91 research outputs found

    Faktor-Faktor Pendorong Guru-Guru Teknikal Bukan Siswazah Menyambung Pengajian Memiliki Ijazah

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    Terdapat pelbagai faktor yang mendorong guru-guru bukan siswazah teknikal untuk melanjutkan pelajaran dan memiliki ijazah. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor yang mendorong, persediaan serta persiapan guru untuk melanjutkan pelajaran dan matlamat sebenar guru-guru bukan siswazah teknikal ingin memiliki ijazah. Responden terdiri daripada 134 orang pelajar dari kursus Kemahiran Hidup, Kejuruteraan Awam dan Elektrik dalam Program Khas Pengsiswazahan Guru yang sedang menuntut di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Guru-guru yang mengikuti program pengsiswazahan ini terdiri daripada mereka yang sedang berkhidmat dengan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan soal selidik sebagai instrumen kajian dan diedarkan kepada responden. Penganalisaan data dibuat dengan menggunakan SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science Windows 15) dan dinyatakan dalam bentuk peratusan. Kajian mendapati secara keseluruhannya faktor pendorong dan matlamat guru memiliki ijazah dipengaruhi oleh faktor dalaman seperti sikap, minat dan motivasi. Insan yang bergelar guru mestilah sentiasa bersedia untuk menerima serta menambah ilmu pengetahuan, teknik, kemahiran dan idea yang sering berkembang begitu cepat sejajar dengan perkembangan mengikut perubahan semasa supaya tidak ketinggalan di dalam ilmu pendidikan untuk disampaikan kepada pelajar

    Amalan pengurusan ruang kerja bengkel kemahiran hidup sekolah menengah dalam kalangan ketua panitia KHB di negeri Melaka

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    Bengkel merupakan tempat untuk melaksanakan gerak kerja amali bagi mata pelajaran Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu. Pengurusan bengkel ini diletakkan di bawah tanggungjawab Ketua Panitia sambil dibantu oleh guru - guru KHB yang lain. Ia mestilah diurus dengan sempurna supaya berada dalam keadaan kondusif untuk Pe ngajaran dan Pembelajaran serta yang paling penting adalah memenuhi aspek keselamatan yang ditetapkan. Kajian bertajuk Amalan Pengurusan Ruang Kerja Bengkel Dalam Kalangan Ketua Panitia KHB Di Negeri Melaka ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk menentukan apakah aspek pengurusan ruang kerja bengkel yang diamalkan oleh Ketua Panitia KHB. Kajian ini melibatkan kesemua sampel sebagai responden kajian iaitu seramai 83 orang Ketua Panitia Sekolah Menengah di Negeri Melaka. Kajian ini menggunakan set soal selidik yang d ibina berpandukan kajian - kajian lepas serta melalui beberapa sumber daripada bahan bacaan lain yang berka itan dengan pengurusan bengkel. Hasil kajian menunjukkan konstruk inventori dan stok mencatatkan nilai min tertinggi iaitu 4.09. Diikuti dengan konstru k alatan tangan dan mesin 3.91, konstruk keselamatan 3.86 dan konstrukkebersihan dan keceriaan yang mencatatkan nilai min 3.68. Ini memberi gambaran bahawa kesemua konstrukkajian ini sememangnya menjadi amalan pengurusan ruang kerja bengkel dalam kalangan Ketua Panitia KHB Sekolah Menengah di Negeri Melaka


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    It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Education Research Colloquium between Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) & Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM), Indonesia. This colloquium is a platform for both institutions to sustain a harmonious and stable global society and to promote international cooperation and exchange. As we know, UTM participated in a wide variety of collaborative relationships with universities, institutions and individuals in many countries. I am confident that through this colloquium, relationship and friendship between FP UTM and UNM will become stronger. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all presenters in this colloquium. I am sure that the variety and depth of the research presented at this colloquium will be appreciated by the audiences. In summary, I believe that this colloquium is just a start for a more fruitful and continuous collaboration between FP UTM and UNM

    Cabaran Politeknik Sultan Ahmad Shah (POLISAS) membangunkan modal insan sejajar dengan keperluan sektor industri

