17 research outputs found

    AirLogic:Embedding Pneumatic Computation and I/O in 3D Models to Fabricate Electronics-Free Interactive Objects

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    Researchers have developed various tools and techniques towards the vision of on-demand fabrication of custom, interactive devices. Recentwork has 3D-printed artefacts like speakers, electromagnetic actuators, and hydraulic robots. However, these are non-trivial to instantiate as they require post-fabrication mechanical- or electronic assembly. We introduce AirLogic: a technique to create electronics-free, interactive objects by embedding pneumatic input, logic processing, and output widgets in 3D-printable models. AirLogic devices can perform basic computation on user inputs and create visible, audible, or haptic feedback; yet they do not require electronic circuits, physical assembly, or resetting between uses. Our library of 13 exemplar widgets can embed AirLogic-style computational capabilities in existing 3D models. We evaluate our widgets' performance-quantifying the loss of airfow (1) in each widget type, (2) based on printing orientation, and (3) from internal object geometry. Finally, we present fve applications that illustrate AirLogic's potential

    Fabbed to Sense:Intergrated design of geometry and sensing algorithms for interactive objects

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    Task-specific tangible input devices, like video game controllers, improve user speed and accuracy in input tasks compared to the more general-purpose touchscreen or mouse and keyboard. However, while modifying a graphical user interface (GUI) to accept mouse and keyboard inputs for new and specific tasks is relatively easy and requires only software knowledge, tangible input devices are challenging to prototype and build.Rapid prototyping digital fabrication machines, such as vinyl cutters, laser cutters, and 3D printers, now permeate the design process for such devices. Using these tools, designers can realize a new tangible design faster than ever. In a typical design process, these machines are not used to create the interaction in these interactive product prototypes: they merely create the shell, case, or body, leaving the designer to, in an entirely separate process, assemble and program electronics for sensing a user's input. What are the most cost-effective, fast, and flexible ways of sensing rapid-prototyped input devices? In this dissertation, we investigate how 2D and 3D models for input devices can be automatically generated or modified in order to employ standard, off-the-shelf sensing techniques for adding interactivity to those objects: we call this ``fabbing to sense.''We describe the capabilities of modern rapid prototyping machines, linking these abilities to potential sensing mechanisms when possible. We plunge more deeply into three examples of sensing/fabrication links: we build analysis and design tools that help users design, fabricate, assemble, and \emph{use} input devices sensed through these links. First, we discuss Midas, a tool for building capacitive sensing interfaces on non-screen surfaces, like the back of a phone. Second, we describe Lamello, a technique that generates lasercut and 3D printed tine structures and simulates their vibrational frequencies for training-free audio sensing. Finally, we present Sauron, a tool that automatically modifies the interior of 3D input models to allow sensing via a single embedded camera. We demonstrate each technique's flexibility to be used for many types of input devices through a series of example objects

    of Printed Physical User Interfaces

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    Midas: Fabricating Custom Capacitive Touch Sensors to Prototype Interactive Objects

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    An increasing number of consumer products include user interfaces that rely on touch input. While digital fabrication techniques such as 3D printing make it easier to prototype the shape of custom devices, adding interactivity to such prototypes remains a challenge for many designers. We introduce Midas, a software and hardware toolkit to support the design, fabrication, and programming of flexible capacitive touch sensors for interactive objects. With Midas, designers first define the desired shape, layout, and type of touch sensitive areas, as well as routing obstacles, in a sensor editor. From this high-level specification, Midas automatically generates layout files with appropriate sensor pads and routed connections. These files are then used to fabricate sensors using digital fabrication processes, e.g., vinyl cutters and conductive ink printers. Using step-by-step assembly instructions generated by Midas, designers connect these sensors to the Midas microcontroller, which detects touch events. Once the prototype is assembled, designers can define interactivity for their sensors: Midas supports both record-and-replay actions for controlling existing local applications and WebSocket-based event output for controlling novel or remote applications. In a first-use study with three participants, users successfully prototyped media players. We also demonstrate how Midas can be used to create a number of touch-sensitive interfaces. ACM Classification