136 research outputs found

    Kebugaran Jasmani Mahasiswa Hubungannya Dengan Indeks Masa Tubuh Dan Kadar Haemoglobin

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    This research is intended to determine whether or not there is a correlation between body mass index and content of hemoglobin with physical fitness, either separately or simultaneously. The research method employed is a survey conducted from August 1999 to January 2000. The subjects of the research were 80 students of the Sport and Health Department of FKIP UNS. The data, the score of performance of three variables above, were collected through measurement and tests. The technique of data analysis applied here was the technique of regression and correlation. The result of analysis showed that there was a negative correlation between body mass index and physical fitness, and a positive correlation between content of hemoglobin and physical fitness, either separately or simultaneously

    Anak Jakarta; A Sketch Of Indonesian Youth Identity

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    Anak Jakarta refers to the youth of Jakarta, the trend-setters of the Indonesian youth. This paper gives a sketch of the youth in Jakarta as characterized by their appearance, language and lifestyle. Information is derived from discussions and personal contact with different groups of youth and parents (adults with children) in Jakarta; literature review, observations, as well as from flashbacks given by the adults, providing a portrait of anak Jakarta since late 1980's. The youth in Jakarta is Western (American) oriented, copying from the mass- and social media, often times conflicting with local norms and parental advices. Anak Jakarta profile includes: youth created slang language, school gang fights (tawuran) and brand minded consumerism. Jakarta youth has become the role model for most youth all over Indonesia, especially Jakarta migrant youth. Family upbringing, social contact, peer group and the media play a crucial role in forming, transforming and disseminating the characteristics anak Jakarta identity

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning terhadap Pengetahuan Bencana Alam di Indonesia dan Perilaku Cinta Lingkungan Hidup Siswa Kelas X SMA N 2 Surakarta Tahun 2015

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    The purpose of this research is; (1) To know the influence of the learning model of Project Based Learning onthe increase of knowledge of natural disaster in Indonesia students of class x SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta onlearning geography basic competence of disaster mitigation; (1) To know the influence of learning model oflearning based on influence toward the increase of love behavior of environment of student of class X SMANegeri 2 Surakarta on geography learning of basic competence of disaster mitigation.This research is quasiexperimental research (Quasiexperimental reseach) with research design of randomized control group design.The population of this research is the students of class X Social Sciences (IIS) SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta. Thesample of this research as much as two classes that class X IIS 1 as experiment class and class X IIS 2 ascontrol class.The sampling technique used in this research is using Simple Random Sampling, where thisresearch is not done on entire population, but focused on target or certain class. The results of this study showthat; (1) Project Based Learning Model is very effective in increasing the knowledge of natural disasters inIndonesia students of class X SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta in geography learning basic competence of disastermitigation; (2) Project Based Learning Model is very effective in improving the love behavior of the students ofclass X SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta in geography learning basic competence of disaster mitigation

    Implementasi Kebijakan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Melalui Kurmikro PT. Bri Unit Soekarno-hatta Kota Malang

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    Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah masih adanya permasalahan kemiskinan di Indonesia membutuhkan penanganan dari pemerintah untuk segera ditanggulangi. Perpres No. 15 Tahun 2010 tentang percepatan penanggulangan kemiskinan menjadi kebijakan yang secara khusus mengatur tentang percepatan penanggulangan kemiskinan, dimana diantaranya memuat tentang kebijakan pemberian Kredit Usaha Rakyat bagi pelaku USAha di Indonesia. Penelitian ini sebagai kajian khusus terhadap PT. BRI Unit Soekarno-Hatta kota Malang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja PT. BRI Unit Soekarno - Hatta dalam implementasi kebijakan Kredit Usaha Rakyat Mikro ditinjau dari aspek isi dan lingkungan dari kebijakan menunjukkan hasil yang sangat baik. Faktor yang mendukung adalah karakteristik PT. BRI Persero Tbk yang merupakan profesional dibidang perbankan. Permasalahannya adalah keterbatasan PT. BRI Persero Tbk dalam melakukan kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi atas pengentasan kemiskinan sesuai dengan tujuan dari Peraturan Presiden No. 15 Tahun 2010. Kebijakan KUR Mikro membawa dampak yang positif bagi laju ekonomi dan USAha UMKM. PT. BRI dalam penyaluran KUR Mikro dengan target yang tinggi akan meningkatkan resiko terjadinya kerugian akibat munculnya kredit macet sehingga untuk menghindarinya maka permohonan kredit harus dinilai oleh sesuai profesionalisme lembaga perbankan
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