118 research outputs found

    Pandemic Pandemonium

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    Caractérisation chronoculturelle du mobilier funéraire en Provence au Néolithique final et au Bronze ancien

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    Les trois pĂ©riodes principales d’utilisation ou de rĂ©utilisation des sĂ©pultures collectives, le NĂ©olithique final I, II et le Bronze ancien sont difficiles Ă  dissocier dans les tombes dont les contenus ne sont pas distincts en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Il est donc essentiel de rechercher des sĂ©pultures de rĂ©fĂ©rence oĂč le remplissage est chronologiquement homogĂšne afin d’acquĂ©rir un rĂ©fĂ©rentiel du mobilier spĂ©cifique Ă  chaque pĂ©riode en vue de l’appliquer Ă  l’étude des tombes Ă  utilisation longue. Cette approche peut permettre de mieux apprĂ©hender l’évolution de pratiques funĂ©raires qui ont perdurĂ© pendant prĂšs de 1500 ans.The Final Neolithic I, II and the Early Bronze Age are the main periods of the use or re-use of the collective burials in South France. These horizons are within the graves difficult to dissociate, since the grave goods are in general not distinct. It is so essential, to define reference burials with a homogeneous grave inventory, to determine a reference system for the specific grave equipments of each period and to consider that way the long-term use of the graves. This approach allows a better understanding of the development of burial practices, which continued for approximately 1500 years

    Caractérisation chronoculturelle du mobilier funéraire en Provence au Néolithique final et au Bronze ancien

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    Les trois pĂ©riodes principales d’utilisation ou de rĂ©utilisation des sĂ©pultures collectives, le NĂ©olithique final I, II et le Bronze ancien sont difficiles Ă  dissocier dans les tombes dont les contenus ne sont pas distincts en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Il est donc essentiel de rechercher des sĂ©pultures de rĂ©fĂ©rence oĂč le remplissage est chronologiquement homogĂšne afin d’acquĂ©rir un rĂ©fĂ©rentiel du mobilier spĂ©cifique Ă  chaque pĂ©riode en vue de l’appliquer Ă  l’étude des tombes Ă  utilisation longue. Cette approche peut permettre de mieux apprĂ©hender l’évolution de pratiques funĂ©raires qui ont perdurĂ© pendant prĂšs de 1500 ans.The Final Neolithic I, II and the Early Bronze Age are the main periods of the use or re-use of the collective burials in South France. These horizons are within the graves difficult to dissociate, since the grave goods are in general not distinct. It is so essential, to define reference burials with a homogeneous grave inventory, to determine a reference system for the specific grave equipments of each period and to consider that way the long-term use of the graves. This approach allows a better understanding of the development of burial practices, which continued for approximately 1500 years

    ÉlĂ©ments sur l'utilisation de l'espace dans la chambre funĂ©raire du dolmen de l'Ubac Ă  Goult (Vaucluse, France)

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    La fouille exhaustive du dolmen du Néolithique final de l'Ubac a permis de mettre en évidence plusieurs phases d'occupation se caractérisant par des répartitions différentes des vestiges anthropologiques. L'étude de ces vestiges a révélé une évolution significative d'une phase à l'autre dans la maniÚre de gérer cet espace. Au travers de ces informations, il est possible dans certains cas d'opérer une distinction entre des gestes purement fonctionnels, liés à la gestion des restes humains, et des actions plus complexes signalant une perception et une pratique de la topographie interne de la chambre funéraire dont aucun élément architectural ne rend compte.The complete excavation of the Final Neolithic dolmen at Ubac revealed several phases of occupation, characterized by successive distributions of anthropological remains. The study of these remains showed that the way this area was used changed significantly from one phase to another. In certain cases it was possible to differentiate between purely functional decisions related to the handling of human remains and more complex actions that signal awareness and modification of the internal topography of the funeral chamber, modifications that cannot be explained by any architectural element

    La chronologie des ensembles funĂ©raires du NĂ©olithique final provençal. Proposition de sĂ©riation intĂ©grant les contextes d’habitat

