245 research outputs found

    How do high school graduates in Japan compete for regular, full time jobs? An empirical analysis based upon an internet survey of the youth

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    We use a survey of the Japanese youth within 10 year after high school graduation to investiage the impacts of the academic and social skills on their success in the job market. We find three major factors account for the job market outcome immediately after school: school characteristics and job placement services, academic performance, and social skills, including the negative impacts of problematic behaviors at the school. Second, when we run a Probit regression on whether or not the surveyed individuals hold regular, full time job, we find the persistent but declining (over age) im- pact of the job placement immediately after school. Moreover, we find the impact of variables pertaining to the sociall skills remain significant even after controling for the job placement outcome after school, whereas other variables such as GPA or attributes of highschools are largely irrelevant to the current employment status.

    Organization Adjustments, Job Training and Productivity: Evidence from Japanese Automobile Makers

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    This paper considers the demand for job training and its interaction with organization adjustments through rotation within a team and relocation across teams in response to demand and supply shocks. The analysis includes estimations of determinants of on-the-job training, and of how much such training contributes to improvements in individual productivity. We employ original assembler survey data from two Japanese automobile makers. We also investigate effects of the characteristics of workplace practices, including the behavior of foremen, on the incentives for individual assemblers to seek job training and productivity improvements.

    Spatial variability in recruitment of benthos near drilling sites in the Iheya North hydrothermal field in the Okinawa Trough

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    Due to increasing anthropogenic impacts on deep-sea hydrothermal vent ecosystems, it is essential to understand population structure and maintenance through larval recruitment and recovery of vent faunas after disturbances. In this study, we quantified vent animal recruitment in the Okinawa Trough, in the western Pacific Ocean. This is the first study to investigate recruitment patterns at a man-made hydrothermal vent. Colonization plates were deployed at three sites. Site 1 manifested new hydrothermal shimmering with small chimneys, white bacterial mats, and some alvinocaridid shrimp that arrived after drilling. Site 2 showed no evidence of newly arrived foundation species after drilling, and Site 3 had pre-existing animal communities in the vicinity of the new vent. Twenty-two months after deployment, colonization plates were retrieved and recruited animals were inventoried. Species composition and abundance differed among sites, but relatively high similarity in species composition was observed at Sites 1 and 3, though not at Site 2. Newly established communities on the plates at Sites 1 and 2 (no pre-existing fauna) showed lower species richness and abundance than at Site 3. Differences in abundance and size-frequency distributions of major recruits on the plates (i.e. Lepetodrilus mix, Bathymodiolus spp.) suggest the importance of reproductive and early life-history characteristics in spatial variability of recruitment. Lepetodrilus mix populations established on the plates at Site 1 showed high genetic connectivity. These results illustrate the importance of localized recruitment, which may have a significant impact on sustainability of vent faunal populations, despite the existence of regional metapopulations

    Tani Kiln Complex, The Angkor Monuments : Report of the Third Investigation of Kiln B1 (1-13 September, 1998)

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    The 6th Survey of Tani Kiln Sites (March 25 to April 7, 2000) Abstract

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    High Human T Cell Leukemia Virus Type-1(HTLV-1) Provirus Load in Patients with HTLV-1 Carriers Complicated with HTLV-1-unrelated disorders

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To address the clinical and virological significance of a high HTLV-1 proviral load (VL) in practical blood samples from asymptomatic and symptomatic carriers, we simultaneously examined VL and clonal expansion status using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) quantification (infected cell % of peripheral mononuclear cells) and Southern blotting hybridization (SBH) methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The present study disclosed extremely high VL with highly dense smears with or without oligoclonal bands in SBH. A high VL of 10% or more was observed in 16 (43.2%) of a total of 33 samples (one of 13 asymptomatic carriers, 8 of 12 symptomatic carriers, and 7 of 8 patients with lymphoma-type ATL without circulating ATL cells). In particular, an extremely high VL of 50% or more was limited to symptomatic carriers whose band findings always contained at least dense smears derived from polyclonally expanded cells infected with HTLV-1. Sequential samples revealed that the VL value was synchronized with the presence or absence of dense smears, and declined at the same time as disappearing dense smears. Dense smears transiently emerged at the active stage of the underlying disease. After disappearance of the smears, several clonal bands became visible and were persistently retained, explaining the process by which the clonality of HTLV-1-infected cells is established. The cases with only oligoclonal bands tended to maintain a stable VL of around 20% for a long time. Two of such cases developed ATL 4 and 3.5 years later, suggesting that a high VL with oligoclonal bands may be a predisposing risk to ATL.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The main contributor to extremely high VL seems to be transient emergence of dense smears detected by the sensitivity level of SBH, corresponding to polyclonal expansion of HTLV-1-infected cells including abundant small clones. Major clones retained after disappearance of dense smears stably persist and acquire various malignant characteristics step by step.</p