666 research outputs found

    Simulation of Relay modes in IEEE 802.16j Mobile Multi-hop Relay (MMR) WIMAX Networks

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    Two different relay modes are defined in IEEE 802.16j WIMAX standard: transparent mode and non-transparent mode. The non transparent mode is used to extend the coverage area of base stations, where low cost relay station of equal capacity as that of base station is placed at suitable position. Time taken to accept mobile stations and Bandwidth allocation are main problems in non transparent mode. In this we have studied the IEEE 802.16j standard multi hop relay WIMAX networks. We have used relay stations to extend the coverage of base stations. We have also analyzed the throughput between mobile stations with in the coverage area and outside coverage area of base stations. We have simulated the IEEE 802.16j transparent and non transparent mode multi hop WIMAX relay networks using NCTUns Too

    Učestalost supkliničkog endometritisa u krava koje se pregone te usporedba učinkovitosti različite antibiotske i biljne intrauterine terapije

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    The present research work was conducted to investigate the incidence of subclinical endometritis (SE) in repeat breeder dairy cattle, and to study the comparative efficacy of different antimicrobial and polyherbal intrauterine therapies. Repeat breeding crossbred cows (>90 days in milking) with clear cervico-vaginal mucous discharge in spontaneous estrus were examined for uterine cytology by the cytobrush technique. The cows with ā‰„ 4% polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) in uterine cytology were considered to be affected with SE. These cows were randomly and equally divided (n=12/group) into 5 groups and treated with the intrauterine medicine Vodine-IU (T1), Metricare-IU (T2), Utriguard-IU (T3), Uraksha (polyherbal preparation) (T4), or left untreated (control/C). In the subsequent estrus, uterine cytology was repeated and the cows were inseminated. The cows that failed to conceive but showed estrus were re-inseminated. The pregnancy status was checked. The incidence of SE was observed to be 36.80% (60/163). The PMNs percentage significantly declined in all the treatment group cows in response to treatment. The highest conception rate was observed in the T4 group (Uraksha treated) cows. It was concluded that the uterine cytobrush technique can be used efficiently for diagnosis of SE in dairy cattle, and polyherbal intrauterine drugs may be a good alternative in intrauterine antimicrobial therapy.Rad je proveden kako bi se istražila učestalost supkliničkog endometritisa (SE) u mliječnih krava koje se pregone. Također, usporedila se učinkovitost različitih antimikrobnih i poliherbalnih intrauterinih terapijskih postupaka. U krava koje se pregone (viÅ”e od 90 dana u mužnji), s čistim cerviko-vaginalnim iscjetkom iz rodnice u spontanom estrusu, tehnikom citočetkice učinjena je citoloÅ”ka pretraga maternice. Za krave kod kojih je utvrđeno 4% polimorfonuklearnih stanica (PMN) smatralo se da imaju supklinički endometritis. Životinje su nasumično podijeljene u pet skupina s jednakim brojem jedinki (n=12 po skupini) i liječene intrauterino sljedećim lijekovima: Vodine (skupina T1), Metricare (skupina T2), Utriguard (skupina T3), Uraksha (poliherbalni pripravak; skupina T4), dok je peta skupina bila kontrolna skupina (C). U sljedećem estrusu ponovljena je citoloÅ”ka analiza maternice i krave su osjemenjene. Krave nisu ostale gravidne te su u sljedećem estrusu ponovno osjemenjene. Provjeren je status gravidnosti. Incidencija SE-a bila je 36,80 % (60/163). Postotak PMN-a znatno se smanjio u svih krava u tretiranim skupinama kao odgovor na liječenje. Najveća stopa koncepcije zabilježena je u krava u skupini T4 (liječene Urakshom). Zaključeno je da tehnika citočetkica može učinkovito poslužiti u dijagnostici SE-a u mliječnih goveda te da poliherbalni intrauterini lijekovi mogu biti dobra alternativa antimikrobnoj intrauterinoj terapiji

