20 research outputs found

    Untersuchungen zum antioxidativen Status von Kühen mit Labmagenverlagerung

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    Die Labmagenverlagerung (LMV) hat bei Rindern weltweit an Bedeutung gewonnen. Trotz effektiver Techniken der Labmagenreposition ist der Erfolg zum Teil, besonders bei rechtssei-tiger LMV, unbefriedigend. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war es, den antioxidativen Status von Kühen mit LMV anhand der Aktivitäten der Superoxid-Dismutase (SOD) und der Glutathionperoxidase (GPX) als potentiellen therapeutischen Ansatz zu analysieren und Be-ziehungen zu Stoffwechselparametern einschließlich Creatinkinase (CK) und ASAT zu prü-fen. Als Voraussetzung waren Orientierungswerte für die SOD-Aktivität gesunder Kühe zu bestimmen. Weiterhin wurde geprüft, ob bei Kühen ein diagnostisch nutzbarer Zusammen-hang zwischen den Aktivitäten der CK und ASAT zum Uterusbefund besteht. Versuchsanordnung: Zur Ermittlung der SOD-Aktivitäten im Serum gesunder Kühe wurden diese bei 10 Kühen eine sowie bei 12 Kühen vier Wochen post partum (Wpp) gemessen. 87 Kühe mit LMV wurden bei Einlieferung in die Medizinische Tierklinik klinisch, hämatolo-gisch sowie klinisch-chemisch (Aktivitäten der SOD im Erythrozytenlysat, der GPX im Voll-blut, der CK und der ASAT, BHB-, Bilirubin-, FFS-, Cholesterol-, Gesamteiweiß-, Glucose-, Albumin-, Harnstoff-, Calcium-Konzentrationen, Anti-Lipid-A-AK-Titer im Serum) unter-sucht. An 10 Schlachtkühen wurden die Aktivitäten der CK, ASAT und GLDH im Serum und im Uterusgewebe sowie der pathologisch-anatomische Uterusbefund analysiert. Weiterhin wurde bei sechs gesunden, güsten, nicht laktierenden Kühen die Wirkung von intrauterin ver-abreichtem Uterofertil® in therapeutischer Konzentration auf die CK-, ASAT- und GLDH-Aktivitäten sowie auf die Bilirubin-Konzentration im Serum geprüft und mit der von 0,9%iger NaCl-Lösung bei vier Kühen verglichen. Ergebnisse: Die SOD-Aktivitäten im Erythrozytenlysat (EL) gesunder Kühe stiegen von 6729 ±1048 U/ml eine Wpp auf 7506 ±1208 U/ml vier Wpp an (p>0,05). Die SOD-Aktivität aller Kühe mit LMV betrug 7125 (1. Quartil: 6154; 3. Quartil: 8625) U/ml EL und unterschied sich nicht von der gesunder. Kühe mit linksseitiger LMV hatten mit 6650 (5984; 8313) U/ml EL eine niedrigere SOD-Aktivität als Kühe mit rechtsseitiger mit 8500 (7125; 8813) U/ml EL (p>0,05). Bezogen auf den Abstand zur Geburt sank bei den Kühen mit LMV die SOD-Aktivität zunächst von 7500 (6375; 8813) U/ml EL eine bis auf 5963 (5763; 6650) U/ml EL drei Wpp (p0,05). Bei Klassenbildung der SOD-Aktivitäten (U/ml EL) ergab sich folgende Verteilung: 10000: 9,0%. Kühe mit SOD-Aktivitäten 10000 U/ml EL waren die genannten Parameter gleichsinnig, aber modera-ter verändert (p>0,05). Kühe mit SOD-Aktivitäten 500 U/g Hb erniedrigte SOD-Aktivitäten (5657 U/ml EL) festzustellen. Die Bilirubin-, FFS- und Glucose-Konzentrationen sind bei niedriger GPX-Aktivität moderat, bei hoher GPX-Aktivität stärker erhöht. Die Granulozytenzahl ist bei GPX-Aktivitäten >500 U/mg Hb erniedrigt (p24 µmol/l, ASAT >240 U/l, Cholesterol 17 µmol/l, FFS >2,2 mmol/l, Glucose >8,8 mmol/l, Segmenkernige 500 U/mg Hb. Dabei ist die SOD-Aktivität moderat oder nicht vermindert. Erhöhte CK- und ASAT-Aktivitäten können auf einen pathologischen Uteruszustand hinwei-sen. Dies ist diagnostisch besonders dann relevant, wenn keine Hinweise auf eine Leberschä-digung (Bilirubin, GLDH) bzw. auf eine Schädigung des Bewegungsapparates bestehen.Dislocatio abomasi (DA) in cattle has gained worldwide importance. The result of reposition-ing the abomasum is, especially in cows with right sided DA, unsatisfactory. It was the aim of this study to analyse the antioxidative status of cows with DA by measuring the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX), to examine the relationship of these parameters to the metabolic parameters including creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT), and to propose a potential therapeutic approach. As a prerequisite, reference activities of the SOD in healthy cows had to be determined. A possible relationship between the activities of CK and ASAT and the findings from the examination of the uterus was investigated. Methods: The activity of SOD in erythrocyte lysate was measured in 10 cows one week post-partum (Wpp) and in 12 cows four Wpp. 87 cows with DA were examined clinically on arri-val at the medical veterinary clinic. Haematological, and clinical-chemical examinations were also made (activities of SOD in erythrocyte lysate, GPX in heparinized whole blood, CK and ASAT as well as bilirubin-, BHB-, FFA- cholesterol-, total protein-, glucose- albumin-, urea- and calcium concentrations and Anti-Lipid-A-Antibodies in serum). In 10 slaughtered cows, the activities of CK, ASAT and GLDH were measured in the blood serum and in the uterine tissue. These cows also had a pathological-anatomical examination of the uterus. In another study of six healthy non-pregnant, non-lactating cows, the effect of an intrauterine application of Uterofertil® in therapeutic concentration was tested. The activities of CK, ASAT and GLDH, and the bilirubin concentration in serum were measured, and the results compared with those obtained from treating with 0,9% potassium chloride solution in four other cows. Results: The SOD-activity in erythrocyte lysate (el) of healthy cows increased from 6729 ±1048 U/ml one Wpp to 7506 ±1208 U/ml four Wpp. The SOD-activity of the cows with DA was 7125 (median, 1st quartile: 6154; 3rd quartile: 8625) U/ml el and did not differ from healthy cows. Cows with left sided DA with 6650 (5984; 8313) U/ml el had slightly lower SOD-activities than cows with right sided DA with 8500 (7125; 8813) U/ml el (p>0,05). In relation to parturition, the SOD-activity in cows with DA decreased from 7500 (6375; 8813) U/ml el one Wpp to 5963 (5763; 6650) U/ml el three Wpp (p0,05). Based on the SOD-activities of healthy cows, four Wpp the cows with DA were divided into four groups: 1. SOD-activity 10000: 9,0%. Cows with SOD-activities 10000 U/ml el, these parameters were changed in the same way, but not signifi-cantly (p>0,05). Cows with SOD-activities 500 U/mg Hb (SOD-activity 5657 U/ml el). In cows with low GPX-activity the bilirubin-, FFA- and glucose concentrations were low, while in cows with high GPX-activities these concentrations were greatly increased. Cows with GPX-activities >500 U/mg Hb had less polymorphonuclear granulocytes (p24 µmol/l, ASAT >240 U/l, cholesterol17 mmol/l, FFA >2,2 mmol/l, glucose >8,8 mmol/l, polymorphonuclear leucocytes 500 U/mg Hb. In these cases the SOD-activity is only slightly decreased or not decreased at all. High CK- and ASAT-activities can give rise to a pathological situation in the uterus. This has diagnostic relevancy, especially in cases for which there are no changes in the liver parame-ters (bilirubin, GLDH) and no damage to the muscular system

