67 research outputs found

    Polycomb-Mediated Loss of miR-31 Activates NIK-Dependent NF-κB Pathway in Adult T Cell Leukemia and Other Cancers

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    SummaryConstitutive NF-κB activation has causative roles in adult T cell leukemia (ATL) caused by HTLV-1 and other cancers. Here, we report a pathway involving Polycomb-mediated miRNA silencing and NF-κB activation. We determine the miRNA signatures and reveal miR-31 loss in primary ATL cells. MiR-31 negatively regulates the noncanonical NF-κB pathway by targeting NF-κB inducing kinase (NIK). Loss of miR-31 therefore triggers oncogenic signaling. In ATL cells, miR-31 level is epigenetically regulated, and aberrant upregulation of Polycomb proteins contribute to miR-31 downregulation in an epigenetic fashion, leading to activation of NF-κB and apoptosis resistance. Furthermore, this emerging circuit operates in other cancers and receptor-initiated NF-κB cascade. Our findings provide a perspective involving the epigenetic program, inflammatory responses, and oncogenic signaling

    Dietary Zinc Supplementation to Prevent Chronic Copper Poisoning in Sheep

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate whether zinc (Zn) supplementation protects against hepatic copper (Cu) accumulation in copper-loaded sheep. Forty cross-bred lambs were assigned to five experimental groups. These included the control group (C) and four treatment groups that received Cu and/or Zn supplementation (dry matter (DM) basis) over 14 weeks, as follows: Cu (450 mg Cu/kg); Zn-35 (450 mg Cu + 35 mg Zn/kg); Zn-150 (450 mg Cu + 150 mg Zn/kg); and Zn-300 (450 mg Cu + 300 mg Zn/kg). Blood, liver, and bile samples were obtained for mineral determination by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP–OES). The hepatic metallothionein (MT) concentrations were also determined. At the end of the experiment, hepatic Cu concentrations were higher in all Cu-supplemented groups than in C. Hepatic Cu accumulation was lower in the groups receiving the Zn supplementation than in the Cu group, although the difference was only statistically significant (66%) in the Zn-300 group. The MT concentrations tended to be higher (almost two-fold) in the Zn groups (but were not dose related) than in the C and Cu groups, and they were related to hepatic Zn concentrations. Zn supplementation at 300 mg/kg DM is useful for preventing excessive hepatic Cu accumulation in sheep exposed to high dietary concentrations of CuThis research was funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). A research productivity fellowship was granted by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) to AHHMS

    MMMDB: Mouse Multiple Tissue Metabolome Database

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    The Mouse Multiple Tissue Metabolome Database (MMMDB) provides comprehensive and quantitative metabolomic information for multiple tissues from single mice. Manually curated databases that integrate literature-based individual metabolite information have been available so far. However, data sets on the absolute concentration of a single metabolite integrated from multiple resources are often difficult to be used when different metabolomic studies are compared because the relative balance of the multiple metabolite concentrations in the metabolic pathways as a snapshot of a dynamic system is more important than the absolute concentration of a single metabolite. We developed MMMDB by performing non-targeted analyses of cerebra, cerebella, thymus, spleen, lung, liver, kidney, heart, pancreas, testis and plasma using capillary electrophoresis time-of-flight mass spectrometry and detected 428 non-redundant features from which 219 metabolites were successfully identified. Quantified concentrations of the individual metabolites and the corresponding processed raw data; for example, the electropherograms and mass spectra with their annotations, such as isotope and fragment information, are stored in the database. MMMDB is designed to normalize users’ data, which can be submitted online and used to visualize overlaid electropherograms. Thus, MMMDB allows newly measured data to be compared with the other data in the database. MMMDB is available at: http://mmmdb.iab.keio.ac.jp

