14,905 research outputs found

    Project Apollo - The effect of the selection of the cabin pressure on the environmental control system

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    Effect of cabin pressure on environmental control syste

    Immune cells and preterm labour:do invariant NKT cells hold the key?

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    We have developed our original made-to-measure (M2M) algorithm, PRIMAL, with the aim of modelling the Galactic disc from upcoming Gaia data. From a Milky Way like N-body disc galaxy simulation, we have created mock Gaia data using M0III stars as tracers, taking into account extinction and the expected Gaia errors. In PRIMAL, observables calculated from the N-body model are compared with the target stars, at the position of the target stars. Using PRIMAL, the masses of the N-body model particles are changed to reproduce the target mock data, and the gravitational potential is automatically adjusted by the changing mass of the model particles. We have also adopted a new resampling scheme for the model particles to keep the mass resolution of the N-body model relatively constant. We have applied PRIMAL to this mock Gaia data and we show that PRIMAL can recover the structure and kinematics of a Milky Way like barred spiral disc, along with the apparent bar structure and pattern speed of the bar despite the galactic extinction and the observational errors

    Inter-species horizontal transfer resulting in core-genome and niche-adaptive variation within Helicobacter pylori

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    Background Horizontal gene transfer is central to evolution in most bacterial species. The detection of exchanged regions is often based upon analysis of compositional characteristics and their comparison to the organism as a whole. In this study we describe a new methodology combining aspects of established signature analysis with textual analysis approaches. This approach has been used to analyze the two available genome sequences of H. pylori. Results This gene-by-gene analysis reveals a wide range of genes related to both virulence behaviour and the strain differences that have been relatively recently acquired from other sequence backgrounds. These frequently involve single genes or small numbers of genes that are not associated with transposases or bacteriophage genes, nor with inverted repeats typically used as markers for horizontal transfer. In addition, clear examples of horizontal exchange in genes associated with 'core' metabolic functions were identified, supported by differences between the sequenced strains, including: ftsK, xerD and polA. In some cases it was possible to determine which strain represented the 'parent' and 'altered' states for insertion-deletion events. Different signature component lengths showed different sensitivities for the detection of some horizontally transferred genes, which may reflect different amelioration rates of sequence components. Conclusion New implementations of signature analysis that can be applied on a gene-by-gene basis for the identification of horizontally acquired sequences are described. These findings highlight the central role of the availability of homologous substrates in evolution mediated by horizontal exchange, and suggest that some components of the supposedly stable 'core genome' may actually be favoured targets for integration of foreign sequences because of their degree of conservation

    Bayes-X: a Bayesian inference tool for the analysis of X-ray observations of galaxy clusters

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    We present the first public release of our Bayesian inference tool, Bayes-X, for the analysis of X-ray observations of galaxy clusters. We illustrate the use of Bayes-X by analysing a set of four simulated clusters at z=0.2-0.9 as they would be observed by a Chandra-like X-ray observatory. In both the simulations and the analysis pipeline we assume that the dark matter density follows a spherically-symmetric Navarro, Frenk and White (NFW) profile and that the gas pressure is described by a generalised NFW (GNFW) profile. We then perform four sets of analyses. By numerically exploring the joint probability distribution of the cluster parameters given simulated Chandra-like data, we show that the model and analysis technique can robustly return the simulated cluster input quantities, constrain the cluster physical parameters and reveal the degeneracies among the model parameters and cluster physical parameters. We then analyse Chandra data on the nearby cluster, A262, and derive the cluster physical profiles. To illustrate the performance of the Bayesian model selection, we also carried out analyses assuming an Einasto profile for the matter density and calculated the Bayes factor. The results of the model selection analyses for the simulated data favour the NFW model as expected. However, we find that the Einasto profile is preferred in the analysis of A262. The Bayes-X software, which is implemented in Fortran 90, is available at http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/facilities/software/bayesx/.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Homogeneous variational problems: a minicourse

