8,939 research outputs found

    Ditrichum pallidum (Hedw.) Hampe

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    Population-based patient care study for breast cancer

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    Background: Different approaches for an effective quality management are funded by the Ministry of Health to verify, to assess and, if necessary to optimize the quality of health care using the tracer diagnoses of breast, rectal, and lung cancer in eight regions in Germany. The conception of these observational studies and initial findings are shown here, using breast cancer in the region of Munich (population 2.4 million) as an example. Patients and Methods: The study started on April 1, 1996. The recruitment phase for all primary boast cancer patients in this region is planned for 2 years with a 3-5-year follow-up. Established documentation sheets are used to document basic medical information of each patient, along with the original reports (pathology: radiotherapy, doctors' reports, etc.), follow-up reports and quality of life questionnaires (QLQ, including the EORTC QLQ C30). Results: In 1996, the Munich region has a crude incidence of 125/100,000 women (world standard 71.5). After almost complete documentation the incidence is 10-15% higher. In the period from April 1 1996 to June 30, 1997 1,360 patients have been recruited into the study. 79% of the patients were 50 years of age or older. pT stages are distributed as follows: pTIS 5%, pT1 54%, pT2 32%, pT3 4%, pT4 6%. 4.5% had primary metastases. Breast-conserving therapy (BCT) was performed in 57% of patients. Five of the 46 departments involved recruited more than 50 patients each within these 14 months. These larger departments treat 59% of all patients. The proportion of older patients and pT4 stages is significantly higher in the smaller departments. BCT is performed significantly more often in the larger departments. First results of quality of life show dependencies on age, but no differences between mastectomy and BCT 3 months after operation. Not only the addressed patients (response rate to QLQ over 80%) but also almost all hospitals and many physicians are milling to support and to partake in quality assurance. 35 hospitals, 46 surgical departments. 80 heads of department and surgically: active general practioners, 330 general practioners. 7 radiotherapy departments, and 13 pathology departments have so far documented for this study. Conclusions: An effective quality management in oncology needs a modern cancer registry which uses documentation sheets as well as original reports and organizes the complicated infrastructure for an interdisciplinary cooperation. To be able to evaluate the health care reality it is necessary to carry out a data analysis and assess each individual case. A feedback of the results have to be available for each physician and each department. The cost of this information management is approximately 0.3% of the health care cost for this group of patients

    Three-Nucleon Force and the Δ\Delta-Mechanism for Pion Production and Pion Absorption

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    The description of the three-nucleon system in terms of nucleon and Δ\Delta degrees of freedom is extended to allow for explicit pion production (absorption) from single dynamic Δ\Delta de-excitation (excitation) processes. This mechanism yields an energy dependent effective three-body hamiltonean. The Faddeev equations for the trinucleon bound state are solved with a force model that has already been tested in the two-nucleon system above pion-production threshold. The binding energy and other bound state properties are calculated. The contribution to the effective three-nucleon force arising from the pionic degrees of freedom is evaluated. The validity of previous coupled-channel calculations with explicit but stable Δ\Delta isobar components in the wavefunction is studied.Comment: 23 pages in Revtex 3.0, 9 figures (not included, available as postscript files upon request), CEBAF-TH-93-0

    Cavity QED with optically transported atoms

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    Ultracold 87^{87}Rb atoms are delivered into a high-finesse optical micro-cavity using a translating optical lattice trap and detected via the cavity field. The atoms are loaded into an optical lattice from a magneto-optic trap (MOT) and transported 1.5 cm into the cavity. Our cavity satisfies the strong-coupling requirements for a single intracavity atom, thus permitting real-time observation of single atoms transported into the cavity. This transport scheme enables us to vary the number of intracavity atoms from 1 to >>100 corresponding to a maximum atomic cooperativity parameter of 5400, the highest value ever achieved in an atom--cavity system. When many atoms are loaded into the cavity, optical bistability is directly measured in real-time cavity transmission.Comment: 4 figures, 4 page