    Evaluation of Modal Damping of Graphite/ Epoxy Laminated Composites

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    The damping of an engineering structure is important in many aspects of noise and vibration control, fatigue endurance and so on, since it controls the amplitude of resonant vibration esponse. Damping in fiber-reinforced composite aterials is highly tailorable with respect to constituent roperties, fiber volume fractions and ply orientation angles.To this end an experimental analysis of the damping of unidirectional graphite reinforced epoxy composites was carried out. Damping characteristics of laminates are analysed experimentally using impulse technique. Composite laminate were made using the traditional hand-lay -up process. Experimental dynamic tests were carried out using specimens with different fiber orientations and three different boundary conditions and different thickness

    Evaluation of Modal Damping in FRP based Laminated Composites through Modal Testing

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    The main source of damping in laminated composite materials arises from the inelastic nature of the matrix and the relative slipping at the fiber/matrix interfaces. Damping in laminated composite materials is usually a function of many parameters including the volume fraction of the fibers, fiber diameter and fiber orientation relative to the axis of loading.Also the magnitude and frequency of the applied load and many environmental factors should be mentioned. Since the complex phenomenon of damping is difficult to incorporate into the structural dynamic analysis of laminated plates, a modal damping approximation is employed here. Various methods have been presented to obtain the modal damping of a laminated composite.In this paper, classical modal testing of bi-woven laminates under various boundary conditions and analysis of the damping is carried out. Laminates made of Glass and Graphite fibers with epoxy resin as matrix is used in modal testing. Traditional ā€œStrike Methodā€ is adopted which consists of impulse hammer and accelerometer with 4-channel FFT analyzer to obtain the response of the specimen under test. Results obtained from both laminates are compared and it is observed that damping properties of graphite is more dominant than glass laminates

    Agronomic performance of Indian wheat varieties and genetic stocks known for outstanding chapati quality characteristics

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate set of wheat genotypes in one location for their agronomic performance and chapati quality. The cultivars included the tall traditional wheat of the pre-dwarfing era, which were known to excel for chapati quality. This set also included varieties known to have good chapati quality, commercially grown wheats, advanced lines and genetic stocks excelling in one or other quality attribute. All these genotypes developed for different component traits were evaluated along with the recently released high yielding varieties to assess their quality. The mean chapati score of these genotypes revealed that the tall varieties had a distinct edge over others and are the best resource available for this trait. C306 had a high mean chapati score of 8.17 followed by C518, C591 and C273. The released varieties WG357, HD2733 and PBW343 were intermediate in chapati quality whereas the genetic stocks WH1103 and WH712 had lowest score in the group. Among other agronomic traits recorded the traditional varieties were tall and had lower yields than the recently released varieties. The tall varieties had a slightly higher test weight. The environmental conditions and the quantitative nature of the chapati quality did not auger well with the set of genotypes tested however, better and stable performance of the tall traditional varieties. C306 the wheat variety released in 1965 for cultivation has remained the best quality genotype over the years and was also established from this study

    Detection of Runway and Obstacles using Electro-optical and Infrared Sensors before Landing

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    For safe aircraft operations, detection of runway incursions especially during landing and takeoff is essential. And it is important that such detection technique is capable of detecting the distant objects so that pilot has enough response time to take corrective action. This paper presents techniques to detect runway and runway incursions using electro-optical color camera and medium wave infrared sensor on-board the aircraft during approach for landing. The detection process consists of horizon detection to reduce runway search space in sensor image and then detect runway and obstacles. The information is then presented to the pilot to improve pilot situational awareness. The performance of the proposed techniques are evaluated in flight simulators with simulated images of electro-optical and infrared sensors on-board the aircraft during approach for landing at a distance of 3 nautical miles from runway threshold during day/night and in low visibility CAT II foggy conditions. Effectiveness of the techniques with statistics of runway detection, miss detection and false alarm for different case studies have been provided and discussed.Defence Science Journal, Vol. 64, No. 1, January 2014, DOI:10.14429/dsj.64.276

