9 research outputs found

    University of North Florida Environmental Center Annual Report 2017

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    2017 Annual Report of the Environmental Center at the University of North Floridahttps://digitalcommons.unf.edu/ecenter_annual/1005/thumbnail.jp

    University of North Florida Environmental Center Annual Report 2016

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    2016 Annual Report of the Environmental Center at the University of North Floridahttps://digitalcommons.unf.edu/ecenter_annual/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Multi-tool formaldehyde measurement in simulated and real atmospheres for indoor air survey and concentration change monitoring

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    Formaldehyde is of particular health concern since it is carcinogenic for human and ubiquitous in indoor air where people spend most of their time. Therefore, it is important to have suitable methods and techniques to measure its content in indoor air. In the present work, four different techniques have been tested in the INERIS exposure chamber and in indoor environments in comparison to a standard active method: passive sampling method based on the reaction of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine with formaldehyde, two on-line continuous monitoring systems based on fluorescence and UV measurements and a portable commercialised analyser based on electrochemical titration. Two formaldehyde concentrations, about 10 and 25 μg m−3 were generated in an exposure chamber under controlled conditions of temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed to simulate real conditions and assess potential influence on passive sampling and continuous systems response. Influence of sampling periods on passive sampling has also been evaluated. The real atmosphere experiments have been performed in four different indoor environments: an office, a furniture shop, a shopping mall, and residential dwellings in which several potential formaldehyde sources linked to household activities have been tested. The analytical and sampling problems associated with each measurement method have been identified and discussed. An overall agreement between each technique has been observed and continuous analyzers allowed for formaldehyde concentrations change monitoring and secondary formation of that pollutant observation

    Osteoid osteoma of the distal clavicle

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    ABSTRACT The osteoid osteoma is a bone tumor that accounts for 10% of benign tumors. It was described in 1935 by Jaffe, as a tumor that affects the young adult population, with a predominance of males. This study aims to present a case of late diagnosis of a patient with osteoid osteoma of the distal clavicle region. Female patient, 44 years old, non-professional volleyball player, reported pain in the anterior and superior region of the shoulder girdle, specifically in the acromioclavicular joint, which worsened at night and had been treated for nine months as tendinitis of the rotator cuff and acromioclavicular joint arthritis. After confirming the diagnosis, the patient underwent open surgery with resection of the distal clavicle. At two years of follow-up, the patient presents without local pain. In the radiographic evaluation, coracoclavicular distance is preserved and there are no signs of recurrence. Tumors of the shoulder girdle are rare and are often diagnosed late. A high degree of suspicion for the diagnosis of tumors of the shoulder girdle is needed in order to avoid late diagnosis

    Cistoadenoma de apêndice: relato de caso e revisão da literatura sobre tumores mucinosos do apêndice vermiforme Cyst adenoma of appendix: case report and literature review about mucinous vermiform appendix neoplasms

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Mucocele do apêndice (MA) é uma lesão rara, caracterizada pelo acúmulo de secreção mucoíde em sua luz. Diagnóstico precoce é fundamental para evitar o extravasamento de secreção mucoíde na cavidade peritoneal, causando pseudomixoma peritoneal. RELATO DE CASO: Paciente sexo masculino, 62 anos com história de dor abdominal em fossa ilíaca direita há cerca de 6 meses. Realizou uma ultra-sonografia do abdome que evidenciou no flanco direito pequena estrutura cística compatível com MA. Colonoscopia, exames laboratoriais e dosagem do CEA encontravam-se sem alterações. O paciente foi submetido à laparotomia exploradora com ressecção do apêndice e do seu meso em monobloco. O exame histológico mostrou tratar-se de cistoadenoma do apêndice vermiforme. O paciente evoluiu sem intercorrências. DISCUSSÃO: A MA é um achado raro. As principais causas patológicas incluem cisto de retenção, mucocele secundária a epitélio hiperplásico, cistoadenomas e cistoadenocarcinomas. A doença é geralmente assintomática e o diagnóstico pré-operatório é raro. O tratamento para mucocele do apêndice é cirúrgico e a preocupação principal do cirurgião é evitar o extravasamento do conteúdo da mucocele na cavidade abdominal. CONCLUSÃO: A MA é uma entidade incomum e com alto potencial de complicação, usualmente curável com tratamento cirúrgico adequado.<br>INTRODUCTION: Appendiceal mucocele (AM) is a rare lesion that is characterized by an appendiceal lumen distended with mucus. Early diagnosis and prompt surgical intervention are mandatory to prevent spillage of the mucinous content into the peritoneal cavity, causing pseudomyxoma peritonei. CASE REPORT: A 62-year-old male was presented with a 6-months history of recurrent right lower quadrant abdominal pain. Ultrasonography showed a lesion in the right lumbar region compatible with AM. Colonoscopy, routine laboratory tests and CEA were normal. The patient underwent an appendectomy and complete excision of the cystic lesion. Pathologic examination revealed a mucinous cyst adenoma of appendix. The patient was symptom free after treatment. DISCUSSION: AM is a rare condtion. Mucoceles are histologically subdivided into retention mucocele, mucocele secondary a hiperpalsic epithelium, mucinous cystadenoma and mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. This disease is often asymptomatic and pre-operative diagnosis is rare. The treatment is essentially surgical and the surgeon need to avoid spillage of the mucinous content into the peritoneal cavity. CONCLUSION: AM is an uncomum entity and with high pontential of complication, usually curable with adequate surgical aproach