90 research outputs found

    Analisi del fenomeno di sospensione di solidi in reattori agitati

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    Dal principio di conservazione della quantità di moto e di materia si ricava un sistema di equazioni che descrive il campo di moto di un fluido. Se il moto è turbolento non esiste una soluzione analitica e per trovare una soluzione occorre necessariamente far uso di potenti calcolatori che implementano velocemente alcuni algoritmi. Tale analisi è conosciuta con l'acronimo CFD che sta per Computational Fluid Dynamics. Nonostante siano stati sviluppati modelli per effettuare previsioni per un grande numero di situazioni, ancora nessuno studio ha prodotto una trattazione di validità generale; sicché a volte è necessario confrontare i modelli con un'indagine sperimentale. In questo modo è possibile ottenere un'approssimazione del campo di moto del fluido senza ricorrere alla CFD. Il lavoro di tesi svolto ha avuto come scopo la caratterizzazione dei fenomeni di sospensione in una porzione di spazio ben delimitata compresa tra la base di un recipiente cilindrico e l'estremità della girante. Il fenomeno per la fase liquida è stato studiato con il software della Dantec Dynamics e si basa sulla Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), una tecnica sperimentale profondamente conosciuta oramai standardizzata e di facile ripetibilità. Per la fase solida è stata messa a punto una tecnica che individua le particelle in sospensione e grafica l'andamento del numero di particelle in funzione del tempo. Osservando i dati nel dominio del tempo è impossibile caratterizzare la sospensione. Tuttavia, si ricava un comportamento di tipo periodico se lo stesso segnale viene osservato nel dominio delle frequenze. Il lavoro di tesi ha messo in evidenza che il fenomeno di sospensione non è il risultato di un bilancio di forze sulle particelle allo stato stazionario ma è causato da fenomeni turbolenti transitori della fase liquida. Inoltre è stato ricavato che la sospensione è facilitata da alte velocità di rotazione e da un elevato numero di baffles

    I danni non patrimoniali tra risarcimento e sanzione. Analisi di un protocollo normativo

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    L'elaborato intende proporre parametri di razionalizzazione e delimitazione della riparazione di perdite non patrimoniali, anche in considerazione delle preoccupazioni concernenti una eccessiva dilatazione del danno risarcibile e nella prospettiva della possibile configurazione di un risarcimento punitivo, nel rispetto delle posizioni assunte dai giudici di legittimità intorno alla nozione e alle funzioni del danno non patrimoniale

    Una testimonianza bizantina finora ignorata sulla Filosofia Caldaica di Proclo

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    Symeon Seth, in the 11th century, mentions a fish (φιλομήλα) saying that Proclus dealt with it “in his exposition of Chaldaic philosophy”

    Preimplantation biopsy predicts delayed graft function, glomerular filtration rate and long-term graft survival of transplanted kidneys

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    Background The predictive value of preimplantation biopsies for long-term graft function is often limited by conflicting results. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of time-zero graft biopsy histological scores on early and late graft function, graft survival and patient survival, at different time points. Methods We retrospectively analyzed 284 preimplantation biopsies at a single center, in a cohort of recipients with grafts from live and deceased donors (standard and nonstandard), and their impact in posttransplant renal function after a mean follow-up of 7 years (range 1–16). Implantation biopsy score (IBS), a combination score derived from 4 histopathological aspects, was determined from each sample. The correlation with incidence of delayed graft function (DGF), creatinine clearance (1st, 3rd and 5th posttransplant year) and graft and patient survival at 1 and 5 years were evaluated. Results Preimplantation biopsies provided somewhat of a prognostic index of early function and outcome of the transplanted kidney in the short and long term. In the immediate posttransplantation period, the degree of arteriolosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis correlated better with the presence of DGF. IBS values between 4 and 6 were predictive of worst renal function at 1st and 3rd years posttransplant and 5-year graft survival. The most important histological finding, in effectively transplanted grafts, was the grade of interstitial fibrosis. Patient survival was not influenced by IBS. Conclusions Higher preimplantation biopsy scores predicted an increased risk of early graft losses, especially primary nonfunction. Graft survival (at 1st and 5th years after transplant) but not patient survival was predicted by IBS

    Piloting the Climate Security Sensitiveness Scoring Tool (CSST) A case study assessing the climate security sensitiveness of Climate-Smart Villages (CSV) in Nyando, Kenya

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    This report aims to pilot the Climate Security Sensitiveness Tool (CSST) on an existing climate adaptation intervention package: the Climate Smart Village (CSV) approach implemented in Nyando, Kenya. This report provides the theoretical and conceptual background underlying the CSST, it provides introductory information on the case study through describing the characteristics of the Nyando basin and of the CSV approach. It then proceeds on testing the CSST on this case study with the goal of providing recommendations for improving the conflict-sensitiveness and peace responsiveness of this climate action program

    Are climate- and peace and security-related policies coherent? A policy coherence analysis for climate security

