72 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Temperatur Tuang dan Jumlah Saluran Turun terhadap Sifat Fisis dan Mekanis Coran Besi Cor Nodular

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    The purpose of this research is to know the result of nodular cast iron specimen test on chemical composition, microstructure, hardness, tensile and impact test for 1542 C (drop down 2,3 and 4), 1554C down 2.3 and 4 pcs), and pour temperature 1568C (channel down 2.3 and 4 pieces). The material under study is a nodular cast iron specimen. Variations of specimens include: specimen A = casting temperature 1542C (channel down 2,3 and 4 pieces), specimen B = casting temperature 1554C (channel down 2,3 and 4 pieces), and specimen C = pour temperature 1568 C (channel down 2.3 and 4 pieces). Tests performed: chemical composition test (Spectrometer-ASTM E 415), microstructure test (Olympus Metallurgical Microscope and Olympus Photomicrographic System-ASTM E 7), hardness test (Macrohardness Vickers Tester-ASTM E 92) tensile test (Universal servohydraulic-servopulser-ASTM E 8M test device) and impact test (Charpy Impact Tester-ASTM E 32). From the results of testing the chemical composition can be known that the specimens used are nodular cast iron (round graphite). With the chemical composition of the main elements: iron (Fe) = 92.54%; carbon (C) = 3.7727%, silicon (Si) = 3.0761% and Manganese (Mn) = 0.3663%. From the observation of microstructure on each specimen temperature 1542 C, 1554 C and 1568 C obtained graphite phase, perlite and ferrite. From the hardness test, the average hardness of consecutive samples of 1542 ° C was highest on 2 drops (271,3 VHN), 4 drops (253,9 VHN) and 3 channels down (240,1 VHN ). Temperatures of 1554 C were found to be the highest successive mean hardness in 2 downhill lines (265.9 VHN), 4 dropped channels (256.1 VHN) and the lowest of 3 drops (253.9 VHN). Temperature 1568 C obtained the highest successive average hardness on 2 down channels (270,6 VHN). The following channels dropped 4 pieces (253.9 VHN) and the lowest on 3 down channels (231.9 VHN). The highest tensile strength to the lowest for all successive pour temperatures is found in 2 downlets, 4 pieces and 3 pieces. The highest impact price to the lowest occurred at higher casting temperature to lower consecutive temperature obtained in the channel down 4 pieces, 2 pieces and 3 pieces

    Novel curcumin- and emodin-related compounds identified by in silico 2D/3D conformer screening induce apoptosis in tumor cells

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    BACKGROUND: Inhibition of the COP9 signalosome (CSN) associated kinases CK2 and PKD by curcumin causes stabilization of the tumor suppressor p53. It has been shown that curcumin induces tumor cell death and apoptosis. Curcumin and emodin block the CSN-directed c-Jun signaling pathway, which results in diminished c-Jun steady state levels in HeLa cells. The aim of this work was to search for new CSN kinase inhibitors analogue to curcumin and emodin by means of an in silico screening method. METHODS: Here we present a novel method to identify efficient inhibitors of CSN-associated kinases. Using curcumin and emodin as lead structures an in silico screening with our in-house database containing more than 10(6 )structures was carried out. Thirty-five compounds were identified and further evaluated by the Lipinski's rule-of-five. Two groups of compounds can be clearly discriminated according to their structures: the curcumin-group and the emodin-group. The compounds were evaluated in in vitro kinase assays and in cell culture experiments. RESULTS: The data revealed 3 compounds of the curcumin-group (e.g. piceatannol) and 4 of the emodin-group (e.g. anthrachinone) as potent inhibitors of CSN-associated kinases. Identified agents increased p53 levels and induced apoptosis in tumor cells as determined by annexin V-FITC binding, DNA fragmentation and caspase activity assays. CONCLUSION: Our data demonstrate that the new in silico screening method is highly efficient for identifying potential anti-tumor drugs

    Recovery in treated aphasia in the first year post-stroke.

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    Quantitative study of the rate of recovery from aphasia due to ischemic stroke.

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    Acquired Aphasia in Children

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    An Atypical Case of Taravana Syndrome in Mediterraneo

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    Dysbaric accidents are usually referred to compressed air-supplied diving. Nonetheless, diving accidents are known to have occurred among breath-hold divers also and some cases are reported in medical literature. A male professional breath hold diver (57 year old) presented neurological disorders as dizziness, sensory numbness, blurred vision and left phronto-parietal pain after many dives to a 30-35 meters seawater depth. He went home after the regression of the symptoms and runned 8 Km the following morning. Pain, sensory numbness and dizziness occurred after running. He went by himself to the hospital where he had a grand mal seizure and lost consciousness. A magnetic resonance imaging of the brain disclosed one cortical T1- weighted hypointensity in temporal region corresponding to infarction with partial hemorrhage. All clinical and radiological manifestations were likely to be referred to the very rare Taravana diving syndrome induced by repetitive prolonged deep breath-hold dives. The reappearance of signs after 17-hour free time make it thought as an atypical case


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    Obiettivo. L’incidenza di infezioni da Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) produttori di carbapenemase e Acinetobacter bauman- nii (AB) resistente al carbapenemico è aumentata negli ultimi anni determinando limitazioni di opzioni di trattamento. Il presente studio è stato intrapreso per determinare la preva- lenza di KP e AB resistenti ai carbapenemici e la loro influen- za sull’outcome. Materiali e metodi. Nel periodo di 13 mesi preso in considera- zione, sono stati isolati 69 colture di KP e AB, da pazienti rico- verati per più di 72 ore, presso la Unità di Terapia Intensiva Polivalente del Policlinico “P. Giaccone” di Palermo. La pro- duzione di beta-lattamasi a spettro esteso è stata testata mediante double disk synergy test (DDST) e E test. È stata inoltre saggiata la co-resistenza a fluorochinoloni, aminoglicosi- di, carbapenemici, colistina e tigeciclina con metodo della dif- fusione su piastra. I fattori di rischio sono stati valutati come variabili relativi ai giorni di degenza (LOS) e all’outcome.Risultati. Delle 69 colture isolate, 39 (25 KP e 14 AB) erano produttori di ESBL ma sensibili al carbapenemico, mentre 30 (11 KP e 19 AB) erano resistenti al carbapenemico. Di questi 8 sono state ottenute dal mini-BAL, 6 dal sangue, 5 da essu- dati e 11 dalle urine. Tutti sono risultati resistenti agli antibio- tici testati tranne colistina e tigeciclina. Il tempo di degenza in ospedaliera >9 giorni è risultato un fattore di rischio significa- tivo (p=0,006), così come la precedente esposizione a terapia antibiotica ad ampio spettro (p=0,026). Inoltre il tempo di antibioticoterapia inappropriata, dall’esordio dei sintomi allo switch della terapia >5 giorni, è risultato fattore di rischio molto significativo sull’outcome (p=0,001) Discussione e conclusioni. L’alta prevalenza di KP e AB pro- duttori di carbapenemasi, è associata ad un aumento signifi- cativo della degenza ospedaliera, della morbilità e delle spese ospedaliere. Il tempo di antibioticoterapia inadeguato è forte- mente associato ad un outcome peggiore. Questo deve far porre l’accento su strategie di intervento per controllare e prevenire la loro diffusione e a sviluppare tecniche diagnosti- che il più precoci possibili