179 research outputs found

    DNS of dispersed multiphase flows with heat transfer and rarefaction effects

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    We propose a method for DNS of particle motion in non-isothermal systems. The method uses a shared set of momentum and energy balance equations for the carrier- and the dispersed phases. Measures are taken to ensure that non-deformable entities (solid particles) behave like rigid bodies. Moreover, deformable entities (e.g. bubbles) as well as rarefaction effects can be accommodated. The predictions of the method agree well with the available data for isothermal solid particles motion in the presence of walls and other particles, natural convection around a stationary particle, solid particles motion accompanied with heat transfer effects and isothermal solid particles motion under rarefied conditions. The method is used to investigate the simultaneous effects of heat transfer and rarefaction on the motion of a solid catalyst particle in an enclosure, the interaction of a solid particle and a microbubble in a flotation cell and a case with more than 1000 particles

    Respiratory droplets interception in fibrous porous media

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    We investigate, by means of pore-scale lattice Boltzmann simulations, the mechanisms of interception of respiratory droplets within fibrous porous media composing face masks. We simulate the dynamics, coalescence, and collection of droplets of the size comparable with the fiber and pore size in typical fluid-dynamic conditions that represent common expiratory events. We discern the fibrous microstructure into three categories of pores: small, large, and medium-sized pores, where we find that within the latter, the incoming droplets tend to be more likely intercepted. The size of the medium-sized pores relative to the fiber size is placed between the droplet-to-fiber size ratio and a porosity-dependent microstructural parameter L ϵ∗ = ϵ / (1 - ϵ), with ϵ being the porosity. In larger pores, droplets collection is instead inhibited by the small pore-throat-to-fiber size ratio that characterizes the pore perimeter, limiting their access. The efficiency of the fibrous media in intercepting droplets without compromising breathability, for a given droplet-to-fiber size ratio, can be estimated by knowing the parameter L ϵ*. We propose a simple model that predicts the average penetration of droplets into the fibrous media, showing a sublinear growth with L ϵ*. Permeability is shown also to scale well with L ϵ∗ but following a superlinear growth, which indicates the possibility of increasing the medium permeability at a little cost in terms of interception efficiency for high values of porosity. As a general design guideline, the results also suggest that a fibrous layer thickness relative to the fiber size should exceed the value L ϵ∗ in order to ensure effective droplets filtration

    Numerical simulations of the interaction between a settling particle and a rising microbubble

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    In the current work the hydrodynamic interaction between a settling particle and a rising microbubble is investigated using numerical simulations. The simulations are performed in a multiphase direct numerical simulation (DNS) framework, indicating that all relevant spatial and temporal scales are resolved. It is shown that the method predicts that particle-bubble attachment is possible when the initial horizontal distance between their centers is small and that the particle will pass the bubble without attaching when this initial distance is large. Furthermore, it is shown that the probability of a successful attachment is lower if the bubble Eötvös and Morton numbers are significantly larger than unity

    Contribution of dynamic capillary pressure to rainfall infiltration in thin homogeneous growth substrates

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    The use of green roofs to help mitigate storm water contributions to urban flooding has been gaining popularity but is hindered by the limited data on the performance of such roofs with regard to storm water runoff mitigation. The underlying issue stems from the inherent complexity of modeling subsurface multiphase flow. Modeling of this phenomena requires calculating the contributions of substrate microstructure characteristics, the influence of the wetting and non-wetting phases upon each other, and the effect of the microstructure on the wetting phase. Previously we have observed how the microstructure can affect detention, however the quantification of this relationship is still missing. In the present paper we present numerical simulations of wetting phase infiltration of a thin monodisperse packed bed in order to understand and quantify the impact of microstructure geometry on storm water infiltration of a green roof substrate. For a slightly hydrophilic case, (θ=82\ub0), we find that a dominant mechanism underlying this relationship is the microstructure-induced dynamic behavior of the capillary pressure. We determine that at larger packing ratios (ratio of packed bed depth to particle size), the influence of hydraulic head diminishes and behaves conversely for thinner layers, particularly when larger pores are present. Indeed, thin beds composed of large particles can exhibit high flow velocities that in turn affect the capillary pressure within the substrate. We observe that the capillary pressure can shift from negative values denoting capillary suction to positive ones which cause valve-like blocking effects on the flow; dependent upon the flow velocity as determined by the microstructure. In particular, we find that the capillary pressure depends on the value of the pore-scale gravity-induced flow velocity, quantified through a characteristic Capillary number. The provided quantification of this relationship can be invaluable from a design perspective to understand the behavior of capillary pressure of different substrates under a variety of flow rates prior to testing substrate candidates. In addition, a comparison of the behavior of the dynamic component of capillary pressure to other works is undertaken. Flow homogeneity is also found to be linked to the flow velocity, and consequently to the microstructure

    On the impact of porous media microstructure on rainfall infiltration of thin homogeneous green roof growth substrates