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    The impacts of climate change and variability will likely be experienced in different and uneven ways depending on the different extents to which societies – and the communities within them – are exposed, vulnerable, or possess the adaptive capacity to mitigate said impacts. Certain countries, such as those located near the equator or the poles, are exposed to a rapidly changing climate to a greater degree than other countries. Furthermore, countries whose economies are highly dependent on climate-sensitive resources and sectors and that face challenges in diversifying their economic base are inherently more vulnerable to climate-induced perturbations (Feitelson & Tubi, 2017). These forms of exposure can be compounded by persistent or periodically high levels of fragility – defined by the World Bank (2011) as periods when states or institutions lack the capacity, accountability, or legitimacy to mediate relations between citizen groups and between citizens and the state – which can in turn undermine the extent to which societies as a whole and certain groups within them possess the adaptive capacity to manage, absorb or mitigate climate risks. Communities that are highly dependent on climate-vulnerable livelihoods and sectors, face socio-economic and political marginalisation (therefore possessing little scope or capacity for diversification), or that are located in unstable and conflict-prone environments are far more likely to experience tangibly destabilising climatic impacts than others. As a consequence of the uneven landscape upon which climate impacts play out, climate change is therefore likely to set in motion or accelerate any number of different existing processes of change simultaneously - yet in qualitatively different ways.  

    Evidence and processes for mainstreaming peacebuilding in climate adaptation efforts. A framework and a safeguard approach for conflict-sensitive and peace-responsive climate action: the Climate Security Sensitiveness Tool (CSST)

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    This paper aims to provide a theoretical and conceptual framework to distil the complex problem around linking climate adaptation, conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding, with the final goal of operationalizing it into a practical tool. By linking such fields of practice, it provides a scheme for climate action practitioners to better identify and address contextual drivers of conflict and insecurity while advancing peacebuilding processes. This paper lays the theoretical groundwork for this model and presents an actionable ex-ante tool for prioritizing mechanisms to address contextual conflict and insecurity drivers when designing climate adaptation interventions


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    Objetivo: elaborar estrategias de fortalecimiento para la articulación de los servicios municipales que componen la red de atención psicosocial. Método: pesquisa participante con aproximación cualitativa, realizada en marzo y abril de 2019 en un municipio en el sur de Brasil. La recolección de datos implico el análisis documental, cuestionario y grupo focal. Muestra compuesta por trece profesionales de Atención Básica, Núcleo Ampliado de Salud Familiar, Policlínica Municipal, Centro de Atención Psicosocial y Hospital General. El análisis de los datos según Minayo y elaboración de estrategias mediante la triangulación de los datos. Resultados: potencialidades y fragilidades encontradas en la vida profesional cotidiana, organización y articulación de la red, y estrategias para fortalecerla. Entre las estrategias elaboradas se destacan la necesidad de apoyo matricial en los servicios de salud, la capacitación y el empoderamiento de los profesionales. Conclusión: Hay escasez de literatura sobre estrategias para la articulación de la red y se recomiendan nuevos estudios. La actual investigación indica la importancia e inevitabilidad de la articulación, lo que contribuye a mejorar la práctica.Objetivo: elaborar estratégias de fortalecimento para articulação dos serviços municipais que compõem a rede de atenção psicossocial.Método: pesquisa participante, de abordagem qualitativa, realizada em março e abril de 2019 em um município do sul do Brasil. A coleta de dados envolveu análise documental, questionário e grupo focal. Amostra composta por treze profissionais da Atenção Básica, Núcleo Ampliado Saúde da Família, Policlínica Municipal, Centro de Atenção Psicossocial e Hospital Geral. Análise dos dados de acordo com Minayo, elaboradas as estratégias através da triangulação dos dados.Resultados: potencialidades e fragilidades encontradas no cotidiano profissional, organização e articulação da rede, e estratégias para fortalecê-la. Dentre as estratégias elaboradas, destacam-se a necessidade do matriciamento nos serviços de saúde, capacitação, empoderamento dos profissionais.Conclusão: A literatura é escassa sobre as estratégias para articulação da rede, recomendando-se novos estudos. A atual pesquisa mostra a importância e inevitalidade da articulação, contribuindo na melhora da prática.Objective: to elaborate strategies of strengthening for articulating the municipal services that make up the psychosocial care network.Method: participant research with qualitative approach, carried out in the months of March and April 2019 in a municipality of the South of Brazil. Data collection involved a documental analysis, questionnaire and focus group. Sample composed by thirteen professionals of Basic Health Care, Expanded Nucleus of Family Health, Municipal Polyclinic, Psychosocial Care Center and General Hospital. Data analysis according to Minayo and elaboration of strategies through data triangulation.Results: potentialities and weaknesses found in daily professional work, organization and articulation of the network, and strategies to strengthen it. Among the strategies elaborated, the need for matrix support in health services, training and empowerment of professionals stand out.Conclusion: Literature is scarce on strategies for network articulation, and new studies are recommended. The current research shows the importance and unavoidability of articulation, contributing for the improvement of practice

    Putting gender at the heart of climate security

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    Climate-related threats to human security affect millions of people worldwide, but not equally. The most marginalized, including women, youth and ethnic minorities are often disproportionately impacted because of deeply rooted gender and social norms, relations and inequalities that inhibit their capacity to adapt and respond to these shocks. For the discussion, we focused on the following key questions: • How do climate-related security risks impact men and women differently, and how can we assess and analyse these impacts better? • What kind of approaches are best suited to address the gender and climate security nexus? • Why is it important to engage women and young people when designing and implementing programs? • Where do gaps lie with how policymakers and researchers have engaged with gender and climate security previously, and what needs to be done in the future to inform future research and policy