201 research outputs found

    Análise de arranjos para extração de óleos vegetais e suprimento de usina de biodiesel

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    This study aimed at the technical-economical evaluation of implanting some vegetal-oil extraction units in order to insert the family agriculture into bio-diesel production chain. Three project models (arrangements) for vegetal-oil extraction units at different sizes were proposed, using extraction by pressing and mixed extraction (extracting by either pressing or solvent) and different raw materials (castor-oil and soybean). For the size analysis, the oil production scales between 50/60 tons/day were used with real market data concerning investments, inputs prices of the process, raw materials and vegetal oil. For the economic analyses, the software BioSoft was used. The BioSoft is a program for supporting the decision-making process, which was developed through analyzing units of bio-diesel production, and it was adapted to evaluate units of vegetal oil extraction. It was concluded that the unit of chemical extraction producing castor and soybean oils shows more satisfactory results. However, this model presents less social return because the number of the families involved is lower, once, in using soybean, it operates with only 50% of raw material deriving from family agriculture.Vegetal oil, Extraction, Viability, Crop Production/Industries, L25, D81, L69.,

    Innovation in information technology (IT): Results of innovation in IT companies in Paraná, Brazil

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    Innovation has been consolidated as a critical element in the strategy of organizations in the most diverse segments of the market. Investing or not in innovation is a decision that can influence the competitiveness and sustainability of the business, as well as the permanence of a company in the market. Due to the great importance attributed to innovation, the objective of this paper is to draw a comparison between the initiatives related to investments in innovation in a set of IT companies in the state of Paraná and the main innovation alternatives listed in the literature national and international levels, evaluating the impacts caused by these investments, taking as the exploratory research the methodology addressed. Based on the results obtained, it has hoped that IT service companies will be able to increase their competitive potential and ensure the sustainability of their businesses


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    As pressões sociais, governamentais e de fornecedores têm provocado uma série de mudanças na forma como as empresas têm encarado as questões ambientais. O aumento das exigências impostas pelas legislações, bem como o interesse das empresas em se apresentarem como sustentáveis têm contribuído para a instalação de um ambiente que demanda um conjunto de ações práticas relacionadas ao meio ambiente e à sustentabilidade empresarial. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o nível de consciência ambiental dos colaboradores da empresa objeto de estudo, tendo em vista o apoio ao planejamento de ações voltadas ao meio ambiente e à sustentabilidade, que a empresa pretende implementar a partir de 2019. A partir de um questionário respondido por 64 dos quase 200 funcionários da empresa, foi aplicado o modelo VAPERCOM, a partir do qual foi possível identificar que, embora os funcionários tenham apresentado níveis que indicam a existência de consciência ambiental, eles não possuem a intensão de consumo ambiental. A partir dos resultados encontrados, conclusões, limitações e sugestões de pesquisas futuras são apresentadas ao final deste estudo

    Maternal Left Ventricular Function in Uncomplicated Twin Pregnancies: A Speckle-Tracking Imaging Longitudinal Study

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    Objective: The knowledge of maternal cardiovascular hemodynamic adaptation in twin pregnancies is incomplete. We aimed to longitudinally investigate maternal left ventricular (LV) function in uncomplicated twin pregnancies. Methods: 30 healthy and uncomplicated twin pregnant women and 30 controls with normal singleton pregnancies were prospectively enrolled to undergo transthoracic echocardiography at 10–15 week’s gestation (w) (T1), 19–26 w (T2) and 30–38 w (T3). LV dimensions and volumes, as well as LV ejection fraction (LVEF), mass (LVM) and diastolic parameters (at transmitral pulsed wave Doppler and mitral annular plane tissue Doppler), were calculated. Speckle-tracking imaging was also applied to evaluate LV global longitudinal (GLS), radial and circumferential 2D strains. Results: During twin pregnancy, maternal LV dimensions, volumes and LVM had an increasing trend from T1 to T3, similar to singletons, while LVEF remained stable. There was LV remodeling/hypertrophy in 50% of women at T2 and T3 in both groups. Diastolic function had a worsening trend from T1 to T3 with no differences between twins and singletons, except for higher LV filling pressure (i.e., E/E′) at T2 in twins. Two-dimensional strains did not vary during gestation in either group, except for a linear trend to increase (i.e., worsen) GLS in singletons. Radial and circumferential 2D strains were impaired in about half of the women at each trimester, while GLS was altered in one-fourth/one-third of them in both groups. Conclusion: Maternal LV geometry, dimensions and function are significantly impaired during twin pregnancies, in particular in the second half of gestation, with no significant differences compared to singletons


