120 research outputs found

    Hypothetical bias for private goods: does cheap talk make a difference?

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    Economists and market researchers often need to accurately gauge consumers’ willingness-to-pay for private goods. The experimental literature has identified a problem of hypothetical bias when using stated preferences techniques, such as open-ended questions. It has been suggested that using a cheap talk script has the potential to resolve this bias. Yet, few empirical studies on the efficiency of cheap talk for private goods exist. This study uses a between-subjects experimental design to compare consumers’ willingness-to-pay for DHA-enriched milk using three elicitation methods: 1) Hypothetical open-ended stated preference question, without monetary consequence for the respondent; 2) Idem to the first with the addition of a cheap talk script; and 3) A Vickrey auction with real monetary consequences. In this experiment subjects have the choice to participate, or not, at each period. Our results indicate a significant hypothetical bias. While the use of cheap talk has no impact on this bias, it does however increase the level of participation to the market

    Hypothetical bias for private goods: does cheap talk make a difference?

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    Economists and market researchers often need to accurately gauge consumers’ willingness-to-pay for private goods. The experimental literature has identified a problem of hypothetical bias when using stated preferences techniques, such as open-ended questions. It has been suggested that using a cheap talk script has the potential to resolve this bias. Yet, few empirical studies on the efficiency of cheap talk for private goods exist. This study uses a between-subjects experimental design to compare consumers’ willingness-to-pay for DHA-enriched milk using three elicitation methods: 1) Hypothetical open-ended stated preference question, without monetary consequence for the respondent; 2) Idem to the first with the addition of a cheap talk script; and 3) A Vickrey auction with real monetary consequences. In this experiment subjects have the choice to participate, or not, at each period. Our results indicate a significant hypothetical bias. While the use of cheap talk has no impact on this bias, it does however increase the level of participation to the market

    Une étude exploratoire des ponts entre invention, innovation et droits de propriété intellectuelle

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    International audiencePresent paper aims at complementing empirical contributions, already delivered to the special issue of Technology and Innovation review, with a more conceptual aspect of the topic of links between invention, innovation and intellectual property rights. After a light exploration of the three above-mentioned components, the author intends to show that these links actually represent bridges between fields which were little connected up to know and that the material, which these bridges are made of, is nothing else that knowledgeeL'objet du présent article est de compléter les contributions empiriques, déjà fournies pour le numéro spécial de la revue Technologie et Innovation, par un volet plus conceptuel de la thématique des liens entre invention, innovation et droits de propriété intellectuelle. En particulier, après avoir éclairé les trois composantes mentionnées, l'auteur souhaite montrer que ces liens constituent en fait des ponts entre des champs peu reliés jusqu'à présent et que la matière dont ces ponts sont faits n'est autre que la connaissance

    Intérêt d'outils de simulation à modélisation microscopique pour la conception de systèmes radar navals

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    Dans ce papier est montrée l'importance croissante des simulations dans la conception de nouveaux systèmes radar à haute résolution. L'évolution des besoins opérationnels se traduit par un besoin d'une nouvelle échelle de représentation dans les simulations. Pour satisfaire ces besoins, les modélisations macroscopiques classiques ne fournissent plus suffisamment d'information. Non seulement les cibles et l'environnement mais aussi la chaîne radar doivent être décrits par une modélisation à échelle microscopique permettant une représentation plus fine et plus détaillée

    Chapitre 11 - La sécurité sanitaire des aliments : un nouveau modèle de régulation européen

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    L’importance de la régulation de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments a été considérable ces vingt dernières années. Quand, au tout début des années 2000, apparaissent et se développent avec une rapidité fulgurante des « référentiels » de sécurité sanitaire des aliments d’initiative privée, pilotés par les grands distributeurs à l’échelle internationale (Codron et al., 2000 ; Busch et Bain, 2004 ; Fulponi, 2006 ; Lamanthe, 2007), certains observateurs y voien..

