541 research outputs found

    Spatial localization of knowledge-transfer channels and face-to-face contacts: A survey of the Jena university-industry linkages

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    In this paper we examine the knowledge-Transfer Channels of the universities and public research institutes in Jena. The empirical study is based on a survey of 297 personal interviews with researchers of both types of organisations. Our study focuses on three questions: (a) The importance and multitude of existing transfer channels, (b) their geographic distribution and (c) the importance of face-to-face contacts. With regard to the first question the analysis reveals some shortcomings of the usual channels considered in many empirical studies. Above all, informal transfer channels play an important role and in addition the multitude of transfer channels at hand turns out to be large. These outcomes suggest a very cautious interpretation of the claimed influences of transfer mechanisms like patents, joint publications and so on. As to the regional distribution of the linkages our results confirm the relevance of geographical proximity. A substantial part of the relevant transfer co-operations concentrate on the city and region. Finally, we examine the idea that 'distance matters' is due to the necessity of face-to-face contacts. By means of asking the researchers directly we found the puzzling result, that knowledge-transfer rests significantly upon personal contacts, but that this does not imply a bias towards geographical proximity. --

    Forms and regional distribution of knowledge transfer by German universities

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    For the first time the transfer activities of two different German university types - the Friedrich Schiller University (FSU) and the University of Applied Sciences Jena (FH Jena) - were documented in parallel over all departments and channels of technology transfers with regard to their regional significance. Five groups of transfer activities are distinguished in the study: (1) those oriented on human capital, (2) those oriented on classic research and development, (3) those oriented on enterprises, (4) those oriented on direct transfers and (5) informal knowledge transfer channels. The results show that the traditional R&D-activities of the universities for the region are embedded into important supplemental transfer channels. In addition the radii of the external relations of the two universities are complementary: FH Jena has a stronger regional bearing, while FSU is more strongly active supra-regionally and internationally. It is possible that stronger support of the university faculty's activities establishing knowledge transfer could increase the regional economic impact of such activity. --innovation systems,technology transfer,regional development,Universities,know-how-transfer

    Rote Liste und Artenverzeichnis der Moose Baden-WĂŒrttembergs

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    Die hier vorgelegte Liste ist als ErgĂ€nzung des dreibĂ€ndigen Grundlagenwerkes „Die Moose Baden-WĂŒrttembergs“ zu sehen (NEBEL & PHILIPPI 2000, 2001, 2005). In diesem ausfĂŒhrlichen Werk wurde erstmals fĂŒr alle im Bundesland vorkommenden Moose eine Einstufung in verschiedene GefĂ€hrdungskategorien vorgenommen. Diese Einstufungen sind in der vorliegenden Roten Liste zusammengefasst. Da das Erscheinen der ersten beiden BĂ€nde des Grundlagenwerks bereits einige Jahre zurĂŒckliegt, ergaben sich inzwischen zahlreiche neue Funde zu einzelnen Sippen. Einige Taxa wurden in der letzten Zeit neu fĂŒr Baden-WĂŒrttemberg entdeckt, sie fehlen daher in NEBEL & PHILIPPI (2000, 2001), andere mussten aus dem Arteninventar gestrichen werden. Mehrere Sippen, die im Grundlagenwerk noch landesweit als verschollen oder ausgestorben eingestuft wurden (RL 0), ließen sich neuerdings wieder nachweisen. Das Artenverzeichnis wurde daher entsprechend aktualisiert. Ebenso wurden die GefĂ€hrdungseinstufungen dem aktuellen Kenntnisstand angepasst. VerĂ€nderungen gegenĂŒber dem Grundlagenwerk sind unter anderem in den „Anmerkungen zu einzelnen Sippen“ (siehe Kapitel 13) erlĂ€utert. Zu wichtigen neuen Funden werden außerdem genauere Daten mitgeteilt (Fundstelle oder Fundregion, Zeitpunkt der Beobachtung und Finder)

    Regional dispersion of cooperation activities as success factor of innovation oriented SME

