253 research outputs found

    Kondisi Psikologis Mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton (UMB) dalam Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Pandemi

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    Pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring di masa pandemi memunculkan berbagai masalah bagi peserta didik termasuk keluhan kondisi psikologis, maka dari itu perlu dilakukan suatu penelitian untuk mendeteksi bagaimana kondisi psikologi mahasiswa selama penerapan pembelajaran daring. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode Survey. Variabel  penelitian yaitu keluhan psikologis dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring dan mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton.  Subyek penelitian ialah mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton (UM. Buton) yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik simple Random Sampling sehingga diperoleh 80 sampel penelitian.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara deskriptif bahwa mahasiswa mengalami keluhan psikologis dalam mengikuti pembelajaran daring dimasa pandemic, hal tersebut diukur menggunakan indikator psikologis. Adapun keluhan psikologis yang dialami oleh mahasiwa yakni; 77,5% mahasiswa bosan dan tidak bosan 22,5%, cemas 45% dan tidak cemas adalah 55%, stress 57,5% dan tidak stress 42,5%, resah 57,5% dan tidak resah ada 42,5%, pusing 73,8% dan tidak pusing ada 26,2% dan mahasiswa yang berharap agar pembelajaran daring segera berakhir ada 95% dan yang merasa tidak resah ada,5%. Kesimpulannya adalah terdapat keluhan psikologi yang dialami mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Muhammadiya Buton (UMB) dalam mengikuti pembelajaran daring di masa pendemi. Dengan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan pendidik lebih selektif dalam memilih metode dan sarana pembelajaran darin

    Distingsi Hadis Bid’ah Perspektif Muhammadiyah dan Wahabi-Salafi

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    Muhammadiyah and Wahabi groups are revivalist Islamic movements, which in their struggle are both against heresy, so that their similarities make them look the same, some even say that Muhammadiyah is part of Wahhabism. then what is the difference in understanding heresy in the view of Muhammadiyah and Wahhabis. The methodology used in this research is Qualitative (Library research). Literature research that uses a comparative approach. By collecting all the materials for books, journals, reference papers related to the understanding of Muhammadiyah and Wahhabism about the heretical hadith. Then the data is reviewed, criticized, analyzed critically and comparatively, then a conclusion is drawn. As for the findings; First, in Muhammadiyah's understanding of the hadith, bid'ah is divided into two, namely hasanah bid'ah and dhalalah bid'ah, while according to Wahhabis all bid'ah is dhalalah. Second, Wahhabis consider relying on dhaif hadith as a heretical heresy, while Muhammadiyah allows apologies to motivate worship. Third, regarding tawassul, Wahhabis do not justify tawassul to pious people, whether living or dead, in contrast to Muhammadiyah which allows tawassul to pious people who are still alive, and not to the dead


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    This study aims to determine community empowerment during the Covid-19 period through recitation programs, both community empowerment in the intellectual, economic and health fields. This research is a field research with a descriptive method approach that is in accordance with field phenomenology. The theory used is the concept of community empowerment from M Quraish Shihab. The results showed that intellectual, economic and public health empowerment did not work as expected by Takmir Masjid as was the case before the Covid-19 pandemic. The recitation program seeks to improve the welfare of the community in the intellectual, economic and health fields. The impact of this research is expected to provide scientific contributions in improving the welfare of the community


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    Speaking of mosque-based empowerment, then in the perspective of da'wah can be ascertained that the empowerment activity in question is Islamic empowerment and makes the mosque the center of its activities to realize the happiness of Islamic society in a secular and ukhrawi. Besides, the activity can restore the function of the mosque which should not only be a place of worship but also serve as a place of social activities such as empowerment activities. This article was compiled using qualitative methods through a literary study approach. Literature studies are conducted by collecting, reading, and analyzing various literature or references such as books, scientific journals, and various other scientific works related to mosque-based empowerment, da'wah-based empowerment, empowerment preaching, and so on. This article is about; definition of empowerment and da'wah, the nature and function of the mosque, the nature of empowerment and da'wah and discuss in detail mosque-based empowerment from the perspective of da'wah. This study is expected to be a contribution to empowerment agencies especially for scientists and da'wah practitioners who want to realize the welfare of the Islamic community of the world and the afterlife. As a reference for empowerment institutions, religious institutions, and other social institutions to empower the Islamic community to the maximum and sustainable

    Pengaruh Al-Manar (1898-1935) Terhadap Al-Imam (1906-1908)

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    Magazine Al-Imam is published after Al-Manar. And Al-Manar ia published after Al-'Urwat al Wutsqa. Al-'Urwatul Wusqo issued by Sheikh Jamaluddin al-Afghani and Sheikh Muhammad Abduh in Paris, France has succeeded in planting the seeds of modernization among Muslims worldwide. The spirit of Al-'Urwatul Wusqo forwarded by 'Abduh's disciple Rashid Ridho together with Al-Manar published in Egypt. Effect of Al-Manar Islam spread to various countries including the archipelago. The effect was taken by Sheikh Tahir Jalaluddin after completing his studies at Al-Azhar University in Egypt


