41 research outputs found

    Efek Ekstrak Sambiloto (Andrographis Paniculata Nees) pada Ekspresi Telomerase dari Kanker Payudara Tikus yang Diinduksi dengan DMBA

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    It has been well documented that chemical carcinogen, 7.12 dimethylbenz-(a)anthracene (DMBA), plays a role in the incidence and growth of mammary cancer. Present study was designed to investigate the influence of Andrographis paniculata extract on telomerase activities on DMBA induced breast cancer in the female rat Sprague Dawley strain. DMBA-induced mammary cancer is a useful model to investigate the changes of epithelial cells that occur during mammary cancer progression. Mammary cancer model was induced 10 times twice a week by oral DMBA 20 mg/kg body weight. Mammary cancer occurred in 75 % animals nine weeks after oral administration of DMBA, it was represented with nodule on the mammary gland and the increasing of mammary gland volume compare with normal control F(1.8) = 731.711; p < 0.001. This study was also designed to investigate the effect of Andrographis paniculata extract mammary carcinoma induced by DMBA. Administration of three different dose of Andrographis paniculata (100 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg) had statistically different with mammary gland volume of DMBA treated rat F (4.17) = 92.777; p<0.05. So, Andrographis paniculata has significant effect on the treatment of DMBA-induced mammary carcinoma. The Epithelial cells were harvested on day 90 and stained with routine histology staining, hematoxylineosin, for morphological qualitative analysis, immunohistochemical examination. The lesions observed from the removed samples ranged widely from benign to malignant. The results showed that DMBA induce cell proliferation, nuclear irregularities, and numerous mitoses and induced cell necrosis. On immunohistochemical examination, it shows that Andrographis paniculata can stimulate of expression of p53 protein and increase the number of epithelial cells experience apoptosis

    Persepsi Mahasiswa terhadap Platform Diabestie pada Pembelajaran Penyakit Diabetes Mata Kuliah PBL (Problem Based Learning) Pelayanan Kefarmasian Komunitas

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    Pembelajaran jarak jauh di perguruan tinggi memberikan tantangan baru karena banyak konflik terkait dengan penggunaan teknologi, pedagogi, media dan proses pendidikan dan pembelajaran pendidikan tinggi. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil dibuat berdasarkan penelitian ini bahwa mahasiswa sepakat menggunakan aplikasi Diabestie untuk mata kuliah pelayanan kefarmasian komunitas berbasis Problem Based Learning (PBL) prodi S1 Farmasi Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya. Persepsi mahasiswa terkait aspek pemanfaatan aplikasi Diabestie, meliputi aspek kemudahan untuk memahami aplikasi Diabestie sebesar 87,11%, aspek aksesabilitas aplikasi Diabestie dalam penggunaan sehari-hari sebesar 87,11%, aspek desain yang atraktif dan menarik pada aplikasi Diabestie sebesar 87,56%, aspek efisiensi waktu dalam pemanfaatan aplikasi Diabestie sebesar 82,67%, aspek kesukaan saat menggunakan&nbsp; Diabestie sebesar 84,4%. Tujuan pembelajaran pelayanan farmasi diabetes adalah untuk mencapai hasil akhir, dengan dukungan lingkungan belajar dari platform diabetes, sehingga mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang tujuan dan hasil akhir pembelajaran, serta efektivitas pembelajaran yang baik