    Manifestações clínicas da cetose nervosa induzida por isopropanol em ovinos

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    Doze ovelhas hígidas, não prenhes e não lactentes foram submetidas a um protocolo de indução experimental de cetose nervosa para a avaliação de sintomatologia nos quadros de cetose e Toxemia da Prenhez. Neste protocolo, oito animais foram submetidos a infusão de 150 mL de solução de isopropanol a 35% na veia jugular, constituindo o grupo Tratado (GT), e quatro ovinos foram tratados identicamente com solução salina isotônica (NaCl 0,9%), constituindo o grupo Controle (GC) no decorrer de 40 minutos. Os animais do GT apresentaram aumento da frequência cardíaca (FC) aos 40 minutos de infusão e redução no movimento ruminal a partir dos 10 minutos de infusão com isopropanol, o qual permaneceu diminuído ate 10 minutos do termino da infusão. A atonia ruminal ocorreu em três animais, que manifestaram em seguida leve meteorismo gasoso. A infusão de isopropanol provocou o surgimento de sintomas nervosos como, depressão e sonolência, cambaleios, adução de membros posteriores, pressão da cabeça em obstáculo, ranger de dentes e cegueira quase sempre acompanhada de diminuição do reflexo pupilar e nistagmo. Todos os animais exalaram forte odor cetótico com poucos minutos do inicio da indução, fato que ajudou a eliminação do isopropanol do organismo. Os presentes resultados sugerem que parte dos sintomas nervosos verificados na Toxemia da Prenhez possa ser oriunda da ação do isopropanol. Estes resultados abrem novas perspectivas para o melhor entendimento da patogenia da Toxemia da Prenhez em ovinos.Twelve healthy Santa Ines sheep, non-pregnant and non-lactating underwent a protocol of experimental induction of nervous ketosis for studying the symptoms in ketosis and Pregnancy Toxaemia (PT) disease. Eight animals were subjected to infusion of 150 mL of isopropanol (IPA) at 35% in the jugular vein and four sheep were treated identically with isotonic saline solution (NaCl 0.9%) during 40 minutes. The animals treated with IPA showed increased heart rate (HR) after 40 minutes of infusion and decreased ruminal movement from the 10 minutes infusion with IPA and remaining low up to 10 minutes from the end of the infusion. Ruminal atony appeared in three animals, which showed slight meteorism gas. Infusion of IPA caused the appearance of nervous symptoms as depression, staggering, adduction of hind limbs, head pressing, teeth grind and blindness almost always accompanied by a decreased pupillary reflex and nystagmus. All the animals exhaled ketosis breath with strong odor within few minutes of the start of induction that helped the elimination of the IPA from the organism. The present results strongly suggest that part of the nervous symptoms observed in PT may be derived from the action of IPA. These present findings open new perspectives for a better understanding of the pathogenesis of PT in sheep

    Influência da suplementação com monensina sódica no desempenho produtivo de garrotes mantidos em semi-confinamento

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da suplementação de monensina sódica sobre os parâmetros produtivos de bovinos em regime de semi-confinamento. Foram utilizados 30 garrotes cruzados, inteiros e com um ano de idade, pesados e divididos em dois lotes homogêneos: controle e suplementado com monensina sódica na dose de 200 mg por animal/dia. Os grupos foram mantidos em pastagem e receberam dieta concentrada calculada em 0,6% do peso corporal. O estudo teve duração de 60 dias e foram realizadas pesagens dos animais zero, e 60. Amostras de forragem foram obtidas nos dias zero e 30 do estudo para determinação do teor de proteína bruta. Os resultados do ganho de peso, teor de proteína nos capins foram submetidos à análise de variância e teste T de Student para comparação entre os grupos. Não existiram diferenças significativas entre os teores médios de proteína bruta na forragem dos piquetes dos grupos no decorrer do experimento. O ganho de peso total e diário foram superiores nos bovinos suplementados com monensina (p<0,05). A suplementação com monensina sódica, na dose de 200 mg/dia, incrementou o ganho de peso de garrotes em 8,6%. O retorno financeiro obtido com o uso desse aditivo foi compensador em sistemas de semi-confinamento

    On the top of ARB N/L type Ca channel blocker leads to less elevation of aldosterone

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    Synopsis The activation of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is one of the unfavourable characteristics of calcium channel blocker (CCB). N type calcium channel is thought to be involved in renin gene transcription and adrenal aldosterone release. Accordingly, N/L type CCB has a possibility of less elevation of plasma aldosterone concentrations (PAC) among CCBs. In a monotherapy study, we had already demonstrated that N/L type CCB leads to less activation of the RAS compared with L type CCB. The objective of this study is to substantiate the hypothesis that at the condition of additive administration on the top of an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB), still N/L type CCB leads to less elevation of PAC compared with L type one. Subjects were 60 hypertensives administered with valsartan. As an open label study, amlodipine (L type) or cilnidipine (N/L type) were administered on the top of valsartan (ARB) in a cross-over manner. Results were as follows (valsartan + amlodipine compared with valsartan + cilnidipine): systolic blood pressure (SBP)/diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (mmHg): 132 + − 10/76 + − 10 compared with 131 + − 10/77 + − 9, P = 0.95/0.48, plasma renin activity (PRA) (ng/ml·h): 2.41 + − 2.67 compared with 2.00 + − 1.50 P = 0.20, PAC (pg/ml): 77.3 + − 31.0 compared with 67.4 + − 24.8, P < 0.05, urinary albumin excretion (UAE) (mg/gCr): 105.9 + − 216.1 compared with 73.9 + − 122.2, P < 0.05. Thus, PAC at cilnidipine was significantly lower than those at amlodipine in spite of the comparable BP reductions. Besides, UAE was significantly lower at cilnidipine. In conclusion, on the top of the ARB, it is suggested that cilnidipine administration might lead to less elevation of PAC and reduction in UAE compared with amlodipine