9 research outputs found

    Towards a Theory of Logarithmic GLSM Moduli Spaces

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    In this article, we establish foundations for a logarithmic compactification of general GLSM moduli spaces via the theory of stable log maps. We then illustrate our method via the key example of Witten's rr-spin class. In the subsequent articles, we will push the technique to the general situation. One novelty of our theory is that such a compactification admits two virtual cycles, a usual virtual cycle and a "reduced virtual cycle". A key result of this article is that the reduced virtual cycle in the rr-spin case equals to the r-spin virtual cycle as defined using cosection localization by Chang--Li--Li. The reduced virtual cycle has the advantage of being C∗\mathbb{C}^*-equivariant for a non-trivial C∗\mathbb{C}^*-action. The localization formula has a variety of applications such as computing higher genus Gromov--Witten invariants of quintic threefolds and the class of the locus of holomorphic differentials

    On the principally polarized abelian varieties with m-minimal curves

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    In this paper, we study principally polarized abelian varieties X of dimension g with a curve C  such that the class of C is m times theminimal class.  Welters introduced the formalism of complementarypairs to handle this problem in the case m = 2. We generalize the results of Welters and construct families of principally polarized abelian varieties for any m and compute the dimension of the locus of these abelian varieties

    ThĂ©orie de l’intersection sur les espaces de diffĂ©rentielles holomorphes et mĂ©romorphes

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    We construct the space of stable differentials: a moduli space of meromorphic differentials with poles of fixed order. This space is a cone over the moduli space Mg,n of stable curves. If the set of poles is empty, then this cone is the Hodge bundle. We introduce the tautological ring of the projectivized space of stable differentials by analogy with Mg,n. The space of stable differentials is stratified according to the orders of zeros of the differential. We show that the PoincarĂ©-dual cohomology classes of these strata are tautological and can be explicitly computed, this constitutes the main result of this thesis. We apply this result to compute Hurwitz numbers and to show several identities in the Picard group of the strata. Then, we interest ourselves to moduli spaces of differentials of superior order. A curve endowed with a k-differential carry a natural ramified covering of Galois group Z/kZ. The Hodge bundle over the covering curve is decomposed into a direct sum of sub-vector bundles according to the character of Z/kZ. We compute the first Chern class of each of these sub-bundles. A last chapter will be dedicated to the presentation of conjectural relations between classes of strata of differentials, moduli of r-spin structures and double ramification cycles.Nous construisons l'espace des diffĂ©rentielles stables : un espace des modules de diffĂ©rentielles mĂ©romorphes avec des pĂŽles d'ordres fixĂ©s. Cet espace est un cĂŽne au dessus de l'espace Mg,n des courbes stables. Si l'ensemble de poles est vide, il s'agit du fibrĂ© de Hodge. Nous introduisons l'anneau tautologique du projectivisĂ© de l'espace des diffĂ©rentielles stables par analogie avec Mg,n. L'espace des diffĂ©rentielles stables est stratifiĂ© en fonction des ordres des zĂ©ros de la diffĂ©rentielle. Nous montrons que la classe de cohomologie PoincarĂ©-duale de chaque strate est tautologique et peut ĂȘtre calculĂ©e explicitement, ce qui constitue le rĂ©sultat principal de la thĂšse. Nous appliquons ces rĂ©sultats pour calculer des nombres de Hurwitz et pour prouver plusieurs identitĂ©s dans le groupe de Picard des strates. Ensuite, nous nous intĂ©ressons aux espaces des modules des diffĂ©rentielles d'ordre supĂ©rieur. Une courbe munie d'une k-diffĂ©rentielle holomorphe possĂšde un revĂȘtement naturel de groupe de Galois Z/kZ. Le fibrĂ© de Hodge sur la courbe revĂȘtante se dĂ©compose en une somme directe de sous-fibrĂ©s en fonction du car- actĂšre de Z/kZ. Nous calculons la premiĂšre classe de Chern de chacun de ces sous-fibrĂ©s. Un dernier chapitre sera consacrĂ© Ă  l'exposĂ© des liens conjecturaux entre les classes des strates de diffĂ©rentielles, les espaces de courbes r-spin et les cycles de double ramification

