322 research outputs found

    ヤガイ キョウイク ト タイイク ニカンスル キョウイクガクテキ ジレイ ケンキュウ

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    This paper throws the light on the roles of physical education to outdoor education. The significances of outdoor education are from five educational activities and contents. Those were shown by G.&A. Donaldson and H. Yoshinaga as fbllows. 1)Education in outdoor 2)Education about outdoor 3)Education for outdoor 4)Education by outdoor 5)Adventure education  Physical education wholly gratifies those signi行cances, especially education by outdoor and adventure education. Adventure education, one of outdoor education, is a1.most always combined with some physical activities. Therefbre, adventure education has the greatest impact among the contents of outdoor education. Adventure education influences the mental situation from a feeling of satisfaction at having achieved and so forth, and leads to the realization of the worth of humanlike activities and the worth of life,and more enhances the human power to live and so on.   It has been said that we have the three worth of life. One孟s to be impressed with the beauties around us, like paintings,music, sunset view,one little flower on the comer of field, a way of life that I would have lived and so 負)rth. Beauties surround us and Earth is filled with beautifUl things. Second is the worth of creativity like to pain, to compose music, to curve the metal, physical challenging to enhance the mental situation, to do sport to change mental and physical situation.To challenge to change the mental situation is included in the creativity in a sense of creating new mental situation, And the last worth of life is humanity or to have the enjoyment of behavior like human. Sympathy, Compassion, Friendship, Cooperativeness to others, Volunteer activity and so fbrth are gifted characteristics of humanity. Outdoor education has a lot of opportunity and possibility to develop those three worth of life in men.   In this paper some case studies on the outdoor education are reported as example. Adventure education of cycling tour, trekking tour, camping and some volunteer activities are fbllowed and reviewed here

    Physicochemical inactivation of zoonotic Viruses: Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and lymphocytic choriomeningitis Viruses

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    To seek the most effective and practical methods of disinfecting and for inactivating two zoonotic viruses, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome virus (HFRSV) and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), we analysed inactivation of the viruses by 8 commonly-used chemical disinfectants and physical treatments. The results demonstrated that alcohols (70% ethanol, 50% isopropanol), formaldehyde (2% formalin), quaternary ammonium chloride (0.05% benzalkonium chloride) and 1% saponated cresol were virucidal on more than 99.9% of the infectious virus particles. HFRSV was more resistant than LCMV on several treatments. No significant difference was observed in strains of HFRSV. Quaternary ammonium chloride and saponated cresol diluted with hot water (>60°C), are considered to be the reagents of choice for disinfecting the two zoonotic viruses because of their long-term effectiveness and mild corrosive action to metals. Spraying of alcohols has proven to be a suitable means for decontaminating instruments, and experiments tools in limited areas of animal laboratorie

    Thermal Conductivity in the Bose-Einstein Condensed State of Triplons in the Bond-Alternating Spin-Chain System Pb2V3O9

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    In order to clarify the origin of the enhancement of the thermal conductivity in the Bose-Einstein Condensed (BEC) state of field-induced triplons, we have measured the thermal conductivity along the [101] direction parallel to spin-chains, kappa[101]kappa_{\|[101]}, and perpendicular to spin-chains, kappa[101]kappa_{\perp[101]}, of the S=1/2 bond-alternating spin-chain system Pb2V3O9 in magnetic fields up to 14 T. With increasing field at 3 K, it has been found that both kappa[101]kappa_{\|[101]} and kappa[101]kappa_{\perp[101]} are suppressed in the gapped normal state in low fields. In the BEC state of field-induced triplons in high fields, on the other hand, kappa[101]kappa_{\|[101]} is enhanced with increasing field, while kappa[101]kappa_{\perp[101]} is suppressed. That is, the thermal conductivity along the direction, where the magnetic interaction is strong, is markedly enhanced in the BEC state. Accordingly, our results suggest that the enhancement of kappa[101]kappa_{\|[101]} in the BEC state is caused by the enhancement of the thermal conductivity due to triplons on the basis of the two-fluid model, as in the case of the superfluid state of liquid 4He.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    テニス キョウギ ニオケル SAQ テスト ノ カイハツ ト ソノ トレーニング コウカ ニツイテ