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    Green roofs are considered an attractive alternative to standard storm water management methods; however one of the primary issues hindering their proliferation is the lack of data regarding their ability to retain and reduce storm water under a variety of climatic conditions. This lack of data is partly due to the complexity of physical processes involved, namely the heterogeneous microscopic behavior that characterize flows in unsaturated porous media. Such an anomalous behavior is difficult to predict a priori, especially in the presence of layered structures. This paper examines water infiltration of a green roof at the pore-scale with the aim to evaluate the effect of the porous microstructure in thin substrate layers. In such layers, the thickness of the medium and the particle size are within the same order of magnitude and the effect of the packing arrangement on the flow dynamics can be pronounced. In this study, three packing arrangements and two different hydraulic heads, analogous to extreme rainfall events typical of Scandinavia, are investigated by means of direct numerical simulations based on the lattice Boltzmann method. The results show that a wider variability of pore sizes in a thin medium can be linked directly to flow pathing preference and consequently less homogenized flow in the primary flow direction. This situation corresponds to intermittent flow behavior at the pore-scale level and reduced macroscopic infiltration rates. This observation unveils the possibility of designing innovative green roof growth substrates: by tuning the particle size and thickness of the layers composing the medium the desired green roof detention time can be attained

    Behaviour and stability of the two-fluid model for fine-scale simulations of bubbly flow in nuclear reactors

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    In the present work, we formulate a simplistic two-fluid model for bubbly steam-water flow existing between fuel pins in nuclear fuel assemblies. Numerical simulations are performed in periodic 2D domains of varying sizes. The appearance of a non-uniform volume fraction field in the form of meso-scales is investigated and shown to be varying with the bubble loading and the domain size, as well as with the numerical algorithm employed. These findings highlight the difficulties involved in interpreting the occurrence of instabilities in two-fluid simulations of gas-liquid flows, where physical and unphysical instabilities are prone to be confounded. The results obtained in this work therefore contribute to a rigorous foundation in on-going efforts to derive a consistent meso-scale formulation of the traditional two-fluid model for multiphase flows in nuclear reactors

    A multiscale methodology for small-scale bubble dynamics in turbulence

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    We formulate in this paper a multiscale numerical framework that handles small-scale bubble dynamics in turbulence. Our framework involves bubbles with arbitrary density ratios with the carrier phase. We use a Moving Reference Frame method that follows a bubble to deal with a fast rising of bubbles present at high density ratios between the phases. We use a Proportional Integral Derivative controller to handle an additional acceleration term in the governing equations that stems from the change of a coordinate system from a fixed to a non-inertial one. Our framework accounts for the fact that the dynamics of bubbles are significantly influenced by the unsteadiness of the small-scale turbulent liquid fluctuations that modify the bubble shapes and alter their motion. In addition, we improve and speed up, with at least two orders of magnitude in computational time, the numerical framework recently proposed by Milan et al. (2020). The developed numerical framework can capture processes occurring at time scales even smaller than the Kolmogorov times. It can be applied to droplets, bubbles or particle systems in both laminar and turbulent flows, using any general DNS technique that handles two-phase flows

    The lift force on deformable and freely moving bubbles in linear shear flows

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    This paper provides a comprehensive explanation for the lift force acting on a freely deformable bubble rising in a linear shear flow and examines how the lift force scales with the undisturbed shear rate in cases governed by different lift force mechanisms. Four distinct flow mechanisms are identified from previous studies, and the associated bubble-induced vorticity dynamics are outlined. We provide a theoretical framework to qualitatively explain the lift force acting on a bubble in terms of moments of the bubble-induced vorticity. We support our theoretical framework with three-dimensional multiphase direct numerical simulations to illustrate how the vorticity dynamics associated with the four mechanisms generate the lift force. These findings provide a comprehensive explanation for the behaviour of the lift force in a wide range of relevant governing parameters. Additionally, our simulation results show how differently the lift force scales with the shear rate, depending on the dominating lift force mechanism. These results indicate that the shear rate should, in general, be accounted for in highly viscous flows (low Galilei numbers) or at significant bubble deformations (moderate-to-high E\uf6tv\uf6s numbers) when modelling the lift force coefficient

    On the roles of interstitial liquid and particle shape in modulating microstructural effects in packed-bed adsorbers

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    Several industrial applications use packed-bed reactors for heterogeneous processes with intermittent presence of interstitial liquid. One such example is steam-regenerated adsorption systems. Here, we computationally generate two randomly packed beds of the same voidage – one with spheres and one with cylinders – to study the role of particle shape in such a process. We analyze the geometrical characteristics and determine the flow, transport and reaction properties at the same driving pressure difference. We also establish the effect of liquid on these characteristics. The bed of spheres exhibits 69% higher permeability due to differences in microstructure, and its shorter retention time and lower specific surface yields lower conversion in a first-order heterogeneous reaction. However, at the same flow rate, the spheres could be expected to outperform the cylinders. The bed of cylinders exhibits more pronounced local concentration variations due to a dominance of smaller pores, which are not as readily accessible to the flow. The presence of interstitial liquid reduces the permeability and significantly changes the streamwise velocity distributions inside both beds, effectively homogenizing the geometries by filling up the smaller pores. The implications of the present findings for reduced-order modelling of packed-bed adsorbers are discussed

    Finite-volume method for industrial-scale temperature-swing adsorption simulations

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    We formulate a mathematical model for temperature-swing adsorption systems. A finite-volume method is derived for the numerical solution of the model equations. We specifically investigate the influence of the choice of spatial discretization scheme for the convective terms on the accuracy, convergence rate and general computational performance of the proposed method. The analysis is performed with the nonlinear Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm representing benzene adsorption onto activated carbon, relevant for gas cleaning in biomass gasification.The large differences in accuracy and convergence between lower- and higher-order schemes for pure scalar advection are significantly reduced when using a non-linear isotherm. However, some of these differences re-emerge when simulating adsorption/desorption cycling. We show that the proposed model can be applied to industrial-scale systems at moderate spatial resolution and at an acceptable computational cost, provided that higher-order discretization is employed for the convective terms
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