131 research outputs found

    On the comparative fishing experiments with a four-seam and a two-seam trawls on the east coast

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    Fishing experiments were undertaken to study the relative utility of a newly designed four seam type net on a conventional two seam net at the centre along the East Coast in both inshore and deeper zones (up to 100m.) and the results indicated that the new four seam net has given higher catch rate of 6 to 8% more with higher catch rate of fish supposed to belong to off bottom region. Further this gear found more selective in obtaining Lactarius, which is one of the good variety of fish from trawlers, in both quantity as well as in quality. In terms of horizontal spread this new net gave less on comparison with the conventional two seam net, thereby showed corresponding increase in vertical spread; but warp tension remained more or less same in both the gear. Both gear have worked equally well in majority of depth ranges experimented with optimum spread. Finally the results indicated that the new net can work well from the present trawlers along the coast

    Photometric Titration of Se(IV) with Fe(II)*

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    Recruitment of the Fouling Bivalve, Mytilopsis sallei (Recluz), on Metallic and Nonmetallic Surfaces at Visakhapatnam Harbor, India

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    In 1967, the dreissinid bivalve, Mytilopsis saUei (Recluz), was first noticed in Indian waters at the Southern Lighter Channel of Visakhapatnam harbor, Andhra Pradesh, India. It is believed that his species was introduced into the Indo-Pacific region from Central America via the Panama Canal and Fiji through ship foulin

    Establishing a Trust-Worthy Social Authentications

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    Among the several backup authentication mechanisms, authenticating users with the help of their friends (i.e., trustee-based social authentication) has been shown to be a promising backup authentication mechanism. A user in this system is associated with a few trustees that were selected from the user’s friends. When the user wants to regain access to the account, the service provider sends different verification codes to the user’s trustees. The user must obtain at least k (i.e., recovery threshold) verification codes from the trustees before being directed to reset his or her password. In this paper, we provide the first systematic study about the security of trusteebased social authentications. In particular, we first introduce a novel framework of attacks, which we call forest fire attacks. In these attacks, an attacker initially obtains a small number of compromised users, and then the attacker iteratively attacks the rest of users by exploiting trustee-based social authentications. Then, we construct a probabilistic model to formalize the threats of forest fire attacks and their costs for attackers. Moreover, we introduce various defense strategies. Finally, we apply our framework to extensively evaluate various concrete attack and defense strategies using three real-world social network datasets. Our results have strong implications for the design of more secure trustee-based social authentications

    Secure Broker-Less Publish/Subscribe Systems Using Identity-Based Encryption

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    publish–subscribe is a messaging pattern where senders of messages, called publishers, do not program the messages to be sent directly to specific receivers, called subscribers. provisioning of basic security mechanisms such as authentication and confidentiality is highly challenging in a content based publish/subscribe system. Authentication of publishers and subscribers is difficult to achieve due to the loose coupling of publishers and subscribers. Likewise, confidentiality of events and subscriptions conflicts with content-based routing. This paper presents a novel approach to provide confidentiality and authentication in a broker-less content-based publish/subscribe system. The authentication of publishers and subscribers as well as confidentiality of events is ensured, by adapting the pairing-based cryptography mechanisms, to the needs of a publish/subscribe system. Furthermore, an algorithm to cluster subscribers according to their subscriptions preserves a weak notion of subscription confidentiality. In addition to our previous work [20], this paper contributes 1) use of searchable encryption to enable efficient routing of encrypted events, 2) multicredential routing a new event dissemination strategy to strengthen the weak subscription confidentiality, and 3) thorough analysis of different attacks on subscription confidentiality. The overall approach provides fine-grained key management and the cost for encryption, decryption, and routing is in the order of subscribed attributes. Moreover, the evaluations show that providing security is affordable w.r.t. 1) throughput of the proposed cryptographic primitives, and 2) delays incurred during the construction of the publish/subscribe overlay and the event dissemination

    A study on air-sea exchange processes and conserved variable analysis over the Indian Ocean with INDOEX IFP-99 data