    Ability of ELISAs to detect antibodies against porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus in serum of pigs after inactivated vaccination and subsequent challenge: Ability of ELISAs to detect antibodies against porcine respiratory andreproductive syndrome virus in serum of pigs after inactivated vaccination and subsequent challenge

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    Background: In this study, six enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), intended for routine porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) herd monitoring, are tested for their ability to detect PRRSV specific antibodies in the serum of pigs after vaccination with an inactivated PRRSV type 1 vaccine and subsequent infection with a highly pathogenic (HP) PRRSV field strain. For this reason, ten piglets (group V) from a PRRSV negative herd were vaccinated twice at the age of 2 and 4 weeks with an inactivated PRRSV vaccine. Ten additional piglets (group N) from the sameherd remained unvaccinated. Three weeks after second vaccination, each of the piglets received an intradermal application of an HP PRRSV field strain. Serum samples were taken before first vaccination as well as before and 3, 7, 10 and 14 days after HP PRRSV application. All serum samples were tested for PRRSV RNA by reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) as well as for PRRSV antibodies with all six study ELISAs. Results: At the beginning of the study (before vaccination), all of the piglets were PRRSV antibody negative with all study ELISAs. They also tested negative for PRRSV RNA measured by RT-qPCR. From day 3 after HP PRRSV application until the end of the study, a viremia was detected by RT-qPCR in all of the piglets. On day 0 (day of HP PRRSV application), nine out of ten piglets of the pre-vaccinated group tested PRRSV antibody positive with one of the tested ELISAs, although with lower S/P values than after infection. On day 10 after HP PRRSV application, all study ELISAs except one had significantly higher S/P or OD values, respectively more positive samples, in group V than in group N. Conclusions: Only one of the tested ELISAs was able to detect reliably PRRSV antibodies in pigs vaccinated with an inactivated PRRSV vaccine. With most of the tested ELISAs, higher S/P values respectively more positive samples after PRRSV infection were seen in the pre-vaccinated group than in the non-vaccinated

    Comparison of different commercial ELISAs for detection of antibodies against porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus in serum

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    Background: In recent years, several new ELISAs for the detection of antibodies against the porcine reproductive and respiratory disease virus (PRRSV) in pig serum have been developed. To interpret the results, specificity and sensitivity data as well as agreement to a reference ELISA must be available. In this study, three commercial ELISAs (INgezim PRRS 2.0 - ELISA II, Priocheck® PRRSV Ab porcine – ELISA III and CIVTEST suis PRRS E/S PLUS - ELISA IV, detecting PRRSV type 1 antibodies) were compared to a standard ELISA (IDEXX PRRS X3 Ab Test - ELISA I). The serum of three pigs vaccinated with an attenuated PRRSV live vaccine (genotype 2) was tested prior to and several times after the vaccination. Furthermore, serum samples of 245 pigs of PRRSV positive herds, 309 pigs of monitored PRRSV negative herds, 256 fatteners of assumed PRRSV negative herds with unknown herd history and 92 wild boars were tested with all four ELISAs. Results: ELISAs II and III were able to detect seroconversion of vaccinated pigs with a similar reliability. According to kappa coefficient, the results showed an almost perfect agreement between ELISA I as reference and ELISA II and III (kappa > 0.8), and substantial agreement between ELISA I and ELISA IV (kappa = 0.71). Sensitivity of ELISA II, III and IV was 96.0%, 100% and 91.5%, respectively. The specificity of the ELISAs determined in samples of monitored PRRSV negative herds was 99.0%, 95.1% and 96.4%, respectively. In assumed negative farms that were not continually monitored, more positive samples were found with ELISA II to IV. The reference ELISA I had a specificity of 100% in this study. Conclusions: All tested ELISAs were able to detect a PRRSV positive herd. The specificity and sensitivity of the tested commercial ELISAs, however, differed. ELISA II had the highest specificity an ELISA III had the highest sensitivity in comparison to the reference ELISA. ELISA IV had a lower sensitivity and specificity than the other ELISAs

