5 research outputs found

    Penguatan Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) Kawasan Pedesaan melalui Kegiatan Pelatihan Tata Kelola Destinasi Pariwisata di Salatiga

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    Strengthening Tourism Awareness Group in Rural Areas through Tourism Destination Management Training. Tourism is a strategic sector that makes a very important contribution. Tourism villages / rural areas are one of the most developed tours. A tourist village is one way for the welfare of the village community. Tourism is expected to be managed by the community itself and of course, the results can be enjoyed by local communities. The City of Salatiga Tourism Office collaborates with the Satya Wacana Christian University Tourism Destination Study Program to hold governance training for the Salatiga community in priority rural tourism development areas. The community needs to be equipped with sufficient destination management so that they are able to manage and develop destinations in their respective regions. Therefore, this community service activity is carried out in the hope that it can facilitate local people to have knowledge about tourism management. The success of this training activity will be perfect if it is accompanied by direct mentoring activities when the community starts planning tourism

    The Role of Natural Capital in Surviving Periods of Crisis: A Case Study of the Nglanggeran Village Community

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    The sustainability of tourism-based livelihoods can be threatened when a crisis occurs. Thus, people’s resilience during crisis is a significant factor for people to maintain livelihoods as it is a contributing mechanism for people to escape from crisis.  This research examines how the Nglanggeran community sustains their livelihoods by utilizing their natural resources as a strategy to survive Covid-19 pandemic between 2020 to 2021. This study uses an ethnographic approach. The data collection process was carried out through participant observation and in-depth interviews with 14 former migrant workers and who now live in Nglanggeran village. The focus of the analysis in this study is the strategy of the Nglanggeran community in maintaining their livelihoods by utilizing their land. The analysis process uses thematic analysis. People who own paddy fields are more likely to survive than those who plant trees for timber on their land. What the Nglanggeran community does is important in maintaining their resilience and as a survival strategy for the local community. Tourism activities do not have to displace traditional livelihood activities on local people's land, rather land use can be optimized to support sustainable livelihoods. While they can optimalise land use, this does not increase their quality of life. They have survived but their livelihoods remain vulnerable. &nbsp

    Pelatihan Tata Kelola Destinasi Wisata di Desa Sidorejo Kidul Salatiga

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    Manajemen tata kelola destinasi wisata merupakan salah satu hal yang penting dalam sebuah destinasi wisata. Destinasi wisata perlu memperhatikan tata kelola destinasi supaya dapat memaksimalkan dampak-dampak positif yang ada dan meminimalisir dampak negatif yang mungkin timbul dari adanya kegiatan pariwisata. Di Salatiga, ada sebuah desa bernama Desa Sidorejo Kidul. Desa tersebut sedang mempersiapkan destinasinya menjadi destinasi wisata unggulan di Salatiga. Maksud dari pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan adalah memberikan pelatihan kepada masyarakat Desa Sidorejo Kidul agar mengenal manajemen tata kelola destinasi wisata dan lebih siap lagi dalam menjalankan destinasi wisata yang mereka miliki. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam dua tahapan, yaitu tahap materi dan tahap pendampingan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober tahun 2022. Harapan dari kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat bisa lebih mandiri dalam mengelola destinasi wisata dan mengedepankan konsep pariwisata berbasis masyarakat.The governance of tourism destination is a crucial aspect in the management of tourist destinations. It is essential for tourist destinations to focus on destination management to maximize the positive impacts and minimize any potential negative impacts resulting from tourism activities. In Salatiga, there is a village called Desa Sidorejo Kidul that is actively preparing to establish itself as a leading tourist destination in the region. The objective of the community service initiative is to provide training to the residents of Sidorejo Kidul Village, enabling them to become familiar with destination management practices and better equipped to run their tourist destinations. This initiative will be conducted in two stages, comprising a materials stage and a mentoring stage, scheduled to take place in October 2022. The aim of this initiative is to empower the community in managing tourist destinations independently and promoting the concept of community-based tourism

    The Role of Natural Capital in Surviving Periods of Crisis: A Case Study of the Nglanggeran Village Community

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    Modal finansial merupakan sumberdaya yang paling fleksibel, dapat ditukar dengan berbagai kemudahan yang berlaku dan dapat digunakan secara langsung untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penghidupan. Dalam menghadapi krisis, masyarakat umumnya menerapkan strategi untuk dapat keluar dari krisis tersebut. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa kekuatan finansial berdampak signifikan terhadap kemampuan masyarakat untuk bertahan di tengah krisis. Namun, kekuatan finansial memiliki keterbatasan saat dimanfaatkan sebagai coping strategy. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Dusun Ngoro-Ngoro, Desa Nglanggeran, sebagai pusat kegiatan pariwisata. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara kepada 20 narasumber yang merupakan mantan buruh migran. Tujuan dari wawancara ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai kejadian yang tidak diperoleh melalui kegiatan observasi. Analisis data kualitatif dilakukan sepanjang penelitian, dari awal sampai akhir. Semua data yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi dan wawancara ditelaah kemudian dilakukan pengkategorisasian dan diakhiri dengan penafsiran data. Para mantan buruh migran memanfaatkan modal finansial yang dimilikinya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup yang bersifat konsumtif dan produktif. Dari kasus mantan buruh migran di Desa Nglanggeran, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kondisi kerentanan atau ketahan masyarakat jika krisis terjadi, dipengaruhi oleh pola pemanfaatan modal finansial yang dilakukan sebelum krisis melanda. Pemanfaatan modal finansial yang bersifat produktif meningkatkan kemampuan para mantan buruh migran dalam memelihara keberlanjutan penghidupan mereka.The sustainability of tourism-based livelihoods can be threatened when a crisis occurs. Thus, people's resilience during crisis is a significant factor for people to maintain livelihoods as it is a contributing mechanism for people to escape from crisis. This research examines how the Nglanggeran community sustains their livelihoods by utilizing their natural resources as a strategy to survive Covid-19 pandemic between 2020 to 2021. This study uses an ethnographic approach. The data collection process was carried out through participant observation and in-depth interviews with 14 former migrant workers and who now live in Nglanggeran village. The focus of the analysis in this study is the strategy of the Nglanggeran community in maintaining their livelihoods by utilizing their land. The analysis process uses thematic analysis. People who own paddy fields are more likely to survive than those who plant trees for timber on their land. What the Nglanggeran community does is important in maintaining their resilience and as a survival strategy for the local community. Tourism activities do not have to displace traditional livelihood activities on local people's land, rather land use can be optimized to support sustainable livelihoods. While they can optimalise land use, this does not increase their quality of life. They have survived but their livelihoods remain vulnerable