entirely on standard addition analyses for these analytes, or simply ignoring the endogenous contribution provided that it is small enough. Although these approaches side-step the issue of endogenous analyte presence in spiked matrix-matched samples, they create serious problems with regards to the accuracy of the analyses or production capacity. We present here a solution that addresses head-on the problem of endogenous concentrations in matrices used for calibration standards and quality control purposes. The endogenous analyte concentration is estimated via a standard-addition type process. This estimated concentration, plus the spiked concentration are then used as the de facto analyte concentration present in the sample. These de facto concentrations are then used in data analysis software (MultiQuant, Mass Hunter, etc.) as the sample’s concentration. This yields an accurate quantification of the analyte, free from interference of the endogenous contribution. This de facto correction has been applied in a production setting on two BHB quantification methods (GC-MS and LC–MS-MS), allowing the rectification of BHB biases of up to 30 μg/mL. The additional error introduced by this correction procedure is minimal, although the exact amount will be highly method-dependent. The endogenous concentration correction process has been automated with an R script. The final procedure is therefore highly efficient, only adding four mouse clicks to the data analysis operations

    Factors Associated with Eating in the Absence of Hunger among Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review

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    Eating in the absence of hunger (EAH) has been extensively studied over the past two decades and has been associated with excess body weight and the development of obesity. However, determinants of EAH remain uncertain. This systematic review aims to identify individual, familial, and environmental factors associated with EAH among children and adolescents. We included studies with a measure of EAH in participants aged 3–17 years old and including ≥1 factor associated with EAH. Our search identified 1494 articles. Of these, we included 81 studies: 53 cross-sectional, 19 longitudinal and nine intervention studies. In childhood (≤12 years old), EAH increases with age, it is greater in boys compared to girls, and it is positively associated with adiposity. Moreover, EAH development seems to be influenced by genetics. In adolescence, the number of studies is limited; yet, studies show that EAH slightly increases or remains stable with age, is not clearly different between sexes, and findings for overweight or obesity are less consistent across studies in adolescence. For familial factors, parental restrictive feeding practices are positively associated with EAH during childhood, mostly for girls. Studies assessing environmental factors are lacking and robust longitudinal studies spanning from early childhood to adolescence are needed

    Des stages en français pour se préparer à travailler auprès des communautés francophones en situation minoritaire

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    Dans l’objectif d’augmenter le nombre de professionnelles et professionnels pouvant offrir des services sociaux et de santé en français dans les communautés francophones en situation minoritaire (CFSM), des stages en français ont été offerts à des étudiantes et étudiants bilingues de programmes de formation professionnelle offerts en anglais au sein d’universités canadiennes. L’expérience a été positive pour l’ensemble des parties prenantes : stagiaires, éducatrices-cliniciennes et responsables de la formation clinique. Après cette expérience, les stagiaires ont mentionné avoir une meilleure connaissance des défis d’accès aux services rencontrés par les CFSM et se sentir plus en mesure d’offrir des services en français à ces communautés.In order to increase the number of professionals who can offer health and social services in French in Francophone Minority Communities (FMCs), French-language placements have been offered to bilingual students from English professional training programs at Canadian universities. The experience was positive for all stakeholders: student trainees, clinician educators and clinical education coordinators. After this experience, student trainees mentioned having a better understanding of the challenges concerning access to services in French faced by FMCs and feeling more able to offer services in French to these communities

    La Théorie de l'Attachement : Une approche conceptuelle au service de la Protection de l'Enfance DOSSIER THÉMATIQUE

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    Chapitres de l'auteur PINEL-JACQUEMIN :L’attachement parent-enfant : pp. 9-23L’évaluation de l’attachement parent-enfant : pp. 24-43Dossier Thématique sur l'attachementLa théorie de l’attachement est considérée comme un concept clé de la seconde moitié du XXème siècle en psychopathologie et en psychologie (Guédeney N, Guédeney A, L’Attachement : approche théorique Masson 2010). S’intéressant au développement de l’enfant et productive à ce titre pour la réflexion sur la petite enfance, cette théorie, parce qu’elle porte également sur les questions de liens interpersonnels et de séparation, ne peut que croiser les préoccupations en jeu dans la protection de l’enfance.Introduite en France grâce aux travaux et aux recherches menés dans les années 1950 -en lien avec l’équipe de J. Bowlby- par M. David et G. Appell qui s’intéressent aux effets, sur les enfants de tous les âges, des séparations à court et long terme ainsi que des carences de soins maternels, cette théorie reste encore insuffisamment connue dans les milieux professionnels du travail psychosocial. Elle offre pourtant des perspectives très importantes non seulement pour l’approche clinique dans le traitement des situations individuelles, mais également pour le sens des politiques publiques de soutien aux enfants en difficultés et à leurs parents. L’ONED a donc souhaité, par ce dossier, mettre à disposition des acteurs de la protection de l’enfance un ensemble de connaissances et de pistes de réflexion sur cette notion d’attachement, ce grâce à la contribution de personnes qui, par leurs écrits ou leurs pratiques, font référence sur ces questions. Que tous ces auteurs soient vivement remerciés pour leur participation


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