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi oleh Politeknik Sultan Ahmad Shah (POLISAS) dalam menyediakan modal insan sejajar dengan keperluan industri. Rekabentuk penyelidikan yang digunakan ialah penyelidikan deskriptif jenis tinjauan dengan sampel sejumlah 244 orang. Sampel terdiri dari pelajar-pelajar semester akhir yang mengikuti kursus dalam bidang kejuruteraan diperingkat sijil. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah soal selidik yang terbahagi kepada dua bahagian iaitu Bahagian A yang melibatkan biodata responden dan bahagian B yang melibatkan maklumbalas responden terhadap persoalan-persoalan kajian. Nilai kebolehpercayaan alat kajian adalah α = 0.902. Analisis data dibuat berdasarkan peratusan dan min dengan menggunakan perisian SPSS (Statical Package For Social Science). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan penyediaan pengetahuan dan kemahiran teknikal pelajar yang releven dengan industri berada pada tahap sederhana dengan nilai purata min=3.7. Hasil kajian mendapati Program Latihan Industri telah memainkan peranan penting dalam meningkatkan pengalaman dan kemahiran bekerja pelajar dengan purata min=3.9 (Tinggi). Seterusnya, pelajar-pelajar POLISAS didapati telah menguasai elemen-elemen kemahiran insaniah dengan purata min=3.8 (Tinggi). Kemahiran insaniah ini meliputi kemahiran komunikasi (min=3.82), kemahiran bekerja dengan orang lain dalam kumpulan (min=3.67), kemahiran berfikiran kritis dan penyelesaian masalah (min=3.98) dan kemahiran kepimpinan (min=3.65). Namun hasil kajian ini juga menunjukkan beberapa aspek kelemahan yang perlu diperkemaskan. Antaranya keperluan meningkatkan hubungan yang lebih bermakna dengan pihak industri terutamanya, penglibatan pihak industri dalam merangka dan menilai kurikulum politeknik secara berterusa

    The Need In Training And Retraining For TVET Teachers In Malaysia

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    Malaysia is a fast developing country and to support the growth of Malaysia industrial sector Malaysia needs highly skilled workforce. To fulfill this needs Malaysia has developed many vocational and technical training institutes. Currently there are approximately 194 technical-vocational institutions and there is a plan to increase this number during five next year plan. They are 90 technical schools which provide the vocational course in secondary school level. The Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) in Malaysia started with the enforcement of Razak Report 1956 and Education Ordinance 1957. Other education reports and education memorandum such as Rahman Talib Report and Education Act 1961, Mahathir Report 1979, Cabinet Memorandum 1995, 1998 and 1999 had further sustained the policies, system, curriculum and direction of technical and vocational education. Although the theoretical debate continues, it has been generally that curriculum should be seen as an overall plan for instruction. It consists of a statement of aims and objectives of content in terms of theoretical knowledge, practical skills to be required, attitude towards work and necessary support materials to be used in its presentation. Improving curriculum content has long been regarded as a core-component of TVET. To produce the good quality of TVET in the school level the focus is the teachers those who specialized in their field. Many of teaching staff who were employed possessed necessary technical skills but no had more opportunity to undertake professional training. TVE in Malaysia, there is a shortage of qualified technical and vocational teachers. Most teachers are recruited directly after they graduated from universities and collages based on their academic qualifications and do not have industrial work experience. At the same time qualified personnel with work experience are not willing to become teachers due to the unattractive salary scheme. This paper is a review of the structure and performance of the TVE teachers in Malaysia. It is consists in development of curriculum, program design, the nature of learning materials and stakeholders involvement. Teacher training in TVE can be defined is the main role in providing the skill to fulfill the school level TVE needs. Retraining is defined as upgrading of existing skill or acquiring a new one. Upgrading skills can be by accelerating – by doing and joining program in other TVET institution or center. The performance of teacher in TVE is important to make the Technical School in Malaysia is the selected school for parents to send their children and choose the TVE field as a carrier path. This paper is a discussion the issues in training and retraining needs, strategies introduced to overcome the teaching staff as well as curriculum relevancy. Improving the quality of teachers in TVET is related to raising the quality of technical and vocational education

    Fostering Employability Skills of Mechanical Technology Students through Mentoring Approach in Industrial Training Programme

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    Mentorship can be provided in form of counseling, role model, as well as career support to a less experienced person. Mentoring differs in one circumstance to the other. It is interpreted in different ways by different individuals. The tenacity of this study is how mentoring technique can be used tactically to accomplish employability skills development. The study adopted descriptive survey with a structured questionnaire which was administered to sample size of 153 which comprises of 78 technical college teachers and 75 professionals in the industries. The data for the study was analyzed according to the formulated for the study with the aid of Statistics Package for Social Science (SPSS). Mean score and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions. The study revealed that mentoring in ITP promotes employability skills developments of technical and vocational education (TVE) students in the field of mechanical technology. The study also revealed that some factors are militating against the effectiveness of mentoring and employability skills development during industrial training programme of TVE. Based on the findings, the study concludes with certain recommendations. The mandate for the development of workforce employability skills has been on the increase in the world over.  To gain access to the world of work is enormously depending upon having employability skills required by the industries. The acquisition of employability skills can be better activated when the recipients are still in the training institutions. Finally, the study presents mentoring from the perspectives of students’ industrial training programme (ITP) as a strategic approach to foster employability among mechanical technology students