    Technique neuronale pour la détection CFAC optimale dans du fouillis de mer non-Gaussien

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    - Un nouveau processeur radar CFAR (Constant False Alarm Rate) pour la détection optimale des cibles navales est proposé dans l'article. Il est basé sur l'utilisation d'un réseau de neurones pour approximer de façon implicite, par apprentissage, les densités de probabilité multidimensionnelles correspondant au fouillis et au signal écho utile. La règle de décision utilisée est équivalente au test du maximum du rapport de vraisemblance généralisé. Des méthodes pour le calcul du seuil de détection et pour assurer son invariance par rapport au rapport S/B et aux paramètres du fouillis sont également présentées

    Modélisation des cibles détectées par un radar de surveillance maritime à haute résolution

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    - Afin d'optimiser les performances des radars à haute résolution pour la détection à la surface de la mer il est nécessaire de développer des modèles adéquats aussi bien pour les cibles navales que pour le fouillis de mer. Alors que ce dernier fait l'objet de nombreuses études, les modèles des cibles utilisés sont toujours ceux développés par Swerling. Le modèle proposé dans l'article intègre les effets de la haute résolution en distance assurée par le radar et de la visibilité géométrique discontinue, qui apparaît surtout dans le cas des petites cibles

    Figures de l’urgence et communication

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    Introduction Nous ne savions pas, en commençant à travailler sur l'urgence en 2003, que la France allait connaître un état d'urgence et que nous serions plongés dans l'actualité, au point que certains intervenants se sont interrogés sur le bien fondé de leur voyage… en cette période de crise. L'interdiction de circulation, l'interdiction des réunions, l'interdiction de communiquer dans l'espace public, sont autant de conséquences de cet état d'urgence dont nous voyons qu'il a beaucoup à voir ..

    Increasing Vegetable Intakes: An Updated Systematic Review of Published Interventions

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    Vegetable consumption is important for a variety of health reasons, yet intakes are typically lower than recommended. Interventions to improve fruit and vegetable consumption are available, but these interventions are typically more successful for fruit consumption, while vegetable intakes remain low. This chapter details the interventions currently available that focus specifically on improving vegetable intakes. A systematic review of the published literature was conducted in 2015, and this has been updated for this chapter. Databases - PubMed, PsychInfo and Medline were searched over all years of records until January 2017 using pre-specified terms. Our searches identified 119 studies, detailing 206 interventions. Interventions aimed to use or change hedonic factors, such as taste, liking and familiarity (n=103), use or change environmental factors (n=54), use or change cognitive factors (n=28), or a combination of strategies (n=21). Increased vegetable acceptance, selection and/or consumption were reported to some degree in 186 (90%) interventions. Greatest success appears to be achieved in interventions that improve education, change the environment or use multiple approaches, but long-term success and cost-effectiveness are rarely considered. A focus on long-term benefits and sustained behaviour change is required

    Impact of a nudging intervention and factors associated with vegetable dish choice among European adolescents.

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    PURPOSE: To test the impact of a nudge strategy (dish of the day strategy) and the factors associated with vegetable dish choice, upon food selection by European adolescents in a real foodservice setting. METHODS: A cross-sectional quasi-experimental study was implemented in restaurants in four European countries: Denmark, France, Italy and United Kingdom. In total, 360 individuals aged 12-19 years were allocated into control or intervention groups, and asked to select from meat-based, fish-based, or vegetable-based meals. All three dishes were identically presented in appearance (balls with similar size and weight) and with the same sauce (tomato sauce) and side dishes (pasta and salad). In the intervention condition, the vegetable-based option was presented as the "dish of the day" and numbers of dishes chosen by each group were compared using the Pearson chi-square test. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was run to assess associations between choice of vegetable-based dish and its potential associated factors (adherence to Mediterranean diet, food neophobia, attitudes towards nudging for vegetables, food choice questionnaire, human values scale, social norms and self-estimated health, country, gender and belonging to control or intervention groups). All analyses were run in SPSS 22.0. RESULTS: The nudging strategy (dish of the day) did not show a difference on the choice of the vegetable-based option among adolescents tested (p = 0.80 for Denmark and France and p = 0.69 and p = 0.53 for Italy and UK, respectively). However, natural dimension of food choice questionnaire, social norms and attitudes towards vegetable nudging were all positively associated with the choice of the vegetable-based dish. Being male was negatively associated with choosing the vegetable-based dish. CONCLUSIONS: The "dish of the day" strategy did not work under the study conditions. Choice of the vegetable-based dish was predicted by natural dimension, social norms, gender and attitudes towards vegetable nudging. An understanding of factors related to choosing vegetable based dishes is necessary for the development and implementation of public policy interventions aiming to increase the consumption of vegetables among adolescents
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