651 research outputs found

    Changes in role perception for breast cancer patients with children

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    アイデンティティの確立していない子供をもつ壮年期女性の乳癌発病後の役割意識の変化を、病者役割の受け入れと母親役割意識に焦点を当てて、質的帰納的に分析した。役割意識の変化は、母親役割意識と病者役割意識の関係から6群に分類され、母親役割意識内容に特徴があり、群によって乳癌のもたらす意味が異なった。乳癌のもたらす意味は、母親役割葛藤群では母親としての自己を脅かすもの、母親役割拡大群では母親役割維持のために克服するもの、母親役割目覚め群では母親役割の中に取り込み共存するもの、母親役割成長群では母親としての成長を促すチャンスとなるもの、自己改革群では自己自身の生き方を問うもの、変化なし群では簡単に乗り越えられるものであった。また病者役割の受け入れに葛藤を有する母親役割意識は、葛藤の特徴から、母親役割の強要による葛藤、代替不可能な母親役割の脅かしによる葛藤、乳房喪失による葛藤、子供への悪影響による葛藤、死を自覚した母親役割の葛藤の5つの葛藤を有する母親役割意識に分類された。以上から、子供を持つ乳癌患者に対する看護のあり方は、1)病状を正しく認識するための援助、2)患者の役割意識を考慮した援助、3)外来通院時の積極的働きかけの3点を重視する必要がある。This study examined the changes in role perception experienced by breast cancer patients with children, analyzing how they accepted themselves as a sick person and how they perceived themselves as a mother. Data were collected by an interview and analyzed by qualitative and inductive methods. Finding showed six types of changes in role perception, with each type containing a particular meaning for the patients. Five types of maternal role perception were also found specifically for the mothers suffering conflicts in accepting their sick role. These findings indicate that nurses should take due consideration when providing adequate care to their breast cancer patients

    Factors involved in the postoperative occurrence of mental disorders in patients with esophagus cancer

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    食道癌手術を受ける患者の術後精神症状の出現にかかわる要因とその関連性を明らかにする目的で、手術後ICUに入室した食道癌患者を対象に、生活背景、病状経過、生体機能変化、身体的苦痛、心理、サポートシステム、睡眠状況に関する91項目について診療記録および看護記録より調査を行った。術後精神症状出現群と非出現群との比較により、手術目的、ICU入室日数、気管内挿管日数、人工呼吸器装着日数、排液ドレーン留置日数、術後の血糖値の変化、ICUにおける個別の看護ケア計画、術後の夜間覚醒、術後の入眠処置(以上P<0.01)、喫煙歴、病名告知、再建臓器、術後の血圧変動、術後のpH値・PO(2)値・PCO(2)値の変動、術後の病気に対する不安の訴え(以上P<0.05)の有意な17要因が明らかになった。さらに要因間の関連分析により、精神症状の出現には手術侵襲による生体機能変化と術後の呼吸管理による身体的・精神的苦痛が大きな影響を及ぼしていることが明らかになった。出現予防のための看護は、術前・術後をとおしての患者の身体的・心理的状況の把握とICU環境からの早期離脱が重要であることが考えられる。To identify factors involved in the postoperative occurrence of mental disorders in patients with esophagus cancer and their relationship, 91 items about life background, disease course, changes in organic functions, physical pain, psychological conditions, support system, and sleep conditions were examined in patients with esophagus cancer treated at the ICU after operation using their medical and nursing records. Comparisons of patients with and without postoperative mental disorders revealed the following 17 factors that had significant influences on the mental conditions of patients : the aim of operation, period of treatment in the ICU, period of intratracheal intubation, period of artificial respiration, period of indwelling of a drainage tube, changes in blood sugar after operation, individual nursing care plan in the ICU, observation during the night after operation, and treatment for sleeping after operation (these parameters, p<0.01), and the history of smoking, notification of disease conditions, reconstructed organs, changes in blood pressure after operation, changes in pH, PO(2), and PCO(2) after operation, and anxiety about disease conditions after operation (these parameters, P<0.05). Analyses of the relationship between factors revealed that changes in organic functions caused by operative invasion as well as physical and mental pain due to respiration control greatly affect the occurrence of mental disorders

