5 research outputs found

    Autism and Schizophrenia in high functioning adults: Behavioral differences and overlap

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    Several recent studies have demonstrated a genetical overlap between autism and schizophrenia. However, at a behavioral level it remains unclear which features can validly distinguish adults with autism from an adult schizophrenia group. To this end, the present study compared 21 individuals with the autistic disorder and 21 individuals with schizophrenia in self-reported features of autism and schizophrenia, as measured by the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) and the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire(SPQ). The schizophrenia group was more likely to report positive symptoms and the adults with autism were more likely to report impairments in social skill. Overlap was found between the two groups in negative symptoms, disorganization, attention to detail and imagination. Thus, when discriminating between the two disorders, especially social skill and the presence of positive symptoms are relevant, whereas the presence of negative symptoms is not indicative

    Autisme en schizofrenie bij volwassenen: verschillen en overeenkomsten

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    Recent genetisch onderzoek wijst op overlap tussen autisme en schizofrenie. Echter voor veel clinici en onderzoekers is onduidelijk hoe beide stoornissen op cognitief en gedragsmatig niveau overeenkomen en van elkaar verschillen. In het onderhavige artikel wordt besproken wat hierover bekend is in de wetenschappelijke literatuur. Op cognitief gebied blijkt er veel onduidelijkheid te zijn omtrent de verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen beide stoornissen, met name waar het gaat om volwassenen. Op gedragsniveau blijkt dat bij volwassenen met autisme meer problemen in sociaal gedrag aanwezig zijn, terwijl bij schizofrenie meer positieve symptomen worden gerapporteerd. Overeenkomsten komen naar voren in negatieve symptomatologie,symptomen van desorganisatie, moeite met veranderingen, communicatie, fantasie en gerichtheid op details. Bij het onderscheiden van autisme en schizofrenie in de klinische praktijk dient dus vooral gekeken te worden naar sociaal gedrag en positieve symptomen. Andere gedragskenmerken lijken minder relevant in het differentiaaldiagnostische proces, gezien de overlap tussen beide stoornissen

    The use of the Autism-spectrum Quotient in differentiating high functioning adults with autism, adults with schizophrenia and a neurotypical adult control group

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    The present study compared 21 high functioning individuals with autism, 21 individuals with schizophrenia and 21 healthy individuals in self-reported features of autism, as measured by the Autism-spectrum Quotient (AQ). The individuals with autism reported impairment on all AQ subscales, compared to the neurotypical group. The schizophrenia group reported deficits on all subscales except Attention to detail, compared to the neurotypical group. The autism group reported more impairment than the individuals with schizophrenia in Social skill, Communication and Attention switching