176 research outputs found

    Fast numerical methods for non-local operators

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    A Model Based Framework for Testing Safety and Security in Operational Technology Environments

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    Todays industrial control systems consist of tightly coupled components allowing adversaries to exploit security attack surfaces from the information technology side, and, thus, also get access to automation devices residing at the operational technology level to compromise their safety functions. To identify these concerns, we propose a model-based testing approach which we consider a promising way to analyze the safety and security behavior of a system under test providing means to protect its components and to increase the quality and efficiency of the overall system. The structure of the underlying framework is divided into four parts, according to the critical factors in testing of operational technology environments. As a first step, this paper describes the ingredients of the envisioned framework. A system model allows to overview possible attack surfaces, while the foundations of testing and the recommendation of mitigation strategies will be based on process-specific safety and security standard procedures with the combination of existing vulnerability databases

    Numerical approximation of poisson problems in long domains

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    In this paper, we consider the Poisson equation on a “long” domain which is the Cartesian product of a one-dimensional long interval with a (d − 1)-dimensional domain. The right-hand side is assumed to have a rank-1 tensor structure. We will present and compare methods to construct approximations of the solution which have tensor structure and the computational effort is governed by only solving elliptic problems on lower-dimensional domains. A zero-th order tensor approximation is derived by using tools from asymptotic analysis (method 1). The resulting approximation is an elementary tensor and, hence has a fixed error which turns out to be very close to the best possible approximation of zero-th order. This approximation can be used as a starting guess for the derivation of higher-order tensor approximations by a greedy-type method (method 2). Numerical experiments show that this method is converging towards the exact solution. Method 3 is based on the derivation of a tensor approximation via exponential sums applied to discretized differential operators and their inverses. It can be proved that this method converges exponentially with respect to the tensor rank. We present numerical experiments which compare the performance and sensitivity of these three methods

    Recombinant GPI-anchored TIMP-1 stimulates growth and migration of peritoneal mesothelial cells.

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    Mesothelial cells are critical in the pathogenesis of post-surgical intraabdominal adhesions as well as in the deterioration of the peritoneal membrane associated with long-term peritoneal dialysis. Mesothelial denudation is a pathophysiolocigally important finding in these processes. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) biology underlies aspects of mesothelial homeostasis as well as wound repair. The endogenous tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) moderate MMP activity. METHODS AND FINDING: By modifying human TIMP-1 through the addition of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor, a recombinant protein was generated that efficiently focuses TIMP-1 on the cell surface. Treatment of primary mesothelial cells with TIMP-1-GPI facilitates their mobilization and migration leading to a dramatic increase in the rate of wound experimental closure. Mesothelial cells treated with TIMP-1-GPI showed a dose dependent increase in cell proliferation, reduced secretion of MMP-2, MMP-9, TNF-α and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), but increased tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA). Treatment resulted in reduced expression and processing of latent TGF-ÎČ1. TIMP-1-GPI stimulated rapid and efficient in vitro wound closure. The agent enhanced mesothelial cell proliferation and migration and was bioactive in the nanogram range. The application of TIMP-1-GPI may represent a new approach for limiting or repairing damaged mesothelium

    Atmospheric controls on hydrogen and oxygen isotope composition of meteoric and surface waters in Patagonia

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    The southern tip of South America, commonly referred to as Patagonia, is a key area to understand SouthernHemisphere Westerlies (SHW) dynamics and orographic isotope effects in precipitation. However, only few studies haveaddressed these topics. We evaluated the stable isotope (2H, 18O) compositions of precipitation, lentic waters, and lotic waters in that area to characterize and understand isotope fractionation processes associated with orographic rainout, moisture 20 recycling and moisture sources. Observational data were interpreted with the help of backward trajectory modelling of moisturesources using reanalysis climate data. While the Pacific serves as the exclusive moisture source for sites upwind of the Andes and on the immediate downwind area of the Andes, recycled moisture from the continent seems to be the main humidity source at the Patagonian Atlantic coast. In contrast, the Pampean Atlantic coast north of Patagonia obtains moisture from the Atlantic Ocean. In the core zone of the SHW at a latitude of 50° S, a depletion in the heavy isotopes of 10 ? and 85 ?, for 18O and 25 2H, respectively, occurs due to orographic rainout corresponding to a drying ratio of 0.45.Fil: Mayr, Christoph. Universitat Erlangen-Nuremberg; Alemania. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; AlemaniaFil: Langhamer, Lukas. Universidad de Innsbruck; AustriaFil: Wissel, Holger. Universitat Erlangen-Nuremberg; AlemaniaFil: Meier, Wolfgang. Universitat Erlangen-Nuremberg; AlemaniaFil: Sauter, Tobias. Universitat Erlangen-Nuremberg; AlemaniaFil: Laprida, Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; ArgentinaFil: Massaferro, Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; Argentina. AdministraciĂłn de Parques Nacionales. DelegaciĂłn Regional Patagonia; ArgentinaFil: Försterra, GĂŒnter. Pontificia Universidad CatĂłlica de ValparaĂ­so; ChileFil: LĂŒcke, Andreas. Universitat Erlangen-Nuremberg; Alemani

