509 research outputs found

    Northwestern University Transportation Library EIS Collection – Our History

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    An overview of efforts to provide online access to the Northwestern University Transportation Library\u27s collection of environmental impact statements

    Rethinking Research Methods in Operations and Supply Chain Management

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    A few years ago, a group of Operations Management scholars (MacCarthy et al. 2013) authored a thought-provoking paper entitled ‘The same old methodologies? Perspectives on OM research in the post-lean age’. Noting that the OM field is, by its very nature, close to practice and that the world is changing economically, technologically, politically and socially, they follow up with a pointed question (934): ‘Are our OM research methods fit for purpose for the new age?’ Amongst their many interesting views and opinions, they conclude that the OM profession must not make assertions regarding the supremacy of qualitative empirical studies over quantitative ones, and vice versa (our italics). Instead, they affirm that ‘…a rich diversity of methods is available and this diversity is beneficial and should persist’ (951). It should be noted that past authors have previously commented on the merits and deficiencies of both quantitative and qualitative research approaches (e.g. Boyer and Swink 2008; Childe 2011)

    A Call to Action

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    Transportation Division

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    Moving Technical Reports Forward

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    Technical reports have always posed problems for libraries and librarians. They are often bibliographically inconsistent, difficult to source, and published to varying standards of quality. In some science and technical fields, these reports are also large in number and central in importance. Additionally, established workflows for acquiring and preserving technical reports in distributed repositories have been undermined by the transition from print to digital. Overall, the grey literature challenges librarians face have increased. This paper presents three case studies of how academic libraries have found innovative ways to face the problems of technical reports and improve their production, dissemination, and preservation; thus reducing the duplication of research efforts and saving public funds. Transportation is one example of the disciplines where these described changes are taking place, and the opportunities for libraries to improve the technical report workflow in this field will be a particular focus of the session. Readers can expect to learn about the challenges of handling technical reports in the digital age and the opportunities that exist for improving discoverability and dissemination in the networked environment. A particular focus will be on new roles for libraries and librarians, and how library publishing and data management services can offer new opportunities for partnerships with researchers


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    The objective of this study is to shed light on the determinants of criminality in Brazil. In order to undertake it we performed an econometric model based in panel data analysis for Brazilian states: Among the major conclusions we have an important result that income inequality plays an important role in criminality. Results also showed that unemployment and urbanization are positively related to crime factors. Based in panel data GMM methodology we found the existence of "inertial effect" on criminality. Panel data GMM estimator was also used to control the existence of endogeneity related to the variable public security. In this case, the results showed that public security spending is effective to diminishes criminality. Contrary to the common wisdom, we cannot found evidence that poverty increases violent crime. Finally considering the results from the Granger causality tests, it was possible to show that inequality causes crime in fact and not the contrary, what supports that the income inequality in an inequivocous determinant of criminality.

    Factores de riesgo para infección por Hepatitis b en pacientes hemodializados del Centro San Judas Tadeo Enero – Diciembre del 2016

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    Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a infección por hepatitis B en pacientes hemodializados del centro San Judas Tadeo en el periodo Enero – Diciembre del 2016. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico, retrospectivo de casos y controles. Se analizaron 159 historias clínicas, 53 pacientes en hemodiálisis con infección por hepatitis b y 106 pacientes en hemodiálisis sin infección por hepatitis b atendidos en el centro San Judas Tadeo. A quienes se les determino la asociación de los factores de riesgo más importantes, los cuales se obtuvo mediante una ficha de recolección de datos y con los métodos estadísticos se obtuvieron valores de Odds ratios y p, con un intervalo de confianza al 95%. Resultados: Se encontró que la edad media para ambos grupos fue de 58.85 para los casos y 60.16 años para los controles. Entre los factores de riesgo se asoció significativamente a transfusiones sanguíneas previas (OR 2.37, P=0.002, IC95% 1.32 – 4.268) y Tiempo de hemodiálisis >5 años (OR 2.05, P=0.012, IC95%1.168 – 3.615). No se encontró asociación significativa con sexo masculino, edad mayor a 50 años y anemias. Conclusiones: Tener transfusiones sanguíneas previas y tener más de 5 años en hemodiálisis son factores de riesgo asociados a infección por hepatitis b en pacientes hemodializados.Tesi


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    Se presenta un saludo de bienvenida a los lectore

    Logros de final de año

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    Se presentan los logros del año 201
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