5 research outputs found

    Studi Tentang Rekayasa Metode Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi

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    Organization Strategy (Strategi Organisasi) didefinisikan sebagai “rencana permainan” (game plan)yang dilakukan oleh manajemen untuk memposisikan Perusahaan di dalam arena pasar yang dipilih supayadapat memenangkan kompetisi, memuaskan pelanggan-pelanggan, dan mencapai kinerja bisnis yang baik.Salah satu cara untuk mengimplementasikan strategi Perusahaan adalah dengan menggunakan Sistem InformasiStrategis (SIS). Untuk membuat SIS ini diperlukan sebuah metode Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi(PSSI). Pada penelitian ini metode-metode PSSI yang biasa digunakan para pengembang SI yaitu yangdinyatakan oleh John Ward, Turban, James Martin dan Tozer dikombinasikan menjadi satu paket (bersifat“One-stop method”). Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui proses identifikasi awal, analisa dan sintesis tehadapkeempat metode PSSI tersebut sehingga menghasilkan detail One Stop Method PSSI yang diharapkan dapatmempermudah pekerjaan pengembang SI

    CT-FC: more Comprehensive Traversal Focused Crawler

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     In today’s world, people depend more on the WWW information, including professionals who have to analyze the data according their domain to maintain and improve their business. A data analysis would require information that is comprehensive and relevant to their domain. Focused crawler as a topical based Web indexer agent is used to meet this application’s information need. In order to increase the precision, focused crawler face the problem of low recall. The study on WWW hyperlink structure characteristics indicates that many Web documents are not strong connected but through co-citation & co-reference. Conventional focused crawler that uses forward crawling strategy could not visit the documents in these characteristics. This study proposes a more comprehensive traversal framework. As a proof, CT-FC (a focused crawler with the new traversal framework) ran on DMOZ data that is representative to WWW characteristics. The results show that this strategy can increase the recall significantly

    Growing Information System: New Vision in Integration of Information System Into Organization

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    Since organization change from stable to emergent condition, information system (IS) as part oforganization should have capability to follow the changes of requirement from the functional purposes andinteractivities with the users. Need of new strategy in IS development methodology is urgent. Integration of ISand organization could be seen as new vision and growing IS could be the new paradigm in IS developmentmethodology. The research conducted concludes that growing IS could be developed using role and task asorganic constructor. This paper presents theoretical approach leads to requirement of growing IS model (GiSM)