    How are social stressors at work related to well-being and health? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Social relationships are crucial for well-being and health, and considerable research has established social stressors as a risk for well-being and health. However, researchers have used many different constructs, and it is unclear if these are actually different or reflect a single overarching construct. Distinct patterns of associations with health/well-being would indicate separate constructs, similar patterns would indicate a common core construct, and remaining differences could be attributed to situational characteristics such as frequency or intensity. The current meta-analysis therefore investigated to what extent different social stressors show distinct (versus similar) patterns of associations with well-being and health. Methods: We meta-analysed 557 studies and investigated correlations between social stressors and outcomes in terms of health and well-being (e.g. burnout), attitudes (e.g. job satisfaction), and behaviour (e.g. counterproductive work behaviour). Moderator analyses were performed to determine if there were differences in associations depending on the nature of the stressor, the outcome, or both. To be included, studies had to be published in peer-reviewed journals in English or German; participants had to be employed at least 50% of a full-time equivalent (FTE). Results: The overall relation between social stressors and health/well-being was of medium size (r = -.30, p < .001). Type of social stressor and outcome category acted as moderators, with moderating effects being larger for outcomes than for stressors. The strongest effects emerged for job satisfaction, burnout, commitment, and counterproductive work behaviour. Type of stressor yielded a significant moderation, but differences in effect sizes for different stressors were rather small overall. Rather small effects were obtained for physical violence and sexual mistreatment, which is likely due to a restricted range because of rare occurrence and/or underreporting of such intense stressors. Conclusions: We propose integrating diverse social stressor constructs under the term "relational devaluation" and considering situational factors such as intensity or frequency to account for the remaining variance. Practical implications underscore the importance for supervisors to recognize relational devaluation in its many different forms and to avoid or minimize it as far as possible in order to prevent negative health-related outcomes for employees

    Ingestion of colostrum from specific cows induces Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP) in some calves

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    Background: Since 2006, cases of haemorrhagic diathesis in young calves have been observed with a much higher incidence than previously known. The syndrome, now uniformly called Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP), is characterized by multiple (external and internal) haemorrhages, thrombocytopenia, leukocytopenia, and bone marrow depletion. Although various infectious and toxicological causes of bleeding disorders in calves have been ruled out, the aetiology of BNP remains unknown. However, field observations have led to the hypothesis that the aetiological principle may be transmitted to calves via colostrum. The objective of the present study was to verify whether ingestion of colostrum from dams of known BNP calves can elicit signs of BNP and typical haematological findings in conveniently selected neonatal calves. Six such calves received one feeding of colostrum (or a mixture of colostrum batches) from dams of known BNP calves. As controls, another six conveniently selected calves from herds which had never had a BNP case received one feeding of colostrum from their own dams. Haematological and clinical parameters were monitored. Results: One of the six experimental calves never showed any haematological, clinical or pathological evidence of BNP. In the other five calves, thrombocyte and leukocyte counts dropped within a few hours following ingestion of colostrum. Of those, three calves developed clinical signs of BNP, their post-mortem examination revealed bone marrow depletion. Of the remaining two calves, a pair of mixed twins, marked thrombocytopenia and recurrent leukocytopenia was evident in one, in which only slight changes in the bone marrow were detected, while in the other thrombocyte counts dropped, but rebounded later, and no bone marrow changes were noted. Thrombocyte counts of the experimental calves were statistically significantly lower than those of the control calves at 2 hours post ingestion of colostrum and at every sampling point between 9 hours and 8 days postcolostral. Leucocyte counts of the experimental calves were statistically significantly lower than those of control calves at 2 hours post ingestion of colostrum and 3-7 days postcolostral. Conclusions: BNP can be induced in some calves by ingestion of colostrum from cows that have given birth to BNP calves

    Expression patterns of transcribed human endogenous retrovirus HERV-K(HML-2) loci in human tissues and the need for a HERV Transcriptome Project

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    Background: A significant proportion of the human genome is comprised of human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs). HERV transcripts are found in every human tissue. Expression of proviruses of the HERV-K(HML-2) family has been associated with development of human tumors, in particular germ cell tumors (GCT). Very little is known about transcriptional activity of individual HML-2 loci in human tissues, though. Results: By employing private nucleotide differences between loci, we assigned ~1500 HML-2 cDNAs to individual HML-2 loci, identifying, in total, 23 transcriptionally active HML-2 proviruses. Several loci are active in various human tissue types. Transcription levels of some HML-2 loci appear higher than those of other loci. Several HML-2 Rec-encoding loci are expressed in GCT and non-GCT tissues. A provirus on chromosome 22q11.21 appears strongly upregulated in pathologic GCT tissues and may explain high HML-2 Gag protein levels in GCTs. Presence of Gag and Env antibodies in GCT patients is not correlated with activation of individual loci. HML-2 proviruses previously reported capable of forming an infectious HML-2 variant are transcriptionally active in germ cell tissue. Our study furthermore shows that Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) data are insufficient to describe transcriptional activity of HML-2 and other HERV loci in tissues of interest. Conclusion: Our, to date, largest-scale study reveals in greater detail expression patterns of individual HML-2 loci in human tissues of clinical interest. Moreover, large-scale, specialized studies are indicated to better comprehend transcriptional activity and regulation of HERVs. We thus emphasize the need for a specialized HERV Transcriptome Project

    Analyzing quantum jumps of one and two atoms strongly coupled to an optical cavity

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    We induce quantum jumps between the hyperfine ground states of one and two Cesium atoms, strongly coupled to the mode of a high-finesse optical resonator, and analyze the resulting random telegraph signals. We identify experimental parameters to deduce the atomic spin state nondestructively from the stream of photons transmitted through the cavity, achieving a compromise between a good signal-to-noise ratio and minimal measurement-induced perturbations. In order to extract optimum information about the spin dynamics from the photon count signal, a Bayesian update formalism is employed, which yields time-dependent probabilities for the atoms to be in either hyperfine state. We discuss the effect of super-Poissonian photon number distributions caused by atomic motion.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure
