275 research outputs found

    The Implementation of a Quality Management Standard in a Food SME: A Network Learning Perspective

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    In the modern agrifood economies, the development of quality management standards is crucial, and food small and medium enterprises (SMEs) usually face difficulties in implementing them. In this context, the aim of the article is two‐fold. Firstly it is to craft an original analytical framework in line with the literature on innovation networks and related learning effects specifically devoted to the study of quality management standards implementation. Secondly the objective of the article is to apply this framework to a specific food SME case in order to test it and to identify the key network learningeffects that occur during the implementation of a quality management standard, namely the ISO 22000 standard for food safety. From this research, the practical output will be to propose tools to enhance food SMEs’ innovative capacity, through an improvement of their insertion in active formal and/or informal innovation networks. These specific tools will be especially targeted towards the strengthening of learning processes between the SME and the partners involved in the implementation

    Un cadre d'analyse structurationniste des relations partenariales.

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    L’objectif de cette communication est de proposer un cadre d’analyse de l’évolution des relations partenariales. Ce cadre d’analyse est centrĂ© sur les dimensions interactives au sein de la relation modĂ©lisĂ©e comme systĂšme social complexe. Dans un premier temps nous proposons une revue de la littĂ©rature consacrĂ©e Ă  ce sujet de la dynamique partenariale pour en dĂ©gager les principales caractĂ©ristiques. Nous distinguons ainsi deux courants majeurs. Le premier courant privilĂ©gie l’étude des facteurs explicatifs influençant la relation partenariale : son Ă©volution apparaĂźt ainsi conditionnĂ©e par l’existence d’élĂ©ments endogĂšnes et/ou exogĂšnes. Le second courant met l’accent sur la dimension systĂ©mique de la relation : celle -ci est alors vue comme ayant sa logique propre et son Ă©volution peut ĂȘtre Ă©clairĂ©e par une Ă©tude de la nature des forces Ă  l’Ɠuvre. Dans un second temps nous prĂ©cisons les bases conceptuelles de notre cadre d’analyse, en relation avec ces travaux. Nous considĂ©rerons que la relation partenariale constitue un systĂšme social complexe, oĂč les interactions entre individus, organisations et Ă©lĂ©ments contextuels sont Ă  l’origine des modifications dans la structuration de la relation. Par nature non prĂ©dictive, cette Ă©volution peut nĂ©anmoins ĂȘtre Ă©clairĂ©e en considĂ©rant le processus par lequel les individus et les organisations construisent, par leurs interactions constantes, la structure et sont en retour modelĂ©s par elle. Pour ce faire, notre cadre d’analyse se compose de deux Ă©tapes complĂ©mentaires. La premiĂšre Ă©tape fait rĂ©fĂ©rence aux Ă©lĂ©ments structurants du systĂšme partenarial : mode de coordination de la relation partenariale d’une part, relations individu/organisation d’autre part. Cette identification d’élĂ©ments structurants est Ă  la base d’une dĂ©finition de six formes archĂ©typales de relations partenariales. Dans une seconde Ă©tape, nous proposons une grille de lecture des interactions fortes au sein du systĂšme partenarial . Ces interactions sont regroupĂ©es en familles de phĂ©nomĂšnes liant entre eux les Ă©lĂ©ments de la structure Ă  un triple niveau : inter-individuel, inter-organisationnel et en lien au contexte. Dans un troisiĂšme temps nous appliquons ce cadre d’analyse Ă  une relation partenariale entre un producteur agricole et un grossiste. Cette relation se dĂ©roule sur une pĂ©riode de douze annĂ©es. De sa mise en place jusqu’à sa dissolution, elle passe par une suite d’évĂšnements qui en modifie la structure. Le cadre d’analyse proposĂ© permet de mieux comprendre son Ă©volution. Il met notamment en Ă©vidence la dimension interactive forte du phĂ©nomĂšne partenarial, son caractĂšre mouvant, contingent et alĂ©atoire, ainsi que l’importance des dimensions individuelles et contextuelles dans son devenir.SystĂšme social; Structuration; Relation; Partenariat; Organisation; Interaction; Individu; Evolution;