    Evaluation of the specificity of a commercial ELISA for detection of antibodies against porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus in individual oral fluid of pigs collected in two different ways

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    Background: The monitoring of infectious diseases like the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) using pen-wise oral fluid samples becomes more and more established. The collection of individual oral fluid, which would be useful in the monitoring of PRRSV negative boar studs, is rather difficult. The aim of the study was to test two methods for individual oral fluid collection from pigs and to evaluate the specificity of a commercial ELISA for detection of PRRSV antibodies in these sample matrices. For this reason, 334 serum samples from PRRSV negative pigs (group 1) and 71 serum samples from PRRSV positive pigs (group 2) were tested for PRRSV antibodies with a commercial ELISA. Individual oral fluid was collected with a cotton gauze swab from 311 pigs from group 1 and 39 pigs from group 2. Furthermore, 312 oral fluid samples from group 1 and 67 oral fluid samples from group 2 were taken with a self-drying foam swab (GenoTube). The recollected oral fluid was then analysed twice with a commercial ELISA for detection of PRRSV antibodies in oral fluid

    Preclinical Incorporation Dosimetry of [18F]FACH—A Novel 18F-Labeled MCT1/MCT4 Lactate Transporter Inhibitor for Imaging Cancer Metabolism with PET

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    Overexpression of monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) has been shown for a variety of human cancers (e.g., colon, brain, breast, and kidney) and inhibition resulted in intracellular lactate accumulation, acidosis, and cell death. Thus, MCTs are promising targets to investigate tumor cancer metabolism with positron emission tomography (PET). Here, the organ doses (ODs) and the effective dose (ED) of the first 18F-labeled MCT1/MCT4 inhibitor were estimated in juvenile pigs. Whole-body dosimetry was performed in three piglets (age: ~6 weeks, weight: ~13–15 kg). The animals were anesthetized and subjected to sequential hybrid Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography (PET/CT) up to 5 h after an intravenous (iv) injection of 156 ± 54 MBq [18F]FACH. All relevant organs were defined by volumes of interest. Exponential curves were fitted to the time–activity data. Time and mass scales were adapted to the human order of magnitude and the ODs calculated using the ICRP 89 adult male phantom with OLINDA 2.1. The ED was calculated using tissue weighting factors as published in Publication 103 of the International Commission of Radiation Protection (ICRP103). The highest organ dose was received by the urinary bladder (62.6 ± 28.9 µSv/MBq), followed by the gall bladder (50.4 ± 37.5 µSv/MBq) and the pancreas (30.5 ± 27.3 µSv/MBq). The highest contribution to the ED was by the urinary bladder (2.5 ± 1.1 µSv/MBq), followed by the red marrow (1.7 ± 0.3 µSv/MBq) and the stomach (1.3 ± 0.4 µSv/MBq). According to this preclinical analysis, the ED to humans is 12.4 µSv/MBq when applying the ICRP103 tissue weighting factors. Taking into account that preclinical dosimetry underestimates the dose to humans by up to 40%, the conversion factor applied for estimation of the ED to humans would rise to 20.6 µSv/MBq. In this case, the ED to humans upon an iv application of ~300 MBq [18F]FACH would be about 6.2 mSv. This risk assessment encourages the translation of [18F]FACH into clinical study phases and the further investigation of its potential as a clinical tool for cancer imaging with PET