    Pulsed beams as field probes for precision measurement

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    We describe a technique for mapping the spatial variation of static electric, static magnetic, and rf magnetic fields using a pulsed atomic or molecular beam. The method is demonstrated using a beam designed to measure the electric dipole moment of the electron. We present maps of the interaction region, showing sensitivity to (i) electric field variation of 1.5 V/cm at 3.3 kV/cm with a spatial resolution of 15 mm; (ii) magnetic field variation of 5 nT with 25 mm resolution; (iii) radio-frequency magnetic field amplitude with 15 mm resolution. This new diagnostic technique is very powerful in the context of high-precision atomic and molecular physics experiments, where pulsed beams have not hitherto found widespread application.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figures. Figures heavily compressed to comply with arxiv's antediluvian file-size polic

    Adjustment of the Elderly in Retirement Homes in Eastern South Dakota

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    In South Dakota, particularly, growing numbers of older citizens give cause for increasing concern with their problems. While the total population of South Dakota declined by 5.8% between 1930 and 1950, during the same period the number of persons 65 years old and older increased by 49.8%.3 By 1958, 10.1% of the state\u27s total population was 65 years old and older, compared with the national figure of 8.8%. A consideration of the preceding discussion makes understandable the increasing interest in life in the later years. This increased interest has stimulated research, concerned not only with problems like medical care, housing, and finances, but concerned also with more subtle problems involving the maintenance of the older person as an integrated, well-functioning personality

    Probing the electron EDM with cold molecules

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    We present progress towards a new measurement of the electron electric dipole moment using a cold supersonic beam of YbF molecules. Data are currently being taken with a sensitivity of 1027e.cm/day10^{-27}\textrm{e.cm}/\sqrt{\textrm{day}}. We therefore expect to make an improvement over the Tl experiment of Commins' group, which currently gives the most precise result. We discuss the systematic and statistical errors and comment on the future prospect of making a measurement at the level of 1029e.cm/day10^{-29}\textrm{e.cm}/\sqrt{\textrm{day}}.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of ICAP 200

    Elucidating Surface Structure with Action Spectroscopy

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    Surface Action Spectroscopy, a vibrational spectroscopy method developed in recent years at the Fritz Haber Institute is employed for structure determination of clean and H2O-dosed (111) magnetite surfaces. Surface structural information is revealed by using the microscopic surface vibrations as a fingerprint of the surface structure. Such vibrations involve just the topmost atomic layers, and therefore the structural information is truly surface related. Our results strongly support the view that regular Fe3O4(111)/Pt(111) is terminated by the so-called Fetet1 termination, that the biphase termination of Fe3O4(111)/Pt(111) consists of FeO and Fe3O4(111) terminated areas, and we show that the method can differentiate between different water structures in H2O-derived adsorbate layers on Fe3O4(111)/Pt(111). With this, we conclude that the method is a capable new member in the set of techniques providing crucial information to elucidate surface structures. The method does not rely on translational symmetry and can therefore also be applied to systems which are not well ordered. Even an application to rough surfaces is possible

    Efficient testing based on logical architecture

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    The rapid increase of software-intensive systems' size and complexity makes it infeasible to exhaustively run testing on the low level of source code. Instead, the testing should be executed on the high level of system architecture, i.e., at a level where component or subsystems relate and interoperate or interact collectively with the system environment. Testing at this level is system testing, including hardware and software in union. Moreover, when integrating complex, distributed systems and providing support for conformance, interoperability and interoperation tests, we need to have an explicit test description. In this vision paper, we discuss (1) how to select tests from logical architecture, especially based on the dependencies within the system, and (2) how to represent the selected tests in explicit and readable manner, so that the software systems can be cost-e!ciently maintained and evolved over their entire life-cycle. In addition, we further study the relevance between di↵erent tests, based on which, we can optimise the test suites for e!cient testing, and propose optimal resource allocation strategies for cloud-based testing