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    Non performing loan at BMT El-Ikhwanusshafa has increased every year, especially in 2018, where 17 out of 45 customers experienced Non performing loan (32.39%). The Non performing loan figure at BMT has exceeded the standard set by the Kementerian Koperasi and UMKM as well as the internal standard, which is 5%. The purpose of this research is to know the elements of deliberate and unintentional causes of Non performing loan as well as the efforts of BMT El-Ikhwanusshafa in minimizing Non performing loan. The results of the first research, external factors from the deliberate element, namely customers do not deposit installments regularly, installment funds are used to meet personal and family needs and the BMT does not carry out strict installment collections. Second, external factors from an accidental element that causes non performing loan at BMT El-Ikhwanusshafa, namely customers are unable to overcome problems, lack of business control, lose business competition and experience business failure so that they cannot pay their obligations to BMT El-Ikhwanusshafa. The efforts of BMT El-Ikhwanusshafa in minimizing bad credit have not been maximized because after the disbursement of funds, BMT has not implemented supervision, asked for receipts for purchases of goods needed by members and has not implemented the principle of withdrawing guarantee

    AL-MUNIR (1911-1916)

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    Sejarah penerbitan Al-Munir (1911-1916) tidak bisa dilepaskan dari majalah Al-Imam (1906-1909) yang diterbitkan di Singapura. Al-Munir sebagai pengganti Al-Imam bercita-cita memajukan bangsa Melayu-Indonesia, baik dalam masalah agama maupun dalam masalah sosial. Media dakwah ini disebarkan melalui jaringan Kaum Muda mulai dari Minangkabau ke daerah, Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Riau, Bengkulu, Palembang, Lampung, Jawa, Sulawesi sampai ke Kalimantan. Bahkan penyebarannya juga mencapai Malaysia,  Thailand serta Kamboja. Al-Munir telah memberikan sumbangan yang signifikan terhadap perkembangan dakwah di Nusantara pada awal abad ke 20 M

    Materi Dakwah Majalah Al-Munir

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    This literary is aimed to express the classification of Islamic preaching material of Al-Munir. Based on the research by studying directly the primary source of Al-Munir magazine published between the years 1911 to 1915, found that the material contained in the Islamic preaching magazine Al-Munir consists of the form of articles, correspondence, news and advertising.

    Hadis dan Media Abad Ke-20 (Penolakan Hadis Dhaif tentang Larangan Wanita Diberi Pendidikan dalam Majalah al-Munir)

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    Al-Munir's magazine as a writing medium that emerged in the early 20th century is a form of manifestation of renewing understanding in the media, especially writing media. This article aims to explore hadith and the media in the 20th century, especially regarding al-Munir's rejection of the dhaif hadith related to prohibiting women from being given education. The method used is a literature study method with a qualitative descriptive analysis approach. Al-Munir rejected the use of daif hadith as a source and basis for taking law from an issue. This can be seen from their (mudo) rejection of the hadith that prohibits women from being given an educational history by the Judge of Ibn Mas'ud being opposed and rejected because this hadith is dhaif. Al-Munir assessed that women also have the right to seek knowledge because this is obligatory for all Muslims without exception, apart from that working after studying is also a highlight and permissibility for them. However, the duties of being a housewife and being responsible for children's education cannot be ignored and this remains an obligation that cannot be represented. Indirectly, al-Munir was a media pioneer in the rejection of discrimination against women and the dissemination of writings about providing education to women. However, the duties of being a housewife and being responsible for children's education cannot be ignored and this remains an obligation that cannot be represented. Indirectly, al-Munir was a media pioneer in the rejection of discrimination against women and the dissemination of writings about providing education to women. However, the duties of being a housewife and being responsible for children's education cannot be ignored and this remains an obligation that cannot be represented. Indirectly, al-Munir was a media pioneer in the rejection of discrimination against women and the dissemination of writings about providing education to women


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    Diskusi ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan sejarah dan perkembangan Jamaah Tabligh, mengemukakan tokoh utama dan mengidentifikasi anggotanya, menjelaskan ideology dan metode dakwah yang digunakan oleh Jamaah Tabligh. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menemukan. Pertama, lahirnya Jamaah Tabligh dipengaruhi oleh kultur Islam lokal, marjinalisasi minoritas dan politik imperalisme Inggris. Kedua, tokoh utama dan pendiri gerakan ini adalah seorang ulama sufi yang dibesarkan dari kalangan sufi India yaitu Muhammad Ilyas bin Muhammad Ismail al-Kandahlawi, keanggotaan Jamaah Tabligh dibuat berdasarkan strata aktivitasnya ber-khuruj. Ketiga, Jamaah Tabligh berideologi ahlu sunnah wal-jama’ah, tidak fanatic mazhab dan berkepribadian sufistik dan jauh dari sifat radikalisme politik. Keempat, Jamaah Tabligh ditandai dengan metode dakwahnya yang khas, yaitu khuruj yang mereka tafsirkan dari ayat Alquran dan mencontoh ke zaman Nabi dan sahabatnya
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