190 research outputs found

    Efficiency improvement of product definition and verification through Product Lifecycle Management

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    The correct and complete geometrical definition of a product is nowadays a critical activity for most companies. To solve this problem, ISO has launched the GPS, Geometrical Product Specifications and Verification, with the goal of consistently and completely describe the geometric characteristics of the products. With this project, it is possible to define a language of communication between the various stages of the product lifecycle based on "operators": these are an ordered set of mathematical operations used for the definition of the products. However, these theoretical and mathematical concepts require a level of detail and completeness of the information hardly used in usual industrial activities. Consequently in industrial practice the definition and verification of products appears to be a slow process, error-prone and difficult to control. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is the activity of managing the company's products throughout their lifecycle in the most efficient way. PLM describes the engineering aspects of the products, ensuring the integrity of product definition, the automatic update of the product information and then aiding the product to fulfil with international standards. Despite all these benefits, the concepts of PLM are not yet fully understood in industry and they are difficult to implement for SME's. A first objective of this research is to develop a model to depict and understand processes. This representation is used as a tool during the application of a case study of a whole set of a GPS standards for one type of tolerance. This procedure allows the introduction of the GPS principles and facilitates its implementation within a PLM process. Until now, PLM is presented on isolated aspects without the necessary holistic approach. Furthermore, industry needs people able to operate in PLM context, professional profiles that are not common on the market. There is therefore an educational problem; besides the technical knowledge, the new profile of engineers must be also familiar with the PLM philosophy and instruments to work effectively in a team. With the aim of solving this problem, this thesis presents a PLM solution that gives the guidelines for a correct understanding of these topic

    The relationship of certain soil physical properties to root distribution, nutrient absorption, and yield of corn and soy beans planted in three row arrangements

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    This investigation was conducted for two seasons (1972 and 1973) on a Sequatchie loam soil at the Plant Science Farm, Knoxville, Tennessee. The effect of bulk density and large pore space on root distribution, nutrient absorption, and yield of corn and soybeans planted at different row arrangements was studied. Bulk density, large pore space and root volume from soil core samples taken at different distances from the reference row at different times were measured. The amount of plant roots per unit volume of soil gradually increased as the season progressed but decreased late in the season in both corn and soybeans. Root volume data from samples taken at comparable distance from the reference row showed that row arrangement had no effect on root volume for corn and soybeans during both years. Higher bulk density and smaller percentage of large pore space at the 6-12-inch depth generally impaired root penetration by soybean plants, but had less effect on root penetration by the corn plants. The root volume in the surface soil was generally higher close to the row and decreased gradually as the distance from the row increased. Above ground plant samples taken at different times during the growing season were analyzed for their concentration of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg. Generally the nutrient percentages in the above ground corn plants were high early in the season and decreased as the season progressed except for P which was high early in the season, decreased up to 60 days, and then leveled off in 1972 but increased to higher than the original levels in 1973. The nutrient percentage means for all row arrangements followed the same pattern and generally were not statistically different except for the period from tasseling to filling stage of growth in the 12-24 row arrangement in 1972. N, P, K, Ca, and Mg accumulation in pounds per acre gradually increased up to about 70 days (tasseling stage). During the ear development and filling stage of growth the amount of N, P, and K greatly increased while the increases in Ca and Mg were very small. In soybeans, N, P. K, Ca, and Mg percentages were higher in the early stages of growth. Percentage of N and P generally decreased for about the first 70 to 80 days after planting and then increased slightly while the percent of K decreased as the season progressed. Ca and Mg percentages tended to level off at a later stage of growth. The amount of N, P, K, Ca and Mg that accumulated in the above ground soybean plants increased gradually for about 70 days. After this period a large increase in content of N and K was observed while the increase of P, Ca and Mg was less pronounced. Root volume did not account for any yield differences among the row arrangements in corn and soybeans in either year. Corn at 17,424 plants per acre in 1972 produced a lower yield than 20,380 plants per acre in 1973. At the lower plant population in 1972, row arrangements did produce significantly different yields. However, at 20,380 plants per acre in 1973, row arrangement had no effect on corn yield. Irregular soybean plant distribution and large percentage of lodging occurred in 12 and 12-24 row arrangements which reduced the yield of these treatments and may have accounted for no yield differences among the row arrangements

    Vínculos conceptuales discretos y continuos del cálculo en la ingeniería de control

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    Este trabajo de investigación pretende hacer un estudio preliminar de la dualidad discreto-continuo con profesores de matemáticas y física, específicamente aquellos que imparten estas materias en ingeniería. El marco teórico que sustenta este trabajo de investigación documental es el constructivismo de Piaget y la Matemática en Contexto que tiene su origen en el mismo constructivismo. En el trabajo de investigación se hacen varias referencias sobre la matemática en contexto con la ingeniería, sobre la matemática y la dualidad en el estudio de lo discreto y lo continuo dentro de la Ingeniería de Control. La madurez que debe de tener el cálculo en este trabajo de investigación es de que los alumnos distingan entre el diferencial como una variable continua y del tipo analógico entre el incremento como un intervalo definido y una variable discreta que da origen a las señales digitales. Hacer notar las herramientas matemáticas entre una y otra, así como mostrar la importancia de transitar o transformar (convertir) un tipo de señal a otra

    Seleção para cor de chips de batata com o uso de fitas indicadoras de glicose.