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    O estudo objetivou identificar a percepção de consumo ambiental e consciência ambiental, moderada pela confiança atribuída pelo consumidor agrícola de uma empresa do ramo de recauchutagem de pneus agrícolas, contrapondo com a análise da viabilidade da implementação de uma usina de reciclagem de pneus inservíveis. A metodologia incluiu um estudo de caso no qual foi aplicado um instrumento de análise de natureza quantitativa, aplicando-se um questionário para 160 agricultores clientes da empresa, seguido da análise de viabilidade de uma usina de reciclagem de pneus. Resultados indicam que a consciência ambiental está correlacionada com a intenção de consumo, sob influência da variável moderadora confiança. Os agricultores não acreditam que suas ações podem produzir danos irreparáveis ao meio ambiente; não se preocupam com a relação entre os seres humanos e a natureza e não acreditam que as suas ações possam, de fato, provocar a destruição dos recursos naturais; apresentaram certa indiferença em relação às políticas adotadas pelas empresas ambientalmente corretas. Apesar disso, a análise de viabilidade indicou que a usina tem bons potenciais de geração de receitas e retorno sobre o investimento em até dois anos, pois há um mercado próprio para a sua destinação e geração de receitas, não dependendo dos consumidores agrícolas da organização. Desta forma, além de prover uma destinação adequada para os resíduos a usina traz retornos financeiros ao investidor dentro de um curto período de tempo, podendo, inclusive, servirem de recursos para as campanhas de conscientização ambiental dos agricultores

    Non-neural phenotype of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy: Results from a large cohort of Italian patients

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    Objective: To carry out a deep characterisation of the main androgen-responsive tissues involved in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA). Methods: 73 consecutive Italian patients underwent a full clinical protocol including biochemical and hormonal analyses, genitourinary examination, bone metabolism and densitometry, cardiological evaluation and muscle pathology. Results: Creatine kinase levels were slightly to markedly elevated in almost all cases (68 of the 73; 94%). 30 (41%) patients had fasting glucose above the reference limit, and many patients had total cholesterol (40; 54.7%), low-density lipoproteins cholesterol (29; 39.7%) and triglyceride (35; 48%) levels above the recommended values. Although testosterone, luteinising hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone values were generally normal, in one-third of cases we calculated an increased Androgen Sensitivity Index reflecting the presence of androgen resistance in these patients. According to the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), 7/70 (10%) patients reported severe lower urinal tract symptoms (IPSS score >19), and 21/73 (30%) patients were moderately symptomatic (IPSS score from 8 to 19). In addition, 3 patients were carriers of an indwelling bladder catheter. Videourodynamic evaluation indicated that 4 of the 7 patients reporting severe urinary symptoms had an overt prostate-unrelated bladder outlet obstruction. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan data were consistent with low bone mass in 25/61 (41%) patients. Low bone mass was more frequent at the femoral than at the lumbar level. Skeletal muscle biopsy was carried out in 20 patients and myogenic changes in addition to the neurogenic atrophy were mostly observed. Conclusions: Our study provides evidence of a wide non-neural clinical phenotype in SBMA, suggesting the need for comprehensive multidisciplinary protocols for these patients. \ua9 2016 Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited

    Overview on electrical issues faced during the SPIDER experimental campaigns

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    SPIDER is the full-scale prototype of the ion source of the ITER Heating Neutral Beam Injector, where negative ions of Hydrogen or Deuterium are produced by a RF generated plasma and accelerated with a set of grids up to ~100 keV. The Power Supply System is composed of high voltage dc power supplies capable of handling frequent grid breakdowns, high current dc generators for the magnetic filter field and RF generators for the plasma generation. During the first 3 years of SPIDER operation different electrical issues were discovered, understood and addressed thanks to deep analyses of the experimental results supported by modelling activities. The paper gives an overview on the observed phenomena and relevant analyses to understand them, on the effectiveness of the short-term modifications provided to SPIDER to face the encountered issues and on the design principle of long-term solutions to be introduced during the currently ongoing long shutdown.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures. Presented at SOFT 202

    Disease-Modifying Therapies and Coronavirus Disease 2019 Severity in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Objective: This study was undertaken to assess the impact of immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory therapies on the severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in people with multiple sclerosis (PwMS). Methods: We retrospectively collected data of PwMS with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. All the patients had complete follow-up to death or recovery. Severe COVID-19 was defined by a 3-level variable: mild disease not requiring hospitalization versus pneumonia or hospitalization versus intensive care unit (ICU) admission or death. We evaluated baseline characteristics and MS therapies associated with severe COVID-19 by multivariate and propensity score (PS)-weighted ordinal logistic models. Sensitivity analyses were run to confirm the results. Results: Of 844 PwMS with suspected (n = 565) or confirmed (n = 279) COVID-19, 13 (1.54%) died; 11 of them were in a progressive MS phase, and 8 were without any therapy. Thirty-eight (4.5%) were admitted to an ICU; 99 (11.7%) had radiologically documented pneumonia; 96 (11.4%) were hospitalized. After adjusting for region, age, sex, progressive MS course, Expanded Disability Status Scale, disease duration, body mass index, comorbidities, and recent methylprednisolone use, therapy with an anti-CD20 agent (ocrelizumab or rituximab) was significantly associated (odds ratio [OR] = 2.37, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.18-4.74, p = 0.015) with increased risk of severe COVID-19. Recent use (<1 month) of methylprednisolone was also associated with a worse outcome (OR = 5.24, 95% CI = 2.20-12.53, p = 0.001). Results were confirmed by the PS-weighted analysis and by all the sensitivity analyses. Interpretation: This study showed an acceptable level of safety of therapies with a broad array of mechanisms of action. However, some specific elements of risk emerged. These will need to be considered while the COVID-19 pandemic persists