    Establishing Mobile Learning Elements using Competency-Based Education Framework

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    The development of wireless and mobile technologies has contributed to the use of mobile devices as a teaching medium in teaching and learning process. Mobile Learning or M-Learning is a recent E-Learning environment. Unlike traditional learning settings, it has been introduced as a digital learning technology leading to new types of learning through the availability of mobile devices. The purpose of this study is to explore Mobile Learning elements based on Competency-Based Education (CBE) in Technical and Vocational Education (TVET) field. A qualitative study has been done on the six experts which were an expert in Competency Based Education field. The experts were chosen based on specific qualities to obtain the most relevant data via semi-structured interview. The transcribed interview data were analyzed by using thematic analysis using Atlas.ti software to produce elements and matrix tables related to appropriate elements. Based on the qualitative results, eight elements were formed: students, teachers, content, learning design, learning activity, learning environment, technology and assessment. The study generates the implementation framework to utilize the mobile device as a supporting element in teachers instruction and to improve student competency. In conclusion, the development of mobile learning framework provides better understanding and essential for the future of education

    Work-Based Learning conceptual framework for effective incorporation of soft skills among students of vocational and technical institutions

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    The importance of soft skills has been recognized in most fields, hence, various companies make judgments on work and success evaluation based largely on employees' soft skills. Work-Based Learning (WBL), as an educational approach, can harness students' potential in soft skills. This investigation aimed to generate a conceptual framework for WBL to effectively integrate soft skills among students in technical colleges. A sample of 268 technical teachers was drawn from a population of 302 technical teachers from 22 public technical colleges within the study area using a stratified random sampling methodology based on the complex heterogeneity of the population. The study adopted structural equation modeling (SEM) to determine the nexus underlying the model, using analysis of moment of structures (AMOS) version 20. The study results discovered WBL preparation (planning and designing), supervision, and evaluation each have a positive impact on soft skill development among technical college students. By way of recommendation based on the study findings, the government should formulate and implement suitable policies to enhance planning and designing in WBL programmes, particularly, to address the needs of students for adequate incorporation of soft skills at technical colleges. Technical teachers could employ the WBL-recognized elements in integrating workplace experiences to successfully promote students' soft skills at technical colleges

    How Can Web-Based Learning System Enhance Adults Learning in Product Design

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    Optimal learning in product design occurs in the simulation of real world and problembased learning (PBL) activities. This is the core of teaching and learning in most of engineering disciplines. These learning activities happen in a safe environment where errors are expected, and failure will deepen learning experience. The internet is proving to be an effective way of delivering teaching and learning in engineering discipline. The advent of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning process has created a global revolutionary of adult education and training. As society shifts from industrial to an information age, adults are becoming majority that involve in utilizing e-learning for education, professional and personal purposes. The teaching and learning environments in current higher learning institutions are undergoing major changes from teacher-centered, memory-based learning to a learnercentered, problem-based and self-directed learning (SDL) that can enhance learners’ critical thinking, creativity and outstanding performance. This is the major challenge and the responsibility of adult educators to think and to substitute homogenized and linear flows of e-learning to fluid and multi-dimensional pedagogies that will promote and accelerate meaningful learning process. The purport of this paper is to discuss how web-based learning system can enhance learning in product design among adult learners in higher learning institution. This paper will also provide general understanding on several learning theories namely andragogy, SDL and PBL which can help educators to develop an effective web-based learning system for their adult learners. (Author's abstract

    Masalah dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran bagi kursus teknologi elektrik di kolej vokasional

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    Dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke Sebelas (RMK 11), pembangunan modal insan yang berkemahiran dan berpengetahuan diberi penekanan oleh kerajaan untuk memacu arus pembangunan negara demi mencapai status negara maju pada tahun 2020. Bagi merealisasikan matlamat ini, penambahbaikan harus dilakukan dalam sistem pendidikan kini dengan memberi penekanan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Untuk menambah baik kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran kini, pengkaji menjalankan kajian untuk mengenal pasti kekangan dan masalah dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang dihadapi oleh pensyarah dan pelajar bagi Kursus Teknologi Elektrik di Kolej Vokasional. Sampel kajian ini terdiri daripada sebelas orang pensyarah di Kolej Vokasional yang mengajar Kursus Teknologi Elektrik di Semenanjung Malaysia. Reka bentuk kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan adalah temu bual tidak berstruktur. Kaedah analisis data adalah menggunakan analisis tema terhadap traskrip temu bual. Dapatan kajian ini mendapati terdapat tiga masalah yang dihadapi oleh pensyarah dan pelajar dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran bagi Kursus Teknologi Elektrik di Kolej Vokasiona iaitu kekangan masa, peratan terhad dan tidak terkini serta pelajar berasa bosan dan tidak menunjukkan minat untuk mendalami teori pembelajaran. Implikasi daripada kajian ini dapat digunakan sebagai panduan dalam kajian-kajian akan datang untuk mencari penyelesaian kepada masalah yang dinyatakan dalam kajian ini