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    現在のテニス競技においては、ラリーの高速化に伴い、選手のムーブメント能力は高度化を余儀なくされている。本研究では、テニスのみならず多くのスポーツで共通に必要な敏捷性、俊発性の種目特性の検証と、その妥当な測定方法の開発、現在脚光を浴びつつあるスピード(Speed)、巧緻性(AgHity)及び敏捷性(Quickness>(以下SAQと表記する)の反応動作改善への効果を検証することを目的とした。 日本のテニス選手のSAQにおける体力的実態を把握し、 AIS(Australian Institute ofSports)が年齢別に指定している強化選手に実施している、テニス競技における各種SAQテストの結果と比較すること、及び各被験者にSAQ能力向上のためのトレーニングを定期に実施してSAQ能力の向上が縦断的に認あられるかの検証をするたあに、体育大学テニス部男女各10名、一般大学女子テニス選手14名、名古屋地区のジュニア・テニス選手男子15名、女子4名に「Acceleration forward agility test (Right side / Left side)」、 「Acceleration backward」、on sideways(Right side/Left side)」、 「505Agility Test」の各種SAQ Testを適宜付加して実施した。 また基礎的研究として、一般大学体育授業受講生80名に3パターンの「Box step test」を測定したものコントロール群とし、週1回の授業で、縄跳び、及び4方向シャッフルパターンの「Box step test」を3ヶ月間実施した後の3種のパターンのrbox step」の変化を観測した。結果は、以下の通りである。一般学生を対象としたボックス・ステップ・テストでは、トレーニング種目とした一周ステップ(round steps)は有意な増加を示した。また、他の2種のステップパターンも、有意な増加を示した。ジュニアを対象としたrAcceleration sideways(forehand/backhand)」の結果は、男子では、フォアハンド2,43s(n:23、 s. d.:0.102、 range:2.18-2.72)、バックハンド2.50 s (n:23、s。d.:0.177、 range:2.20-2.84)、女子はフォアハンド2.71 s(n:5、 s. d.:0.115、 range:2.64-2.91)、バックハンド2.75s(n:5、 s. d.:0.215、 range:2.47-2.96)であり、オーストラリアの同年代のジュニアと比較して男子は有意差がなく、女子はやや劣るという傾向であった。 大学テニス選手は、オーストラリアのトップの選手に比べ、男女ともにやや劣る傾向があったが、SAQ向上の各種トレーニングを実施して縦断的に観察すると有意に向上する傾向が確認された。 SAQ能力に関しては、一般女子より男子が有意に上回ること、また、テニス競技能力に比してSAQ能力が優れている傾向があること、またSAQ向上のための各種トレーニングを付加することによりSAQ能力は改善されることが確認された。研究報

    Isolation of a Parainfluenza Virus Type 3-like Agent from Guinea Pigs

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    Guinea pig (GP) sera seropositive to human parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV-3) antigen were found previously in our laboratory. In the present study, we attempted to isolate and characterize a new agent from GP colonies. The new agent was isolated from lung homogenate of sentinel GPs, which were maintained in the GP room containing the serologically positive GP breeding colony. This new agent was found to be comparable to human and bovine PIV-3 strains in regard to its moderate cytopathic effects, hemagglutinating activity, and neutralizing activity, and moreover, it was found to produce antigens cross-reactive to both of the latter PIV-3s. The resemblance between the new isolates and the other PIV-3s was supported by the SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis of the viral proteins. This is the first report of the isolation of a type 3-like parainfluenza virus from GP. This finding is significant, insofar as an inapparent infection with the virus may concern animal experimentation in the use of GP