    Untersuchungen zum antioxidativen Status von Kühen mit Labmagenverlagerung

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    Die Labmagenverlagerung (LMV) hat bei Rindern weltweit an Bedeutung gewonnen. Trotz effektiver Techniken der Labmagenreposition ist der Erfolg zum Teil, besonders bei rechtssei-tiger LMV, unbefriedigend. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war es, den antioxidativen Status von Kühen mit LMV anhand der Aktivitäten der Superoxid-Dismutase (SOD) und der Glutathionperoxidase (GPX) als potentiellen therapeutischen Ansatz zu analysieren und Be-ziehungen zu Stoffwechselparametern einschließlich Creatinkinase (CK) und ASAT zu prü-fen. Als Voraussetzung waren Orientierungswerte für die SOD-Aktivität gesunder Kühe zu bestimmen. Weiterhin wurde geprüft, ob bei Kühen ein diagnostisch nutzbarer Zusammen-hang zwischen den Aktivitäten der CK und ASAT zum Uterusbefund besteht. Versuchsanordnung: Zur Ermittlung der SOD-Aktivitäten im Serum gesunder Kühe wurden diese bei 10 Kühen eine sowie bei 12 Kühen vier Wochen post partum (Wpp) gemessen. 87 Kühe mit LMV wurden bei Einlieferung in die Medizinische Tierklinik klinisch, hämatolo-gisch sowie klinisch-chemisch (Aktivitäten der SOD im Erythrozytenlysat, der GPX im Voll-blut, der CK und der ASAT, BHB-, Bilirubin-, FFS-, Cholesterol-, Gesamteiweiß-, Glucose-, Albumin-, Harnstoff-, Calcium-Konzentrationen, Anti-Lipid-A-AK-Titer im Serum) unter-sucht. An 10 Schlachtkühen wurden die Aktivitäten der CK, ASAT und GLDH im Serum und im Uterusgewebe sowie der pathologisch-anatomische Uterusbefund analysiert. Weiterhin wurde bei sechs gesunden, güsten, nicht laktierenden Kühen die Wirkung von intrauterin ver-abreichtem Uterofertil® in therapeutischer Konzentration auf die CK-, ASAT- und GLDH-Aktivitäten sowie auf die Bilirubin-Konzentration im Serum geprüft und mit der von 0,9%iger NaCl-Lösung bei vier Kühen verglichen. Ergebnisse: Die SOD-Aktivitäten im Erythrozytenlysat (EL) gesunder Kühe stiegen von 6729 ±1048 U/ml eine Wpp auf 7506 ±1208 U/ml vier Wpp an (p>0,05). Die SOD-Aktivität aller Kühe mit LMV betrug 7125 (1. Quartil: 6154; 3. Quartil: 8625) U/ml EL und unterschied sich nicht von der gesunder. Kühe mit linksseitiger LMV hatten mit 6650 (5984; 8313) U/ml EL eine niedrigere SOD-Aktivität als Kühe mit rechtsseitiger mit 8500 (7125; 8813) U/ml EL (p>0,05). Bezogen auf den Abstand zur Geburt sank bei den Kühen mit LMV die SOD-Aktivität zunächst von 7500 (6375; 8813) U/ml EL eine bis auf 5963 (5763; 6650) U/ml EL drei Wpp (p0,05). Bei Klassenbildung der SOD-Aktivitäten (U/ml EL) ergab sich folgende Verteilung: 10000: 9,0%. Kühe mit SOD-Aktivitäten 10000 U/ml EL waren die genannten Parameter gleichsinnig, aber modera-ter verändert (p>0,05). Kühe mit SOD-Aktivitäten 500 U/g Hb erniedrigte SOD-Aktivitäten (5657 U/ml EL) festzustellen. Die Bilirubin-, FFS- und Glucose-Konzentrationen sind bei niedriger GPX-Aktivität moderat, bei hoher GPX-Aktivität stärker erhöht. Die Granulozytenzahl ist bei GPX-Aktivitäten >500 U/mg Hb erniedrigt (p24 µmol/l, ASAT >240 U/l, Cholesterol 17 µmol/l, FFS >2,2 mmol/l, Glucose >8,8 mmol/l, Segmenkernige 500 U/mg Hb. Dabei ist die SOD-Aktivität moderat oder nicht vermindert. Erhöhte CK- und ASAT-Aktivitäten können auf einen pathologischen Uteruszustand hinwei-sen. Dies ist diagnostisch besonders dann relevant, wenn keine Hinweise auf eine Leberschä-digung (Bilirubin, GLDH) bzw. auf eine Schädigung des Bewegungsapparates bestehen.Dislocatio abomasi (DA) in cattle has gained worldwide importance. The result of reposition-ing the abomasum is, especially in cows with right sided DA, unsatisfactory. It was the aim of this study to analyse the antioxidative status of cows with DA by measuring the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX), to examine the relationship of these parameters to the metabolic parameters including creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT), and to propose a potential therapeutic approach. As a prerequisite, reference activities of the SOD in healthy cows had to be determined. A possible relationship between the activities of CK and ASAT and the findings from the examination of the uterus was investigated. Methods: The activity of SOD in erythrocyte lysate was measured in 10 cows one week post-partum (Wpp) and in 12 cows four Wpp. 87 cows with DA were examined clinically on arri-val at the medical veterinary clinic. Haematological, and clinical-chemical examinations were also made (activities of SOD in erythrocyte lysate, GPX in heparinized whole blood, CK and ASAT as well as bilirubin-, BHB-, FFA- cholesterol-, total protein-, glucose- albumin-, urea- and calcium concentrations and Anti-Lipid-A-Antibodies in serum). In 10 slaughtered cows, the activities of CK, ASAT and GLDH were measured in the blood serum and in the uterine tissue. These cows also had a pathological-anatomical examination of the uterus. In another study of six healthy non-pregnant, non-lactating cows, the effect of an intrauterine application of Uterofertil® in therapeutic concentration was tested. The activities of CK, ASAT and GLDH, and the bilirubin concentration in serum were measured, and the results compared with those obtained from treating with 0,9% potassium chloride solution in four other cows. Results: The SOD-activity in erythrocyte lysate (el) of healthy cows increased from 6729 ±1048 U/ml one Wpp to 7506 ±1208 U/ml four Wpp. The SOD-activity of the cows with DA was 7125 (median, 1st quartile: 6154; 3rd quartile: 8625) U/ml el and did not differ from healthy cows. Cows with left sided DA with 6650 (5984; 8313) U/ml el had slightly lower SOD-activities than cows with right sided DA with 8500 (7125; 8813) U/ml el (p>0,05). In relation to parturition, the SOD-activity in cows with DA decreased from 7500 (6375; 8813) U/ml el one Wpp to 5963 (5763; 6650) U/ml el three Wpp (p0,05). Based on the SOD-activities of healthy cows, four Wpp the cows with DA were divided into four groups: 1. SOD-activity 10000: 9,0%. Cows with SOD-activities 10000 U/ml el, these parameters were changed in the same way, but not signifi-cantly (p>0,05). Cows with SOD-activities 500 U/mg Hb (SOD-activity 5657 U/ml el). In cows with low GPX-activity the bilirubin-, FFA- and glucose concentrations were low, while in cows with high GPX-activities these concentrations were greatly increased. Cows with GPX-activities >500 U/mg Hb had less polymorphonuclear granulocytes (p24 µmol/l, ASAT >240 U/l, cholesterol17 mmol/l, FFA >2,2 mmol/l, glucose >8,8 mmol/l, polymorphonuclear leucocytes 500 U/mg Hb. In these cases the SOD-activity is only slightly decreased or not decreased at all. High CK- and ASAT-activities can give rise to a pathological situation in the uterus. This has diagnostic relevancy, especially in cases for which there are no changes in the liver parame-ters (bilirubin, GLDH) and no damage to the muscular system