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    The exchange properties across the Marine Boundary Layer influence atmospheric convection and determine to a large extent the atmospheric circulation in the tropics. In view of these phenomena, an analysis of the surface parameters such as sea-surface temperature, air temperature, wind speed, moisture and cloud cover along the ORV Sagar Kanya and Ronald H. Brown cruise track was carried out. An attempt was made to examine the changes in these parameters while the ship was passing across the ITCZ region. The humidity was found to be considerably high over the ITCZ than non-ITCZ regions. The air-sea interaction processes were studied by computing the radiation fluxes (short-wave and longwave) and the turbulent heat fluxes (sensible heat and latent heat) using semi-empirical models. Over ITCZ region a net heat loss was found which can be attributed to large convergence, strong convective activity and dense cloud cover, leading to drastic reduction in short-wave radiation. Latitudinal and longitudinal variation of surface meteorological parameters and turbulent fluxes were studied to establish a link with the prevailing convective and clear weather regimes along the cruise tracks. A conserved variable analysis of the conserved variable such as potential temperature, virtual potential temperature, saturation equivalent potential temperature and specific humidity is carried out at every point of upper air observation from Ronald H. Brown. The values are estimated up to a maximum of 3 km to cover the boundary layer. In the ITCZ region due to the convective mixing deeper boundary layers are formed, where a double structure is observed. The Marine Boundary Layer Height is also estimated using thermodynamic profiles

    Real Time Automatic Number Plate Recognition Using Morphological Algorithm

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    The rising increase of up to date urban and national road networks over the last three decades become known the need of capable monitoring and management of road traffic. Expected techniques for traffic measurements, such as inductive loops, sensors or EM microwave detectors, endure from sober shortcomings, luxurious to install, they demand traffic distraction during installation or maintenance, they are massive and they are unable to notice slow or momentary stop vehicles. On the divergent, systems that are based on video are simple to install, use the existing infrastructure of traffic observation. Currently most reliable method is through the detection of number plates, i.e., automatic number plate recognition (ANPR), which is also branded as automatic license plate recognition (ALPR), or radio frequency transponders. The first revalent step of information is finding of moving objects in video streams and background subtraction is a very accepted approach for foreground segmentation. Next step is License plate extraction which is an essential stage in license plate recognition for automatic transport system. We are planned for two ways for removal of license plates and comparing it with other existing methods. The Extracted license plates are segmented into particular characters by means of a region-based manner. The recognition scheme unites adaptive iterative thresholding with a template matching algorithm. The method is strong to illumination, character size and thickness, skew and small character breaks. The main reward of this system is its real-time capability and that it does not require any extra sensor input (e.g. from infrared sensors) except a video stream. This system is judged on a huge number of vehicle images and videos. The system is also computationally extremely efficient and it is appropriate for others related image recognition applications. This system has broad choice of applications such as access control, ringing, border patrol, traffic control, finding stolen cars, etc. Furthermore, this technology does not need any fitting on cars, such as transmitter or responder

    Fiber-Reinforced Composites in Dentistry: Enhancing structural integrity and aesthetic appeal

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    This review explored the recent advancements in fiber-reinforced composites (FRCs) within the context of restorative dentistry. Dental composites have undergone significant transformations, with FRCs emerging as a groundbreaking development at the intersection of aesthetics and mechanical performance. The objective of this review is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the innovative strategies employed in FRCs to address the challenges of polymerization shrinkage, wear resistance, mechanical strength, and aesthetics. FRCs, composed of fiber reinforcements strategically aligned within a resin matrix, offer enhanced flexural strength, fracture toughness, and wear resistance, essential for the longevity of dental restorations. The review further explored the dynamic relationship between fiber alignment and restoration design, highlighting the adaptability of FRCs for varied applications, from post and core restorations to bridges and splints. Through an intricate interplay of materials science and clinical demands, FRCs have revolutionized dental composites by seamlessly integrating form and function. This review underscores the transformative potential of FRCs in restorative dentistry, shedding light on the path to enhanced clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction

    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis secondary to infections:a tertiary care experience

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    Background: Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis is an uncommon complication of various conditions. It is characterized by immune dysregulation and massive cytokine release causing multiorgan dysfunction. It is classified as primary and secondary to various etiologies like infections, malignancies and autoimmune disease. As it has high mortality, clinician awareness is important for early diagnosis and improved outcome. Aim of the study was to study the etiologies, clinical manifestations, complications and laboratory features in patients diagnosed with infection associated hemophagocytic syndrome (IAHS).Methods: We have done retrospective analysis of all cases diagnosed to have Infection Associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome (IAHS) between March 2012 to November 2015 in a 1000 bedded tertiary care hospital in south India.Results: Total five cases detected. Most of the cases are related to tropical infections (80%). All of them presented with fever, cytopenias and organomegaly. Ferritin and Triglycerides were elevated in all patients. Bone marrow hemophagocytosis was observed in 80% of cases. Diagnostic protocol of HLH 2004 was followed. Only 20% survival observed.Conclusions: IAHS is a rare fulminant complication associated with diagnostic and therapeutic challenges because of overlapping clinical features with sepsis. Increased physician awareness, early diagnosis and therapeutic interventions may improve survival