    Volumes and Siegel–Veech constants of H(2G − 2) and Hodge integrals

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    International audienceIn the 80's H. Masur and W. Veech defined two numerical in-variants of strata of abelian differentials: the volume and the Siegel-Veech constant. Based on numerical experiments, A. Eskin and A. Zorich proposed a series of conjectures for the large genus asymptotics of these invariants. By a careful analysis of the asymptotic behavior of quasi-modular forms, D. Chen, M. Moeller, and D. Zagier proved that this conjecture holds for strata of differentials with simple zeros. Here, with a mild assumption of existence of a good metric, we show that the conjecture holds for the other extreme case, i.e. for strata of differentials with a unique zero. Our main ingredient is the expression of the numerical invariants of these strata in terms of Hodge integrals on moduli spaces of curves

    Intersection theory of spaces of holomorphic and meromorphic differentials

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    Nous construisons l'espace des diffĂ©rentielles stables : un espace des modules de diffĂ©rentielles mĂ©romorphes avec des pĂŽles d'ordres fixĂ©s. Cet espace est un cĂŽne au dessus de l'espace Mg,n des courbes stables. Si l'ensemble de poles est vide, il s'agit du fibrĂ© de Hodge. Nous introduisons l'anneau tautologique du projectivisĂ© de l'espace des diffĂ©rentielles stables par analogie avec Mg,n. L'espace des diffĂ©rentielles stables est stratifiĂ© en fonction des ordres des zĂ©ros de la diffĂ©rentielle. Nous montrons que la classe de cohomologie PoincarĂ©-duale de chaque strate est tautologique et peut ĂȘtre calculĂ©e explicitement, ce qui constitue le rĂ©sultat principal de la thĂšse. Nous appliquons ces rĂ©sultats pour calculer des nombres de Hurwitz et pour prouver plusieurs identitĂ©s dans le groupe de Picard des strates. Ensuite, nous nous intĂ©ressons aux espaces des modules des diffĂ©rentielles d'ordre supĂ©rieur. Une courbe munie d'une k-diffĂ©rentielle holomorphe possĂšde un revĂȘtement naturel de groupe de Galois Z/kZ. Le fibrĂ© de Hodge sur la courbe revĂȘtante se dĂ©compose en une somme directe de sous-fibrĂ©s en fonction du car- actĂšre de Z/kZ. Nous calculons la premiĂšre classe de Chern de chacun de ces sous-fibrĂ©s. Un dernier chapitre sera consacrĂ© Ă  l'exposĂ© des liens conjecturaux entre les classes des strates de diffĂ©rentielles, les espaces de courbes r-spin et les cycles de double ramification.We construct the space of stable differentials: a moduli space of meromorphic differentials with poles of fixed order. This space is a cone over the moduli space Mg,n of stable curves. If the set of poles is empty, then this cone is the Hodge bundle. We introduce the tautological ring of the projectivized space of stable differentials by analogy with Mg,n. The space of stable differentials is stratified according to the orders of zeros of the differential. We show that the PoincarĂ©-dual cohomology classes of these strata are tautological and can be explicitly computed, this constitutes the main result of this thesis. We apply this result to compute Hurwitz numbers and to show several identities in the Picard group of the strata. Then, we interest ourselves to moduli spaces of differentials of superior order. A curve endowed with a k-differential carry a natural ramified covering of Galois group Z/kZ. The Hodge bundle over the covering curve is decomposed into a direct sum of sub-vector bundles according to the character of Z/kZ. We compute the first Chern class of each of these sub-bundles. A last chapter will be dedicated to the presentation of conjectural relations between classes of strata of differentials, moduli of r-spin structures and double ramification cycles