    Untersuchungen zum antioxidativen Status von Kühen mit Labmagenverlagerung

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    Die Labmagenverlagerung (LMV) hat bei Rindern weltweit an Bedeutung gewonnen. Trotz effektiver Techniken der Labmagenreposition ist der Erfolg zum Teil, besonders bei rechtssei-tiger LMV, unbefriedigend. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war es, den antioxidativen Status von Kühen mit LMV anhand der Aktivitäten der Superoxid-Dismutase (SOD) und der Glutathionperoxidase (GPX) als potentiellen therapeutischen Ansatz zu analysieren und Be-ziehungen zu Stoffwechselparametern einschließlich Creatinkinase (CK) und ASAT zu prü-fen. Als Voraussetzung waren Orientierungswerte für die SOD-Aktivität gesunder Kühe zu bestimmen. Weiterhin wurde geprüft, ob bei Kühen ein diagnostisch nutzbarer Zusammen-hang zwischen den Aktivitäten der CK und ASAT zum Uterusbefund besteht. Versuchsanordnung: Zur Ermittlung der SOD-Aktivitäten im Serum gesunder Kühe wurden diese bei 10 Kühen eine sowie bei 12 Kühen vier Wochen post partum (Wpp) gemessen. 87 Kühe mit LMV wurden bei Einlieferung in die Medizinische Tierklinik klinisch, hämatolo-gisch sowie klinisch-chemisch (Aktivitäten der SOD im Erythrozytenlysat, der GPX im Voll-blut, der CK und der ASAT, BHB-, Bilirubin-, FFS-, Cholesterol-, Gesamteiweiß-, Glucose-, Albumin-, Harnstoff-, Calcium-Konzentrationen, Anti-Lipid-A-AK-Titer im Serum) unter-sucht. An 10 Schlachtkühen wurden die Aktivitäten der CK, ASAT und GLDH im Serum und im Uterusgewebe sowie der pathologisch-anatomische Uterusbefund analysiert. Weiterhin wurde bei sechs gesunden, güsten, nicht laktierenden Kühen die Wirkung von intrauterin ver-abreichtem Uterofertil® in therapeutischer Konzentration auf die CK-, ASAT- und GLDH-Aktivitäten sowie auf die Bilirubin-Konzentration im Serum geprüft und mit der von 0,9%iger NaCl-Lösung bei vier Kühen verglichen. Ergebnisse: Die SOD-Aktivitäten im Erythrozytenlysat (EL) gesunder Kühe stiegen von 6729 ±1048 U/ml eine Wpp auf 7506 ±1208 U/ml vier Wpp an (p>0,05). Die SOD-Aktivität aller Kühe mit LMV betrug 7125 (1. Quartil: 6154; 3. Quartil: 8625) U/ml EL und unterschied sich nicht von der gesunder. Kühe mit linksseitiger LMV hatten mit 6650 (5984; 8313) U/ml EL eine niedrigere SOD-Aktivität als Kühe mit rechtsseitiger mit 8500 (7125; 8813) U/ml EL (p>0,05). Bezogen auf den Abstand zur Geburt sank bei den Kühen mit LMV die SOD-Aktivität zunächst von 7500 (6375; 8813) U/ml EL eine bis auf 5963 (5763; 6650) U/ml EL drei Wpp (p<0,05) ab, um dann systematisch bis auf 8750 (7513; 8935) U/ml EL bei den Tra-genden (p<0,05) wieder anzusteigen. Orientiert am Auftreten der LMV im Jahresverlauf war ein leichter Abfall der SOD-Aktivitäten von Dezember-Februar mit 7613 U/ml EL (5475; 8625) bis auf 6650 U/ml EL (5663; 9122) im September-November zu verzeichnen (p>0,05). Bei Klassenbildung der SOD-Aktivitäten (U/ml EL) ergab sich folgende Verteilung: <7000 (orientiert an der Grenze für gesunde Kühe vier Wpp): 44,8%, 7000-8500: 25,6%, 8501-10000: 20,5%, >10000: 9,0%. Kühe mit SOD-Aktivitäten <7000 U/ml EL hatten höhere CK- und ASAT-Aktivitäten, Bilirubin- und BHB-Konzentrationen sowie niedrigere Cholesterol-konzentrationen als Kühe mit SOD-Aktivitäten zwischen 7000 und 10000 U/ml (p<0,05). Bei SOD-Aktivitäten >10000 U/ml EL waren die genannten Parameter gleichsinnig, aber modera-ter verändert (p>0,05). Kühe mit SOD-Aktivitäten <7000 U/ml EL hatten somit einen stärker belasteten Stoffwechsel. Die GPX-Aktivität betrug im Mittel aller Kühe mit LMV 385 ±103 U/mg Hb. Sie differierte nicht bei Kühen mit links- und rechtsseitiger LMV. Orientiert am Laktationsstadium stieg die GPX-Aktivität (U/mg Hb) von 363±55 eine Wpp bis auf 429±113 vier Wpp an und fiel wie-der bis auf 318±153 bei den tragenden Kühen ab. Zur SOD-Aktivität bestand mit r=-0,40 (p<0,01) eine gegenläufige Tendenz. Auch im Jahresverlauf verhielt sich die GPX gegensin-nig zur SOD (Dezember-Februar: 355 ±101, September-November: 411 ±104 U/mg Hb, p<0,05). Bei Klassenbildung sind mit GPX-Aktivitäten <250 U/gHb erhöhte SOD-Aktivitäten (8875 U/ml EL), mit GPX-Aktivitäten >500 U/g Hb erniedrigte SOD-Aktivitäten (5657 U/ml EL) festzustellen. Die Bilirubin-, FFS- und Glucose-Konzentrationen sind bei niedriger GPX-Aktivität moderat, bei hoher GPX-Aktivität stärker erhöht. Die Granulozytenzahl ist bei GPX-Aktivitäten >500 U/mg Hb erniedrigt (p<0,05). Die Aktivitäten der CK sowie der ASAT waren bei den Kühen mit LMV erhöht. Beide En-zyme korrelierten signifikant (r=0,58, p<0,001). Die Kühe wiesen ein bis drei Wpp signifikant höhere CK- und ASAT-Aktivitäten auf als vier bis sechs Wpp. Weiterhin waren signifikante Korrelationen der CK (r=0,39, p<0,001) sowie der ASAT (r=0,43, p<0,001) zum Grad des pathologischen Uterusbefundes festzustellen. Die Kühe mit LMV wiesen erhöhte FFS-, Bilirubin-, BHB-, Glucose- und Harnstoff- sowie erniedrigte Cholesterol- und