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    A Finsler geometry may be understood as a homogeneous variational problem, where the Finsler function is the Lagrangian. The extremals in Finsler geometry are curves, but in more general variational problems we might consider extremal submanifolds of dimension mm. In this minicourse we discuss these problems from a geometric point of view.Comment: This paper is a written-up version of the major part of a minicourse given at the sixth Bilateral Workshop on Differential Geometry and its Applications, held in Ostrava in May 201

    Testing the Hubble Law with the IRAS 1.2 Jy Redshift Survey

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    We test and reject the claim of Segal et al. (1993) that the correlation of redshifts and flux densities in a complete sample of IRAS galaxies favors a quadratic redshift-distance relation over the linear Hubble law. This is done, in effect, by treating the entire galaxy luminosity function as derived from the 60 micron 1.2 Jy IRAS redshift survey of Fisher et al. (1995) as a distance indicator; equivalently, we compare the flux density distribution of galaxies as a function of redshift with predictions under different redshift-distance cosmologies, under the assumption of a universal luminosity function. This method does not assume a uniform distribution of galaxies in space. We find that this test has rather weak discriminatory power, as argued by Petrosian (1993), and the differences between models are not as stark as one might expect a priori. Even so, we find that the Hubble law is indeed more strongly supported by the analysis than is the quadratic redshift-distance relation. We identify a bias in the the Segal et al. determination of the luminosity function, which could lead one to mistakenly favor the quadratic redshift-distance law. We also present several complementary analyses of the density field of the sample; the galaxy density field is found to be close to homogeneous on large scales if the Hubble law is assumed, while this is not the case with the quadratic redshift-distance relation.Comment: 27 pages Latex (w/figures), ApJ, in press. Uses AAS macros, postscript also available at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~library/preprints/pop682.ps.g

    Contrast enhanced computed tomography findings in 105 horse distal extremities

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    The poor soft tissue conspicuity of CT can be improved by using intra-arterial CT Angiography (CTA), and intra-articular and intra-bursal contrast enhanced CT (CTAR). This retrospective study describes a combination protocol of CT and CTA of the horse's foot, and CTAR of the distal interphalangeal joint and navicular bursa. It is hypothesized this would provide a comprehensive overview of the range and severity of distal limb pathology. Radiology reports of all horses admitted for distal limb CT over a 5 year period were reviewed. All horses with a complete four stage CT examination and radiology report with lameness isolated to the foot were included. Twenty seven imaging findings using a four grade semiquantitative severity scoring system contributing towards six main diagnostic categories were described. One hundred and five examinations on 56 horses revealed a diagnosis of navicular bone disease in 64%, deep digital flexor tendinopathy in 43%, distal interphalangeal osteoarthritis in 35%, navicular bursitis in 31%, distal interphalangeal collateral ligament desmopathy in 26%, and hoof capsule and distal phalanx pathology in 10%. Only 25% of the navicular bone disease cases were considered clinically significant. The majority of deep digital flexor tendon lesions (77%) and distal interphalangeal joint osteoarthritis (51%) were considered significant. Approximately one third of navicular bursa (37%) and collateral ligament (33%) abnormalities were considered significant. Navicular bursa abnormalities were associated with navicular bone and deep digital flexor tendon lesions. The findings support the hypothesis and the use of this protocol for evaluation of foot lameness

    An Empirically Based Calculation of the Extragalactic Infrared Background

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    Using the excellent observed correlations among various infrared wavebands with 12 and 60 micron luminosities, we calculate the 2-300 micron spectra of galaxies as a function of luminosity. We then use 12 micron and 60 micron galaxy luminosity functions derived from IRAS data, together with recent data on the redshift evolution of galaxy emissivity, to derive a new, empirically based IR background spectrum from stellar and dust emission in galaxies. Our best estimate for the IR background is of order 2-3 nW/m^2/sr with a peak around 200 microns reaching 6-8 nW/m^2/sr. Our empirically derived background spectrum is fairly flat in the mid-IR, as opposed to spectra based on modeling with discrete temperatures which exhibit a "valley" in the mid-IR. We also derive a conservative lower limit to the IR background which is more than a factor of 2 lower than our derived flux.Comment: 14 pages AASTeX, 2 .ps figures, the Astrophysical Journal, in pres