    Evaluation of Some Medicinal Plants for their Antiseptic and Wound Healing Properties

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    In the present investigations an attempt has been made to study the antiseptic and wound healing properties of hydroalcoholic extract of Ocimum sanctum (HEOS) and Ocimum basilicum (HEOB). Studies were also directed towards the evaluation of in vitro antibacterial and antifungal and in vivo antifungal activity of HEOS and HEOB in non immunocompromised and immunocompromised mice. Safety studies (repeated dose 28 day sub acute oral toxicity) of these extracts were also carried out in rats. The phytochemical studies of HEOS and HEOB reveal the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids and flavonoids. Studies reveal 7.5 mg/g and 9.0mg/g of phenolic compounds, 2.5mg/g and 3.0mg/g of flavonoids in HEOS and HEOB, respectively. The quantitative analysis of phytoconstituents by high performance liquid chromatography revealed, 1.3 mg/g eugenol, 0.73mg/g rosmarinic acid, 0.4 mg/g rutin and 0.15mg/g quercetin in HEOS and 6.2 mg/g querectin, 1.2 mg/g rosmarinic acid, 0.9 mg/g rutin and 0.4 mg/g eugenol in HEOB. Nitric oxide scavenging test reveal an IC50 value of 340.1 for HEOB and 283.8 for HEOS. The in vitro antifungal studies reveal an MIC at 12.5Ī¼g/ml against C.albicans for both HEOS and HEOB. The effect of HEOS and HEOB on experimental systemic candidiasis in non immunocompromised and immunocompromised mice was studied. The data reveal that the mortality rate is high in both vehicle treated, non immunocompromised and immunocompromised mice. However, the mortality rate is lower in HEOS and HEOB treated groups. Dissemination of C.albicans in various organs reveals significant number of cfu in brain, heart, liver, lungs, kidney and intestine. Number of cfu reduce significantly in both non immunocompromised and immunocompromised mice treated with HEOS and HEOB. Histopathology of intestine, liver and kidney also supports these findings. The investigations on experimentally induced candidiasis under gastrointestinal colonization reveal that mice that received antibiotics show a significant colonization. However, mice treated with HEOS and HEOB show a sustained decreased colonization at tested dose levels upon analysis of the number of cfu in fecal samples. The present findings demonstrate that a highly significant colonization by C.albicans on intestine, kidney, liver and lungs of both vehicle treated non immunocompromised and immunocompromised mice. These reduce significantly in HEOS and HEOB treated mice. The histological examination of these organs also confirms the same. The results obtained in the investigations on oral candidiasis shows the protective effect of HEOS and HEOB in immunocompromised mice at tested dose levels. The histological examination of tongue and oral mucosal layer support these findings. Our findings on HEOS and HEOB against experimental induced candidiasis models suggest that HEOS has better anticandidal activity in all three models when compared to HEOB. The total phenolic compounds, eugenol and rosmarinic acid content in these plants may play an important role against systemic candidiasis, which was high in HEOS than HEOB. The findings suggest that HEOS may be potential candidate for the treatment of systemic candidiasis. Formulations of cream and gel were developed according to standard methods. Among the cream and gel, the cream shows better physical properties when compared to gel. The cream was therefore, tested against vaginal candidiasis, antimycotic and for would healing property. The effect of 2% and 4% creams on experimental vaginal candidiasis reveal increased fungal burden in vaginal secretions of vehicle treated in both non immunocompromised and immunocompromised mice, whereas 2% and 4% cream significantly decreased the fungal burden in both conditions from day 3 onwards. Investigations on antimycotic activity reveal that both HEOS and HEOB creams exhibit antimycotic activity and they also markedly decrease erythema induced by C.albicans in guinea pigs at tested dose levels. The present studies on experimental vaginal candidiasis and antimycotic activity suggest that HEOB has a better efficacy against both these models when compared to HEOS. Further, a comparison of phytochemical reports among these plants suggests that flavonoids may play a major role against vaginal and superficial fungal infections. HEOB may, therefore, be potential candidate for the treatment of vaginal and superficial fungal infections than HEOS. The investigations on infectious wounds in excision and incision model reveal that both HEOS and HEOB (2% and 4% creams) have significant antiseptic and wound healing property in rats. The present findings also suggest that both HEOS and HEOB cause faster epithelization, and capillary proliferation with maximum degree of fibroblast deposition, and facilitate the migration of polymorphs, lymphocytes and macrophages over the infected wound area. The investigations of repeated dose 28 day oral toxicity demonstrate increased total leucocyte, platelet, red blood corpuscles count and haemoglobin percentage and increased ALAT levels at 800 mg/kg dose of both HEOS and HEOB. It suggests that both HEOS and HEOB have mild dose related toxicity on liver and haematological parameters. It may be concluded from the present investigations on HEOS and HEOB that both the plant extracts possess anticandidal activity against systemic, vaginal and superficial infections in non immunocompromised and immunocompromised conditions. The findings further suggest the anticandidal activity of both Ocimum sanctum and Ocimum basilicum, may be due to the following factors; ā€¢ antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds and flavonoids of both plants may contribute to anticandidal activity, ā€¢ nitric oxide mediated candidacidal pathway, ā€¢ quercetin, rosmarinic acid, rutin, and eugenol are bioactive phytoprinciples responsible for anticandidal activity, ā€¢ increased total leucocytes and lymphocytes develop cell mediated immunity, ā€¢ induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF- Ī± and IL-1Ī±. In addition, both HEOS and HEOB possess antiseptic and wound healing property, due to multiple positive factors, such as, ā€¢ faster epithelization, ā€¢ increased collagen deposition, ā€¢ neovasculization, ā€¢ inhibition of lipid peroxidation levels and ā€¢ antioxidant activity of total phenolic compounds and flavonoids, and bioactive phytoprinciples such as quercetin, rutin and rosmarinic acid. It is suggested, therefore, that both HEOS and HEOB are potential candidates for the treatment of septic wounds and for systemic, vaginal and superficial candidal infections. They may be used as complementary medicine in antifungal chemotherapy. Further clinical studies are required to establish this

