2,184 research outputs found

    Tecniche informatiche, riproduzioni 3D, esperienze museografiche

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    Si presentano una serie di sperimentazioni di soluzioni informatiche, tecniche e di riproduzione 3D di oggetti mobili, rilievi e mappe realizzati in vista di percorsi virtuali concernenti le collezioni del SIMUS (Sistema Museale Università di Siena) e per itinerari multisensoriali. L’esperienza di “Vietato non Toccare”, un progetto ispirato alla filosofia del Design for All, dimostra che alcune specifiche applicazioni informatiche sono importanti per garantire la fruizione del patrimonio storico-artistico anche ad utenze con disabilità sensoriali o cognitiv

    Grotta del Cavallo: sequenze d’uso dello spazio interno e nuove analisi in ambiente GIS dei livelli musteriani

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    Grotta del Cavallo, nel Salento, ben nota sin dalle ricerche di Arturo Palma di Cesnola negli anni ‘960 per le evidenze musteriane, uluzziane e dell’Epigravettiano finale, rappresenta uno dei siti chiave pugliesi e dell’Italia meridionale per la sequenza musteriana, compresa tra lo stadio isotopico 5e e la chiusura del locale ciclo musteriano attorno a 40.000 anni fa (Sarti et alii 2017, cum bibl.). Con la ripresa degli scavi (Sarti, a partire dagli anni ‘980) tale sequenza del Paleolitico medio, confermata nelle macrounità stratigrafiche messe in luce dalle prime indagini, è stata dettagliata in una ricca serie di paleosuperfici (oltre che di “strati spessi”) che si presentano talora strutturate con impianti funzionali. Alcune di esse sono oggetto di questa comunicazion

    Intraoperative β-Detecting probe for radio-guided surgery in tumour resection

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    The development of the β− based radio-guided surgery aims to extend the technique to those tumours where surgery is the only possible treatment and the assessment of the resection would most profit from the low background around the lesion, as for brain tumours. Feasibility studies on meningioma and gliomas already estimated the potentiality of this new treatment. To validate the technique, a prototype of the intraoperative probe detecting β− decays and specific phantoms simulating tumour remnant patterns embedded in healthy tissue have been realized. The response of the probe in this simulated environment is tested with dedicated procedures. This document discusses the innovative aspects of the method, the status of the developed intraoperative β− detecting probe and the results of the preclinical tests

    The ‘Hidden Foods’ project: new research into the role of plant foods in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic societies of South-east Europe and Italy

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    The ‘Hidden Foods’ project is a new research programme aimed at reconstructing the importance of plant foods in prehistoric forager subsistence in Southern Europe, with a particular focus on Italy and the Balkans. The role of plant foods in pre-agrarian societies remains one of the major issues of world prehistory. Popular narratives still envisage ancient foragers as primarily ‘meat-eaters’, mainly as a consequence of the poor preservation of plant remains in early prehistoric contexts, and due to the employment of methods particularly focused on the contribution of animal protein to human diet (e.g. isotope analysis) (e.g. Bocherens 2009; Jones 2009; Richards 2009). Recently, new methods applied to archaeological evidence have provided a different understanding of hunter-gatherer dietary preference and interaction with the environment. Harvesting and processing might not have been the sole prerogative of agricultural societies, and plant foods seem to have played an important role amongst hunter-gatherers (e.g. Revedin et al. 2010

    An Intraoperative β−\beta^- Detecting Probe For Radio-Guided Surgery in Tumour Resection

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    The development of the β−\beta^- based radio-guided surgery aims to extend the technique to those tumours where surgery is the only possible treatment and the assessment of the resection would most profit from the low background around the lesion, as for brain tumours. Feasibility studies on meningioma, glioma, and neuroendocrine tumors already estimated the potentiality of this new treatment. To validate the technique, prototypes of the intraoperative probe required by the technique to detect β−\beta^- radiation have been developed. This paper discusses the design details of the device and the tests performed in laboratory. In such tests particular care has to be taken to reproduce the surgical field conditions. The innovative technique to produce specific phantoms and the dedicated testing protocols is described in detail.Comment: 7 pages, 15 figure

    Monitoring of hadrontherapy treatments by means of charged particle detection

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    The interaction of the incoming beam radiation with the patient body in hadrontherapy treatments produces secondary charged and neutral particles, whose detection can be used for monitoring purposes and to perform an on-line check of beam particle range. In the context of ion-therapy with active scanning, charged particles are potentially attractive since they can be easily tracked with a high efficiency, in presence of a relatively low background contamination. In order to verify the possibility of exploiting this approach for in-beam monitoring in ion-therapy, and to guide the design of specific detectors, both simulations and experimental tests are being performed with ion beams impinging on simple homogeneous tissue-like targets (PMMA). From these studies, a resolution of the order of few millimeters on the single track has been proven to be sufficient to exploit charged particle tracking for monitoring purposes, preserving the precision achievable on longitudinal shape. The results obtained so far show that the measurement of charged particles can be successfully implemented in a technology capable of monitoring both the dose profile and the position of the Bragg peak inside the target and finally lead to the design of a novel profile detector. Crucial aspects to be considered are the detector positioning, to be optimized in order to maximize the available statistics, and the capability of accounting for the multiple scattering interactions undergone by the charged fragments along their exit path from the patient body. The experimental results collected up to now are also valuable for the validation of Monte Carlo simulation software tools and their implementation in Treatment Planning Software packages

    Extended calibration range for prompt photon emission in ion beam irradiation

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    Monitoring the dose delivered during proton and carbon ion therapy is still a matter of research. Among the possible solutions, several exploit the measurement of the single photon emission from nuclear decays induced by the irradiation. To fully characterize such emission the detectors need development, since the energy spectrum spans the range above the MeV that is not traditionally used in medical applications. On the other hand, a deeper understanding of the reactions involving gamma production is needed in order to improve the physic models of Monte Carlo codes, relevant for an accurate prediction of the prompt-gamma energy spectrum.This paper describes a calibration technique tailored for the range of energy of interest and reanalyzes the data of the interaction of a 80MeV/u fully stripped carbon ion beam with a Poly-methyl methacrylate target. By adopting the FLUKA simulation with the appropriate calibration and resolution a significant improvement in the agreement between data and simulation is reported.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to JINS

    Towards a Radio-guided Surgery with β−\beta^{-} Decays: Uptake of a somatostatin analogue (DOTATOC) in Meningioma and High Grade Glioma

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    A novel radio guided surgery (RGS) technique for cerebral tumors using β−\beta^{-} radiation is being developed. Checking the availability of a radio-tracer that can deliver a β−\beta^{-} emitter to the tumor is a fundamental step in the deployment of such technique. This paper reports a study of the uptake of 90Y labeled (DOTATOC) in the meningioma and the high grade glioma (HGG) and a feasibility study of the RGS technique in these cases.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure
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