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    The ethanolic extract from the bulb of Eleutherine americana was investigated for acute and subacute toxicity in Balb/C male mice. The parameter used on this research is mortality n hepar  histophatological. During acute toxicity study, bulb plant (0.52, 0,26 and 5.2 mg/kg b.wt) p.o. for 72 hour and subacute toxicity study bulb plant (0.52, 0,26 and 5.2 mg/kg b.wt) p.o. once daily for 30 days. The result of the research shows that ethanol extract with 0.52, 0,26 and 5.2 mg/kg b.wt dosage can be said relatively safe because there is no death signal about 50% in 24 hour and the result of subacute toxicity in observation histophatological in hepar shows there is fibrosis n necrosis with 0.52, 2.6 mg/kg b.wt and 5.2 mg/kg b.wt dosage. Keywords : bulb, Eleutherine americana , acute and subacute toxicity     ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian toksisitas subakut pada ekstrak etanol umbi bawang tiwai  (Eleutherine americana (Aubl.). Merr) dari mencit jantan. Parameter yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kematian dan hispatologi hati. Pada uji toksisitas akut diberikan ekstrak etanol bawang tiwai sekali dengan dosis 0,52 mg/kgBB, 2,6 mg/kgBB, dan 5,2 mg/kgBB dan dilakukan pengamatan selama 72 jam sedangkan pada toksisitas subakut dengan pemberian berulang setiap hari sekali selama 30 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa ekstrak bawang tiwai dengan dosis 0,52 mg, 2,6 mg, dan 5,2 mg/KgBB dapat dikatakan relatif aman karena selama 24-72 jam tidak menunjukkan kematian hewan uji (mencit) sebanyak 50% dan hasil pengamatan hispatologi hepar menunjukkan bahwa dosis 0,52 mg/20 g bb mencit, 2,6 mg/20 g bb mencit, dan 5,2 mg/20 g bb mencit  dapat menyebabkan perubahan histologi hati mencit berupa fibrosis, nekrosis. Kata Kunci : Umbi,  Eleutherine Americana, uji akut dan subaku


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    The ethanolic extract from the bulb of Eleutherine americana was investigated for subacute toxicity in Balb/C male mice. The parameter used on this research is kidney histophatological. During subacute toxicity study, bulb plant (0.52, 0,26 and 5.2 mg/kg b.wt) p.o. once daily for 30 days. The animals were sacrificed on the 30th day and the kidney were processed for histophatological. The result of descriptive observation histophatological in kidney shows there is inflammation in glomerulus with 2.6 mg/kg b.wt and 5.2 mg/kg b.wt dosage. There is oedem in tubulus for dosage given in In tubulus 0.52, 0,26 and 5.2 mg/kg b.wt Keyword : bulb, Eleutherine americana, histophatological, kidney, mice   ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian toksisitas subakut pada ekstrak etanol umbi bawang tiwai  (Eleutherine americana (Aubl.). Merr) dari mencit jantan. Parameter yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah hispatologi ginjal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran hispatologi dari ginjal yang telah diberi ekstrak etanol bawang tiwai dengan dosis 0,52 mg/kgBB, 2,6 mg/kgBB, dan 5,2 mg/kgBB pada uji toksisitas subakut dengan pemberian berulang setiap hari sekali selama 30 hari. Hasil pengamatan deskriptif hispatologi terhadap ginjal menunjukkan bahwa  pada dosis 0,52 mg/kgBB terjadi inflamasi pada glomerulus dan pada dosis 2,6 mg/kgBB, dan 5,2 mg/kgBB terjadi perdarahan. Sedangkan pada dosis 0,52 mg/kgBB, 2,6 mg/kgBB, dan 5,2 mg/kgBB pada tubulus terjadi oedem.  Kata Kunci : Umbi, Eleutherine Americana, hispatologi, ginjal, mencit

    Studi Literatur: Penggunaan Obat Remdesivir dan Favipiravir dalam Terapi Covid-19

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    Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory disease caused by the new coronavirus and is spreading rapidly throughout the world. Several studies were conducted to find these antiviral agents, one of which is Remdesivir and Favipiravir. This literature study aims to examine the use of Remdesivir and Favipiravir as therapy in COVID-19 patients with a literature study. The research method used is a literature review with an electronic database of indexed journals with a journal publication time limit for 2019-2020 using the appropriate keywords. From the 10 literature that has been reviewed, it shows that the use of Remdesivir and Favipiravir in the treatment of COVID-19 provides an improvement in the patient's health condition

    Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Tomat (Solanium lycopersicum) dan Melon (Cucumis melo L.) terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Penderita Hipertensi: Effect of Tomato Juice (Solanium lycopersicum) and Melon (Cucumis melo L.) on Blood Pressure Reduction in Hypertension Patients

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    Prevalensi hipertensi di Indonesia tahun 2018 sebesar 34,1%. Prevalensi&nbsp; hipertensi usia diatas 18 tahun tertinggi&nbsp; di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan sebesar 44,1% dan peringkat ke tiga penderita hipertensi adalah kalimantan timur sebasar 39,3%. Buah tomat (Solanium lycopersicum) dan buah melon (Cucumis melo L.)&nbsp; memiliki kandungan kalium yang dapat menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi.Tujuan penelitian pengaruh pemberian kombinasi jus buah tomat dan buah melon terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada pasien hipertensi. Metode penelitian quasi experimental dengan desain One group pre test and post test design. Pada penelitiam ini intervensi diberikan selama 7 hari dan dilakukan pengukuran tekanan darah responden sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil berbeda singnifikan &nbsp;dengan p value (0.000). Pemberian kombinasi jus buah tomat dan buah melon memberikan efek penurunan tekanan darah secara signifikan

    Studi Literatur: Tanaman yang Memiliki Aktivitas Peluruh Kalsium Batu Ginjal Secara In Vitro

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    Kidney stones are a disease that is often found in society due to various causes. This disease is characterized by hardened deposits in the kidneys, mostly containing calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. The medical treatment used is most effective with surgery. But this can carry significant risks, unwanted side effects, and is relatively expensive. So that herbal medicine becomes an alternative. This study aims to determine which plants have the activity of calcium kidney stone breaking. The research method used is online data search using appropriate keywords, carried out online in indexed journal databases. Based on several studies, there are several plants that have in vitro activity so that they can provide an overview of certain herbal plants that have the potential to decay calcium kidney stones, namely Cocor Bebek (Bryophyllum Pinnatum Lam), Kelor Leaves (Moringa oleifera Lam.), combination of Soursop Leaves ( Annona muricata) and pegagan (Centella asiatica L.Urb) , Adam Hawa leaves (Rhoeo discolor Hance), starfruit leaves (Averrhoa bilimbii L.), Moonflower leaves (Tithonia diversifolia), and celery (Apium graveolens L.)The part of tamanan leaves studied has a good affinity for releasing kidney stones calcium

    Simulasi Docking Senyawa Napthoquinones Umbi Bawang Tiwai (Eleutherine americana Merr.) terhadap Bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Docking Simulation of Umbi Bawang Tiwai Napthoquinones Compound (Eleutherine americana Merr.) against Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria

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    Bawang tiwai (Eleutherine americana Mirr.) is a plant empirically used as an antituberculosis. This plant is thought to have potential because having a compound naphthoquinone potential antituberculosis seen from the average value of the MIC between 206,6 and 12.5 ?M. This study aims to examine a model of the interaction of compounds derived naphthoquinone of bawang tiwai against the side of the fastener from the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The method used is docking molecular using AutoDock tools, and Biovia 2020, the prediction of physicochemical which refers to the law of the five Lipinski of using pkCSM online tool. The receptor proteins used were InhA (PDB: 2X23) and the test ligands of elecanacin, eleutherin, eleutherol, and isoeleutherin. The results show that the four compounds comply with Lipinski's five laws, and the docking analysis data is the value of free bond energy (?G) of the four compounds, respectively, -5.82, -4.80, - 5.06, -5.52. The ?G value is below the natural ligand, namely -8, 19, and no hydrogen bonding interaction. It can be concluded that the four naphthoquinone derivative compounds in bawang tiwai lack the potential to bind to the binding site of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria