4 research outputs found


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    Tujuan membuat usaha pkm-kewirausahaan ini adalah ingin membuat kalangan anak muda mengerti akan pentinnya merawat sepatu / sneaker mereka. Dan yang kedua Membuka peluang usaha kepada anak-anak muda sehingga kami sebagai mahasiswa memliki pengalaman dalam dunia usaha. Metode yang di pakai adalah SWOT a. Strenght : kekuatan kami dalam melaksanakan bisnis ini adalah kami memiliki passion dalam bidang usaha yang berkaitan dengan sneaker ini. b. Weakness : Tidak bisa di pungkiri mungkin lokasi di daerah sekitar mendirikan suatu usaha di bilang jauh dari perkotaan sehingga memungkinkan banyak orang belum tahu tempat dari usaha kita . c. Opportunity : melihat di sekitar wilayah kita mendirikan usaha banyak kamu muda yang menggemari sneaker ( mahasiswa ) . sehingga kami mendirikan jasa treatment sepatu di dearah sekitar sini. Dan kami memberikan price/harga sesuai dengan kantong mahasiswa . ada treatmen shoes di daerah yang bukan daerah sekitar sini memberikan harga cukup tinggi karena treatment shoes tersebut sudah terkenal d. Threat : Hamabatan yang mungkin dialami dalam membangun usaha ini waktu dari kami sebagai mahasiswa yang lumayan padat sehingga pengerjaan usaha ini terhambat oleh kesibukan kami sebagai mahasiswa

    Penilaian Atraksi, Amenitas, Dan Aksesibilitas Objek Daya Tarik Wisata Di Semarang (Studi Kasus: Semarang Zoo)

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    Kebun binatang Semarang Zoo merupakan salah satu obyek wisata yang diunggulkan di Kota Semarang. Selain menjadi tempat rekreasi, diharapkan menjadi sebagai tempat konservasi dan edukasi. Namun, kondisinya dinilai masih kurang layak sebagai kebun binatang maupun obyek wisata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu ingin mengidentifikasi aspek atraksi, aksesibilitas, dan amenitas yang ada dan memberi penilaian terhadap obyek wisata Semarang zoo. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan berifat deskriptif. Atraksi yang disediakan antara lain melihat kehidupan dari 4 jenis satwa, yaitu aves (burung), mamalia, reptil, dan primata. Atraksi tambahan lainnya seperti pertunjukan animal show, becak air, playplay zoo, dan kereta mini untuk mengelilingi area kebun binatang. Aksesibilitas menuju ke kebun binatang ini relatif mudah karena tersedia informasi penunjuk arah menuju ke sana, kondisi jalan yang sepenuhnya pengerasan, dan memliki tempat yang stategis. Amenitas yang disediakan yaitu toilet, tempat ibadah, parkir, warung makan, toko oleh-oleh, dan tempat sampah. Hasil dari penilaian menggunakan angka biner yaitu Semarang zoo memiliki nilai 12 dan dalam kategori sangat tinggi. Hasil penelitian dapat menjadi acuan dalam tahap pengembangan semarang zoo yang lebih efektif dan efisien dan diharapkan meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan serta memberi kesan positif terhadap Semarang Zoo

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Debitur Terdampak Bencana Alam Banjir (Force Majeure) Pada PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Barat Cabang Tapan Kabupaten Pesisir Selatanā€

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    ABSTRACT Legal protection for debtors of PT. The West Sumatra Regional Development Bank, Tapan Branch, Pesisir Selatan Regency was not fulfilled properly after the aftermath of the flood (force majeure), due to the lack of good faith from creditors to resolve problems xperienced by debtors. The author assumes creditors do not implement Article 1 number (4) of the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 14/POJK.03/2018 concerning Assessment of Commercial Bank Asset Quality to Encourage Growth in the Housing ector and Increase in Foreign Exchange and Article 1 number (26) of Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 14/15/PBI/2012 concerning Asset Quality Assessment for Commercial Banks. The main problems in this study are: 1) how legal protection for debtors affected by floods (force majeure) and 2) how to resolve disputes against debtors affected by floods (force majeure) at PT. Regional Development Bank of West Sumatra Tapan Branch of outh Pesisir Regency. This research method, the authors use normative legal research and empirical legal research. To answer the problem of the Credit Agreement Number: PK/062/TP/KUR/062011/06-2014 dated June 15, 2011. While empirical legal research is research in the form of field studies to find theories about the process of working law in society. The nature of this research is analytical descriptive research. Legal protection for debtors affected by floods (force majeure) at PT. West Sumatra Regional Development Bank does not provide protection provided by creditors to debtors. After the flood disaster, creditors still require debtors to pay installments every month. In the event that when the flood starts to shrink, the survey team of creditors will review the location to ascertain the condition of the collateral object from the debtor. After the survey team has reviewed the location, the creditor asks the debtor to arrange a certificate that a disaster has occurred. Therefore the debtor submits a notification letter to the creditor that there has been a flood by attaching a certificate from the wali nigari office, a photo of the flood and a statement letter. But the notification letter was ignored by the creditor, which in fact had a natural disaster which resulted in the debtor's collateral object being unable to the event that when the flood starts to shrink, the survey team of creditors will review the location to ascertain the condition of the collateral object from the debtor. After the survey team has reviewed the location, the creditor asks the debtor to arrange a certificate that a disaster has occurred. Therefore the debtor submits a notification letter to the creditor that there has been a flood by attaching a certificate from the wali nigari office, a photo of the flood and a statement letter. But the notification letter was ignored by the creditor, which in fact had a natural disaster which resulted in the debtor's collateral object being unable to continue. Settlement of disputes against debtors affected by floods at PT. West Sumatra Regional Development Bank due to force majeure due to flooding in Tapan, which was carried out by the debtor, namely submitting a notification letter to the creditor, submitting a request letter to the creditor to provide insurance as stated in Article 9 of the Credit Agreement Number : PK/062/TP/KUR/06-2011/06-2014 dated 15 June 2011 regarding insurance and submitting a letter of application for credit restructuring to the debtor. However, none of the efforts made by the debtor are heeded by the creditor

    Applied of Analytical Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Time Series in Hybrid for Optimizing Smart Vertical Farming with Multi-Variety Plants

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    Vertical Farming is a kind of modern agricultural methods, where the structure of growing racks are arranged upwards. This method aims to optimize the use of agricultural space. There are many plants, which are suitable to be planted for vertical farming, such as Strawberry, Tomatoes, Celery, Chili, Mint, Chives, Kuchay, Spinach, and Water spinach. The problem, which is studied in this paper, is how to control the environments of vertical farming with multi-variety plants. This paper proposed a hybrid method of Analytical Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Time Series AHP-FTS, that is, plants with similar characteristics are placed at the same block area determined by the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Furthermore, controlling the environments regarding the needs of appropriate growing parameters for multi-variety plants, the Fuzzy Time Series (FTS) method is used. Then, time variable for activating actuators could be adjusted as a multi-control system. The effectiveness of the proposed method was evaluated with 365 record data in 12 months. The result shows that the AHP was successful to determine the multi-criteria to determine the zone and priority of plants. The second stage is that the FTS predicts the temperature to determine time variable for activating actuators, and the third stage is the implemented AHP-FTS as a hybrid system to evaluate the vertical Farming system. The results show that the proposed system works well as hybrid system of AHP-FT