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    In this paper, we analyze the relationships between different types of innovation and collaboration, given the varying geographical distance of the latter. The study is based on the data of the research project 'KompNet 2011 - Factors determining the success of regional innovation networks', which examines the innovation activities of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in and closely around Jena (Thuringia). The aim of this paper is to explore to what extent spatial reach of collaboration linkages determines innovation orientation and innovative behavior. That means: Innovation performance could be positively related to (a) to a high intensity of local collaboration, (b) the intensity of international collaboration or (c) neither regional nor (inter)national collaborations. In a first step we summarize the relevant literature which comprises aspects of our central subject under investigation. We additionally discuss the necessity of keeping in mind several control variables for theoretical and empirical reasons. In the following we present descriptive analyses relating to the regional reach of collaboration in general, the impact of collaboration on innovation and the links between the regional reach of cooperation and different forms of innovation, i.e. product, process, marketing and organizational innovation. In a final step we discuss the results of several regression models. We observe that there is no significant influence of the geographical variables on the innovative performance of SME. Therefore our findings suggest that innovative firms rely on collaboration partners at a variety of spatial distances. The results also show a significant and positive influence of the intensity of competition on the innovativeness of firms in all models. Furthermore product- and process innovations are created by firms with intensive cooperative activities to scientific institutions, while a wide variety of cooperation partners and a strong focus on quality leadership turns out to be important for the development of marketing- and organizational innovations. --cooperation,geographical reach,innovation,intensity of competition,marketing innovation,organizational innovation,process innovation,product innovation,quality leadership,regional dispersion,SME,spatial distance

    Concentration of Vacancies at Metal Oxide Surfaces: Case Study of MgO (100)

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    We investigate effects of doping on formation energy and concentration of oxygen vacancies at a metal oxide surface, using MgO (100) as an example. Our approach employs density-functional theory, where the performance of the exchange-correlation functional is carefully analyzed, and the functional is chosen according to a fundamental condition on DFT ionization energies. The approach is further validated by CCSD(T) calculations for embedded clusters. We demonstrate that the concentration of oxygen vacancies at a doped oxide surface is largely determined by formation of a macroscopically extended space charge region

    Genetics - Getting closer to the whole picture

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    A quantitative data set of RNA, proteins, and metabolites provides an unprecedented starting point to understand, at a systems level, the effects of perturbations on a cell

    Entwicklung und Evaluation einer auf der Hauptkomponentenanalyse basierenden Bounding Volume Hierarchy

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich im ĂŒbergeordneten Kontext mit den Bounding Volume Hierarchies zur Veinfachung des Intersection Testings beim Raytracing. Die derzeitige Problematik besteht vor allem in der immer noch zu optimierenden Laufzeit. Dementsprechend wird trotz der bereits bestehenden Beschleunigungsdatenstrukturen wie unter anderem der Bounding Volume Hierarchy versucht, eïŹƒzientere Strukturen oder Erstellungsprozeduren zu entwickeln. FĂŒr die Bounding Volume Hierarchy bedeutet dies, dass vor allem hinsichtlich verschiedener Splitting-Methoden und Möglichkeiten fĂŒr die Baumoptimierung geforscht wird. Explizit wird daher innerhalb dieser Arbeit untersucht, wie die Bounding Volume Hierarchy durch die Verwendung der Hauptkomponentenanalyse bei der Erstellung optimiert werden kann und wie eïŹƒzient der daraus resultierende Ansatz gegenĂŒber der klassischen Bounding Volume Hierarchy sowie deren Splitting-Methoden ist. Eine Evaluation anhand 12 verschiedener Szenen zeigte, dass der vorliegende Ansatz unter Verwendung der SAH-Methode wie auch mit der Middle-Methode 17.70% respektive 13.14% geringere Renderlaufzeiten als der distanzbasierte Ansatz aufweist. Des Weiteren konnte mittels der kombinierten Verwendung aus klassischer SAH-Methode und PCA-basierter SAH-Methode eine weitere Verbesserung um 6.65% gegenĂŒber der SAH-Methode der PCA-BVH erreicht werden

    QBF with Soft Variables

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    QBF formulae are usually considered in prenex form, i.e. the quantifierblock is completely separated from the propositional part of the QBF.Among others, the semantics of the QBF is defined by the sequence ofthe variables within the prefix, where existentially quantifiedvariables depend on all universally quantified variables stated to theleft.In this paper we extend that classical definition and consider a newquantification type which we call soft variable. The idea is toallow a flexible position and quantifier type for these variables.Hence the type of quantifier of the soft variable can also bealtered. Based on this concept, we present an optimization problemseeking an optimal prefix as defined by user-given preferences. We statean algorithm based on MaxQBF, and present several applications – mainlyfrom verification area – which can be naturally translated into theoptimization problem for QBF with soft variables. We further implementeda prototype solver for this formalism, and compare our approach toprevious work, that differently from ours does not guarantee optimalityand completeness