Ca-Konzentrationen auf. Die hämatologischen Parameter beweg-ten sich im Mittel im physiologischen Bereich. Bei linksseitiger LMV waren im Vergleich zu rechtsseitiger LMV die Konzentrationen von Bilirubin und BHB stärker erhöht bzw. die des Cholesterols stärker erniedrigt (p<0,05 bis 0,01). Bei rechtsseitiger LMV bestanden gegenüber linksseitiger höhere Harnstoff-konzentrationen bzw. ein höherer Hämatokrit (p<0,001). Außerdem hatten diese Kühe einen stärkeren Enophthalmus und waren somit stärker dehydriert. Kühe mit linksseitiger LMV wiesen häufiger Leukopenien auf als Kühe mit rechtsseitiger LMV. Es bestand eine negative Korrelation der Anzahl der Leukozyten und segmentkernigen neutrophilen Granulozyten zum Uterusbefund (r=-0,29, p<0,01). Schlachtkühe hatten CK- und ASAT-Aktivitäten im Blutserum oberhalb des physiologischen Bereiches. Beide Enzyme korrelierten signifikant (r=0,89, p<0,01). Sie korrelierten auch sig-nifikant (p<0,01) mit dem pathologisch-anatomischen Uterusbefund. Die CK-Aktivitäten im Uterusgewebe (2940 ±1140 U/g Protein) lagen ca. 20 bzw. 100 mal höher als die Aktivitäten von ASAT und GLDH. Bei den mit Uterofertil® behandelten Kühen stiegen die CK-Aktivitäten im Serum innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach Applikation signifikant an (p<0,05), die der Kontrollkühe nicht. Die der ASAT- und GLDH-Aktivitäten sowie die Bilirubin-Konzentrationen im Serum blieben un-verändert. Innerhalb 48 Stunden nach Uterofertil®-Applikation normalisierten sich die CK-Aktivitäten wieder. Schlußfolgerungen: Die antioxidative Kapazität (SOD) steigt bei gesunden Kühen post par-tum an. Ca. 45% der Kühe mit LMV haben ein belastetes antioxidatives System (SOD <7000 U/ml EL). Dabei sind die nachfolgenden Parameter wie folgt verändert (1. bzw. 3. Quartil): Bilirubin >24 µmol/l, ASAT >240 U/l, Cholesterol <1,20 mmol/l. Dies kommt hauptsächlich bei länger bestehenden, mäßigen Belastungen, wie bei Kühen mit linksseitiger LMV, vor und sollte Anlaß zur Therapie mit Antioxidantien sein. Kurzfristige, stärkere Stoffwechselbelas-tungen (Bilirubin >17 µmol/l, FFS >2,2 mmol/l, Glucose >8,8 mmol/l, Segmenkernige <1,5 G/l, BHB und ASAT unverändert) entsprechen in der Regel GPX-Aktivitäten >500 U/mg Hb. Dabei ist die SOD-Aktivität moderat oder nicht vermindert. Erhöhte CK- und ASAT-Aktivitäten können auf einen pathologischen Uteruszustand hinwei-sen. Dies ist diagnostisch besonders dann relevant, wenn keine Hinweise auf eine Leberschä-digung (Bilirubin, GLDH) bzw. auf eine Schädigung des Bewegungsapparates bestehen.Dislocatio abomasi (DA) in cattle has gained worldwide importance. The result of reposition-ing the abomasum is, especially in cows with right sided DA, unsatisfactory. It was the aim of this study to analyse the antioxidative status of cows with DA by measuring the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX), to examine the relationship of these parameters to the metabolic parameters including creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT), and to propose a potential therapeutic approach. As a prerequisite, reference activities of the SOD in healthy cows had to be determined. A possible relationship between the activities of CK and ASAT and the findings from the examination of the uterus was investigated. Methods: The activity of SOD in erythrocyte lysate was measured in 10 cows one week post-partum (Wpp) and in 12 cows four Wpp. 87 cows with DA were examined clinically on arri-val at the medical veterinary clinic. Haematological, and clinical-chemical examinations were also made (activities of SOD in erythrocyte lysate, GPX in heparinized whole blood, CK and ASAT as well as bilirubin-, BHB-, FFA- cholesterol-, total protein-, glucose- albumin-, urea- and calcium concentrations and Anti-Lipid-A-Antibodies in serum). In 10 slaughtered cows, the activities of CK, ASAT and GLDH were measured in the blood serum and in the uterine tissue. These cows also had a pathological-anatomical examination of the uterus. In another study of six healthy non-pregnant, non-lactating cows, the effect of an intrauterine application of Uterofertil® in therapeutic concentration was tested. The activities of CK, ASAT and GLDH, and the bilirubin concentration in serum were measured, and the results compared with those obtained from treating with 0,9% potassium chloride solution in four other cows. Results: The SOD-activity in erythrocyte lysate (el) of healthy cows increased from 6729 ±1048 U/ml one Wpp to 7506 ±1208 U/ml four Wpp. The SOD-activity of the cows with DA was 7125 (median, 1st quartile: 6154; 3rd quartile: 8625) U/ml el and did not differ from healthy cows. Cows with left sided DA with 6650 (5984; 8313) U/ml el had slightly lower SOD-activities than cows with right sided DA with 8500 (7125; 8813) U/ml el (p>0,05). In relation to parturition, the SOD-activity in cows with DA decreased from 7500 (6375; 8813) U/ml el one Wpp to 5963 (5763; 6650) U/ml el three