    Development of near isogenic lines (NILS) using backcross method of breeding and simultaneous screening against Karnal bunt disease of wheat

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    Karnal bunt of wheat caused by Tilletia indica can be a hindrance to wheat trade as the fungal disease is known to affect the quality of the grain. As a breeding strategy, a set of eight near isogenics lines (NILs) and backcross derived recombinant inbred lines (micro-RILs) were developed in the background of PBW 343 and WH542 for Karnal bunt resistance over a period of time. The donor stocks resistant to Karnal bunt used in the study were ALDAN ā€˜ Sā€™ / IAS 58, CMH 77.308, H567.7I, HD29, HP1531, W485 and their derived lines KBRL 22 and KBRL 57. Effective method for screening to Karnal bunt was standardized and used for identification of resistant lines across many seasons. Some of the identified lines evaluated for yield were found to be equivalent to the high yielding parents and the commercially grown check varieties. These developed lines will serve as a basic material for production of Karnal bunt free wheat

    Zircons in metacarbonate rocks from SĆør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica

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    Synthesis and utility of new amine/nucleobase addition products of allenylphosphonates

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    In the reaction of allenylphosphonates with amines/nucleobases, depending on the amine and the allenylphosphonate, either Z- or E-vinylphosphonate or allylphosphonate as a single isomer with a β-amino functionality was isolated. A simple route to phosphonates with a β-NH2 group is developed by direct reaction with ammonia. In reactions with adenine, three different modes of reaction, with one of them involving an unusual cyclisation, are observed. The utility of (enamino)allyl phosphonate products thus obtained in the synthesis of (enamino)-1,3-butadienes via Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons (HWE) reaction is also demonstrated
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