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    Currently, the agricultural sector is facing new challenges. In addition to meeting the population's food needs in sufficient quantity and quality, it must fulfill new energy and environmental functions as well as other non-food uses such as biomaterials and biomolecules. At the regional scale, there is an increase of non-food valorization projects of biomass, including the methanisation plants. In France, the methanisation sector is in full swing with a national target of 1,000 plants by 2020, as defined in the Energy Methanisation Nitrogen Energy plan (EMAA). The development of methanisation sector generates a regional dynamic involving different stakeholders and linking various business sectors. Then the regional methanisation becomes a collective process in which farmers, industrialists, waste managers and local communities are engaged. The objective of this communication consists on understanding the socio-economic conditions in which this kind of regional projects have emerged. For this purpose, the “Centrale de BiomĂ©thane du Vermandois”, a regional methanisation plant in the north of France was studied. This analysis contributes to identify the nature of the expectations of the actors engaged, to better understand the governance in place and the decision-making processes surrounding the project. The results show the success factors but also the difficulties of implementation and development of the project. The results also highlight the main motivations of farmers to join the biogas project

    La mobilisation riveraine contre le projet de TGV-Ouest

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    Selon l’auteur, le phĂ©nomĂšne Nimby (Not In My Back Yard) qui consiste pour des riverains Ă  s’associer pour dĂ©fendre leurs intĂ©rĂȘts territoriaux proches face aux nuisances que peut crĂ©er un projet d’intĂ©rĂȘt gĂ©nĂ©ral met Ă  jour un phĂ©nomĂšne social et culturel qui dĂ©passe de fait les particularismes locaux. À partir de huit entretiens, l’auteur analyse en profondeur les nouveaux rapports de force qui s’instaurent entre les citoyens (quels citoyens ?) et le systĂšme politique (quelles institutions ?) au travers d’un systĂšme de reprĂ©sentations complexe ; des phases progressives de structuration du dialogue apparaissent en mĂȘme temps que la volontĂ© consensuelle de maĂźtriser l’information pour les usagers/citoyens. La confrontation s’avĂšre positive et nĂ©cessaire dans la mesure oĂč elle agit comme rĂ©vĂ©lateur des changements sociaux en cours.This paper deals with the Nimby (Not In My Back Yard) phenomenon: residents associate in order to defend their direct territorial interests against the pollution that a project of general interest can generate. According to the author, such a phenomenon throws light on a social and cultural phenomenon which goes well beyond local idiosyncrasies. Interpreting the results of eight interviews, StĂ©phanie SauvĂ©e proposes an in-depth analysis of the new power struggle which builds up between citizens (which citizens?) and the political system (which institutions?) through a complex pattern of representations. She shows how a dialogue is progressively established, and evidences the citizens’ consensual will to have access to information. Such a confrontation proves to be positive and necessary inasmuch as it reveals current social changes

    Innovation and Interactions: A Bibliometrics Study on intra-firm Coordination

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    The way the firm uses its technological resources and competences, the ability to combine/recombine components, methods, processes and techniques to offer products and services plays a central role on the innovation process (AFUAH, 2002).  As Indarti (2010) points out, the interactions are a key element in the process of gaining access to, acquire, and develop knowledge for the stimulation of a firm’s activities in the field of innovation. From the intra-firm perspective, to innovate, Paruchuri (2010) argues that a firm that can improve the diffusion of knowledge internally will benefit from enhanced innovative activity. Aalbers (2015) reflecting on the governance of knowledge sharing inside organizations, suggest that knowledge may come to be difficult to transfer because of the boundaries dynamics. In light of these authors insights the aim of this paper is to present an overview of the research regarding Interactions, Innovation and Intra-firm Coordination. For that, we performed a bibliometrics study within the Web of Science (WoS) and the Elsevier’s Scopus libraries. A final sample of 111 papers were built after several refinements. The results suggest a growing tendency of the publications on the subject. The most cited papers have a gap of almost twelve years in between it, which shows that the construction of knowledge, about the topics innovation interactions and intra-firm coordination are still attached to what was published a long time ago, for the initiators of this research field, but the works of Dolfsma et al (2008) and Leendert et al (2015) shows us a new trend and that new researchers are using these brand new works as references to perform new studies

    Dynamic nuclear polarisation NMR of nanosized zirconium phosphate polymer fillers

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    International audience; Surface functionalisation with organic modifiers of multi-layered zirconium phosphate (ZrP) nanoparticles used as polymer fillers can be directly probed by dynamic nuclear polarisation NMR, which provides unambiguous evidence of the presence of P-O-C chemical bonds at the surface of the ZrP layers, thereby confirming successful functionalisation