Wpp (p<0,05) and increased to 8750 (7513; 8935) U/ml el in pregnant cows (p<0,05). There was a slightly decrease of the SOD-activities from 7613 (5475; 8625) U/ml el in December-February to 6650 (5663; 9122) U/ml el in September-November (p>0,05). Based on the SOD-activities of healthy cows, four Wpp the cows with DA were divided into four groups: 1. SOD-activity <7000 U/ml el: 44,8% of the cows; 7000-8500: 25,6%; 8501-10000: 20,5%; >10000: 9,0%. Cows with SOD-activities <7000 U/ml el had higher CK- and ASAT-activities, bilirubin and BHB concentrations and lower cholesterol concentrations than cows with SOD-activities between 7000 and 10000 U/ml el (p<0,05). In cows with SOD-activities >10000 U/ml el, these parameters were changed in the same way, but not signifi-cantly (p>0,05). Cows with SOD-activities <7000 U/ml el therefore suffered from massive metabolic stress. The GPX-activity in cows with DA was 385 ±103 U/mg Hb. There were no differences be-tween left sided and right sided DA. In relation to parturition, the GPX-activity (U/mg Hb) increased from 363±55 one Wpp to 429±113 four Wpp and decreased to 318±153 in pregnant cows. A significant negative correlation (r=-0,40, p<0,01) between SOD and GPX was to be found. The GPX-activity also showed a seasonal relationship to the SOD-activity (December-February: 355 ±101, September-November: 411 ±104 U/mg Hb, p<0,05). By dividing the cows with DA into groups, significantly (p<0,05) higher SOD-activities (8875 U/ml el) were found in cows with GPX-activities <250 U/mg Hb than in cows with GPX-activities >500 U/mg Hb (SOD-activity 5657 U/ml el). In cows with low GPX-activity the bilirubin-, FFA- and glucose concentrations were low, while in cows with high GPX-activities these concentrations were greatly increased. Cows with GPX-activities >500 U/mg Hb had less polymorphonuclear granulocytes (p<0,05). The activities of CK and ASAT were increased in cows with DA. There was a significant cor-relation found between both enzymes (r=0,58, p<0,001). The cows one to three Wpp showed significantly higher CK- and ASAT-activities than the cows four to six Wpp. Furthermore, we found a significant correlation between the activity of CK (r=0,39, p<0,001) respectively ASAT (r=0,43, p<0,001) and the degree of endometritis. Cows with DA had increased FFA- bilirubin-, BHB- glucose and urea concentrations and decreased cholesterol and calcium concentrations. The haematological parameters were physiological. In left sided DA the concentrations of bilirubin and BHB were higher and the cholesterol con-centrations were lower than in right sided DA (p<0,05 to <0,01). In right sided DA, higher urea concentrations and a higher haematocrit (p<0,001) were found than in left sided DA. Furthermore, the cows with right sided DA had a higher degree of enophthalmus and were therefore more dehydrated. Cows with left sided DA had more often leucopenias than cows with right sided DA. A sig-nificant negative correlation was found between the amount of leucocytes and the uterus find-ings (r=-0,29, p<0,01). The slaughtered cows had CK- and ASAT-activities above the physiological range. Both en-zymes correlated significantly (r=0,89, p<0,01). These enzymes also correlated significantly (r=0,833 for CK, r=0,892 for ASAT, p<0,01) with the findings of the pathological anatomical examination of the uterus.. The CK-activities in the uterus tissue were with 2940 ±1140 U/g protein, about 20 to 100 times higher than the activities of ASAT and GLDH. The cows treated with Uterofetil® showed a significant increase 24 hours after the application of the CK-activity in serum (p<0,05). The cows treated with 0,9% potassium chloride solution showed no changes in CK-activity. The activities of ASAT and GLDH and the bilirubin con-centrations did not change. 48 hours after Uterofertil® application, the CK-activities were at the same level at which they started. Conclusions: The antioxidative capacity (SOD) increases in healthy cows postpartum. Ap-proximately 45% of the cows with DA have a stressed antioxidative system (SOD-activity <7000 U/ml el). In these cows the metabolic parameters are changed as follows (1st respec-tively 3rd quartile): bilirubin >24 µmol/l, ASAT >240 U/l, cholesterol<1,20 mmol/l. This is mostly the case in cows with longer existent moderate stress, such as left sided DA, and pro-vides evidence for the treatment with antioxidants. Shorter and massive metabolic stress (bili-rubin >17 mmol/l, FFA >2,2 mmol/l, glucose >8,8 mmol/l, polymorphonuclear leucocytes <1,5 G/l and normal BHB and ASAT) is equivalent to GPX-activities >500 U/mg Hb. In these cases the SOD-activity is only slightly decreased or not decreased at all. High CK- and ASAT-activities can give rise to a pathological situation in the uterus. This has diagnostic relevancy, especially in cases for which there are no changes in the liver parame-ters (bilirubin, GLDH) and no damage to the muscular system

