552 research outputs found

    The use of Planetary Nebulae precursors in the study of Diffuse Interstellar Bands

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    We present the first results of a systematic search for Diffuse Interstellar Bands in a carefully selected sample of post-AGB stars observed with high resolution optical spectroscopy. These stars are shown to be ideal targets to study this old, intriguing astrophysical problem. Our results suggest that the carrier(s) of these bands may not be present in the circumstellar environments of these evolved stars. The implications of the results obtained on the identification of the still unknown carrier(s) are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of the conference 'Planetary Nebulae as Astrophysical Tools', held in Gdansk, Poland (June 28 - July 2, 2005

    The Effect of Organizational Climate on the Teachers' Performance and Job Satisfaction in Selected Secondary Schools in the Division of Albay

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    This study investigated the types of organizational climate and the relationship that exist between the teachers' level of performance and job satisfaction; organizational climate and teachers’ level of performance; and organizational climate and teachers' level of job satisfaction in selected secondary schools in the Division of Albay. Descriptive survey was utilized and data was collected from 100 teacher-respondents using questionnaires and was analyzed using percentage, t-test and Pearson r correlation analysis. Findings revealed that the type of organizational climate that exist in the secondary schools in the Division of Albay is an open school climate. Teachers are highly satisfied with the kind of work environment they have. A total of 10 teachers were noted Outstanding in performance and 90 teachers were rated very satisfactory. No one got a satisfactory level performance and below. The level of performance of secondary school teachers is very satisfactory. There is a weak correlation between: the teachers' level of performance and the teachers' job satisfaction; organizational climate teachers' level of performance and organizational climate and the teachers' level of job satisfaction. An action plan for a program to support a sound organizational climate was proposed for the secondary school teachers in the Division of Albay. Based on the foregoing findings the following conclusions were drawn: The type of organizational climate that exist in selected secondary schools in the Division of Albay is an open school climate. The teachers are highly satisfied with their organizational climate. The teachers' level of performance is very satisfactory. There is no significant relationship between: teachers' level of performance and level of job satisfaction; organizational climate and teachers' level of performance; and organizational climate and the teachers' level of job satisfaction. The proposed action plan was focused on the least favorable dimensions of an open school climate

    La novela moral de Graçián. Glosario y bibliografía

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    Las locuciones adverbiales en la lexicografía hispanolatina del Siglo de Oro

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    En este trabajo pretendo estudiar la formación, fijación y variación de las locuciones verbales en los diccionarios y vocabularios del Siglo de Oro españolComunicación leída en el VII Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española, celebrado en Mérida (Yucatán, México), 4-8 de septiembre de 200

    C, ç, y z en la zona de Valladolid en el paso del siglo XVI al XVII

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    Con este trabajo se pretende arrojar un poco de luz sobre el estado de la evolución de los antiguos fonemas medievales representados por los grafemas , y en la zona de Valladolid a fines del siglo XVI y principios del XVII. Para ello, hemos estudiado el empleo de estas grafías en el manuscrito titulado “Libro de romanzes i coplas desta casa de la Conçeçión del Carmen”, custodiado en el archivo del Convento de las MM. Carmelitas Descalzas de Valladolid. Los fonemas medievales /ŝ/ y /z/ se convertirán en la lengua moderna, después de varios procesos de cambio, en el fonema de la serie dental continuo sordo /Ɵ/. En este cancionero aún no se ha consumado totalmente el cambio, pero el proceso ya muestra un estado muy avanzado de evolución. No aparece ya ningún testimonio de la existencia de la oposición entre fonemas sonoro y sordo. Todo indica que esta desfonologización hacía mucho tiempo que se había consumado.This work seeks to shed a little light on the state of medieval phonemes evolution represented by the grapheme , and in the area of Valladolid at the end of the XVI century and the beginning of the XVII centuries. To do this, we have studied the use of these spellings in the manuscript entitled “Libro de romanzes i coplas desta casa de la Conçeçión del Carmen”, guarded in the archive of the Convent of the MM. Discalced Carmelite in Valladolid. Medieval phonemes /ŝ/ and /z/ are converted into the modern language, after several change processes, in the phoneme of the dental series continued /Ɵ/. In this songbook has not yet been fully accomplished the change, but the process already shows a very advanced stage of evolution. There is no testimony of the existence of opposition between phonemes. Everything indicates that this desfonologization had been accomplished long time ago

    La novela moral de Graçián.

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    Revisión del sistema pronominal español

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    Con este trabajo pretendo realizar una revisión crítica del sistema pronominal español (pronombres personales, posesivos y demostrativos) tomando como punto de partida los textos de Nebrija y de los gramáticos de los siglos XVI y XVII. La lectura de estos textos nos permite observar que, con frecuencia, la historia de la gramática es una historia de errores. Son, fundamentalmente, las conveniencias metodológicas de los gramáticos, que pretenden ofrecer unos modelos regulares, las que los obligan muchas veces a falsear la realidad de la lengua. Suele ocurrir también que, cuando estos autores pretenden madurar el pensamiento gramatical desarrollando ciertas categorías o estableciendo divisiones dentro de ellas, crean errores que se perpetúan en las páginas de sus textos gramaticales

    La novela moral de Graçián

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    La comparación elativa en la historiografía lingüística española

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    La gramática de la lengua pone a disposición del hablante los medios necesarios para enfatizar a través de una comparación prototípica. aquí no hay unidad fraseológica alguna. pero una visión diacrónica de nuestra lengua nos permite observar que muchas comparaciones elativas se han fijado en distintos momentos de nuestra historia algunas de ellas las hemos heredado del latín-, perduran en la memoria colectiva de los hablantes, se deben memorizar como si de palabras se tratara y se repiten en los enunciados como verdaderas unidades fraseológicas. The grammar of the language provides speakers with the necessary means to emphasize through a prototypical comparison. there is no phraseological unit in it. nevertheless, a diachronic view of spanish allows researchers to observe that many elative comparisons were fixed in different moments of its history some of them, furthermore, inherited from Latin-, that they remain in the collective memory of the speakers, must be learnt by heart as if they were words and appear over and over again in utterances as true phraseological units