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    a novel methodology to integrate manufacturing execution systems with the lean manufacturing approach

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    Abstract In order to deal with global competition, industries have undertaken many efforts directed to improve manufacturing efficiency. From a broad perspective, two possible approaches are the adoption of lean manufacturing methodologies or the implementation of information tools: for several years, these two approaches have been assumed to be mutually exclusive. The present work aims to define a methodology to support developers and practitioners in the integration of Manufacturing Execution Systems with the lean manufacturing approach. A case-study in the field of aeronautics is presented to validate the method

    A Novel Approach for Teaching IT Tools within Learning Factories

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    Universities around the world are developing strategies to include into their curricula trend topics from Industry 4.0, such as Cyber Physical Systems, robotics, process virtualization and advanced IT tools. However, at the state of the art in literature there is few evidence for educational environments in which all these components are fully integrated. SMALL Factory, an ongoing project in Politecnico di Torino, aims to develop an integrated learning factory based on the technologies triggering the fourth industrial revolution. Beside the transfer of technological skills, the laboratory allows the on field training of students in the use of open source IT tools such as PLM and ERP systems. The present paper aims to present the teaching methodology proposed within the SMALL Factory framework. The ultimate aim of this project is to replace the traditional software teaching, based on tutorials and simple case studies, with a learning by doing, integrated approach, in order to provide students with a comprehensive perspective of a modern manufacturing environment and to train their mindset to be responsive

    Learning Factory: The Path to Industry 4.0

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    Abstract Nowadays, there are plenty of studies that seek to determine which are the skills that should be met by an engineer. Communication and teamwork are some of the most recurrent ones associated with a knowledge of the engineering sciences. However, their application is not straight forward, due to the lack of educational approaches that contributes to develop experience-based knowledge. Learning Factories (LF) have shown to be effective for developing theoretical and practical knowledge in a real production environment. This article describes the transformation process of a training-addressed manufacturing workshop, in order to structure a Learning Factory for the production engineering program at EAFIT University. The proposed transformations were based on the definition of three pillars (didactic, integrative and engineering) for the development of an LF. We argue that a proper transformation process may contribute to ease the path towards new manufacturing trends such as industry 4.0 into an academic context that strengths the engineering training process

    An Efficiency Improvement Approach to Reduce Transportation Costs: An Application

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    The reduction of transportation costs is an important issue for many companies that need to stay competitive. This work describes the application of a scheme for increasing transportation efficiency to achieve this purpose. This scheme is developed around a modified version of the Operational Equipment Effectiveness index used in TPM. This is adapted to be used as the main performance measure in transport operations. Availability, performance and quality wastes are identified using Value Stream Mapping of the operation. The implementation is carried out in the routing operation of a Mexican firm. The improvement initiatives are still in progress but the projected and available results are provided

    Vínculos conceptuales discreto-continuo del cálculo en la Ingeniería de control

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    Este trabajo de investigación pretende hacer un estudio preliminar de la dualidad discreto-continuo con profesores de matemáticas y física, específicamente aquellos que imparten estas materias en ingeniería. El Marco Teórico que sustenta este trabajo de investigación documental es el constructivismo de Piaget y la Matemática en Contexto que tiene su origen en el mismo constructivismo. En el trabajo de investigación se hacen varias referencias sobre la matemática en contexto con la ingeniería, sobre la matemática y la dualidad en el estudio de lo discreto y lo continuo dentro de la Ingeniería de Control. La madurez que debe de tener el cálculo en este trabajo de investigación es de que los alumnos distingan entre el diferencial como una variable continua y del tipo analógico entre el incremento como un intervalo definido y una variable discreta que da origen a las señales digitales. Hacer notar las herramientas matemáticas entre una y otra, así como mostrar la importancia de transitar o transformar (convertir) un tipo de señal a otra


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    Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) demonstrated to be a good strategy for manufacturing enterprises. In spite of all the benefits it is not still clear how to implement it in industry. This article presents a visualization model of enterprise processes for a PLM system. It presents in a graphic way the main elements of a product lifecycle. The model identifies what is done (process, activities), when it is done (workflows), who does what (roles - skills) and how it can be done better (methods and tools). UML-RUP is used as representation technique. A case study, which analyzes the specification and inspection procedures of geometric tolerances according to the GPS approach, proves the convenience of this model for supporting PLM implementation