    Ability of ELISAs to detect antibodies against porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus in serum of pigs after inactivated vaccination and subsequent challenge: Ability of ELISAs to detect antibodies against porcine respiratory andreproductive syndrome virus in serum of pigs after inactivated vaccination and subsequent challenge

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    Background: In this study, six enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), intended for routine porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) herd monitoring, are tested for their ability to detect PRRSV specific antibodies in the serum of pigs after vaccination with an inactivated PRRSV type 1 vaccine and subsequent infection with a highly pathogenic (HP) PRRSV field strain. For this reason, ten piglets (group V) from a PRRSV negative herd were vaccinated twice at the age of 2 and 4 weeks with an inactivated PRRSV vaccine. Ten additional piglets (group N) from the sameherd remained unvaccinated. Three weeks after second vaccination, each of the piglets received an intradermal application of an HP PRRSV field strain. Serum samples were taken before first vaccination as well as before and 3, 7, 10 and 14 days after HP PRRSV application. All serum samples were tested for PRRSV RNA by reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) as well as for PRRSV antibodies with all six study ELISAs. Results: At the beginning of the study (before vaccination), all of the piglets were PRRSV antibody negative with all study ELISAs. They also tested negative for PRRSV RNA measured by RT-qPCR. From day 3 after HP PRRSV application until the end of the study, a viremia was detected by RT-qPCR in all of the piglets. On day 0 (day of HP PRRSV application), nine out of ten piglets of the pre-vaccinated group tested PRRSV antibody positive with one of the tested ELISAs, although with lower S/P values than after infection. On day 10 after HP PRRSV application, all study ELISAs except one had significantly higher S/P or OD values, respectively more positive samples, in group V than in group N. Conclusions: Only one of the tested ELISAs was able to detect reliably PRRSV antibodies in pigs vaccinated with an inactivated PRRSV vaccine. With most of the tested ELISAs, higher S/P values respectively more positive samples after PRRSV infection were seen in the pre-vaccinated group than in the non-vaccinated

    Ability of ELISAs to detect antibodies against porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus in serum of pigs after inactivated vaccination and subsequent challenge: Ability of ELISAs to detect antibodies against porcine respiratory andreproductive syndrome virus in serum of pigs after inactivated vaccination and subsequent challenge

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    Background: In this study, six enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), intended for routine porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) herd monitoring, are tested for their ability to detect PRRSV specific antibodies in the serum of pigs after vaccination with an inactivated PRRSV type 1 vaccine and subsequent infection with a highly pathogenic (HP) PRRSV field strain. For this reason, ten piglets (group V) from a PRRSV negative herd were vaccinated twice at the age of 2 and 4 weeks with an inactivated PRRSV vaccine. Ten additional piglets (group N) from the sameherd remained unvaccinated. Three weeks after second vaccination, each of the piglets received an intradermal application of an HP PRRSV field strain. Serum samples were taken before first vaccination as well as before and 3, 7, 10 and 14 days after HP PRRSV application. All serum samples were tested for PRRSV RNA by reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) as well as for PRRSV antibodies with all six study ELISAs. Results: At the beginning of the study (before vaccination), all of the piglets were PRRSV antibody negative with all study ELISAs. They also tested negative for PRRSV RNA measured by RT-qPCR. From day 3 after HP PRRSV application until the end of the study, a viremia was detected by RT-qPCR in all of the piglets. On day 0 (day of HP PRRSV application), nine out of ten piglets of the pre-vaccinated group tested PRRSV antibody positive with one of the tested ELISAs, although with lower S/P values than after infection. On day 10 after HP PRRSV application, all study ELISAs except one had significantly higher S/P or OD values, respectively more positive samples, in group V than in group N. Conclusions: Only one of the tested ELISAs was able to detect reliably PRRSV antibodies in pigs vaccinated with an inactivated PRRSV vaccine. With most of the tested ELISAs, higher S/P values respectively more positive samples after PRRSV infection were seen in the pre-vaccinated group than in the non-vaccinated