205 research outputs found

    Stability of Discrete Ground State

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    We present new criteria for a self-adjoint operator to have a ground state. As an application, we consider models of ``quantum particles'' coupled to a massive Bose field and prove the existence of a ground state of them, where the particle Hamiltonian does not necessarily have compact resolvent

    FoxO1 Gain of Function in the Pancreas Causes Glucose Intolerance, Polycystic Pancreas, and Islet Hypervascularization

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    Genetic studies revealed that the ablation of insulin/IGF-1 signaling in the pancreas causes diabetes. FoxO1 is a downstream transcription factor of insulin/IGF-1 signaling. We previously reported that FoxO1 haploinsufficiency restored β cell mass and rescued diabetes in IRS2 knockout mice. However, it is still unclear whether FoxO1 dysregulation in the pancreas could be the cause of diabetes. To test this hypothesis, we generated transgenic mice overexpressing constitutively active FoxO1 specifically in the pancreas (TG). TG mice had impaired glucose tolerance and some of them indeed developed diabetes due to the reduction of β cell mass, which is associated with decreased Pdx1 and MafA in β cells. We also observed increased proliferation of pancreatic duct epithelial cells in TG mice and some mice developed a polycystic pancreas as they aged. Furthermore, TG mice exhibited islet hypervascularities due to increased VEGF-A expression in β cells. We found FoxO1 binds to the VEGF-A promoter and regulates VEGF-A transcription in β cells. We propose that dysregulation of FoxO1 activity in the pancreas could account for the development of diabetes and pancreatic cysts

    Anionic Complex with Efficient Expression and Good Safety Profile for mRNA Delivery

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    We previously found that a complex comprising plasmid DNA (pDNA), polyethylenimine (PEI), and γ-polyglutamic acid (γ-PGA) had high transgene efficiency without cytotoxicity in vitro and in vivo. However, messenger RNA (mRNA) remains an attractive alternative to pDNA. In this study, we developed a safe and effective delivery system for mRNA to prevent its degradation and efficiently deliver it into target cells. Various cationic and anionic complexes were produced containing PEI, γ-PGA, and an mRNA encoding firefly luciferase. Their physicochemical properties and cytotoxicities were analyzed and the in vitro and in vivo protein expression were determined. The cationic mRNA/PEI complex showed high in vitro protein expression with strong cytotoxicity. The anionic complex was constructed as mRNA/PEI8/γ-PGA12 complex with a theoretical charge ratio of 1:8:12 based on the phosphate groups of the mRNA, nitrogen groups of PEI, and carboxylate groups of γ-PGA. It was stable and showed high in vitro protein expression without cytotoxicity. After intravenous administration of mRNA/PEI8/γ-PGA12 complex to mice, high protein expression was observed in the spleen and liver and slight expression was observed in the lung over 24 h. Thus, the newly constructed mRNA/PEI8/γ-PGA12 complex provides a safe and effective strategy for the delivery of mRNA

    Delivery of pDNA to the Lung by Lipopolyplexes Using N-Lauroylsarcosine and Effect on the Pulmonary Fibrosis

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    In a previous study, we constructed a lung-targeting lipopolyplex containing polyethyleneimine (PEI), 1,2-di-O-octadecenyl-3-trimethylammonium propane (DOTMA), and N-lauroylsarcosine (LS). The lipopolyplex exhibited an extremely high gene expression in the lung after intravenous administration. Here, we optimized the lipopolyplex and used it to deliver a TGF-β1 shRNA to treat refractory pulmonary fibrosis. We constructed several lipopolyplexes with pDNA, various cationic polymers, cationic lipids, and LS to select the most effective formulation. Then, the pDNA encoding shRNA against mouse TGF-β1 was encapsulated in the lipopolyplex and injected into mice with bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. After optimizing the lipopolyplex, dendrigraft poly-L-lysine (DGL) and DOTMA were selected as the appropriate cationic polymer and lipid, respectively. The lipopolyplex was constructed with a pDNA, DGL, DOTMA, and LS charge ratio of 1:2:2:4 showed the highest gene expression. After intravenous administration of the lipopolyplex, the highest gene expression was observed in the lung. In the in vitro experiment, the lipopolyplex delivered pDNA into the cells via endocytosis. As a result, the lipopolyplex containing pDNA encoding TGF-β1 shRNA significantly decreased hydroxyproline in the pulmonary fibrosis model mice. We have successfully inhibited pulmonary fibrosis using a novel lung-targeting lipopolyplex

    Critical Temperature in Bulk Ultrafine-Grained Superconductors of Nb, V, and Ta Processed by High-Pressure Torsion

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    This overview describes the progressive results of the superconducting critical temperature in bulk nanostructured metals (niobium, vanadium and tantalum) processed by high-pressure torsion (HPT). Bulk nanostructured superconductors provide a new route to control superconducting property, because ultrafine-grain structures with a high density of grain boundaries, dislocations, and other crystalline defects modify the superconducting order parameter. The critical temperature Tc in Nb increases with the evolution of grain refinement owing to the quantum confinement of electrons in ultrafine grains. In V and Ta, however, Tc decreases at a certain HPT revolution number (i.e. at certain strain levels). The different behaviour of Tc in the three materials is explained by the competition effect between the quantum size effect and disorder effect; these effects are characterized by the parameters of grain size, electron mean free path, and superconducting coherence length

    Induction of mucosal immunity by pulmonary administration of a cell-targeting nanoparticle

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    We previously found that a nanoparticle constructed with an antigen, benzalkonium chloride (BK) and γ-polyglutamic acid (γ-PGA) showed high Th1 and Th2-type immune induction after subcutaneous administration. For prophylaxis of respiratory infections, however, mucosal immunity should be induced. In this study, we investigated the effect of pulmonary administration of a nanoparticle comprising ovalbumin (OVA) as a model antigen, BK, and γ-PGA on induction of mucosal immunity in the lungs and serum. The complex was strongly taken up by RAW264.7 and DC2.4cells. After pulmonary administration, lung retention was longer for the OVA/BK/γ-PGA complex than for OVA alone. OVA-specific serum immunoglobulin (Ig)G was highly induced by the complex. High IgG and IgA levels were also induced in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and in vivo toxicities were not observed. In conclusion, we effectively and safely induced mucosal immunity by pulmonary administration of an OVA/BK/γ-PGA complex

    Secure and effective gene delivery system of plasmid DNA coated by polynucleotide

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    Polynucleotides are anionic macromolecules which are expected to transfer into the targeted cells through specific uptake mechanisms. So, we developed polynucleotides coating complexes of plasmid DNA (pDNA) and polyethylenimine (PEI) for a secure and efficient gene delivery system and evaluated their usefulness. Polyadenylic acid (polyA), polyuridylic acid (polyU), polycytidylic acid (polyC), and polyguanylic acid (polyG) were examined as the coating materials. pDNA/PEI/polyA, pDNA/PEI/polyU, and pDNA/PEI/polyC complexes formed nanoparticles with a negative surface charge although pDNA/PEI/polyG was aggregated. The pDNA/PEI/polyC complex showed high transgene efficiency in B16-F10 cells although there was little efficiency in pDNA/PEI/polyA and pDNA/PEI/polyU complexes. An inhibition study strongly indicated the specific uptake mechanism of pDNA/PEI/polyC complex. Polynucleotide coating complexes had lower cytotoxicity than pDNA/PEI complex. The pDNA/PEI/polyC complex showed high gene expression selectively in the spleen after intravenous injection into mice. The pDNA/PEI/polyC complex showed no agglutination with erythrocytes and no acute toxicity although these were observed in pDNA/PEI complex. Thus, we developed polynucleotide coating complexes as novel vectors for clinical gene therapy, and the pDNA/PEI/polyC complex as a useful candidate for a gene delivery system