    The Study of Metacognition in Reading Japanese as a Second Language

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    This paper overviews selected theoretical and research literature on metacognition in order to suggest improvements to the way learners are taught to read. I describe two aspects of metacognition, knowledge of cognition (metacognitive awareness) and regulation of cognition (planning, monitoring, evaluating), and how they are related to their reading comprehension. The results of metacognition research suggest that learners who are more aware of the way they read have a higher level of reading proficiency, and that explicit metacognitive strategy training, promoting awareness about comprehension and reading strategies, is effective in enhancing learners' reading comprehension. Teachers also can help learners identify their own current reading strategies through such verbal-report techniques as discussion, interviewing, questioning

    Beliefs of effective Japanese language teachers : results of a questionnaire study in Indonesia

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    This study aims to discover the beliefs of non-native Japanese language teachers and to discuss the relationship between their beliefs and the following attributes: teaching experience, self-rated language ability, and motivation for teaching and learning Japanese. A questionnaire study was adapted and completed by 93 teachers in Indonesia. Factor analysis shows that subject knowledge, supportive attitudes, and classroom teaching skills are perceived as beliefs that define effective language teachers. Furthermore, the relationship between these beliefs and attributes of the teachers was compared. The results showed that subject knowledge and classroom teaching skills were related to teaching experience and Japanese speaking and listening abilities. On the other hand, all three factors were related to motivation for teaching and learning Japanese

    Estudo da redução da banda proibida devido a cargas livres

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    Orientador: Rogério Cézar de Cerqueira LeiteDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb WataghinResumo: Não informadoAbstract: Not informedMestradoFísicaMestre em Físic

    Espalhamento Raman por elétrons e buracos em GaAs

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    Orientadores: Rogério Cézar de Cerqueira Leite, Antonio Rubens Britto de CastroTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb WataghinResumo: Neste trabalho mediu-se o espalhamento de luz por plasmas e por fonons ópticos foto-excitádos em várias amostras de GaiAs usando radiação infra-vermelha do laser de Nd:YAG. O mesmo feixe era utilizado para excitar o plasma e para medir o espalhamento Raman. Foram obsevadas distribuições não equitibradas de elétrons e buracos mas não se pode verificar nenhuma variação na relação das componentes Stokes e anti-Stokes atribuível a distribuições não equilibradas de fónons ópticos longitudinais, em condições de alta intensidade de excitação. Calculou-se a secção de choque de espalhamento no plasma duplo de elétrons e buracos não equilibrados usando o conceito de quase-partículas de Landau. A não homogeneidade do feixe do laser no interior do cristal foi levada em conta. Este cálculo permitiu estimar a densidade de portadores foto-excitados nas amostras de alta resistividade, analisando-se os desvios do perfil Gaussiano do espectro Raman ,dos portadores quentes. Estes desvios são explicados pelo efeito de muitos corpos. Sob excitação máxima, foi estabelecido um limite inferior igual a 1x1016 cm-3 para a densidade de portadores foto-excitados. Este valor resultou do ajuste da secção de espalhamento teórica aos dados experimentais. Levando-se em conta o deslocamento em energia da linha correspondente ao fonon LO, estabeleceu-se um limite superior 2x1016 cm-3. Até a maxíma potência disponível, não se observou sinal de saturação na densidade de portadores foto-excitados. Conclui-se então que um limite inferior para manifestação de efeitos de saturaçao e 1x1016 elétrons por cm3. Um alargamento na linha dos fonons LO foi observado sob condições de altas potências de pico de laser. Isto foi explicado como resultado da redução de tempo de vida na presença de excesso de populações dos fonons LOAbstract: Not informedDoutoradoFísicaDoutor em Ciência

    Observational longitudinal study of symptom burden and time for recovery from community-acquired pneumonia reported by older adults surveyed nationwide using the CAP Burden of Illness Questionnaire.