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    Au cours des vingt derniĂšres annĂ©es, les travaux de plusieurs chercheurs ont permis d’affiner la chronologie des assemblages mobiliers et des contextes d’habitat du NĂ©olithique final de Provence. Trois phases sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement reconnues. Pour les contextes funĂ©raires, le fait que l’essentiel du mobilier soit issu de sĂ©pultures collectives souvent fouillĂ©es anciennement n’a pas permis jusqu’alors de progresser significativement sur cette question. Deux phases sont usuellement distinguĂ©es, la plus rĂ©cente Ă©tant caractĂ©risĂ©e par la prĂ©sence de mobilier typiquement campaniforme.La rĂ©alisation de fouilles rĂ©centes et une analyse plus poussĂ©e des assemblages mobiliers prĂ©sents dans les sĂ©pultures bĂ©nĂ©ficiant d’une stratigraphie bien Ă©tablie a permis de montrer qu’il est possible de distinguer des Ă©volutions dans la premiĂšre phase. Cet article propose d’analyser plus finement la chronologie des ensembles funĂ©raires et d’établir des parallĂšles entre celle-ci et la chronologie Ă©tablie Ă  partir des assemblages mobiliers issus de contextes d’habitat.Pour ce faire, a Ă©tĂ© constituĂ© un corpus de 88 dates radiocarbone Ă  faibles Ă©carts types associĂ©es Ă  des contextes funĂ©raires et domestiques fiables et bien caractĂ©risĂ©s. Les modĂšles bayĂ©siens mis en Ɠuvre rĂ©vĂšlent, pour les deux types de contextes, des phases relativement synchrones malgrĂ© les disparitĂ©s des mobiliers pris en compte pour Ă©tablir les chronologies des deux contextes. Une seconde phase, contemporaine de celle Ă©tablie pour les habitats, peut ĂȘtre distinguĂ©e dans les assemblages mobiliers issus de sĂ©pultures. Les architectures et modes d’occupation de ces tombes Ă©voluent en revanche peu avant la phase 3 qui prĂ©cĂšde le Bronze ancien.Over the past twenty years, the work of several researchers allowed to refine the chronology of the archeological assemblages and of the domestic contexts from the late Neolithic in Provence. Three phases are commonly recognized. For funeral contexts, the fact that most of the material comes from collective burials that were often excavated a long time ago has limited significant progress on that issue. Two phases are usually distinguished, the most recent being characterized by the presence of typically bell-shaped poteries.Recent excavations and a more detailed analysis of the archeological material coming from burials with well-established stratigraphy have shown that it is possible to distinguish different developments in the first phase. This paper proposes to refine the chronology of funeral complexes and to establish chronological parallels between these contexts and the chronology built through the archeological material in domestic context.A corpus of 88 radiocarbon dates with small standard deviations associated with reliable and well-characterized funeral and domestic contexts has been here compiled. The Bayesian models used reveal, for both contexts, relatively synchronous phases despite the disparities in the archeological material used to establish their chronologies. A second phase, contemporary with that established for habitats, can be distinguished based on the burials archeological material. On the other hand, architecture and occupation of these graves, show few changes before Phase 3, that prececded the Early Bronze Age

    Préhistoire en Luberon

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    A new adaptive marine policy toolbox to support ecosystem-based approach to management

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    4 p.As a consequence of increasing threats to the marine ecosystems, new decision support tools are necessary to support the implementation of the Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBA) to management in order to ensure their sustainable exploitation whilst ensuring their preservation. *To operationalize Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBA) to management and translate scientific knowledge into decision tools, an innovative Adaptive Marine Policy Toolbox has been created. It provides policymakers with necessary framework and resources to develop adaptive policies according to the EBA. *The Adaptive Marine Policy Toolbox provides a one-stop single location to access all the guidelines and resources necessary to design and implement adaptive marine policies according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. *The toolbox presents a high transferability to additional regulations calling for the Ecosystem-Based Approach to management such as the Ecosystem Approach of the Mediterranean Action Plan and the Black SeaÂŽs Strategic Action Plan. *The Resources existing within the toolbox are presented in a user-friendly format. The presence of assessments and models capable to cope with uncertain conditions allows for high flexibility and adaptation in management strategies when future conditions change

    The Adaptive Marine Policy (AMP) toolbox: Supporting policy-makers developing adaptive policies in the Mediterranean and Black Sea

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    Adaptive management is essential to the practical application of the Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBA). Despite there are frequent assertions that adaptive management is being used, evidence on its success is still limited. Indeed, it is difficult to bring the different elements of adaptive management together in a robust way and to choose the appropriate tools to do it. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a practical framework for adaptive policy action, consistent with the EBA. Accordingly, to operationalize the design and implementation of adaptive policies on the basis of the EBA, the Adaptive Marine Policy toolbox has been developed. The objective of the toolbox is to provide policy-makers a practical framework to design and implement adaptive policies. To show the functionality of the toolbox, the guidelines and resources provided within the toolbox have been applied to the marine litter issue in the Mediterranean and Black Sea as an example. The example application has shown that the toolbox is a useful and operational framework to build a science-policy interface according to the EBA. Despite some resources could be missing from the toolbox, they provide a practical and useful starting point to support the application of the different steps and key activities
