4,599 research outputs found

    Study of the attitudes and future intentions of nursing students towards working with older people: an observational study

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    Background: Older people are increasing in the world leading to the fact that many nursing students will work in geriatric care setting. It was also reported the lack of knowledge and interest in working with older people by many nursing students. Therefore, the aim of the study is to explore the attitudes, wills, and intentions for the care of older people from nursing students. Methods: A sample of 383 students (mean age between 17 and 24; females: 76.2%) was divided according to the year. A questionnaire and three scales investigating the attitude for working with older persons (Kogan, Aday-Campbell, Nolan scales) were administered. Simple correlations across the three scales and the comparisons in means by year of graduation were reported. Results: Of the 383 students, 69.7% would take care of an older person, with the previous experience with older patients being the most important determinant in positive attitude of students in working with older people. The Kogan scale revealed a relatively positive attitude towards older people of the students involved; the Aday’s scale a reasonable willingness to take care of the older people; the Nolan scale a fair intention. Aday’s scale significantly correlated with Nolan’s scale and with Kogan’s scale as well as the Nolan scale correlated with the Kogan scale. Conclusion: Our study suggests that the quality of care provided to older people is related to the attitudes of health professionals indicating that nursing educators should adopt effective strategies to increase and promote students’ positive attitudes to older people. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Modified Profile Likelihood for Fixed-Effects Panel Data Models

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    We show how modified profile likelihood methods, developed in the statistical literature, may be effectively applied to estimate the structural parameters of econometric models for panel data, with a remarkable reduction of bias with respect to ordinary likelihood methods. Initially, the implementation of these methods is illustrated for general models for panel data including individual-specific fixed effects and then, in more detail, for the truncated linear regression model and dynamic regression models for binary data formulated along with different specifications. Simulation studies show the good behavior of the inference based on the modified profile likelihood, even when compared to an ideal, although infeasible, procedure (in which the fixed effects are known) and also to alternative estimators existing in the econometric literature. The proposed estimation methods are implemented in an R package that we make available to the reader

    Geometric invariant theory approach to the determination of ground states of D-wave condensates in isotropic space

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    A complete and rigorous determination of the possible ground states for D-wave pairing Bose condensates is presented, using a geometrical invariant theory approach to the problem. The order parameter is argued to be a vector, transforming according to a ten dimensional real representation of the group G=G={\bf O}3_3\otimes{\bf U}1×_1\times . We determine the equalities and inequalities defining the orbit space of this linear group and its symmetry strata, which are in a one-to-one correspondence with the possible distinct phases of the system. We find 15 allowed phases (besides the unbroken one), with different symmetries, that we thoroughly determine. The group-subgroup relations between bordering phases are pointed out. The perturbative sixth degree corrections to the minimum of a fourth degree polynomial GG-invariant free energy, calculated by Mermin, are also determined.Comment: 27 revtex pages, 2 figures, use of texdraw; minor changes in the bibliography and in Table II

    Modifications to the profile likelihood in models with incidental nuisance parameters.

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    We study asymptotic properties of the profile and modified profile likelihoods in models for clustered data with incidental nuisance parameters. To his end , we use a two-index asymptotics setting. This means that both the sample size of the clusters, m, and the dimension of the nuisance parameter, q, may increase to infinity. It is shown that modified profile likelihoods give improvements, with respect to the profile likelihood, on consistency of estimates and on asymptotic distribution properties. In particular, the profile likelihood based statistics have the usual asymptotic distribution, provided that 1/m=o(q^(-1)) , while the analogous condition for modified profile likelihoods in 1/m=o(q^(-1/3))

    Eutrophication: are mayflies (Ephemeroptera) good bioindicators for ponds?

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    Ephemeroptera larvae are recognized worldwide for their sensitivity to oxygen depletion in running waters, and are therefore commonly used as bioindicators in many monitoring programmes. Mayflies inhabiting lentic waters, like lakes and ponds, in contrary have been poorly prospected in biomonitoring. For this purpose, a better understanding of their distribution in lentic habitats and of the relations of species presence with environmental conditions are needed. Within this framework, 104 ponds were sampled in Switzerland. The Ephemeroptera are found to be an insect order particularly well represented in the ponds studied here (93% of the lowland ponds). Nevertheless, in terms of diversity, they are relatively poorly represented (mean species number=1.9). Two species dominated: Cloeon dipterum (Baetidae) and Caenis horaria (Caenidae). The investigations contributed to the updating of the geographical distribution of the species in Switzerland, as many of the observations appear to be from new localities. The trophic state of ponds appears here to be important for Ephemeroptera communities. First, there is a negative relationship between total phosphorus (TP) concentrations and species richness. Second, the presence of Caenis horaria or Cloeon dipterum is dependent on the trophic state. Caenis horaria is most closely associated with low levels of TP concentrations, while Cloeon dipterum appears to be less sensitive, and is most frequently found in hypertrophic conditions. A probable consequence of these relations, is that Baetidae are always present when Caenidae are also present. Contrastingly, Baetidae is observed as the only mayflies family present in several pond

    Barley foliage diseases, Field pea diseases

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    A. Experimental Notes. Barley foliage diseases: B. Scald: Effect of various fungicides. c. Scald: Response of cultivars to fungicides. D. Scald: Effect of seeding rate on infection and yield. E. Scald: Testing of fungicides S3308L. F. Net blotch: Potential yield losses. G. Net blotch: Screening fungicides. H. Spot type net blotch: Simulated stubble retention. I. Spot type net blotch: Potential yield losses. J. Powdery mildew: Effect of simulated stubble retention. K. Powdery mildew: Time of fungicide application. L. Powdery mildew: Comparing fungicides. M. Powdery mildew: Testing fungicide S3308L. N. Powdery mildew: Response to Erex in farmer\u27s crops. o. Disease development and yield in barley cultivars. P. Response to Bayleton in farmer\u27s crops. Q. Disease resistance in stage 4 barley cultivars. Field pea diseases R. Black spot: Seed dressing and spray timing. S. Field Pea disease survey

    Twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence: current treatment options

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    Twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence is a specific and severe complication of monochorionic multiple pregnancy, characterized by vascular anastomosis and partial or complete lack of cardiac development in one twin. Despite its rarity, interest in the international literature is rising, and we aimed to review its pathogenesis, prenatal diagnostic features and treatment options. Due to the parasitic hemodynamic dependence of the acardiac twin on the pump twin, the management of these pregnancies aims to maximize the pump twin’s chances of survival. If treatment is needed, the best timing of intervention is still debated, although the latest studies encourage intervention in the first trimester of pregnancy. As for the technique of choice to interrupt the vascular supply to the acardiac twin, ultrasound-guided laser coagulation and radiofrequency ablation of the intrafetal vessels are usually the preferred approaches

    Cost-effectiveness of buffered soluble alendronate 70 mg effervescent tablet for the treatment of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis in Italy

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    Summary: The use of buffered soluble alendronate 70 mg effervescent tablet, a convenient dosing regimen for bisphosphonate therapy, seems a cost-effective strategy compared with relevant alternative treatments for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis aged 60 years and over in Italy. Introduction: To assess the cost-effectiveness of buffered soluble alendronate (ALN) 70 mg effervescent tablet compared with relevant alternative treatments for postmenopausal osteoporotic women in Italy. Methods: A previously validated Markov microsimulation model was adjusted to the Italian healthcare setting to estimate the lifetime costs (expressed in €2019) per quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) of buffered soluble ALN compared with generic ALN, denosumab, zoledronic acid and no treatment. Pooled efficacy data derived from the NICE network meta-analysis were used for bisphosphonate treatments. Two treatment duration scenarios were assessed: 1 year using persistence data derived from an Italian prospective observational study including 144 and 216 postmenopausal osteoporotic women on buffered soluble ALN and oral ALN, respectively, and 3 years. Analyses were conducted for women 60–80 years of age with a bone mineral density T-score ≤ − 3.0 or with existing vertebral fractures. Results: In all simulated populations, buffered soluble ALN was dominant (more QALYs, lower costs) compared to denosumab. The cost per QALY gained of buffered soluble ALN compared to generic ALN and no treatment always falls below €20,000 per QALY gained. In the 1-year treatment scenario, zoledronic acid was associated with more QALY than buffered soluble ALN but the cost per QALY gained of zoledronic acid compared with buffered soluble ALN was always higher than €70,000, while buffered soluble ALN was dominant in the 3-year treatment scenario. Conclusion: This study suggests that buffered soluble ALN represents a cost-effective strategy compared with relevant alternative treatments for postmenopausal osteoporosis women in Italy aged 60 years and over. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Do Patients with Bronchiectasis Have an Increased Risk of Developing Lung Cancer? A Systematic Review

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    Background: Initial evidence supports the hypothesis that patients with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFB) have a higher risk of lung cancer. We systematically reviewed the available literature to define the characteristics of lung malignancies in patients with bronchiectasis and the characteristics of patients who develop bronchiectasis-associated lung cancer. Method: This study was performed based on the PRISMA guidelines. The review protocol was registered in PROSPERO. Results: The frequency rates of lung cancer in patients with NCFB ranged from 0.93% to 8.0%. The incidence rate was 3.96. Cancer more frequently occurred in the elderly and males. Three studies found an overall higher risk of developing lung cancer in the NCFB population compared to the non-bronchiectasis one, and adenocarcinoma was the most frequently reported histological type. The effect of the co-existence of NCFB and COPD was unclear. Conclusions: NCFB is associated with a higher risk of developing lung cancer than individuals without NCFB. This risk is higher for males, the elderly, and smokers, whereas concomitant COPD’s effect is unclear

    Novel Role for CFTR in Fluid Absorption from the Distal Airspaces of the Lung

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    The active absorption of fluid from the airspaces of the lung is important for the resolution of clinical pulmonary edema. Although ENaC channels provide a major route for Na+ absorption, the route of Cl− transport has been unclear. We applied a series of complementary approaches to define the role of Cl− transport in fluid clearance in the distal airspaces of the intact mouse lung, using wild-type and cystic fibrosis ΔF508 mice. Initial studies in wild-type mice showed marked inhibition of fluid clearance by Cl− channel inhibitors and Cl− ion substitution, providing evidence for a transcellular route for Cl− transport. In response to cAMP stimulation by isoproterenol, clearance was inhibited by the CFTR inhibitor glibenclamide in both wild-type mice and the normal human lung. Although isoproterenol markedly increased fluid absorption in wild-type mice, there was no effect in ΔF508 mice. Radioisotopic clearance studies done at 23°C (to block active fluid absorption) showed ∼20% clearance of 22Na in 30 min both without and with isoproterenol. However, the clearance of 36Cl was increased by 47% by isoproterenol in wild-type mice but was not changed in ΔF508 mice, providing independent evidence for involvement of CFTR in cAMP-stimulated Cl− transport. Further, CFTR played a major role in fluid clearance in a mouse model of acute volume-overload pulmonary edema. After infusion of saline (40% body weight), the lung wet-to-dry weight ratio increased by 28% in wild-type versus 64% in ΔF508 mice. These results provide direct evidence for a functionally important role for CFTR in the distal airspaces of the lung