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    BACKGROUND: Millions of older adults who develop community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) each year survive, but there is a large knowledge gap on the burden of CAP and the recovery process in survivors from the patient perspective. METHODS: The newly developed CAP Burden of Illness Questionnaire was administered through a Web survey to a nationwide sample of US adults aged ≥50 years who were recently diagnosed with CAP. Survey respondents with unresolved symptoms or other CAP-related health problems completed a second survey 30 days later; a third survey was completed another 30 days later by respondents with unresolved symptoms or problems. Nationally representative results describing the average time to recovery of symptoms and other CAP-related problems were achieved using post-stratification weights. RESULTS: Five hundred participants completed the initial survey. The time to resolution for the CAP symptoms of weakness, shortness of breath, and tiredness exceeded 3 weeks on average. There was an average of 13 days of absenteeism, and 3 weeks (mean =21 days) before achieving full work/activity productivity after CAP. For participants with health conditions that worsened from pneumonia, chronic emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease took the longest to return to baseline (mean =60 and 52.4 days, respectively). CONCLUSION: The results from this study demonstrate that older adults surviving a CAP episode experience a significant multi-symptom illness with long recovery periods to achieve pre-CAP health and productivity. These findings highlight the need for further research on effective clinician-patient communication, the need for patient-centered outcomes in clinical trials for CAP therapeutics, adequate home care during the recovery process, and the pursuit of CAP prevention strategies

    The impact of building up the limb muscle mass by the resistance exercise with the intake of milk in middle-aged and elderly women

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    Background: In the rapidly aging Japanese society, the most serious disorder to prevent is sarcopenia for extending healthy life expectancy. Objective: This study was carried out to clarify whether five kinds of specific and simple resistance exercise performing at home for the short term (42 days) with theintake of whole milk could help to increase the limb muscle mass in middle-aged and elderly women. Participants and measurements: Subjects were 39 healthy women aged 50 to 80 years who gave the consent to participate in the present study. Body composition, physical fitness, food and nutrient intake were measured. Oral glucose-tolerance test (OGTT) was also performed. Groups and results: Subjects were categorized in two groups; Group I with the increase of the limb muscle mass after exercise and Group II with no increase. Body weight before exercise (Group I, 51.6±5.5 kg vs Group II, 58.5±10.3 kg), the body mass index (BMI) (21.7±2.5 kg/m2 vs 24.3±3.9 kg/m2), the limb muscle mass (14.4±1.3 kg vs 15.6±2.0 kg), the skeletal muscle mass index (SMI) (6.0±0.5 kg/m2 vs 6.5±0.7 kg/m2), were all significantly high in Group II. The intake of milk before exercise in Group I (162.1±103.7 g/day) was significantly higher than in Group II (92.5±63.3 g/day). The blood glucose level at 30 min after glucose loading in Group I before exercise was significantly higher than that in Group Ⅱ (199.3 ± 31.1 mg/dl vs 177.0±34.1 mg/dl). Conclusion: The subjects in Group I could successfully increase the limb muscle mass, but the subjects in Group II, whose weight, BMI, the limb muscle mass were significantly high before exercise, could not increase the muscle mass by resistance exercise with the intake of milk. It was considered that the resistance exercise carried out in this study was not strong enough for Group II. We assumed that the BMI value could be the indicator of the strength of exercise for building up the muscle mass in middle-aged and elderly individuals

    Critical states observed in triaxial compression tests on volcanic pumice soil related to debris flow in the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake

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    The Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake (M7.2) that occurred on June 14, 2008, caused a slope failure in Dozo-zawa River near the summit of Mt. Higashi-Kurikoma. The debris flow caused by the slope failure flowed for about 10 km and took the lives of 7 people. The mechanisms of the slope failure and long-distance debris flow have not yet been well understood. In this study, a series of triaxial compression tests was conducted using a highly crushable pumice soil collected from the collapsed area, and shear behavior and particle breakage were discussed. Both reconstituted specimens and intact specimens showed contractancy and reached critical states that implies high flow potential. However, intact specimens preserved looser structure during consolidation and showed stronger contractancy during shearing than the reconstituted specimens, due to their natural soil structure. Significant particle breakage was observed in the tests with reconstituted specimens